

Really nice game in which You have to select and take over areas. I’d say that the genre is very simple (I even forgot that this kind of games existed as I played games like this around 10 years ago) but in this game every level feels unique. There’s story mode with 3 stages for each girl and if You want it You can install optional free patch that adds nudity. There’s also arcade mode with global scoreboard which is kinda mid-level difficulty to get top score in because of the score multipliers being bigger with difficulty increased. I’ve got 4th place playing every level on hard but I kept dying on one level so I gave up. The art style is nice and gameplay is satisfying as long as You don’t grind arcade mode for top scores and keep dying in the same level. Difficulty changes include changes to player/enemy movement speed, negative bonuses from boxes and scores multipliers (x1, x2, x4). If You’re aiming for good score the game can be really hard with each level unique mobs movement and attack patterns. Here’s an example of one of the unique bosses

! in one level there’s a guy yelling to his father to stop downloading while he’s playing and the game keeps freezing every few seconds saying “waiting for other players” Girls and bosses have voice acting which is really nice. Overall I recommend buying it on a sale as the story mode is 1-2 hours and not everyone’s gonna grind arcade mode for score. I think I spent too much time doing it as I kept dying many times which resulted in 8 hours of total gameplay until I finally decided to just play it on easy to get the achievements and finish the game.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hentai Colorful Games.

Great game! Brings back memories of playing the original prototype known as Gals Panic back at selected arcades in the 1990’s. Honestly no one cared back then when a swarm of teens were over the Gals Panic arcade cabinet in the imported arcade wing at the local arcade. Giving this game an adult content rating is a bit strong in my opinion even with the optional complementary adult add on. The complementary adult add on adds nice visuals that are tastefully done. Nothing out of the ordinary in my opinion. I’ve seen much more graphic adult instances in general anime. What is so taboo about showing a adult-cartoon body? However, violence, foul language/profanity, death, and body part decapitation is perfectly normal in the majority of modern video games these days.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Mokoko on Steam

Fight Angel Special Edition

Fight Angel Special Edition

I am glad I was able to get this for free. I think I’d be pretty upset if I had already bought the original game then had to pay for this too. It is an exact copy of the original except for two things. The faces look more anime style and there is a dance session thing once you beat the game’s story mode. I actually prefer the art style of the original game over the special edition one, but I can understand how others might like the anime style more. The graphics seem a bit better. No new clothing items or characters as of yet. I was sort of hoping for at least a small amount of new stuff. Many of the things I mentioned in the original game still apply here. Overall a terrific game that has smooth controls. If you are looking for a tactical fighting game, something in the realm of MK or Street Fighter, then this is not the place for that. There are some fighting forms much better than others and all the ultimate attacks are a one button push. This doesnt bother me, because I didnt buy the game thinking it would be an amazing fighting game. I got it for a couple other reasons, hopefully I dont need to explain. I love the customization detail level in this and I hope we see more clothing items, and wishful thinking on fixing the clipping issues with clothing items and hair. Also I like the camera control thing at the end of a match so you can look around at your character after your victory and/or down at your fallen opponent. It kinda sucks I have to unlock all the clothing items and hair all over again. Still cant type in the letter “i” when naming characters. Great game and hopefully will see more content soon.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hentai Spectacle fighter Games.

To start I didn’t own the previous edition of the game. I found this game randomly but I must say despite a few minor (mostly audio) bugs I was surprised how this game plays.

The gameplay is very similar to older Street Fighter games so I was more than happy about that. The gameplay is mostly smooth and it is very little to no input lag. The game also does feature Online PVP even tho the column with the tags on the Steam Store does not say so. Overall well made fighter game by an indie studio that’s worth the price.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Fight Angel Special Edition on Steam



At the time of writing this review, I have played this game for just under 6 hours, and have gained all the achievements (3094 out of 3094). This game is a subpar Math-Three puzzle game. One of the big issues is none of the scoring or abilities are explained. Sometimes matching three in a row gives 3 points, other times 5. When you match four in a row, one is left over and now has a white glow, or a red border, and what they do seems identical. Sometimes when matching five nothing happens, other times you are left with a glowing orb of that design that does either a line of damage or nothing. There appear to be 20 stages on the world map, but I only managed to get to stage 15 before calling the game quits, there is literally nothing besides the subpar gameplay. Additionally there is no main menu, and the game always starts in the middle of the level select, so you have to go and find the level you want to do, and there really is no difference between the levels in a meaningful way.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hentai Match 3 Games.

