Hentai Vs Furries

Hentai Vs Furries

This game saved my life.

I am 69.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 494.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hentai Violent Games.

I am so glad i have this game. cured my depression

So I was actually gifted this game by my friend, and at this point im the guy to dump interesting games on, but as a man, a self-proclaimed respectable person, what I have said above this is true. I was an empty husk of a person before playing this game, and thanks to this, I have found myself, who I want to be.

I didn’t think I would say this, but, thank you Hentai Vs Furries, I will remember you for as long as i live.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Hentai Vs Furries on Steam

Bullet Girls Phantasia

Bullet Girls Phantasia

The achievements are grindy, but the overall gameplay is enjoyable. At first, I was not all to in to the story till about chapter 4, it took a while for the pace of the story to take my interest.

The game is a 3rd person shooter with some controlled sexual elements. The sexual elements consists mainly stripping and teasing. The teasing portion of the game is set in another portion of the game called Intensive Drilling. There is solo, double, and reverse Intensive Drilling’s. Solo is with one of the ladies, double is with two ladies, and reverse is when a lady teases you instead.

Real player with 343.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hentai Hack and Slash Games.

Nothing is going to come of this, because nowadays when it comes to game developers and game publishers no matter what because anime inspired games more likely than others seem to be nothing but cut, copy, paste, slap together, and forget for the rest of the games existence ill start with things that really need changed to improve the overall games experience, some of these are opinionated but I’m sure a good majority others would agree with.


  • Improve “Buddy’s” AI to be more than just a toaster and possibly move around a little while firing so that they aren’t always sitting ducks needing to be saved (I don’t care if it’s technically not required and the game isn’t particularly difficult to even need one, but if there’s going to be AI partners at least have them actually try to be of assistance).

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Bullet Girls Phantasia on Steam

Proto Shooter Lychee

Proto Shooter Lychee

There are a lot of issues with this game and honestly with the addition of the 18+ patch (which is a bit tricky to get and install) makes it suffer from a bit of an identity crisis.

  • The first most prominent issue with this game is no Keyboard + Mouse support but you can clearly at least navigate the menus which tells me it was planned but thrown away? Why? It’s a PC game so there is no reason unless it’s a VR game that it shouldn’t have KB + M support. Unless you have a controller handy, you can’t play this game at all.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hentai Third Person Games.

Proto Shooter Lychee on Steam

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

IMPORTANT: for multiplayer, don’t forget to press V for Global Matchmaking!! Else you’ll enter Regional Matchmaking, and nobody is playing there!!

| PC specs at the time of playing |

| Quadro M4000 - Quadro P5000 |

| Intel Core i5-8400 CPU (2.80 GHz, 2801 Mhz, 6 Cores & Logical Processors) |

| 16 - 32 GB RAM |

*Note: “- " means I had to transition between parts at the time of playing. The game ran well with both the old and the new parts

Real player with 189.8 hrs in game

After going through all the mainline Senran Kaguras, and enjoying all of their goofy gameplays, characters, and surprisingly well written stories, I didn’t have high hopes for Peach Beach Splash given that the other reviews for this game don’t paint a pretty picture of what to expect. While still retaining that Senran Kagura charm in its single player mode, PBS' biggest selling point (aside from the obvious fanservice) was supposed to be its multiplayer as shown by its loadout based progression systems (which require A LOT of grinding to max everything out), and its team based gameplay modes.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash on Steam

Crab Champions

Crab Champions

Crab Champions is a solo developed game from the creator of Crab Rave. Each of the 3 main modes offer a different playstyle.

Survival (1-4 Players Co-Op PvE)

Fight your way through increasingly difficult islands that are populated with hostile enemies. Loot chests are scattered around each island containing upgrades that enhance different aspects of your crab’s power. The in game economy makes it important to develop a strategy around when to buy chests as well as deciding on what upgrades fit best for your current build. The goal is to survive as long as possible before getting overrun by enemies. In addition to the main mode, test yourself with single island challenge runs and a bonus endless combo mini mode.

