Good game, but I will give more preference to endless space 2 with more mechanics and more elaborate gameplay.

Real player with 364.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Turn-Based Games.


  • Great strategy experience

  • Interesting fantasy theme

  • Enjoyable equipment mechanics

  • Heroes add an interesting strategy layer

  • Tweaking a faction to your play style is awesome

  • Complicated subsystems that make the game always interesting to optimize


  • No in game encyclopedia to learn game terms and mechanics (tooltips aren’t enough)

  • Game speeds other than standard are imbalanced

  • Subsystems need better explanation

  • Too much and too costly DLC

  • DLC should not radically change the way the game is played (here it feels like what should be an update is DLC)

Real player with 228.6 hrs in game

ENDLESS™ Legend on Steam

Tess Elated

Tess Elated

Inspired by Minesweeper but unlike anything you’ve tried, Tess Elated is fresh and inspiring.

The vibrant and diverse cast of characters makes the story both interesting and rewarding with plenty of laughs.

With a colorful and fun art style and a joyful soundtrack, the game is sure to keep your interest.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Female Protagonist Games.

“Tess Elated” is nothing new. In fact, it’s a direct copy of “Cavesweeper”. Also it’s NOT a logic puzzle as they claim, because it requires guesswork. A logic puzzle never requires any guessing, only logic. The game has no instructions or a way to skip the long repetitious dialogues between levels. The Medium and Hard modes use three and four colors, so you will spend most of your time guessing, unlike Minesweeper which inspired it. Also, the Achievements are broken.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Tess Elated on Steam



Short (under 2 hrs) relaxing sliding puzzle game. You can take as many moves as you like to make a pattern, with the goal of making the least moves possible. Clearly not many people are on the score board to date as I was able to get in the top 10 first try for most levels. Not a game to really challenge you, just quietly slide pieces around until you get the pattern. If you like the old sliding puzzle games this should be fun enough!

I got this on special - you would definitely not want to pay full price for this game, but for a couple of dollars is certainly worth it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Minimalist Games.

Hexlide is a casual puzzle game, visually similar to Hexcells. Although it’s quite enjoyable, it doesn’t take a lot of time to beat it.

Check out this review and many others on Save or Quit: https://saveorquit.com/2017/11/30/review-hexlide/

Short description

Each level starts with a hexagonal grid. The grid consists mostly of grey tiles, some of which have a colored border. There are also some completely colored tiles and your goal is to move those to the bordered tiles of the same color in a limited amount of moves.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Hexlide on Steam

King’s Bounty: The Legend

King’s Bounty: The Legend

Heroes of Might and Magic with an enchanted 5d20+5 sense of humor. If you decide to try this out, make sure to plan out how you spend ability runes from level one because runes seem to dry up once you start branching out your talent tree. Rage spirits get experience only from doing damage, which requires meticulous study in tactical micromanagement if you want your rage spirits to rain down mayhem in any semblance of actual destructive power (death really is your friend here). Armies are a non-renewable resource so save the best units for hard fights.

Real player with 319.9 hrs in game

Rating: good (7/10)


King’s Bounty: The Legend is the first game of the King’s Bounty series where you take a role of an adventurer that with the right combination of troops and magic is going to save the kingdom from its doom. The game is an RPG with turn-based strategy combat style.

Gameplay & Story: 6/10

The gameplay in KB:The Legend consists of traveling through the world map, getting quests and gathering troops and then fighting enemy forces in a turn-based hex-strategy styled battles. The combat is really similar to Heroes of Might and Magic, however you are not going to build castles or a kingdom here and instead travel through a huge open world. The story is quite simple - you are the treasure hunter for the king and discover after a while a plot against the kingdom by evil forces and you are obviously the only one that can destroy them. The gameplay is however very fun in King’s Bounty series and it is enjoyable to be able to traverse the land almost free (sometimes a quest or a strong army blocks your progress) but since the world is so huge, you mostly have different possible locations where you can go to. There are a lot of different factions that can offer you forces so you have a lot of choice depending on what strategy you enjoy more in battles. The classes offered are also quite distinguishable so it is even fun to play through the game multiple times with different classes and armies.

Real player with 270.1 hrs in game

King's Bounty: The Legend on Steam

King’s Bounty: Armored Princess

King’s Bounty: Armored Princess

This is an old school turn based RPG game.

The storyline isnt going to knock your socks off but the gameplay will. There are many different tactics to win battles even within one class and there are 3 to choose from.

How you build your army often dictates your tactics and vice versa. The locations of items and spells are random so you wont always get the same items or spells available making it a very different game every time you play it.

The only downside to me is once you get deeply immersed and want to get the best score or go for a no loss playthrough then you do have to adopt an element of cheesyness like running past encounters to get access to better items and armies. But the game has already got you by the balls at that point. Enjoy.

Real player with 299.7 hrs in game

A worthy sequel to the magnificent strategy.

King’s Bounty: Armored Princess takes what made the first title so good and makes a game, that’s virtually the same, but, at some fronts, as good and, at others- even better than it’s predecessor.

Story. Without spoilers- it’s very good. Not as generic as the Legend’s plotline, but, at that, not as classy.

Dialogue is fucking hilarious. Despite a few incorrect phrases, the conversations are, at times- very (sorry for repeating myself, but it’s the best word) classy and witty, packing an extreme amount of sarcasm and jokes, and some real world references here and there…

Real player with 150.8 hrs in game

King's Bounty: Armored Princess on Steam




  • nice interface

  • games done in no more than 30 mins and they’re saved if you can’t finish them

  • 2 versions of the game (after 17 hours I’m yet to play the other though will do when I finish this one!)

