Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42

Too many glitches–and crickets from the developers. Ashamed that it has to be this way. I wanted to like this game and their coming titles, but beware–there are unaddressed issues.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Wargame Games.

decent idea but the game is like a couple of tries of trying to win and then your done and you have no use for it anymore its still pretty decent for what it is tho but id say wait till sale not worth 10 quid

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Krim: The War in the Crimea 1941-42 on Steam



Part puzzle part strategy, this turn based map domination game is simple but very addictive.

No story, no flashy graphics, minimal sounds, just game play

Similar to risk, but with no random dice to help or hinder your moves.

With 468 maps available as soon as you start the game, this game provides many hours of challenging game play, with the ability to choose another map if you get frustrated. A maps tile coloring and locations will always be the same when you start, the only differences will be what you choose to do. If you make the same moves you did in a previous try, you will find the computer will always react the same way as well. This is in part what can make it like a puzzle. There are some maps that take specific actions in the early turns or they are unbeatable. This however is the exception and over all it is just learning what is the best way to take new territory while protecting what you have. Beating a map seems to have 3 stages; early game trying to create little territories that are big enough and well defended enough that they don’t get picked appart, mid game trying to connect the territories that survived, and late game making cutting actions through larger territories to kill enemy units while defending from smaller territories that will nibble at you…. oh also keeping the trees under control.

Real player with 627.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Singleplayer Games.

What is it?

Slay is a simple, turn-based strategy game of “capture the island” where you must attempt to secure more hexagons on the map than any of the other AI opponents. It’s actually a very old game now (I first played the game back in the mid 1990s and have played it ever since) but in recent times the developer has made mobile versions of the game, before finally porting that version back to PC and onto Steam. It would be accurate to say that I’ve accrued thousands of hours playing versions of the game since 1995, and I don’t regret buying this newer version if only by way of thanking the developer for all those lost hours of the last 20+ years!

Real player with 503.7 hrs in game

Slay on Steam

Assault on Arnhem

Assault on Arnhem

Operational-level simulation of Operation Market-Garden in 1944 with hexagon map, battalion-sized units, ranged attack for artillery and anti-tank units, supply, fog of war, and most importantly limited command points which forces players to prioritize some moves and combat over others. This is the same operation that the book and film A Bridge Too Far is about, and this little game reminds me of a paper-and-dice game published by SPI in their magazine Fire & Movement in the early 1980s. So far the AI at medium has been fairly easy for me to defeat, playing both Axis and Allies, but this can be played with up to four people and several AI levels. Very good playability, with the full campaign lasting 4-6 hours in single player mode. I only wish the AI came in crazy aggressive mode because so far it has been a competent but sedate opponent. Recommended.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Wargame Games.


For an operation that had very few chances to succeed in the first place, surely Market Garden has been overly popular among wargames. I think there are about 20 boardgames of old on the same theme.

This tiny video game version draws its inspiration and style directly from those SPI’s an Avolon Hill’s versions of the ill-conceived airborne assault on Arnhem: hex grid, NATO counters, command points, brutally simple map.

This should be considered as an introductory-level wargame: only 4 kinds of units (tanks, infantry, anti-tanks, artillery), three scenarios (one for each key bridge) and one campaign (pretty much the aforementioned three scenarios in a row), very basic terrain effects.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Assault on Arnhem on Steam

Devils & Demons

Devils & Demons


‘That looks like a fun game.’ Those were literally the first words that popped in my mind when I saw some of the screenshots of Devils & Demons. It’s not uncommon for us gamers to think that, I assume, but still; I was intrigued to say the least. And I somehow naturally assumed it would be a mix of a few other games (like Diablo, Puzzle Quest and turn-based strategies) but then combined into one, amazingly fun, little package. So, was I right or…?


Not entirely, but yes. The game certainly has some influences from aforementioned games. In my opinion, at least. It has the atmosphere from Diablo and Puzzle Quest, the same casual feeling of Puzzle Quest and… turn-based strategies that can be found in many, many other games. Thankfully Devils & Demons still has an identity of its own. Even if it is at times (seriously) flawed.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Overall this game is very lacking. Most of the game boils down to RNG determining if you are successful and its usually not on your side.