Racing (1-4 Players)

A complete change of pace from the Survival and Duel modes. No weapons, the only focus is on fluid, responsive movement. Playing solo or with friends, the goal is to make it through one of the race maps as quickly as possible to set a new personal record. Through trial and error, it’s possible to find new ways to set records, combining chained movements like sliding and flipping.

Duel (1-6 Players PvP)

Play with Steam friends (or bots if playing solo) in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 duels across small balanced maps. Skilled use of movement, timing and shields are required to come out on top in this fast paced mode. The first player or team to win 5 rounds wins the match. Custom games are also available, allowing players to choose their own rules.

Key Features

  • Smooth and responsive movement and combat

  • Carefully crafted visuals with a focus on quality while maintaining high performance

  • An original soundtrack made specifically for the game

  • A variety of cosmetic skins, emotes and victory songs to unlock by completing challenges

  • No lootboxes, microtransactions or ANY additional purchases required- all content is available to unlock in game by playing

  • Play solo or with Steam friends. All modes equally support solo and multiplayer play with friends

Crab Champions on Steam



If you like customization and life sims, you’ll love this game

This review contains what I would consider a minor spoiler or two, which will be written in spoiler text

First, let me start by saying that if you do purchase this game it would be wise to download the free official uncensored patch, and the unofficial one as well. The unofficial patch is called the hf patch, which adds a decent amount of mods (clothes, hairstyles, items for building mode, etc.) and also fixes almost all of bugs that the american 1.0.0 version has. Google is your friend in this task.

Real player with 144.1 hrs in game

I bought this game on sale for $50, downloaded the h patch, and it’s honestly it’s still not worth. Definitely not a $70 game. At first the game seems massive and in depth because it initially takes awhile to advance to other areas, and there is a lot of features you can put into the house that you create. But by the time you complete the house you actually like, and your frames drop, you realize how limited your playthrough is. I don’t recommend it, but it’s not terrible so I won’t immediately uninstall, but I wish I didn’t pay $50 for it.

Real player with 103.3 hrs in game

AI*Shoujo/AI*少女 on Steam

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Let’s make this clear. This game is my life. And no, this isn’t satire so grow up a little bit and understand passion when you see it. I have logged over 730+ hours and I intend to log thousands more. Not only do I play this game daily, but I put over 30+ hours a week into it at the minimum. If you can do math like me that puts it at about 4.28571429 hours a day. (no I didn’t use a calculator, I can do math in my head.) Anyone who is just staring out on steam should get this game. It’s cheap and user friendly. Not to mention is is only O N E dollar! That is incredible! I have gifted this game probably 10 times and I’ll do it again. I’m also a moderator in the Bad Rats discord, which I am highly proud of. I worked tirelessly to get that position and I think I’m close to getting admin. Anyways, no matter the type of gamer you are, Bad Rats is for you. Just don’t think you’ll ever be as good as me. Please give this game a chance to change your life like it did to mine.