2/10 (Long story short) Disgustingly ugly military anime themed match three.

My takeaway: CCCP CALLS! Is possibly one of the worst games I’ve ever played. The colors blend in together due to it being beige and is overall such an ugly gameplay you’ll definitely get a headache. The game took about five hours for me to fully complete and achieve mostly due to the confusion because of the color scheme. The game does have a single pretty anime girl but there is no nudity nor is there any kind of tension or indication of it. At the end of the day it does its job of being a match three but it does it poorly.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

CCCP CALLS! on Steam



In a horrible tragedy, the world has been invaded by giant anime girls causing erotic mayhem everywhere.

Fortunately, you’ve got the world’s most powerful weapon, “Fingun” ready to take care of the situation.

Defeat these bountiful babes by shooting their clothes off!

Fingun through 15 levels of girls, fetishes, and erotica in this hilarious new touch on an arcade classic favorite.

  • Beautiful arcade-inspired anime girl boss monsters

  • 14 levels of sexy and funny mayhem

  • Colorful side-scrolling shoot ‘em up action

  • Unlockable gallery with HD pictures of the bosses

Fingun on Steam

Love n Dream

Love n Dream

Too Long Didn’t Read Version

| (Adult) Content | Female with one scene for six girls |

| Censorship? | No - with patch |

| Hours of Gameplay | One hour |

| Patch Available? | Download as Free Steam DLC |


Love n Dream is a story driven pipe game, arrange the pipes so that the water flows from one valve to a second end valve.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

At a Glance

| (Adult) Content | (FxM) Sexual content. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | One or two hours. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Download as Steam DLC. |

Love n Dream is a lewd pipe game with visual novel segments.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Love n Dream on Steam

Tenta Shooter

Tenta Shooter

Tenta shooter is a shumup, this is my favorite shumup ever made, it have some powerups to unlock, when you unlock this cards you can equip them before start your playtrough to move faster, or to make more damage, the bomb button in this shumup reflects projectiles and the game have a good variation of difficult levels from very easy to super hard, its magnificent, it even have cool configuration modes for older computers, mid level mini boss battles, real boss battles and unlockables, this game is totally awesome!

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Good game if you are a fan of shootemups. Some skill is required in bullet hell games to get through this. The art and music are good as well. I like how it feels like you are descending into a forbidden place the further you go into the game giving this creepy feeling. It has a bit more of a forgiving life system then your typical bullet hell, even with the bullet counter to help you out even more. The game is a bit short and expects you to perfect the levels it has for points and other goodies. That said that is where the hentai comes in.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Tenta Shooter on Steam

Skater Frog

Skater Frog

amazing 10/10 the peek of game creation. IF i could pick one game to play for the rest of my life it would be skater frog. If i had to choose between having a happy healthy family in the future and playing skater frog i would play skater frog. if i had one last wish in life it would be to play skater frog. If i was about to die and God granted me one wish i would ask him to let me play skater frog for the last time. If i died and went to heaven i would ask God to let me play skater frog. If i was in hell and satan was about to punish me i would remind him that skater frog exists and he would let me be. The great tale of Leonidas and the army of 300 was told falsely the real reason he won was because of skater frog. Some say the power of Jesus didn’t come from God but from skater frog. Legends are told about skater frog and his return to stop WW2 and kill Hitler single-handedly himself. Skater frog is our hero and our saviour. Skater frog is the one above all. Skater frog is love. Skater frog is life.

Real player with 279.7 hrs in game

Skater Frog: A true love story.

