Gunslingers & Zombies
plays well once you figure out the goals - no idea how to save progress though
– Real player with 5.6 hrs in game
Read More: Best Hex Grid Action Games.
Całkiem miła i relaksująca gra. Grafika prosta, kreskówkowa - pasuje do lekkiego klimatu gry. Interfejs intuicyjny, przyjazny. Jak na razie nie napotkałem na żadne bugi. Po przejściu pierwszych kilku plansz, jak na razie trochę brakuje głębi strategicznej. Miałem czasem wrażenie, że wystarczy po prostu iść przed siebie i strzelać. Ale może powinienem poczekać i pograć kilka kolejnych plansz, zobaczymy wtedy.
Jak na razie daje łapkę w górę - gra bez jakiegoś wielkiego szału, ale można dla relaksu popykać,
– Real player with 2.1 hrs in game
Pit People®
Pit people is a game I really want to recommend, but has a lot of major problems
that will keep it down.
To start off I was looking through common criticism of the game. and I found the most common 2 problems, is the game being repetitive, and the game not being very in depth, or having shallow gameplay. The reason people find this game so repetitive is because this game was designed so you will win with any strategy, and with any teamcomp in pve. even though this game has all the different units with all their different strengths and weaknesses, the average player has no real opportunity to explore this in pve, they can’t really explore how in depth the game can be, with all the different strategies and teamcomps you can do. the pve both never ramps high enough if difficulty, or at least not often enough for the average player to come across it, and even the few times the game does get difficult enough, if they do have trouble with it, there best choice won’t be counter pick units, it will be their highest level units. The game actually incentives using the same teamcomp because of the leveling system. your highest level units will outperform your lower level ones. so the game punishes you from trying something new. No shit everyone finds the game repetitive. The entire leveling system is just poor game design, and the way the game counters this is by making pve overall way easier than it needs to be, so you can get away with just about anything. so people will either mindlessly through stuff together, and just place everything in range to attack something. or they will stick with all their highest level units, and never explore other units. This is why people think the game is shallow and repetitive. either keep doing what works, and just do whatever because you can. insane mode is hardly more difficult and gives hardly any more loot, and that loot probably won’t be what you are looking for, so there isn’t really a point in ever turning it on. and permadeath mode is just grindy. because you need to keep capturing new stuff.
– Real player with 2935.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best Hex Grid Funny Games.
Pit People is a good game. I really did enjoy everything about it when I first started playing it.
When it comes to the plot and the writing, the game is clearly not trying to take itself seriously. This is one of the strenghts of the game: It’s silly and absurd, similar to that of Borderlands 2. The artstyle and the voice acting of the game, definately adds to the silly nature of the experience, and it skillfully made. The gameplay, while not perfect, is still polished and good.
– Real player with 86.2 hrs in game