Battle for Iwo Jima

Battle for Iwo Jima

yes, but:

1. It goes so extremely slow, mainly i think due to unnecessary graphic duration. The very worst is the flare shooting into the air at each nite attack. It goes dramaticly on & on, but, you know, after the very 1st time, ok, we get it. Actually same re artillery & j attacks, and movement in general - i think the units could move a lot faster if the sound&graphics were abbreviated.

2. I play over&over & lose EVERY time. OK i learned, but this last time was especially bad: Day 13 end turn, i’ve achieved green on 3 of the so-far 4 objectives, red on the 4th :(, several days remain to get to the next 1, only 235/320 j points, truly it feels the opposition is COLLAPSING, i am racing to the final objectives with plenty of time left, seems i’ve finally got this fig’d out, and suddenly “japanese decisive victory”. WHY?

Real player with 55.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Wargame Games.

38 hours playing to lose after 7 days max every single game. jap artillery hits and always causes casualties, they can fire 2 hexes always causing casualties, they can ambush and always hit, they banzai and always hit, the Americans have support which does nothing, they cannot hit anything, they cannot assault. Pointless game made to look pretty and that is it.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

Battle for Iwo Jima on Steam

Civil War: Battle of Petersburg

Civil War: Battle of Petersburg

For the price, what’s the risk? BATTLE OF PETERSBERG will appeal to hisorical and strategy turn based gamers. Sure, there is room for improvement, especially with the hexagonal map, camera perspective and color scheme, which make it difficult to see terrain and to select units. And, I can’t speak to historical accuracy because I’m no expert. But you get an entire campaign providing several hours of gameplay through multiple battles. The gameplay is simple and no-frills that gives artillery a lot of power (they can move, condutct ranged attack, and destroy entire units, all in one turn). Your strategy will focus on using artillery to blast away entire sections of the enemy front line, followed up by infantry to clean up anything missed by the artillery, and cavalry to exploit the hole you’ve just punched. My recollection of the Petersburg campaign is that this is basically the strategy used. Recommended despite its problems.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Wargame Games.

In short - quick and easy to play, arcade game with strategic elements. Low price but also low content.

  • Quick and easy to play

The game is far from being complex. You need only 1-2 minutes in menu to adjust all the graphic settings and the same amount of time spent using tutorial is more than enough to start first scenario. Simple rules of combat, relatively small maps as well as not much of a variety of units make the play fast and easy to finish even during eating dinner.

  • Hot seat

It is always nice addition to the simple&short games. It could be strategic game but the truth is that you won’t make complicated plans and cunning strategies as this game lacks of any strategic depth. So there is no fear to play against each other using “hot seat” option as it suits such “strategic-arcade” game.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Civil War: Battle of Petersburg on Steam

Great Battles of Carolus XII

Great Battles of Carolus XII


  • simple graphics

  • easy to learn, hard to master

  • price

  • easy concept, for me better than Great Battles


  • no settings (music disable, resolution settings, nothing)

  • no save function - if you have no more time or game crash you have no chance to continue battle

  • no minimap

  • only a little content

  • no army builder

  • no “undo movement” button

  • no “next unit” button

  • infantry and grenadiers looks the same


  • after winning battle “Continue” button does not work

Conclusion 6/10. It is fun for 5 Euro, but missing some basic functions.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid War Games.

This game is great! It is easy to learn and simple but very engaging! I will spread the word and with you all the luck in its success!

Please play this game, folks!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Great Battles of Carolus XII on Steam

Hex of Steel

Hex of Steel


My feeling about the game is mostly negative but I give it a good review anyway because, you know, you got to support your local businesses and also there’s a free demo, so you can’t really accuse the product to be a rip off.

Mon appréciation du jeu est surtout négative mais je mets une appréciation positive parce que, bah premièrement il faut soutenir les petits producteurs français, et deuxièmement il y a une démo gratuite, donc ce ne serait pas juste de dire qu’il y a tromperie sur la marchandise.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

Mon avis est mitigé, autant j’aime le concept et le travail de base sur la conception de ce jeu, et de l’autre coté deux points essentiel me dérange profondément.