I’ve gotta say, I’m honestly speechless, You can see the passion and heart in this young Skater Frog. Visually, this game is stunning. Naratively, this game is incredible. this game follows the story of a young frog and his obsession for skating, at his local skate park. He meets “the one” and he’s obsessed with her, he can’t get over her. So she chases for her, but he feels like she’s thousands of miles away. But he won’t give up, Because he’s a skater frog. The showcasing of teen love in this masterpiece is incredible, it is honest, compassionate and amazing. You can tell this was coming from a developer with true feelings instead of a fake. This is a game I would recommend to anybody. This is a truly relatable piece. Thank you to the developers, you did not fail us one bit.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Skater Frog on Steam



Have you ever just wanted to have a lady that takes care of you when things go wrong? A lady that cares about you and your feelings, and will never let you go? Well, if so, then this is the game for you! The protagonist of this game caresses you just in the right way so that you will never want to turn back from her. Every time you do well and make sure to gift her all the right gems she rewards you and makes you feel reallll good. Trust me. Once you get into it, she will keep sucking you back in, and will never let go of you. Sometimes I feel like she is trying to possess me but in the end I respect her with all my heart because I know that she is the one for me. The one that can live in all my fantasies without breaking a sweat whatsoever. If you want a lady who knows how to treat you in the way you want whenever you talk to her, this is the game for you. 3

Real player with 68.8 hrs in game

How many Russian games are there on Steam?! I’m starting to think that half of my games are Russian.. xD

I don’t know how to judge this 1€ thing.

LSD should mean “look so delicious” in the developer’s words (he meant “looks” maybe?).

There are 73 achievements: none of them are gaming related.

They will unlock by pressing the required key. From A to Z, the numbers, F11 and F12 and so on. I was somehow astonished by this thing, I mean, I have played lots of games with random achievements but literally none of them are related to the game..

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

LSD on Steam

No!Ah!’s Ark

No!Ah!’s Ark

Fun game, limited scope, fairly simple to understand and enjoy.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

I liked the game very well, the story of the game is very short, but that’s it, the game is beyond perfect.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

No!Ah!'s Ark on Steam

Mokoko X

Mokoko X


Mokoko X was inspired from the arcade games like Volfied, Qix and Gals Panic. A popular gaming style in the late 1980’s, Mokoko X looks to resurrect the soul of the arcade genre while adding a modern touch. There are 32 levels in Mokoko X; each level has its own unique boss and minions. The main goal is assisting the girls that need help from the weird bosses. This is sometimes passing a mobile game level, sometimes helping out with the insects in the kitchen.


You need to conquer a big portion of the initial area that you start the level. While you are in your own area, you are safe from the enemies until your shield empties. You conquer new areas by drawing out of your area. Drawing, however, deactivates your shield and exposes you to danger. Your shield decreases constantly. If you do not conquer at a certain frequency, your shield will burn out and you will not be safe on your own areas as well.

There are 3 difficulties in the game. The difficulty affects enemies, your shield, and required conquered area percentage for the victory.

What happens when you pass a level?

You see the related girl’s photo and can continue with her story or unlock the next girl.

How many girls and bosses?

8 girls, 24 bosses, 24 minions, 24 levels, 8 mega levels, 4 traps, 4 power-ups, and 2 towers! Evil towers of course. Each boss and his minions were uniquely designed. They all have different attack types and behaviors, which consist of rich content.

Key Features

  • 8 girls to help

  • 32 levels with 24 unique bosses with their minions

  • 24 absurd stories that will reveal details about the bosses and the girls

  • Fully animated, Japanese and English voice overs for all the characters!

  • Lovely graphics!

  • Traps, towers, crates and bonus effects

  • Arcade Mode

  • Live high scores displayed for hardcore players

  • Nostalgia remastered!


Have you ever asked these questions to yourself:

How do you stop a heartless but not soulless emperor?

Can someone be a gyroscope and a guard dog at the same time?

Why do those ducks attack us?

Are there really demonic headphones in the world?

Why do lizardmen need a plastic toy for summoning their god?

How do you become a villain after revolting against the ant queen?

What do scientists want from Albert the wonderful sea creature?

Well, Mokoko X answers all these questions and more!

Here are some missions!

  • Help out Iren with her arachnophobia and fight with the imaginary spider Mr.Fyodorov.

  • Protect Tiffany’s house from getting pillaged by the ghost pirates stuck inside the anchors. They were not the bane of Seven Seas - the crew was killed in their first naval battle.

  • Toru wished to be a mosquito to annoy people. A local witch heard him, and transformed him into a mosquito. Now he causes trouble to people every night.

Fight against the weird enemies…

… and learn about their absurd stories!

Mokoko X on Steam