Kane and Lynch: Dead Men™

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men™

Played this and Dog Days back when they originally released on XBox 360, starting in 2007. This is a fantastic couch co-op and a fun single player experience too! I don’t understand the criticism levied at these games, as 7/10 isn’t a terrible score; it is slightly above average. People, I am assuming post 2000 birthday “havers”, are the ones I see doing this.

1. The cover system is janky, it does it automatically. Guess what?! This was a cool mechanic at the time and pushed the envelope.

2. The story is almost so violent it is comical. Not true, it is gritty and this story was well written and I would watch a movie of it….OH WAIT, we all have!! John Wick. Think about the story, and even GTAV with Michael and Trevor’s relationship. They broke ground in this game.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

SPOILER-FREE (more like this on quietschisto.com )

TL;DR: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a cover-based Shooter in a mostly urban setting.

The story follows the ex-mercenary Kane, who wants to save his family from death, which technically isn’t anything you haven’t seen a million times before, although the narrative shows a fair share of potential.

Sadly, it is presented so badly that it has no way of really telling the player anything.

The game mechanics work (not great, but they work), but fail to bring anything new or exciting to the table. Standard cover-shooter stuff.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men™ on Steam

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - A misunderstood masterpiece

Dog Days, Follows the perspective of self medicated, schizophrenic, psychopath James Seth Lynch (or Lynch for short) and ex-mercenary Adam Kane Marcus (or Kane for short) and their attempt at a ‘Last Job’ so they can finally settle down and get out of the game for good. Lynch has been working for a criminal businessman who goes by the name Glazer, since the events of the previous game. Glazer has a big arms deal planned that will pay enough to put Lynch into retirement. To aid the deal Lynch calls Kane knowing his expertise will more than help if things go south.

Real player with 176.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.




One or two player FPS. Violent adult themes. Great crime-based setting. Brutal story. Graphically visceral, lots of blood and gore. Satisfying gameplay but very taxing on hardest difficulty. Fun multiplayer but low player-base. MP modes require a minimum number of players.

ACHIEVEMENTS: A mixed bag. Story ones cant be missed. Some require MP play.


WHEN TO BUY: ON SALE. DLC rarely on sale.

Real player with 109.9 hrs in game

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days on Steam

Perfect Heist

Perfect Heist

There is nothing perfect about this game. My friends have played this for 5 hours and even with house rules, Its still bad. Here’s why.

The game works like Gmod Guess who but the hiders (robbers) have objectives. Now this might sound interesting but there is no way real way to blend in with the AI.

There is no real way to keep your cover as a robber, unless the cops are idiots. AI dont carry bags. AI dont Sprint or Crouch. AI DONT WALK OUTSIDE THE STAIRS OF THE BANK. Even if you manage to evade the cops and hide as an employee, there are cop class abilities that give you away. If you want to get the amount of money that the game REQUIRES you to steal, you have to go for the vaults. And if you thought it was impossible to evade the cops before, think again. You can either drill into to the vault or blow open the door with a bomb bag. The drill is loud and NOBODY goes back to that room and again, AI don’t carry bags.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Multiplayer Games.


[ ] Kids

[x] Everyone

[x] Casual players

[ ] Pro players


[ ] Potato

[ ] Really bad

[ ] Bad

[x] Ok

[] Good

[ ] Beautiful

[ ] Masterpiece


[x] Full price

[ ] Wait for sale

[ ] Average

[ ] Refund it if you can

[ ] Don’t do it


[ ] 90' PC

[x] Minimum

[ ] Medium

[ ] Fast

[ ] High end

[ ] NASA computer


[ ] You just need 2 arms

[ ] Ez

[x] Normal

[ ] Easy to learn / Hard to master

[ ] Hard (first few hours)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Perfect Heist on Steam

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

noot NOot nOot

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


Noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot nootnoot.. Noot.

Noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot, noot noot noot. Noot noot.

Noot noot noot noot. Noot!