L’échelle de jeu et l’échelle de temps sont les points les plus incohérent de ce jeux.

L’échelle grand stratégique alors que les unités sont de type régimentale ou de type bataillons et la vitesse des unités.

je m’explique, prenons la campagne 39 pour exemple, impossible de prendre la pologne en 21 jours avec les troupes de l’axe comme cela c’est passé , le probleme est que soit les troupes de la pologne sont trop forte ou soit les troupe de l’axe trop lente ou bien elle ne sont pas sufisament forte…

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Hex of Steel on Steam

From Village to Empire

From Village to Empire

This is a good game if you want a turn-based, 4X strategy game without the overgrown complexity of most established games in the genre and you’re willing to put up with some rough edges.

My own taste leans more toward city development than combat. I like the way this game handles that: it creates a nice puzzle as every addition to the city has to come next to a previous addition, and most additions are restricted in where they can be placed (e.g. lumber mills have to go on forest, farms on grasslands or hills). So, you have to plan ahead to place your improvements in places that set up future improvements without stealing necessary territory from neighboring cities. And, of course, you have to plan where you place your cities so they get a good variety of terrains and access to strategic resources without bumping into each other too much.

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

Barebones Civ. Still an immense amount of work to be done. But encountered no bugs so far.

The biggest headache at the moment is that there are no lists, so operating 1 town is ok…for a while…But get 3 or 4 towns and try to remember everything you have built in them !!

Having said that, i love the simplicity, and believe this to be a game of great potential.

I just hope the dev sticks with it and regularly updates.

I will recommend it only because i think the creator deserves every chance :)

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

From Village to Empire on Steam

The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss

The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss

I was like you, innocently purchasing this game and opening up and saying YOLOSWAGBROYOLO and choosing Poland as your first game because you’re so cool. Then you get wrecked from every direction and then you rage quit back to your little kiddy call of duty.

This game isn’t a joke, this game isn’t a fast paced game. It’s a hardcore armchair general turn-based slow-paced strategy game. You take control of either Poland, Germany(Then called the Nazis, or, in aircraft terms, Jerries), or Russia (Then called the Soviet Union). You can take control of many other nations in custom gamdemode, but they’re near useless unless you mod the game, and believe me.. modding this game is unbelievably easy, finally something easy about this game. :D. If you like really hard games, or relaxing games that make your brain think, then get it. But beware, it’s a major armchair-general styled game for you to complete a campaign it’s 122 days, with one turn a day. Each turn you’ll be spending some 10-15 minutes. (sometimes 30 or more even) So for $25 you’re going to get a lottttt of hours played. And if you mod it… even longer. Beware, playing Poland your goal isn’t to beat the Axis, that’d be like Britain taking on Russia, your goal is to hold the germans off for longer than historically, say, two weeks or so longer. Germany is a more relaxing gameplay, but it’s still very challenging (The AI is hella good), if you play Russia, you have to wait 17 turns (verrryyy longgg) before you can even attack poland, though, I’ve heard you can declare war on Lithuania and fight them in the meantime.Wasteland Interactive has been out for a couple years roaming Desura and finally each of their tactical turn-based games got greenlit. So go check out: Time of Wrath, Strategic War in Europe, and of course this game. They have a couple more on steam but they’re pacific theatre so I don’t have them. They’re all amazingly good, especially if you like this one.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Fall Weiss covers the German invasion of Poland. Starting September 1 1939 the game allows players to control the Germans, Polish or the Russian forces. Players have 122 turns (each representing one day) to either conquer Poland or hold against the invaders. Each of the three factions has its own victory conditions:

German: Defeat Poland and Peace with/or defeat Russia

Poland: Hold against the Germans

Russia Defeat of Poland and Peace with Russia

(NOTE the following has been fixed by the developers and custom games are now working)

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss on Steam

Panzer Corps Gold

Panzer Corps Gold

NB : Comments from playing with the original Slitherine version.