Real player with 1159.7 hrs in game

Bad Rats is a revolutionary first person shooter that sets a new standard for this era of gaming. This is game published by Electronic Arts and is developed by Dice on the new Frostbite 4 engine to provide a superior graphic fidelity compared to other marvellous titles including Crisis 3. The story of the game takes place in the year 2035 when North Korea officially ends the cease fire for the Korean War and launches a series of surprise attacks on the United States of America and South Korea. North Korea launches an overwhelming amount of long range ballistic missiles towards major metropolitan areas in the United States which devastates the population and cripples the infrastructure of the government to be able to function properly to contain control of the United States. North Korea launches a full scale aerial campaign on Seoul with a relentless wave of troops pouring across the DMZ of North Korea and South Korea. China and the rebuilt Soviet Union organized by Vladimir Putin has been supplying North Korea with highly advanced military technology and expertise has secretly been supporting North Korea for a war since 2006! You play as a squad in the Navy Seals for the United States called “Bad Rats” Your objective is to assassinate all cats in the region of Asia to cut off all food supplies from the North Koreans and collapse the regime of Kim Jong Un. Using the destructible environments from the Frostbite 4 engine you must use the environment for a tactical advantage to exterminate all cats from Asia. Fan favourite maps return including Seige of Shainghai where you must collapse a skyscraper to kill all cats in the building. Facial scanning technology from LA Noire returns to add an extra layer of realism with realistic facial animation movements to add more emotion to the already immersive world. This is a highly addicting shooter that takes place in locations across the world from nuclear wasteland America to the glorious lands of North Korea. You have a massive arsenal of over 500 weapons to use with thousands of gadgets and gun camouflages. Bad Rats is integrated with the Steam Workshop which has created thousands of community maps and gun skins to be submitted into the game for future free DLCs called “Operations”. Each operation adds an extra layer of immersion into the game with a huge variety of community maps and skins to be added to expand the already masterpiece of a game. Bad rats is a very skill based shooter and requires extensive training to truly shine in multiplier. Bad Rats is the only first person shooter on the market to add a innovative competitive mode with ranks to determine your skill level. In multiplayer there are 2 teams. Counter Cats and Cats. The counter cats must plant a bomb on one of the two locations on the map to kill the population of cats in the area. The cats must prevent the counter cats or the “bad rats” from planting the bomb by either killing all the Counter Cats or defusing the bomb to save the population of cats in the premise.Bad Rats is a highly addicting shooter that any seasonal gamer should try out but I assume you already have! Bad Rats global sales have exceeded 1 billion on the first day outselling the Call of Duty franchise. It is very rare to see game a game this flawless since the release of Half Life 2. If you like first person shooter games you already own bad rats, if you don’t you are missing out on one of the most brilliant game of this century.

Real player with 404.5 hrs in game

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge on Steam

Azur Lane Crosswave

Azur Lane Crosswave

Finally I finished this game with 100% achievement, I reviewed this game based on what I experienced and felt, I don’t want any debate like “I don’t feel the way you feel when I play this game” one more thing, I’m not an expert in a review and therefore I know that my writing is far from perfect. So I started with gameplay.


Ahhh the gameplay, somehow I like or not but heres the thing, here you play 5 types of ships namely CL, CA, DD, CV, and BB with a total of 29 playable characters and 35 support characters. The basic battle is quite simple, you choose the character you want to play along with an additional 2 playable characters that you can switch during battle and 3 support characters, shoot enemy ships with predetermined skills and avoid attacks, oh yes on side note you don’t use ships the same as your enemy, I can’t say much about this. All types can do dashes except BB, your dash will be given a shield instead and also the speed of this BB run is very slow compared to others (yes I know this makes sense). Honestly I like the dash in this game but I expect the character to be able to jump too. There is an oddity that I found on DD / CA / CL gun, where you can shoot enemy aircraft with this gun even though you have AA as your gear, quite strange right? To shoot the aircraft, the distance is very far and you have to wait until the aircraft approaches even more so in a condition you have to shoot as many as 20 aircraft but the spawn is only 16 and this is enough to make me very angry, then there are other things like battles that have arena stage the small one with an invisible wall (uhh I’m quite annoyed with this, yeah I know it’s made like in the mobile game).

Real player with 5331.6 hrs in game

When you open Azur Lane for the first time on your phone, you are surprised with a loud AZUR LANE!

You wonder to yourself what is this game, and eventually you get addicted to it and have been sticking with the game for nearly two years by the time of this review.

That’s me, and this is just a review with their VN based 3D game Azur Lane: Crosswave!

Before I start, this game is much more enjoyable if you play the base game on your mobile device, I recommend to start there first before thinking about paying for this VN based game.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Azur Lane Crosswave on Steam