

As the largest economy of mankind, Naya launched the angel coming plan to transform human genes. The project failed. Naya was occupied by the crazy gene scientist Longli. As a former executive of Naya, grace began to fight crime. This work is a third person shooting game. The player plays the protagonist grace, sneaks into Naya and starts fighting. The attack method is a machine gun that can be fired repeatedly, Laser grenade, laser sword chopping, lightsaber sprint, players can complete their mission in a single line plot.

Read More: Best Hero Shooter RPG Games.

Xangel on Steam



As mutant you have to ensure survival by eliminating all threats and avoid being captured.

With each successful kill you can feed on your prey and choose which of your senses you’d like to regain and eventually enhance.


Regain a clear picture of your surroundings and develop super-vision.


Spot and locate threats before you can see them and acquire the skills for eavesdropping.


Sniff out the scent of other living beings and receive the ability to make out traps.


Analyze your enemies and gain additional information about their equipment and stats as well as buffs.


Learn how to interact with objects and become a unstoppable force of power.

As hunter you have to ensure the mutant is captured alive and brought back to your employer safely.

Use each hunter’s unique skill and equipment and choose the right tool to tackle the mutant’s potential senses.

Use light to blend, sound to distract, special aromas to deceive, injections to render substances useless and various gadgets to block off objects.

Read More: Best Hero Shooter Artificial Intelligence Games.

S.E.N.S.E. on Steam

Project Boost

Project Boost

First of all, i have been privileged to be a tester for Project Boost.

This game is not your ordinary shooter; hereby it is not for everyone. Project Boost is hard and it requires, at least speaking from my own 6 in-game hours, a learning curve. Although it does possess the basic mechanics of most shooters, it comes pack with gameplay elements which i will refer as uncharacteristic for the genre. Project Boost is frankly both a frustrating but satisfying experience in the end.

I will recommend Project Boost for it delivers for an indie shooter game but i stress once again - it is not for everybody. If you like a difficult game, this game will certainly please you!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hero Shooter Bullet Time Games.

Project Boost

Project Boost is a brand spanking new fast-paced, third-person shooter. Right off the bat, the game starts on a chaotic rampage without much context.

As I started to progress the game slowly limped together the whole plotline. The way it’s done and presented could’ve been improved. The game had already lost me in its chaotic, fast-paced shooter scenario before I figured out the plotline.

*– [Real player with 3.5 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329404521)*


![No Tyrant](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1756790/header.jpg "")

## No Tyrant

Pew Pew

*– [Real player with 1.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198398369071)*


*– [Real player with 1.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199076601099)*


![Mission Indeed 2.0 FPS](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1228840/header.jpg "")

## Mission Indeed 2.0 FPS

IF this game was FREE, I would still NOT play it…Please stay away from this game...this was one of the worst experiences ever...first of all the game crashed about 3 times just trying to get it started, the launch screen looks like a mobile port from the first nokia device. I feel ripped off for getting charged a price like this...the actual game play was terrible, seriously not even early access, this is like a prototype of an idea. REFUND PLEASE!

Youtube Experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsgKzkGMXPI

*– [Real player with 0.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979391235)*


![Cover Fire: Offline Shooting Game](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1763740/header.jpg "")

## Cover Fire: Offline Shooting Game

good game, imported from google play. there are also a small troubles, caused a earlier reliesed date.

1) paymant system error

2) battle mode error(when i enter new name, longer than 3 symbols - caused error)

3) add please more mods as in COD mobile. zombi mode and classic thats all(((

4) add please a chance to connect phone game version and pc version(thats like mihoyo universal account or clash of clans)

*– [Real player with 29.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199111369489)*

Mobile game that turns out to be quite decent. Sure you have to wait for upgrades to finish upgrading but that is fine.

Campaign is a 6/10\. It gets harder as it goes along. I did not like the water sections and the helicopter sections. Sections in space where quite decent.

Skirmish Online is a 5/10\. It was too easy in my opinion.And rewards do repeat.

After playing for a decent amount beating the campaign and doing the events i can say i enjoyed playing it. It is nothing special. But to keep you busy for some time either beating the campaign or doing achievements it is quite decent.

*– [Real player with 18.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198963810920)*


![G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1432220/header.jpg "")

## G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout

I do recommend this game, albeit with some caveats.