Noot Noot Noot

Noot noot! Noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot. Noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot, noot! Noot noot! :^)

Noot noot noot!



Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time on Steam

I’m a cowboy: Western Shooter

I’m a cowboy: Western Shooter

I’m a cowboy: Western Shooter - a hardcore top-down shooter with an indescribable atmosphere of the wild west.

Each shootout can be the last. You need a great reaction to defeat your enemies.

Revolvers, rifles, dynamite and even machine guns - you can use all this in battle.

Adrenaline-pumping gameplay, one-on-one duels, challenging shootouts, horse chases, all this awaits you in this game.

Main character

Hi, my name is Tom, Tom Horn, they tried to hang a lot of dirty things on me, but you know what, buddy? I’m not like that. I know I know you’ve been told about me. They said that I killed the kid and a lot of other people for money, but it’s all nonsense. I was a deputy sheriff, I didn’t kill anyone for bucks and I never touched children. Sit back, I’ll tell you my story.

Main features:

  • Unique graphic style;

  • Adrenaline gameplay;

  • Hardcore shootings;

  • Various game scenarios (capture of a train, horse chases, siege of a ranch with bandits, etc.);

  • One-on-one duels with gang leaders;

  • Timed survival mode;

  • 6 unique types of weapons;

  • Multiplayer with modes 2 by 2 and deathmatch;

See if you can kill them all.

I'm a cowboy: Western Shooter on Steam

Mumbai Gullies

Mumbai Gullies

Mumbai Gullies is inspired by the amazing contrast of life in Mumbai city. A city where the landscape changes every few meters. At one glance you could see towering skyscrapers and on the other you see miles long slums. This is a city where life is more than what meets the eye.

Mumbai, the city of dreams has a lot to offer. It’s the city that never sleeps and is packed with action 24x7. With Mumbai Gullies you will get to experience this city in all it’s glory and prime while exploring 3 different eras of gameplay and an action packed storyline as well as an open world to explore every nook and corner of Mumbai city.

Mumbai Gullies on Steam

Rogue Heist

Rogue Heist

Hey! This is Mike you may have seen me streamed Rogue Heist on the Steam Page.

Well after streaming it for three days i figure’d i’d leave a review with my honest opinion of the game. This is a fair review. I well be explaining the Heist Mode which is the main advertised mode on Rogue Heist

Heist mode is a unique mode that hasn’t been introduced in the gaming genre yet, similar to Capture the flag but with a much more strategic stance on it, Having a sniper as your leader whom can use proper call out’s to alert your allies of incoming enemies this is a mode we’ve all been waiting for in the competitive scene something that just makes sense an executes correctly.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

not even caping all these people hating they havent gave the game a chance yet like it is in early realise and you all leaving bad revewis about wait time isnt helping as bad revewis make it harder to find

anyway back to my review i love the game i think if you play in strech res is runs really well guns are balenced one thing i dont like is the snipers on the heist mode but other than that the devs have done a great job updating and fixing the game to try and bring the player base joy and the are all about the players if you would like to see there interaction just join the discord here https://discord.gg/ZnzEUxx if you wanna see and u understand all the people mad about ques and all games have this at the start without a good sponser this is there first game and they are trying guys please just give it your time and play

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Rogue Heist on Steam

Exotic Cars VI

Exotic Cars VI

With Exotic Cars VI, Lany Games, Inc. seeks to create an open, detailed, realistic and huge world. All integrated with real brands such as cars, restaurants, drinks, clothes, phones, airplanes, weapons, and so on. Each brand is deeply integrated into the world, this world captures Los Angeles, New York and Miami. The game tries to capture real life, when a brand launches a new product it is reflected in the game. This allows the player to integrate into the world organically and easily, the player can eat, drink, drive any brand of car, buy clothes, buy apartments in real places, etc.

Exotic Cars VI on Steam

Road Gangs Simulator

Road Gangs Simulator

What’s Up Homies?