Taking into account all expansions, I played over 300 PzC scenarios. And it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

This is first and foremost a “game” rather than a “simulation”, yet the game has plenty of historical chrome and details. It is really easy to get into the game even if you are not familiar with WW2 tactics. However there is plenty of room to showcase your skills whether tactical or for managing your corps. For those reasons I’m glad to see this game coming to Steam and a wider audience.

Real player with 1823.0 hrs in game

I edited my review and put at the beginning the important facts I see after more hours of play. Below comes my initial review.

Here are the important facts new players (old PG players) should know:

  • Better fighting rules. (Suppressing fire, easier attack when more units adjacent to attacked hexfield, etc.) Real good small things old PG players will love when they see it.

  • Better overall units and stats balance. (no overpowered PzIVF2 with range 2 for example :))

  • Special skills are transparent now: For good fighting units gain Iron Crosses (no effect) and brigade heroes, which give a random skill + 1 to 3 points. You see the result when hovering mouse over in detailled unit view or other GUI manifestations of these battle honours.

Real player with 1169.0 hrs in game

Panzer Corps Gold on Steam



In the game, players play the role of a vassal king who just succeeded to the throne in the spring and Autumn period.

Fully open the world, you can experience the life of princes and kings in it!

Main play method:

《1》 : internal affairs.

Players need to gather talents and build their own cabinet team at the beginning.

The official system in the game is completely consistent with the history books. It consists of taizai, Zongbo, Sikou, Sikong, situ and Sima. As Liuqing, he interacts with players and governs the country!

Trickery&Strategy on Steam

Commander: The Great War

Commander: The Great War

Ok. I have played this game for a while and got the hang of it.

It is a great game of WW1 with a couple of frustrating imperfections that you only really appreciate when you have played quite a bit. So while i might say negative things at the end of this review this is a recommendation.

For starters it feels like WW1.

The graphics look the part. The map covers everything and there is plenty of open ocean for the naval campaigns to unfold. The opening turns also develop in a very similiar manner to the actual war as long as you play even modestly sensibly as either side.

Real player with 1715.3 hrs in game

The designers did many things right. I really have only two complaints. One of those complaints is pretty serious, but the good points outweigh that big negative.

My background: History is my passion. I’ve had a particular interest in WW1 for thirty years. I’ve been to the best museums, and one of the battlefields. I’ve been playing hex-based wargames for even longer. When I was in college I was frustrated by the lack of WW1 games (apart from air combat). I wrote my own game, loosely based on squad leader and researched it thoroughly.

Real player with 477.7 hrs in game

Commander: The Great War on Steam



Conquicktory is a minimalistic turn-based strategy focused on top-level decisions in your civilization’s development. You’ll control the diplomacy relations with neighboring countries, declare wars, plan the key strikes and distribute funds to the peaceful/military issues. Your subjects will do the rest of work - there is no need to deeply micromanage all the aspect of your glorious growing empire.

The game map has 3 views:

1. Military view. If you see a spear with a flag over one of your cities, it means that you can create an army in it. Simply touch and drag from it and you’ll see the army path. Army will capture cells around its path. The same dragging way is used to plan the movement of your existing armies. Also you can see the cells defense ratings on this view. Cells are defended by nearby armies, cities and forts.

2. Diplomacy view. Here you can select a country and see its current enemies (red) and allies (green). You can select a country and suggest a treaty to it, or declare war. Also here you can answer the treaties suggestions from other players

3. Economy view. You can see how much each of your cities brings to you, and set the funds spreading to war, peaceful growth and treasury. You can fund new cities and fortresses in this view.

Game features:

  • easy control mode which lets you focus on the top-level questions of you empire

  • simultaneous moves, which are performed once all the players have issued orders

  • challenging AI, which does not cheat but can make clever moves

  • spectator mode, where you can relax and spectate how the AI play (and try to guess the winner)

  • prebuilt maps of the world, continents and countries, which you can conquer

Conquicktory on Steam