G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is an old-fashioned third-person shooter with 17 missions, across which you get to play as twelve characters total (six each for the Joes and Cobra). The game is obviously a love letter to the original 80s cartoon, and given the comments the developers make in the art book, they worked with what they had and would've make a more robust game if given the choice. If you like G.I. Joe and don't boot up the game expecting a triple-A title, I think you'll have a good time.

*– [Real player with 17.7 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056614159)*

I honestly couldn't tell you why this game got so slammed at release. I picked it up in a Fanatical Platinum bundle and powered through the whole thing in one sitting - and it was worth every penny. Definitely a budget title, but between the self-aware humor, earnest appreciation for the IP, and damn fun action (even the vehicle sections!), Operation Blackout might actually be the first genuinely GOOD G.I. Joe game!? It basically is like if Volition's Agents of Mayhem was a linear action game rather than a sandbox grind, and it works so much better as a result!

*– [Real player with 10.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021484906)*


![AXYOS](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/318100/header.jpg "")


This game is a pure example of what is wrong in the "Steam Greenlight" independent game industry. And mostly, what kind of trivial mistakes, the dervelopers, are doing in the process of developing an "indie game".

First, about this "game". It's suppose to be a MOBA type FPS but the "game" is in this stage practically from the beginning with no actual or visable updates. The only visable change was the changing of the name of this "game" from RiP to AXYOS. Yes, I know that the "game" is in "Early Access" but it's not, even, in an Alpha stage. I keep saying "game" with quotation marks because there is no game at all. Yes, the "game" looks like in the screen shots but that's it. Only nice characters models, some weapons and some textures made with the UnReal DevKit. And that's it!

*– [Real player with 8.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198112937591)*

The game itself? Great in appearance and has potential. However, that says little as many great games have been ruined by their publishers. And while in a single player game, that may not matter, in a multiplayer game, it is fundamental that the publishers understand the importance of not harassing their userbase. This review will not even touch how the game is at this point as with no players, you cannot adequately test a competitive multiplayer game.

This review will go briefly over what happened that I have to state the above:

*– [Real player with 5.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992030206)*


![Heroic Armored Company](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1388370/header.jpg "")

## Heroic Armored Company

Very good game but short…(more coming soon)

Need to be optimized but It's hard and fun to play.

I hope they will continu to work on.

*– [Real player with 24.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001504434)*

Having played Hero Armored Company for about 10 hours now, already some things can be said about this tank sim. Let me begin with the most important thing: I like it! This game has the potential to become a great tank simulator.

Does it have problems? Yes. Does it need improvement? Absolutely! But that doesn't wipe out the fact that this is the most fun tank sim I've played since World Of Tanks (and I've played a LOT of WoT!!!) - and for me at some points it even superseeds it!


For now only part of the single player content is available with a Story Mode (with at this moment 8 missions) - an aspect I definately miss in WoT! Single Player Mission Mode and Multiplayer Mode will become available at a later stage. So far I have been grinding myself though the Story Mode.

*– [Real player with 18.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056597600)*


![Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1714420/header.jpg "")

## Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®



**Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®** is a Third Person Action Game on which you play as Ahmad al-Falastini, a young Palestinian Student who was unjustly tortured and jailed by Israeli Soldiers for 5 years, had all his family killed by an Israeli Airstrike and now, after getting out from the prison, seeks revenge against those who wronged him, killed his family and stolen his homeland, by joining a new Palestinian Resistance Movement called **Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®**.

This game is greatly inspired by **Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Insurgency Sandstorm, Max Payne and Goldeneye 007**.



This game is being developed **since 2017 by one person** (me, Nidal Nijm, licensed Unreal Engine Developer), in a custom version of **UDK Engine (Unreal Engine 3)**, using the best technology to tell a compelling story through a videogame packed with **non stop action, advanced 3D graphics and modern gameplay mechanics**, while keeping the soul of **Old School Shooters**.

**You will play in missions across ground, sea and sky, with many objectives to accomplish in each mission, epic bosses battles, powerful guns, vehicles to drive, helicopters to take down, and much more**. Expect a LOT of **Action and Adrenaline!!!**



**Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®** is a game which addresses the **Israel x Palestine** conflict from a Palestinian perspective, **breaking the cliché of portraying Muslim and Arabs as Terrorists, Bandits, Villains and the Americans/Israelis as the "Good Guys" and "Heroes" of History**. This is the first game in the games industry which addresses such a sensitive topic, in a realistic way, showing the other side of history, which is very unknown by people, mostly here on west.



