Loot Rascals

Loot Rascals

Loot rascals is a lightweight rogue-like. A true roguelike, complete with turn-based gameplay, random level generation, permadeath and tactical decisions. Only ASCII graphics are missing but who needs them really?

Its unique feature is card-based improvement. Many slain enemies will drop a card that has either an offensive or a defensive value. You place those cards in 2 by 5 grid to improve your stats. Some cards just have a value, but others have special feature : bonus/malus depending on where you put them on the grid, bonus/malus conferred to surrounding cards, etc. Other cards give you special abilities if you attach them to regular cards : the usual fire/ice/electric “spells”, healing or teleportation. Those abilities need to recharge (with time) each time you use them.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Card Game Games.

So it turns out the Scots aren’t just responsible for finely distilled whiskey and deep fried Mars bars. They are also hurling themselves out into deep space with holographic AI’s capable of guiding you through treacherous hex-based terrains in the new CCG roguelite - Loot Rascals.

The first thing that strikes you about the game is it’s sense of humor. From its colorful and wacky artstyle. To the voice acting. To the fact that your mission is to rescue a giant robotic head called “Big Barry” - This is definitely one of those games that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Loot Rascals on Steam

军团战棋Legion War

军团战棋Legion War

Just on the last weekend I played a big FFA the demo for 10.2 hours.

Then got the full game and played 2 1v1s for a combined other 5.5 hours!

It is rare that a game captivates me that much from the get go.

The AI is also quite competent already, which is part of what makes the game so fun to play. But I also see room for improvement there.

There’s some minor annoyances that could easily be improved like:

  • no hotkey for ending the turn

  • a lot of places where I first have to select something and then click a button instead of having double-click work there like with the hero-skill-tree, would be really nice if equiping items worked the same way

Real player with 85.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Early Access Games.

Legion War is a classic style turn-based conquer the world game with tons of options and depth to it. I’ve played nearly 75 hours and haven’t even touched the two campaigns currently included.

As of this review there are 5 playable factions with unique units, heroes, spells/abilities and mechanics as well as several minor factions that can be encountered in game and whose units can be recruited.

The game receives regular updates adding new and completely unexpected content, and development on the campaigns for other factions seems to be ongoing at a steady pace.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

军团战棋Legion War on Steam

King’s Bounty: Dark Side

King’s Bounty: Dark Side

After 1 official patch (9/2/14) that I’m aware of, this game has very few bugs (compared to KB: WOTN), w/ the caveat that the Mac version seems to be a little behind the PC. I’m expecting a new patch soon, and hopefully the Mac faithful get a better game. Because this game is super fun.

I was mystified to read some reviewers thought it the worst in the series (or maybe the “weakest”). That’s not my impression at all. I think they stepped up their game significantly w/ the writing, quests, and overall sense of humor. Also, for those of you tired of playing the same old standby human and dragon units, this is the game for you. You can of course over time get a significant medley of old favorites, but I would recommend trying to stay close to the thematic choices that fit the 3 PCs: Mage (Vampire) Undead units; Paladin (Demoness) Demon units; Warrior (Orc) well you get the idea. I’ve only played as the Mage, but I suspect I won’t feel differently after playing the next 2 PCs.

Real player with 399.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hex Grid Turn-Based Games.

This review is for players that are familiar with the King’s Bounty games and to answer the question “is Dark Side a worthy addition?”. If you’ve not played any of the KB games before I highly recommend you do them in order, they are all excellent.

I’ve just completed this game, it took me 300 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it. However this is the only KB game that had features in it that I didn’t like. Lets start with the beginning, it is absolutely terrible, enough to put you off playing the game. You are given no tutorial (not a problem for veteran players), instead you have to follow a linear path where most of the enemies are too tough to fight, there is no loot to boost you and you can’t refresh your army. Eventually you reach your first garrison. You can now refresh your army but have to defeat 3 tough enemy and then a further 1. Don’t even think about a no loss win, you’ll be lucky if half your troops survive.

Real player with 300.7 hrs in game

King's Bounty: Dark Side on Steam

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations

Warning: 1000+ word review from a guy that’s way too passionate about a trilogy that features chibi girls that shoot at each other and explode. Please read if you have spare time.