Do you sometimes think about the old days, when, as a kid, you were running with a piece of wood trying to ‘shoot’ your opponent, while you were hiding behind your neighbour’s car? Planning your own gang, acting like adults while smoking invisible cigarettes to add some seriousness. In Road Gangs Simulator you have a chance to fulfill your unrealised childhood dream, not only by driving fast cars and shooting each other with your enemies, but also by building your own empire!


Don’t wanna hurt anyone but feeling like you could kick some asses? Grab your baseball bat and crush someone’s car. The game will let you destroy every car with the REALTIME DESTRUCTION SYSTEM! Every weapon will affect the system in a realistic way - you won’t be able to destroy wheels with the baseball, in order to do it you’re gonna need some ranged weapon, or a knife.


In the game we have an opportunity to control each member of the gang, his equipment, and also his actions. Do you like some good old RTS games? Then pick your squad and rush into a battle with the top down camera, and give them orders on how to defeat your enemies. If you’re not into RTS genre then you will surely enjoy picking one of your gangsters and controlling him with the TPS or FPS view, while the other crew’s members will take your back. You will get an opportunity to dynamically switch controlled characters - if you lose someone on a battlefield, no worries, just take the control over a next person.


Every district you own have it’s advantages - one may have many car dealers to buy them cheaper, the other one will have a big bank which you can easily rob while having the control over surrounding buildings. If this is not enough you can expand every district with your own buildings - create gangster’s den to train your new crew’s members, build an armoury to provide your gang’s unlimited weapon and ammo.


Do you know someone who doesn’t like muscle cars, or classic japan sports cars? No? We neither, this is why we push many beautiful cars into the game, just to let you spend this dirty money you will earn by assaulting people. Stock cars are not enough? Of course they are not! Go into a garage and pimp it how you like, change body kits, wheels, paint them and create a dream car. Already made a car? Then just go and ride it on roads in this gangsta city - let every citizen know what you have made there!


Your main goal is to take over the city. In order to do it you will have to face some enemies' gangs, earn some money, or just get some respect. During various assignments there is a possibility to do a bank robbery or to fight opposite gangs in the middle of a day. If you’re more like a pacifist, you can just swag in your pimped car so everybody’s gonna know who is the boss on a road.


You’re a gangster, you have got to look like a one. Pick the best outfit out there, make yourself a badass looking guy, but be careful - your colors should match your gang’s colors, otherwise you can be considered as an enemy on the battlefield!

Road Gangs Simulator on Steam

My Mad Road - adventure racing & shooting

My Mad Road - adventure racing & shooting

Welcome to an unpredictable cartoon world, where you play by your own rules. From crazy fun to brutal deeds. Earn cash peacefully or at any cost. Do you prefer action or peace? Good and evil – that’s what the world you’ll find yourself in is going to pay you back with.

Car drive



Tank up your ride, take a dog, abduct a girl, shoot or befriend something. Focus on the missions or wreak havoc – the most important thing is to have some bucks in your pocket.

My Mad Road is a completely new game where the main rule is powerful fun. You play as a controversial character who prefers to get around by car, but often needs to get out of it to take care of some business. Time passes in the game, so it’s divided into days, during which you carry out selected missions. The world’s full of life, so the missions are just a side goal, while the rest lives at its own pace. Unleash your imagination and join the events unfolding in the world of My Mad Road.

many Paths and Solutions

In every situation, you can act in multiple ways. We keep striving to make the gameplay unlimited by anything.

Some actions in the game are only available upon approaching an object or a person. The character keeps growing, so they aren’t able to do everything at the first stages of the game.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward

Remember not to make too many enemies, as they can break or kill even the biggest badass.

the Game’s Atmosphere

The game is teeming with life (animals, people) you can interact with. The game is dominated by desert and farmland views, but there’s also a good deal of fantasy and modern views.

what’s Next?

You can find sample scenes in the trailer, and the most recent content is listed in the News section.

We keep working on developing the game world and further adventures, so we encourage you to join the community to aid us.

racing car drive extreme rally adventure

racing : racing : speed racing :

My Mad Road - adventure racing & shooting on Steam