Gem Wizards Tactics

Gem Wizards Tactics

Ok, I don’t know how to write reviews so I’ll just tell you an experience I had with the game wich shows why I think it’s great.

My small team of Potato soldiers were about to be wiped out by an overwhelming force of soldiers from the Azure Order. I had already captured three of the four flags I needed to win the battle, but I was getting swarmed and pushed out towards the northwestern corner of the map. And my leader, Andromeda Robin, was already dead. My only chance to get the last flag was to kill an enemy squad leader. Unfortunately the squadleader was behind a ton of spearmen, knights, archers and catapults.

Real player with 381.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Singleplayer Games.

Exceedingly good and long-lasting gameplay value for those with limited time–each match lasts anywhere from 20-30 minutes at most. The player factions are varied and fairly balanced from my limited exposure of each. Gameplay is simple at first glance, but the synergies among units adds deep, tactical and surprising complexity to the Advanced Wars-like formula.

About the only thing that would add value to an already enjoyable game would be at least two or three more player factions, but the developer has already hinted that this is a possibility. Could we get a robot faction please?

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Gem Wizards Tactics on Steam

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player’s Edition

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player’s Edition

This is an excellent game that combines playability with a design philosophy that rewards authentic gameplay. You give your subordinates broad directives and waypoints, which they will carry out to the best of their abilities. The game abstracts the busywork and assumes that your subordinates are handling their own responsibilities. Fire support can be automated in case plotting artillery targets becomes tedious. Battle command becomes the player’s main concern over micromanagement. It’s very easy to plot out a battalion or brigade-size action and coordinate timings between the component units.

Real player with 1271.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Wargame Games.

A very strange beast of a game, aiming to tackle myriad of unique aspects that are rarely represented in games of similar nature. Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm is not only a treat for fans of turn based strategy games, but also a must have for ‘Cold War-turned hot’ scenario fans, meaning those who liked Tom Clancy’s most famous book about same topic will feel ultimately at home with this game.

FC:RS gives us a plethora of operations and separate missions, which we can play against the AI, from any angle, or in multiplayer with hotseat mode as an option. Be warned though, it’s a hefty game, meaning battles may last hours of real time, and despite it being a sort of old school tile/hex based strategy, it very much aims to simulate the outcomes rather then entertain you as a ‘game’ in it’s strict sense. That said the simulation itself sets of to tackle so many aspects of modern warfare it still amazes me to no end how many features are being calculated over span of a turn.

Real player with 295.6 hrs in game

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player's Edition on Steam

Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure

Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure

Update: amazingly, the game was ported to Unity five years after release and many of the issues were fixed. I still encounter the occasional bug, but I have no reservations about recommending it now.

[original review below]

One of my favorite roguelikes ever.

At first the strange mechanics of the game make you feel impotent. Why can’t I just attack monsters!? But pushing monsters into water is the name of the game here and it feels way more satisfying than simply hacking at them. Beyond that is the spell system. In each round you get 4 randomly selected spells + a slot for a one-use pickup. If you’re clever enough, you can wipe out a whole screen of monsters at once. The way your spells recharge by picking up energy from floor tiles is tactically interesting and not something I’ve seen elsewhere.

Real player with 279.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Pixel Graphics Games.

Disclaimer: I am currently a part time developer for Dinofarm games. I was lucky enough to fall madly in love with the mobile version of this game (where I player well over 1,000 runs) prior to joining the dev-team, though, and can safely say that I would enjoy this game tremendously even if I wasn’t one of the programmers behind it.

Auro is a turn-based rogue-like that introduces two key innovations to the genre. The first is its ranking system, which generates levels for the player based on their persistent skill level. It cuts down dramatically on the stress you may experience in the first few hours of most rgue-likes, and helps make sure that you always have a fighting chance and that all of your runs will be exciting and dramatic.

Real player with 121.3 hrs in game

Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure on Steam

Post Human W.A.R

Post Human W.A.R

Beautiful game !

I’m not a big player of strategy games but I must admit I totally got into this one. First of all, the background is rich and full of humor. All the voices and sounds are really fun, the animations beautiful and the musics work well with the atmosphere of the maps.