The first two War of the Human Tanks games are among my favorite PC-exclusive games I have played so far. So, I bought the third game on the same year it was released and… it wasn’t my cup of tea. What made the Human Tank games so special to me is the ability to break the game with overpowered tanks and pit those tanks against other overpowered extra stage enemies in a game of dark chess. This game takes that away and makes you play fair and square with the opponent in a normal strategy game.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

I’m going to write a lot of words about anime tanks because I really like this series and I don’t think anyone else knows it exists. The last game in the series, Limited Operations, has been out for around 9 months and has about a dozen reviews. Here’s a really long one and consider this a review for the series in general.

The War of the Human Tanks series is essentially anime Battleship. Fights are real time and pause when you click a unit to choose an action. There’s always a large fog of war and most units are of the one hit, one kill variety. Tanks are of the mass-produced style, outside of a couple of special NPC’s, and are permanently destroyed when killed in action. Tanks can also equip modules that you can create which do things like increase shooting range and area, increase movement and so on. Limited Operations changes the last few parts up, though.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations on Steam

A Day in the Woods

A Day in the Woods

An innovative and stylish fairytale puzzle game,

thou don’t get fooled by it’s innocent looks -

It can be bloody difficult if you go for perfect score!


Play this game if:

  • You want to help Lil' Red Riding Hood to get to Granny

  • You like uniquely designed puzzle maps

  • You want to enter a playful and cute world of Sweet Berries, Big Bears and Cute Bunnies

Do not play this game if:

  • You are not that into brain work/puzzles

  • You are looking for a deeper story

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

This is a fun game.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

A Day in the Woods on Steam



While it might seem like a simple/basic (ie easy) puzzle game, it’s actually pretty complex and takes skill/time to keep moving forward to get a better score/complete the achievements. But, the sometimes frustration of doing poorly in the puzzle area is made up for by beautiful graphics, nice music/sounds, and a very peaceful/(yes I know it’s contradictory to say) relaxing bit of game play. Basically, it’s a wonderful game to both look at and play, while also being difficult enough to where you feel accomplished completing an achievement yet not hard enough to make any of them unobtainable with practice.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

Evergarden (Puzzle)

Options include separate sliders for Music and SFX, Full-screen and Quality.

If you cannot interact with the game (clicking does nothing), make sure that there isn’t anything pushing on your controller, and the problem should be fixed.


There is an understated story that ties everything loosely together, but I can’t tell you much about it without giving things away. We will find a couple of notes that help, including this one from the very beginning of the game:

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Evergarden on Steam

King’s Bounty II

King’s Bounty II

I love all King’s Bounties, - I get what I expect from it - a fairy-tale immersion, it lives up to its unique style, combining wits and its “kingsbounty-specific” sence of humor and sense of heroism.

Tactical combat part requires chess-like solutions, devs did definitely put their time into it, it surely is a step forward.

No disturbing bugs nor glitches so far my thorough exploration (well, two times being “stuck in the meshes” no one can avoid (but some games do wisely provide an “UNSTUCK”-hotkey : )), first item in your inventory being unaccessible by mouse, - kbd only, - I can live with this and they’ll surely fix a minor thing like this, - it’s rather too few complanits).

Real player with 215.7 hrs in game

This is my first review, but I felt I have to write this because of my disappointment.

This game would be a decent title, if it were not a sequel to the Kings Bounty franchise. Even as a spin off, but thats not the case. This game is called King’s Bounty 2 but it has so many things missing from the series.

First of all: this game offers ZERO replay value. There are no random armies to fight with. Thats right, every fight will be the same regardless of your playthrough.

There are no random items on the map except the junk which literally have no use other than selling them. No random armies to choose from: you will get the same units from the same vendors every game.

Real player with 65.5 hrs in game

King's Bounty II on Steam

King’s Bounty: Crossworlds

King’s Bounty: Crossworlds

I recommend this game because I enjoy playing it. If you liked King’s Bounty: The Legend (KBTL) then you will probably like this game. Although, I am having a little difficulty adjusting to some of the changes. There are some changes that I really like, some that I don’t like that much, and some that I am starting to appreciate as the game progresses.

