Lords of the Shattered Kingdom

Lords of the Shattered Kingdom

I’m a PVE type player. I don’t enjoy playing against other players, because almost always there is someone better than me just around the corner. And I’d rather enjoy fighting the environment.

I’m 49 hours into this game, still happily grinding away. For those that played the Heroes of Might and Magic games, the base building games, this is close to it. Except more detailed in the army management/equiping. The graphics are rather basic, but I can see that being fixed easily as they go.

For the current $5 cost of the game, it’s well worth it. And as the special currency is currently set, that’s not an issue, though I understand that will change.

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid MMORPG Games.

Lords of the Shattered Kingdom on Steam

Devils & Demons

Devils & Demons


‘That looks like a fun game.’ Those were literally the first words that popped in my mind when I saw some of the screenshots of Devils & Demons. It’s not uncommon for us gamers to think that, I assume, but still; I was intrigued to say the least. And I somehow naturally assumed it would be a mix of a few other games (like Diablo, Puzzle Quest and turn-based strategies) but then combined into one, amazingly fun, little package. So, was I right or…?


Not entirely, but yes. The game certainly has some influences from aforementioned games. In my opinion, at least. It has the atmosphere from Diablo and Puzzle Quest, the same casual feeling of Puzzle Quest and… turn-based strategies that can be found in many, many other games. Thankfully Devils & Demons still has an identity of its own. Even if it is at times (seriously) flawed.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Overall this game is very lacking. Most of the game boils down to RNG determining if you are successful and its usually not on your side.

Balancing is way off. It marks how difficult a map is based on 1 to 3 skulls. So far I haven’t seen any real effect on rating. I’ve had “very hard maps” be cake walks and “easy” maps be damn near unwinnable. Summoning units are way to powerful. There is no tactics to that. If you see one you either kill off or in 3 turn you are overrun. These things aren’t easy to down either. Its a solid 2 turns of your entire team focus firing it down.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Devils & Demons on Steam

TimeScar: Hyperion

TimeScar: Hyperion

The world has been broken into pieces, the multiverse has almost collapsed. You find yourself in the city of Hyperion, that seems to be trapped outside time and space. This makes a perfect battleground for you and your fellow summoners.


  • Enjoy turn-based combat on a hexagonal grid, just like the old times

  • Play as one of 8 distinct summoners

  • Summon creatures ranging from simple skeletons to a legendary phoenix

  • Experience adventure mode, which gets you acquainted with all of the creatures

  • Play against your friends (or foes) to see who is the tactical mastermind

Read More: Best Hex Grid Early Access Games.

TimeScar: Hyperion on Steam

Guards of the Gate

Guards of the Gate

I am definitely having fun with this game, so I can recommend it. I didn’t really like it at first, but as I experimented with the different team combinations and learned more about the game play, I really started to get into it.

This isn’t a fancy game. You create a team of three characters. Mutant, Knight, Ninja, Ranger, Wizard, and Shaman. You navigate a world map by moving from spot to spot. Each spot is either empty, has a battle grid with monsters, has a reward statute, has a merchant, has a new skill, etc. The maps aren’t that big.

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

I like turn-based tactic games, and I am hardcore gamer who dedicated many hours to the XCOM series. However, sometimes I turn to obviously more simple games, like Guards of the Gate.


  • Nice look, for the game of that kind quite fair;

  • Interesting map system without out-of-battle healing and statues which strengthen teams in next runs;

  • Some skills that I have not encountered in other games of this type;

  • Simple but enjoyable battle system on small hexagonal fields.


  • The game is very badly balanced, for now. Some classes are more useful than others; teams of certain type make walkthrough very easy, and others - very hard, but irritating hard, because of bad skills combination and artificial weaknesses. This is very important, because for turn-based tactic game to be replayable it must have various strategies and approaches. Now there is only one effective approach.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Guards of the Gate on Steam

Hex of the Lich

Hex of the Lich

Hex of the Lich is a turn-based hex-combat roguelike with a twist!

Every attack is built of hexes:

Colors = Damage!

Upgrade attacks with hexes:

Can you break the Hex of the Lich?

Hex of the Lich on Steam

The Troop

The Troop

On the morning of the 6th June 1944 the Western Allies began the largest seaborne invasion in the history of warfare. D-Day would mark the start of a vicious campaign to wrestle North West Europe from German control. The following months would see the ancient fields, farms and villages serve as a battleground for new, lethal weapons that would become legendary.

The Troop follows the campaign of British and Canadian forces as they face the German Heer and SS in Normandy. Take command of infantry, motorised and armoured units in desperate tactical turn-based combat against an AI opponent that is challenging and unpredictable, but fair and fallible.

The Troop on Steam

Army General

Army General

After playing most of the Afrika Korps campaign I must say that I am positively impressed with this game.

Short Story:

At first glance this game may look as just another Panzer General clone, in reality there are a number of well designed features in the game that offer a lot more options for stategic decision during the campaign. Potentially the game has a solid re-playability value.

More in details:

Unit customisation. First you can buy battalion or brigate size units which have different cost and different combat statistics, then you can attach sub units (companies) to change some of the statistics of the parent unit and so customise your units to fit better for specific tasks. The units gain experience if they win battles. Of course more experienced units perform better; as a rule of thums a unit with 3 exp. levels has a performance ca. doubled compared to a green unit.

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Decent game in the old Panzer General vein of hex based wargaming with (during the campaigns) a set of core units that can be enhanced, improved and gain experience (or get blown up if you are careless), as well as giving you extra units to control in most missions during the campaign.

Their is a brief set of tutorials to give you a basic overview of how to play (plus a pdf manual in English and German if you really want to go there), a somewhat introductory campaign with the British of 5 missions, then a decently sized German campaign of 20 missions going from the Afrikakorps introduction to the theatre following history at first, but then more speculatively eventually on to Suez, if you keep winning anyway.

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Army General on Steam

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42

Too many glitches–and crickets from the developers. Ashamed that it has to be this way. I wanted to like this game and their coming titles, but beware–there are unaddressed issues.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

decent idea but the game is like a couple of tries of trying to win and then your done and you have no use for it anymore its still pretty decent for what it is tho but id say wait till sale not worth 10 quid

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42 on Steam

Urtuk: The Desolation

Urtuk: The Desolation

Wonderful devs, unique hex combat that just feels good, and a constantly evolving play-through.

Best small dev title in a long time.

Real player with 312.3 hrs in game

What a great little game! A little rough around the edges, but If you like the tactical experience of Battle Brothers, or XCom, it’s fantastic.

Real player with 294.9 hrs in game

Urtuk: The Desolation on Steam

Bestiary of Sigillum

Bestiary of Sigillum

It’s a decent game, but with two major flaws at the moment.

1. Small community. You could be waiting an opponent for 10-15 minutes to no avail.

2. “Out of sync” bug in Custom mode. I tried to play with my friend two month ago. We managed to play one game out of three without the bug. Sure, there is some fun in playing two different games at once, but only the first time.

Though I doubt that anything can be done with the first problem in the near future, I hope the developers at least fix the second one. So the thumb up is not to the game at its current state, but to the game it might become if devs at least fix Custom mode and add AI mode.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

So far pretty fun! Trying to counter your apponent makes the game pretty interesting. However, when my brother and I play against eachother on seperate PCs we sometimes get this problem where we are playing different games kind of. It’s like the game is not tracking our moves and displaying them correctly on the others PC. So, I will see my borthers moves one way that is contrary to how my brother actually moved his characters. Besides that great game!

Real player with 37.7 hrs in game

Bestiary of Sigillum on Steam