And more importantly, the game is very well thought in terms of game-play and strategical/tactical options. Each of the three factions has its specificity and can be played differently, which adds fun if you want to master all of them. I think some units could be even a little bit more different. You can build very versatile armies due to the huge amount of units (tanks, healers, fast units, archers, mass destruction creatures…) and thus adopt completely different strategies. The management of resources is also interesting as it allows you to boost your units or build protections on the battlefield. And finally the existence of a champion and a totem to protect add also another dynamic to the game.

Real player with 78.8 hrs in game

I dont write many reviews, but this game deserves a review

If you like turnbased strategy games like Fire Emblem or Advance wars this game is a must have.

Post Human War is a post apocalyptic turn based strategy game in a time that humans are gone.

The game has (singleplayer) campaign battles (I think around 4) Each campaign has 6 missions and they are difficult. I have played a lot turnbased strategy games, but this game is really challenging. For me thats a positive thing.

Another big part this game is the multiplayer part. With a lot of different options. But…to be honest I played only one MP game, because I prefer to play single player games.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Post Human W.A.R on Steam

Spire of Sorcery

Spire of Sorcery

A party strategy with its very own style and identity.

The graphics are nice and well designed, and the music is great. Hopefully they add more of it later.

The interface feels like it was designed by a madman that completely ignored everything we know about mainstream gaming interfaces, and just branched it into its own evolutionary path. On the other hand, many games today have an interface that looks nearly identical, and here it’s finally different and fresh.

The spell and combat system is incredibly deep and flexible. You need to adapt your spells to your party, and figure out how to effectively combine them with potions and the environment, and even with other spells and effects. This game greatly rewards experimentation and exploration. There are many insane combinations to discover, and every party requires a different strategy and resource management. A murderhobo group plays very differently from a group that has a pacifist in it.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

A game where you control only mages! If you are tired of extremely generic fighters who smell of sweaty socks and too much ale, and you are a cultured scholar who appreciates basking under arcane arts and good books, then this game might be for you :P That was the reason for me to try demo, then game’s uniqueness made me buy it and keep on journey.

Honestly, even the idea of “controlling only mages” is already so exciting and engaging to me. Now I know that this game is mostly strategy and all but there’s an attempt right here so I must interfere… story is not very infused with the game itself, I’d personally expect more passages that would drag me in. Don’t know what the devs are planning on release, but a good background story would be a huge game changer in my opinion. People who like magical powers tend to care about these, no? If there’s such plan (yes this is a big issue of indie developers but) adding just one voice actor who is going to narrate the story would be very pleasant.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Spire of Sorcery on Steam



Fun, challenging levels, the tower build queue is an amazing idea that I hope other games use in the future.

I do feel like many levels can be beaten easily by rushing the enemy spawner, but its up to you when you do this. I just wish the game made it harder, or more punishing to go for this early on.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Not your normal “generic” Tower Defense title - I like the way it challenges you beyond the norm (won’t spoil it!!)

Was initially put off by the lack of reviews, but was encouraged by the number of updates. Glad I took the chance.

Game forces you to carefully consider your priorities. Looking forward to progressing.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Dofense on Steam



Update: After the recent patch, the slowdowns seem to be gone (although it’s still a bit choppy). Thank you for that! Hexagun is a pretty nice puzzle game, ideal for short breaks. Well worth its money.

Original review:

Promising game. Sadly, slows down immensly after running a while, up to the point where it shows less than one frame a second and becomes unplayable. Puts about 25 % CPU load on a Ryzen 7 2700X and takes up 1,5 Gigs of RAM right from the start, which does seem to be a bit steep for what is essentially a browser game … Really needs to be optimized! Until then, I cannot recommend this, sorry. Would really like to play it because it is quite relaxing until it becomes unplayable.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Sysifos style activity in unique looking match-3 game that seems relaxingly way too easy yet autistically forces you to never quit because of cleverly set hard to notice pace in which it always adds some new clumsiness so that you feel urge to clean it, over and over, with two ambient melodies that annoyingly switch from one to the other over and over. Worth the few cents I bought it for, not more. I believe the game could be professionally developed into a very nice game if someone wanted. You can ask my help if that happens.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Hexagun on Steam