  • active dev interested in engaging with the community


  • you learn the rules as you go and some are not that clear. Fortunately, Inventarius has done a brilliant community guide which helps you understand how to get near his level and therefore play more and enjoy it more

  • once you reach your max level, replayability is limited - you don’t want to lower your level by failing too often. I have more hours in Axes & Acres (48) than I will have in this (probably max out around 25-30) so buy in a sale.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

As always with BrainGoodGames, this game is lots of fun and very challenging. It takes a while to grasp the rules but once you understand them you will appreciate the complex strategies you can use.

The tutorial will get you started but I recommend turning on practise mode to really learn the rules and not lose ranks. The support from BrainGoodGames is great as always.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

SkyBoats on Steam



I’ve been playing Shardbound since late December so the hours of this review do not reflect the playtime I actually have.

Normally I go for goofy ass reviews with bad wordplay like ‘Wow, you just Shardfound the best game ever’ but this game is pretty neat so I’ll throw a proper review it’s way. Shardbound is a tactical CCG, a newcomer to a genre that has exploded in popularity over the past few years, however it’s part of the later generation to tackle the genre, the generation that takes the core card game experience and pushes it to the next level of strategy and tactics, from Gwent and ESO to Faeria and Duelyst.

Real player with 511.3 hrs in game


+beautiful art style and voice acting

+tactical battlefield adds strategic depth

+plenty of deck Varity

+devs are actively updating this game weekly

+card box sys allows you to pick what you want

+a solid free to play model to increase your collection

+very few bugs despite being early access

+not pay to win


-still a lot of placeholder art in game

-balance is still a work in progress


This is the best digital card game I’ve ever played. There is so much depth and strategy incorporated into this game by having a tactical battlefield, playing the card is just step one, next you move your minions and your hero around like chess pieces requiring smart positional decisions to achieve victory; meaning building a good deck can only get you so far. For a game currently in early access its very stable and looks great, but at the moment there is a lot of minions that have placeholder art, but the devs are actively updating art on a weekly basis and recently have announced that this will be getting ramped up in the coming months.

Real player with 370.4 hrs in game

Shardbound on Steam



Hexcells could be considered a spiritual successor to the classic game Minesweeper. Your goal is to determine which of the hexagonal cells on each grid should be marked blue, and which should be eliminated from the game, using the various clues given to you for each puzzle.

Unlike that classic, however, there is always a way to logically determine how to solve the puzzles in Hexcells without making a mistake. This sets it apart from games which use trial and error as a mechanic; while there is nothing wrong with trial and error, it’s nice to see game that is designed thoughtfully enough to allow each level to be solved the first time without making a mistake for the observant.

Real player with 109.9 hrs in game

Hexcells is a complicated puzzle game presented with minimalist aesthetics that will have you absorbed for hours.

Much like its predecessor Minesweeper, Hexcells is very much a game about the relationships between objects when placed upon a grid. These relationships are defined by sets of numbers, whether it’s the quantity in the line, the numbers surrounding one position or even numbers occurring in consecutive positions or with gaps between. As the player, its up to you to deduce the correct layout of the entire grid using the contextual clues you uncover as you progress and attempt not to make any mistakes.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Hexcells on Steam

Opus Magnum

Opus Magnum

Opus Magnum requires you to build different alchemical machines (it got my nomination for the “Most fun with a machine” Steam Award in 2018). Solving a puzzle isn’t difficult (except maybe in some of Fontenelle’s Alchemical Observations), but if you’re like me, you’ll see that your first machine falls short in one or more of the three criteria (cost, speed, compactness) and you won’t proceed until you’ve built a better machine.

So if what you seek is a puzzle game that won’t give you a headache or take too much of your time, Opus Magnum can be that. And if what you seek is a puzzle game that’ll torture your neurons for hours as you strive to optimize your solution—or to find another solution—Opus Magnum can be that, too.

Real player with 144.4 hrs in game

Clever programming puzzler, with a wonderful visual presentation!

An Opus for your brain

In Opus Magnum you must create a product from ingredients and machinery. You’re an alchemist, and the products resemble molecules. You have to make sure that the atoms are in the correct spot, with the correct bindings between them. To do that, you have infinite space, money (for machines) and time. When you finish the product, these values are recorded, and compared to the other players in a graph, and if any of your Steam friends have played the game, their scores are presented as well. If you want a bigger challenge, you can try to perfect one, or all the scores. I myself mostly went for the cheapest solution, however the fastest provides the biggest challenge. When you can see scores after the puzzle is complete, and you see best score, it stimulates to all least equal that score!

Real player with 76.0 hrs in game

Opus Magnum on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Cons: cost.

Pros: everything else. This is THE BEST 4X combat game. No diplomacy, simpler than in Civ city management, and huge variety of units and sides with real tactical options and paths. The combat mechanics is interesting and more complex than in any 4X game.

But! While the base game is good, the game shines with all the expansions. And it becomes costly to buy all of them. Therefore, we come back with the biggest drawback: Cost. But in some sense you get what you paid for. If they release one more DLC, I would buy it without thinking. I love this game that much.

Real player with 270.1 hrs in game

Recommended with caveats:

It’s a great game even from its humble beginnings with only Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Orks and Necrons. As the first and so far only 4X Warhammer 40K game that isn’t a mobile freemium, the game captures a lot of the spirit of 40K and even brings back elements from the 1st edition Rogue Trader such as all kinds of alien wildlife. Every faction is unique in its mechanics and technology. So I would recommend the game but…

I would have more highly recommend the game more in the past. These days if you have an older laptop like mine, the game crashes almost immediately due to some kind of renderer error. If Slitherine can come up with a solution to this problem, that would be fantastic. But as it currently stands, I’ll have to delete the game.

Real player with 178.7 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War on Steam