Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic

This game is a lot like ironfell, with hex based combat and building in one open world. Right now, there’s not too much to the game, but the develepor is active, communicates with the community, and puts out a lot of updates. If you liked Ironfell at all you should buy this game and try it out for yourself.

Real player with 242.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Massively Multiplayer Games.

Worth checking out for sure, as I have yet to find anything quite like it.

The game features a persistant world where players battle it out for resources and eventual victory over the course of days/weeks. It uses basic rts elements and expands upon the strategy through time, space, and player interaction.

It is also being constantly updated, and upgraded and there is a good chance if you think a feature is missing it will be added soon.

Highly recommend checking it out for some slower paced and social rts gaming, similar to a more drawn out risk experience in a lot of ways. If you decide to give it a try, join the discord and start plotting your rise to power.

Real player with 152.4 hrs in game

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic on Steam



Hexonomy is a game of strategy and economics. Choose from hundreds of different businesses to build and use the resources at your disposal to create the largest economic empire before time runs out. Be sure to keep your eyes open for any weaknesses in your opponents business strategy, placing the right business, at the right time, in the right place, could mean the end of it all for your opponent.


Start with a blank slate. You begin by creating Resource nodes on the map. These will set the basis of the game. Where you place your first resources could affect the outcome of the entire game. All businesses derive from a resources in some shape or form.

From there, you advance into Tiers. Each Tier requires a business from the Tier below it. For example, a Tier 12 business requires a Tier 1 supplier. A Tier 6 supplier requires a Tier 5 supplier. And Tier 1 suppliers always require Resources. The higher the Tier, the bigger the risk, and the bigger the reward. Higher tiers will requires a wider variety of supplies from multiple businesses, so you have to be sure that all the suppliers are met. For each supplier on the map that supplies your business, you get a boost to efficiency, which results in more money for you.

If you own the supplier to your business, you get a HUGE discount on supplies. Meaning, chaining the suppliers and business makes great economical sense when possible. But that may not always be the case.


There can only ever be ONE of any business. Which means if you need birch wood, and your opponent owns the only tree farm, you HAVE to buy from him. You cannot decline to buy from a supplier. If the supplier is available, you have to buy from them, and you have to pay their price. Meaning, if you know your opponent needs Gold in the future for their Jewelry brokerage, it would be wise to put down a Gold mine if they haven’t already. You would profit tremendously selling to your opponent, they wouldn’t get a discount, and that means leverage by trying to hike the price up as much as possible.

However, they can do the same to you, so its wise to be careful about leaving any vulnerabilities in your supply chain. These vulnerabilities sometimes may be unavoidable, since the higher Tier business may already require resources that your opponent bought early in the game. This is where prediction and smart calculations will win you the game.


Businesses location and information varies as well. Certain business only do well in certain time of the year (the time of the game is calculated in a 12 month system, using economic quarters and sprints). Some businesses have higher shipping costs than others. Some require a higher amount of resources to produce their product. Other business may have to be placed next to other tiles. Some business cant be within x amount of tiles of another business.

These placement restrictions and variables make it a little harder to create good economic chains. However, they can also be used to your advantage in order to put your opponent in a tough spot. If you know what their strategy is, you can restrict certain businesses from being built by creating others that counter those businesses. Knowing the supply and demand will help you overcome this as you learn about the Hexonomy.


Once you have businesses placed, you can start thinking about how to upgrade. There are many types of modifiers in the game. Ones that apply to the whole board, ones that apply to all your businesses only, some that affect an area, and some that affect a single business. You can purchase these modifiers for Capital. By doing this, it will effectively cost you Net Worth, but in the long run, may help generate significantly more income. Spend wisely.


As the game goes on, you are constantly trying to increase your company’s Net Worth. The more property you own, and the more successful businesses you have, and the more Capital your businesses earned you, the higher your company’s value. The player with the highest Net Worth at the end of time is the winner.

Create the empire you want! You can choose a hundred different paths to victory, as long as you have a great strategic and economical mind!

Read More: Best Hex Grid Early Access Games.

Hexonomy on Steam

Waves of the Atlantide

Waves of the Atlantide



Very interesting game with an unique concept : Try to survive and grow your empire while a tidal wave is coming .

As the map is shrinking, you have to manage both your empire and the fact that the map is in constant evolution.

You can’t just camp, upgrade and waiting for yours opponents .

The game needs some graphic improvement but it’s worth the money .

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Early Access Games.

Good Game!!

It has a cool down mechanic similar to the game ‘Wartile’… you issue a command to a unit and there’s a meter that fills up for that action to happen. There are 4X like things in this game, from production, resources, tech research, military, and food. But unlike a typical 4X the time for things to happen is shortened a great deal, you’ll get to the late game within minutes. I’m looking forward to this game as the potential of being a singular person’s vision it can focus in on what it wants to accomplish.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Waves of the Atlantide on Steam

Little Kingdom 2

Little Kingdom 2

Game is fun to play although since the Latest update both my friend and I have found ourselves unable to load the game.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Pros: This game is a very neat indie that with a group of friends can become quite the fun bout, its all about attrtion so no actual units and it makes for a unique strategy game for a hotseat adventure!