Space Wars: Interstellar Empires

Space Wars: Interstellar Empires

Played this game 70 out of the 80 so hours I have. Not a bad game it’s a bit like eve but without all the years needed and flying mostly around empty space, just battles with that immersive RP feel and global map objectives. Huge emphasis on Team-work and high value ship kills are a very satisfying experience. I’m a pretty big fan of High-risk high reward games, the strategy is a bonus. It’s pretty much the owners passion project he is open to engaging with the community and takes community feedback very seriously. I don’t think he is really looking for any kind of huge profit there is no p2w elements at all.

Real player with 612.5 hrs in game

This game has potential, but likely will never be realized. There’s no more than 15-20 players online at any one time which means even fewer for your faction.

The combat is horrifically slow. Each player gets a 1:30 to make a full turn, which leads to fights with humans taking literally hours.

The game is terribly balanced as well. There’s simply no rock, paper, scissors type counter to some of the ships at certain levels. Even without officer points, It doesn’t matter how well you play your ship even when equal tier and no officer points. There’s no tier balance.

Real player with 422.4 hrs in game

Space Wars: Interstellar Empires on Steam

To Battle!: Hell’s Crusade

To Battle!: Hell’s Crusade

I thoroughly enjoyed this game - and yes, the humor is sophomoric and the voice acting is tongue-in-cheek, but it just works for me. It’s an old-school general’s type game from the SSI era and as everyone else has already said, in line with the modern Fantasy General.

More importantly, I think the strategic design is really well thought out - the units each have their niche but aren’t hobbled by hyper-specialization. And while the maps are static, and prior map-knowledge is extremely advantageous, it also opens up the pursuit of battle perfection.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I’ve been a beta tester and I know the developers personally. But….

Here’s my review:

I’ve played HC now for probably several hundred hours (most of that was in beta). The campaigns aren’t suuuuper long, but somehow I just enjoy playing them over and over because it always goes a little different each time I do. Like I can beat all of the missions now, but I cant ever do it as well as I want to. So I just keep trying! lol

The tactical campaign is more kind of old school in that you’ll probably have to restart missions. I do anyway. It’s kind of like chess cause you really have to plan ahead. The adventure campaign starts out easier so it may be better for your first playthrough, but about half way through it starts getting pretty challenging.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

To Battle!: Hell's Crusade on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is a terrific game…for the right kind of gamer. Those expecting the second coming of Dawn of War (technically, third, I suppose) will be sorely disappointed. Those looking for a solid, turn-based strategy (TBS) game on a hex-based map will likely be quite pleased. Fans of the WH40K fluff will also be pleased, as you get to personally participate in the major events that make up the 2nd War for Armageddon. Personally, I’m loving the game thus far.

In terms of raw gameplay, the game itself is very much an old-school wargame. It’s somewhat similar to games like Steel Panthers, although it’s perhaps not quite as granular in its depiction of combat as that series. I haven’t played the Panzer General or Panzer Corps games, but I hear it’s similar to those (Panzer Corps especially, which is no surprise since they’re made by the same company). Anyway, it’s a TBS game on a hex-map. Units are allowed one movement and one firing action per turn (although you can move more than one space, obviously, and units with multiple weapons will use all of them, if they’re in range). Alternatively, you can reinforce a unit, or recover morale.

Real player with 945.9 hrs in game

“He was an avalanche from an unexpected quarter. He was a thunderbolt from a clear sky."

— Commissar Yarrick on Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka


“Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon” takes place during the Second War for Armageddon, and is the second of three massive conflicts between the Imperium of Man and the Ork Warboss, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka that took place between 941.M41 through 943.M41. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, where Ghazghkull Thraka launched an Ork WAAAGH! consisting of five separate Ork tribes in an attempt to seize the planet for themselves.

Real player with 465.1 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon on Steam