There are a lot of new units to pick from and that can be hard to because you have a lot of choices, but it is nice that you start with 2 reserve slots automatically. Some tweaks have been made to some of the units and I still haven’t experimented with the Adrenaline system that the orc units now use.

Real player with 227.3 hrs in game

I regret playing Armored Princess first before realizing Crossworlds is the same game with tons of extra features.

But other than that this is one of the better King’s Bounty games currently out there. Nice balance in difficulty, good pace in progression, and a rather medium length game.

A few complaints:

Some of the islands you explore are really small and so a full exploration is pretty short. It felt like there could’ve been more, such as a few more enemies to fight.

Goblin shamans can use one of their abilities on an opposing unit despite it saying it can only be used on allies. The ability makes it so that between 2 units you selected, the slave unit takes half of the damage the master would’ve taken(not vice versa, it’s a 1 way thing). Because it’s most likely you won’t be using goblin shaman units in this first place, enemies will take advantage of this and cause you to lose massive amounts of units either way because 1) if you don’t attack the master you take a ton of damage from the master itself. 2) if you damage the master unit, you will take a ton of damage to the slave unit.

Real player with 164.3 hrs in game

King's Bounty: Crossworlds on Steam

It Stares Back

It Stares Back

First I just want to get it out of the way that

! for no apparent reason at all the store page us calling it 4x which immediately shaves respect points for the dev doing that. It’s my one real criticism which is a minor thing except that words have meaning. You can’t just call things whatever you want. Then other idiots get misinformed until all Steam or GOG becomes a massive dumpster fire and people start not even realizing just how the fuck to make games anymore with enough misinformation. So, it’s a casual RTS, or RTS-lite. It has nothing whatsoever to do with 4x in the slightest and it bothers me maybe even less than confuses me how the hell a game dev could make that much of a mistake without doing it on purpose

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Was introduced to It Stares Back through the Reddit post they made to advertise it, and instantly fell in love with the artstyle of this game, and was enamoured by the lore weaving together the world it’s based in. Cosmic horror, biopunk, and post apocalyptica seamlessly weave together to form the world of the Great Tapestry, a grotesquely beautiful hellscape beset by a ravenous, deafening, void. As the Noble Guide, you are tasked with ripping the souls of long dead soldiers from the earth to fight it back.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

It Stares Back on Steam

King’s Bounty: The Legend

King’s Bounty: The Legend

Heroes of Might and Magic with an enchanted 5d20+5 sense of humor. If you decide to try this out, make sure to plan out how you spend ability runes from level one because runes seem to dry up once you start branching out your talent tree. Rage spirits get experience only from doing damage, which requires meticulous study in tactical micromanagement if you want your rage spirits to rain down mayhem in any semblance of actual destructive power (death really is your friend here). Armies are a non-renewable resource so save the best units for hard fights.

Real player with 319.9 hrs in game

Rating: good (7/10)


King’s Bounty: The Legend is the first game of the King’s Bounty series where you take a role of an adventurer that with the right combination of troops and magic is going to save the kingdom from its doom. The game is an RPG with turn-based strategy combat style.

Gameplay & Story: 6/10

The gameplay in KB:The Legend consists of traveling through the world map, getting quests and gathering troops and then fighting enemy forces in a turn-based hex-strategy styled battles. The combat is really similar to Heroes of Might and Magic, however you are not going to build castles or a kingdom here and instead travel through a huge open world. The story is quite simple - you are the treasure hunter for the king and discover after a while a plot against the kingdom by evil forces and you are obviously the only one that can destroy them. The gameplay is however very fun in King’s Bounty series and it is enjoyable to be able to traverse the land almost free (sometimes a quest or a strong army blocks your progress) but since the world is so huge, you mostly have different possible locations where you can go to. There are a lot of different factions that can offer you forces so you have a lot of choice depending on what strategy you enjoy more in battles. The classes offered are also quite distinguishable so it is even fun to play through the game multiple times with different classes and armies.

Real player with 270.1 hrs in game

King's Bounty: The Legend on Steam