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Little Kingdom 2 on Steam

It Stares Back

It Stares Back

First I just want to get it out of the way that

! for no apparent reason at all the store page us calling it 4x which immediately shaves respect points for the dev doing that. It’s my one real criticism which is a minor thing except that words have meaning. You can’t just call things whatever you want. Then other idiots get misinformed until all Steam or GOG becomes a massive dumpster fire and people start not even realizing just how the fuck to make games anymore with enough misinformation. So, it’s a casual RTS, or RTS-lite. It has nothing whatsoever to do with 4x in the slightest and it bothers me maybe even less than confuses me how the hell a game dev could make that much of a mistake without doing it on purpose

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Was introduced to It Stares Back through the Reddit post they made to advertise it, and instantly fell in love with the artstyle of this game, and was enamoured by the lore weaving together the world it’s based in. Cosmic horror, biopunk, and post apocalyptica seamlessly weave together to form the world of the Great Tapestry, a grotesquely beautiful hellscape beset by a ravenous, deafening, void. As the Noble Guide, you are tasked with ripping the souls of long dead soldiers from the earth to fight it back.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

It Stares Back on Steam

Death Crown

Death Crown

This is a simple, yet fast paced, game that takes me back to retro game vibes.

The main thing that pulled me in was the style of cut-scenes.

The graphics, while all 2-D pixelated, are quite enticing.

The artwork is dark medieval, and the color schemes are variable.

You beat levels to earn diamonds, to spend on upgrades.

You can upgrade gold mines, defense towers, or troop barracks.

Gold mines earn gold, towers turret intruders, barracks spawn your army.

You place the three buildings across the grid, strategically, to gain territory.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

I was on the edge fist, but this is actually an awesome space & resource centric RTS–the famous Z by the Bitmap Brothers comes to mind–but Death Crown is much more minimalistic.

The in-game graphics are unusual but cool looking, however, at times it’s a difficult to see certain things in the heat of the battle (esp. in the human campaign DLC which features a lot more terrain types).

It takes some time figuring out the minute details of the simple but not really intuitive controls but this is part of the game, I think. I really like the music (which is rare) and the black-and-white line art cut scenes. However, the story is a bit vague, and only shown not told.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Death Crown on Steam

Attack at Dawn: North Africa

Attack at Dawn: North Africa

Attack at Dawn: North Africa is a strategy game set in WW2 North African theatre. In the game you take command of battalions, brigades, divisions and air wings. The game begins with the German troops probing into the Libyan region of Cyrenaica, and finishes either with the total defeat of German-Italian Panzer Armee, or with the British loss of Egypt and their retreat across the Suez Canal.


The game can be played in a Real-Time, or Turn-Based (WeGo) mode. That reflects the speed and chaos of the desert mobile warfare. Combine this with the fog of war, and the experience of being in command vehicle of a Panzer Corps comes to life. The game will immerse you in one of the most intensive and nerve-wrecking experiences of the Second World War.


Game map and the units have been designed to be uncluttered, informative and easy to understand. You can choose how will your units look like: as top-view models or unit counters. With the ability to zoom out and see the entire battlefield with a glance, you will have the best possible situational awareness.


The game features campaigns and scenarios - both historical and hypothetical. They have been designed after an in-depth research of the historical orders of battle and battle histories. Special attention was given to the composition of the armies, combat values of individual units and overall authenticity of each scenario. Check out our series of maps and historical articles that were created based on our research:


The game features a large map, covering a distance of almost 2000 kilometres and you can use the Scenario Editor provided within the game to create your own scenarios anywhere on this large battleground. Starting at the bay of Sirte in Libya and spreading to Suez Canal in Egypt, the terrain varies between sea, desert, mountains, wadis, ports… There is one long asphalt road “Via Balbia” spanning the whole length of the map, and a handful of well-known desert tracks leading towards the deep Sahara.

Attack at Dawn: North Africa on Steam



This is the game for Vibing!

Its super chill and the perfect for winding down.

The music really sets the mood of the game and the next thing you know you know, you’ve lost track of time and its time for bed. The controls are intuitive and the shortcuts become muscle memory, navigation works well and the UI is clean.

First play I sat there and completed the campaign mode and am now ready for getting those achievements in “Run mode”. Campaign helped to learn how the economy works and gave some backstory to the “signals”.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

I really wanted to like this game. I don’t like combat games, or games that test hand-eye coordination. This has a lot to like for somebody like me. The problem is the interface. There’s no decent help. I passed challenge #1, but couldn’t pass challenge #2. So I tried the run mode. There are three icons at the top of the bottom bar. I can’t repair the portal until I have all three resources, and I can’t even figure out what the third resource is. Whatever I do, it stays at zero. It might be titanium, but I’ve three three runs and checked every planet and I can’t find any with titanium. And I can’t find a way to get advice. So I’m done.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Signals on Steam

World Order

World Order

World Order is a brand new real-time strategy game where you will plunge into a conflict between 3 space powers for control of a strategic space sector, which will lead to world domination. In terms of gameplay, World Order is different from all existing RTSs. The system of modular units is the main feature of the game and you are not limited in your style of play, since you make your entire army for yourself, and not with ready-made units.

World Order on Steam

War War

War War

A old-school style game that is fun and doesn’t take a gigabyte of storage in 2020? Crazy! Seems to be extremely optimized as it is small but brings with it a bunch of fun online matchups. 3 units, ground forces, a tank and 2 drones. I think I am best at the tank as it is easiest, but splitting up the ground forces and controlling individual groups of them with two joysticks on the same controller at once is awesome! Units can’t turn around (they can’t and it seems intended) so the game is a simple match up once you go to War War!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

War War on Steam