Balancing is way off. It marks how difficult a map is based on 1 to 3 skulls. So far I haven’t seen any real effect on rating. I’ve had “very hard maps” be cake walks and “easy” maps be damn near unwinnable. Summoning units are way to powerful. There is no tactics to that. If you see one you either kill off or in 3 turn you are overrun. These things aren’t easy to down either. Its a solid 2 turns of your entire team focus firing it down.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Devils & Demons on Steam

Post Human W.A.R

Post Human W.A.R

Beautiful game !

I’m not a big player of strategy games but I must admit I totally got into this one. First of all, the background is rich and full of humor. All the voices and sounds are really fun, the animations beautiful and the musics work well with the atmosphere of the maps.

And more importantly, the game is very well thought in terms of game-play and strategical/tactical options. Each of the three factions has its specificity and can be played differently, which adds fun if you want to master all of them. I think some units could be even a little bit more different. You can build very versatile armies due to the huge amount of units (tanks, healers, fast units, archers, mass destruction creatures…) and thus adopt completely different strategies. The management of resources is also interesting as it allows you to boost your units or build protections on the battlefield. And finally the existence of a champion and a totem to protect add also another dynamic to the game.

Real player with 78.8 hrs in game

I dont write many reviews, but this game deserves a review

If you like turnbased strategy games like Fire Emblem or Advance wars this game is a must have.

Post Human War is a post apocalyptic turn based strategy game in a time that humans are gone.

The game has (singleplayer) campaign battles (I think around 4) Each campaign has 6 missions and they are difficult. I have played a lot turnbased strategy games, but this game is really challenging. For me thats a positive thing.

Another big part this game is the multiplayer part. With a lot of different options. But…to be honest I played only one MP game, because I prefer to play single player games.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Post Human W.A.R on Steam




  • nice interface

  • games done in no more than 30 mins and they’re saved if you can’t finish them

  • 2 versions of the game (after 17 hours I’m yet to play the other though will do when I finish this one!)

  • active dev interested in engaging with the community


  • you learn the rules as you go and some are not that clear. Fortunately, Inventarius has done a brilliant community guide which helps you understand how to get near his level and therefore play more and enjoy it more

  • once you reach your max level, replayability is limited - you don’t want to lower your level by failing too often. I have more hours in Axes & Acres (48) than I will have in this (probably max out around 25-30) so buy in a sale.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

As always with BrainGoodGames, this game is lots of fun and very challenging. It takes a while to grasp the rules but once you understand them you will appreciate the complex strategies you can use.

The tutorial will get you started but I recommend turning on practise mode to really learn the rules and not lose ranks. The support from BrainGoodGames is great as always.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

SkyBoats on Steam

Tank Battle: 1944

Tank Battle: 1944

Nice simple game. Easy to play and understand, but quite hard to master. I played it first in 2016 and got stuck on a mission in the first campaign that I couldn’t get through, even on Easy, and abandoned. Tried it again in 2018 with different tactics and after a few attempts I found the right recipe. Now breezing through most missions and enjoying it. I think this is an underrated and misunderstood game. It isn’t an in-depth detailed wargame with missions taking days to complete, but rather a light skirmish game with missions lasting under an hour, sometimes mere minutes. And the price is very light too.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Not amazing but not bad for the price and suprisingly addictive and very easy to pick up. But yes it’s an Ipad port so not overly complex except one or two of the bonus missions which seem damn nigh impossible even on casual! Still plenty of content for a quick 10-30 minute gaming fix for the day if that’s all you’ve got and that’s the beauty of this series. 19.3 hrs and I’m only halfway through the content. $10 well spent I’d say!!!!

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

Tank Battle: 1944 on Steam

Advanced Tactics Gold

Advanced Tactics Gold

A really great game, it is my favorite game, and here’s why…

Random Games

The random games and the editor allows you to play this for a decade straight, every random games match has led to a completely different match, and can be randomized more with the ability to choose size, age (How flat the terrain is, older is flatter), weather (None, or Tropical to Arctic), and more


The editor is very, very powerful, it (As in the description of the game) is very versitile, all you have to do is, a couple clicks of a button, and nearly everything is able to be changed, or replaced all together. Rulvars allow you to change the rules of the game, SFT’s allow you to add or take away units from the game, Items allow you to change how you build the SFT’s or resources. The editor is also ingame, and on the main menu!

Real player with 2561.9 hrs in game

Advanced Tactics Gold is an excellent wargame in terms of concepts and incorporating the real world with supply, supply issues and bottlenecks, morale, experience, production, technology (political points) using command leadership for combat bonus, tactics such as encirclement to give bonus, combined arms tactics, etc.

Six negatives that I hope are addressed:

1. The time between each turn can run 3 minutes and that is with only two players, you vs AI.

2. The interface and associated programming/code can stand for a MAJOR upgrade. For example, you are constantly building new units and the number of clicks to accomplish what you need to do each turn is astounding. There are some very simple solutions.

Real player with 1466.5 hrs in game

Advanced Tactics Gold on Steam

Guards of the Gate

Guards of the Gate

I am definitely having fun with this game, so I can recommend it. I didn’t really like it at first, but as I experimented with the different team combinations and learned more about the game play, I really started to get into it.

This isn’t a fancy game. You create a team of three characters. Mutant, Knight, Ninja, Ranger, Wizard, and Shaman. You navigate a world map by moving from spot to spot. Each spot is either empty, has a battle grid with monsters, has a reward statute, has a merchant, has a new skill, etc. The maps aren’t that big.

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

I like turn-based tactic games, and I am hardcore gamer who dedicated many hours to the XCOM series. However, sometimes I turn to obviously more simple games, like Guards of the Gate.


  • Nice look, for the game of that kind quite fair;

  • Interesting map system without out-of-battle healing and statues which strengthen teams in next runs;

  • Some skills that I have not encountered in other games of this type;

  • Simple but enjoyable battle system on small hexagonal fields.


  • The game is very badly balanced, for now. Some classes are more useful than others; teams of certain type make walkthrough very easy, and others - very hard, but irritating hard, because of bad skills combination and artificial weaknesses. This is very important, because for turn-based tactic game to be replayable it must have various strategies and approaches. Now there is only one effective approach.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Guards of the Gate on Steam

Last Days of Old Earth

Last Days of Old Earth

This is a turn based strategy game that works at two levels. Most of your time will be driven on the world map where cards determine the units you can put in play. There is a little mechanic where you decide whether to spend resources you need to bring cards to try and get more action points to use them (but if your AI opponent spends more you lose them). This strategy layer is well designed but unfortunately suffers from increasingly long wait times for the AI on larger maps. The second layer is a pretty basic turn based tactics section where units lined in two rows attack each other. This gets boring pretty quickly with few decions to make. The graphics at this level are also somewhat lacklustre compared with the world maplayer which is simple but has a certain style. Sound is OK. As others have said though the real killer is lack of content; the campaign is short, wrapped in a weak narrative that drip feeds you new cards/units until the final maps. Ultimately I gave up as the game was frsutratingly slow re AI waits and there just wasn’t the scenario or card variety to keep me coming back. Not recommended due to price/better games out there to spend your time on. Eador Imperium for example gives you a ton more content and is much more involving.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Writing a review for an EA title is always tricky. The devs announced many major updates for the game in the future. Most of the time that’s a good thing, but I saw EA titles change so much on their way to release that it was not the same game I played in EA anymore.

This review is based on my own experience in the game how it’s now on EA release date.

I do not take future plans into account or features which did not excist yet.

I’m original a board game player and changed some years (20 exactly) ago to PC gaming. I still love boardgames and I love boardgames ported to PC. As long as I play games I want them as complicated as possible. I want them to be full of content and that they all have endless replay value. There is one genre I really hate and that is casual tablet gaming.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Last Days of Old Earth on Steam