Burgle Bros.

Burgle Bros.

An excellent implimentation of the board game. Takes care of the setup and cleanup and enforces all the rules while providing additional maps and options not available in the physical version.

The game scales well for 1-4 players, is cooperative and does a good job of simulating “Heist” movies including all the unforseen problem that crop up. Each turn is a changing puzzle to solve and strongly encourages teamwork.

Real player with 197.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Board Game Games.

as owner of the board game i thought i would try the digital version.

What can i say?well its as maddeningly difficult as the board game but that difficulty is what makes you stand and shout smack talk at the computer when finally you make it. (my wife is not so keen on this).

Its a great game on and off the PC. I would reccomend you buy everything this games developer does except of course for paperback (stupid dyslexia mumble mumble)

Real player with 94.8 hrs in game

Burgle Bros. on Steam

PAYDAY™ The Heist

PAYDAY™ The Heist

I have Payday the Heist and Payday 2 and after almost 5500+ gameplay hours still loving the simplicity of Payday the Heist. If i have to compare part 2 with part 1 then Payday 2 is more a CARRYBAG SIMULATOR wich is litterly a cashcow with everymonth new DLC. Overkill is so ORIGINAL that they even copied the Wolf Pack DLC from Payday the Heist to Payday 2.

What i also dislike from Payday 2 is that you have to choose what armor and what gun you gonna use depending on your playstyle (Loud or Stealth). And giving point to Skilltrees to your character. In Payday the Heist beside a silenced handgun doesn’t it matter what armor you take or gun compared to danger meter. There is no Stealth or Loud meter in Payday the Heist. That is the main reason why i like the simplicity from part 1. Not much weapons, but good and challenging enough.

Real player with 6386.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

Started to play this game without too much expectations when the game was free for a day, since it has only a limited number of maps. I certainly didn’t expect that this game would be fun even after 1k or even 2k hours. Admittedly this game has lots of flaws, but in part that’s what makes it such a great game. The random elements in the game, spawns, enemy pathing and to a lesser extend the objectives, make the game unpredictable and failure is always around the corner. Unlike some Co-op PvE games out there, you actually have to play tactical and watch your HP (using “shoot and cover”) to complete the heists on the higher difficulties (and for beginners even on the lower ones). Failing to do so will get you punished (although you can get away with it to some extend when playing with a VERY good team) and in all likeliness gets your character killed.

Real player with 5340.9 hrs in game

PAYDAY™ The Heist on Steam



Payday 2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. If the idea of sneaking through a heist and cleaning the place out without anyone knowing you were there appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. If the idea of mercilessly slaughtering any guard or cop that stands between you and your payday, with anything from a comically large spoon to the unrelenting force of a minigun appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. There are a great selection of heists, with often multiple methods to complete the various objectives. This game isn’t just a co-op game and can be just as fun playing solo. For how cheap this game is, I would definitely recommend trying it.

Real player with 990.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Co-op Games.

New players may find the different “profiles” and “skill sets,” two different menus to mix-and-match, to be a tad confusing. Otherwise, it is simply a fun game that can get addictive. Game-play aspects can be simple enough to understand, aim and shoot cops while stealing money, while creating builds, and understanding the less-intuitive mechanics like “dodge,” help to also make the game complex. With the continued support by the developers, and funny vr heisters waving their arms everywhere, this game is worth getting.

Real player with 894.1 hrs in game

PAYDAY 2 on Steam

Rogue Heist

Rogue Heist

Hey! This is Mike you may have seen me streamed Rogue Heist on the Steam Page.

Well after streaming it for three days i figure’d i’d leave a review with my honest opinion of the game. This is a fair review. I well be explaining the Heist Mode which is the main advertised mode on Rogue Heist

Heist mode is a unique mode that hasn’t been introduced in the gaming genre yet, similar to Capture the flag but with a much more strategic stance on it, Having a sniper as your leader whom can use proper call out’s to alert your allies of incoming enemies this is a mode we’ve all been waiting for in the competitive scene something that just makes sense an executes correctly.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

not even caping all these people hating they havent gave the game a chance yet like it is in early realise and you all leaving bad revewis about wait time isnt helping as bad revewis make it harder to find

anyway back to my review i love the game i think if you play in strech res is runs really well guns are balenced one thing i dont like is the snipers on the heist mode but other than that the devs have done a great job updating and fixing the game to try and bring the player base joy and the are all about the players if you would like to see there interaction just join the discord here https://discord.gg/ZnzEUxx if you wanna see and u understand all the people mad about ques and all games have this at the start without a good sponser this is there first game and they are trying guys please just give it your time and play

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Rogue Heist on Steam



My little siblings enjoy playing this dumb looking game.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

This is a really fun game to play with the people you’re quarantined with! It’s got a phenomenal art style and really easy mechanics. But tbh, it’s definitely the great art style and 3d models that hold this game together. It’s a little short and there’s a chance that it might get boring after a while, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you find yourself browsing through random steam games.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Kidgilantes on Steam

HEX Hacking Simulator

HEX Hacking Simulator

Love the game. although i have to admit i don’t like solo mode that much although it is kind of handy if no fiends are available. i love multiplayer mode and i love the fact that you need to communicate to beat the levels and the fact that there is a limited amount of time makes it so much more thrilling. I would recommend this game as a team building activity. i personally feel this game works on communication and also motivates people to get out of their comfort zone. Well done To the team of Solace studios, i am really impressed

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game




//HEX is an incredibly fun, addictive and adrenaline packed Bank Hacking Game which is Perfectly designed for CO-OP.

To become a successful hacker you need to be able to Master a series of progressively more complex mini games in order to gain access to the money vault; That’s just where your problems begin!

There are 2 views to this game, controller and Hacker. You can play in single player mode and switch between the two views by pressing TAB, but for the ultimate experience you will want to be in CO-OP mode.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

HEX Hacking Simulator on Steam

I Am the Captain Now

I Am the Captain Now

I’ve had a lot of fun playing this with my husband and daughter. We love being able to work together, make mistake, give each other orders, and just goof off. You basically need to collect treasure, but each level is different on how you collect them; following clues or just dexterity.

Definitely take a look into it!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Cute little pirate game with a unique spin on co-op. First level the captain ran away and left the rest behind. We demoted him in the next voting. The next level the captain was much more considerate and really tried to get everyone to like him. But that made us too slow and we failed the mission so we demoted him too. The further into the game we came the better collab we had, but there also showed up more opportunities to steal votes and pact. In the end no one trusted anyone, which was hilarious. Cool concept, cute graphics and definitely worth the low price. Recommended.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

I Am the Captain Now on Steam

Dead Alliance™

Dead Alliance™

I’d just like to coment on the general response to this game as people are crapping all over it, the hit reg is bad, there are some glitches and there’s not much depth in content. These are all valid issues and fair enough, but to the people saying, enraged zombies are overpowered, stop. The zombies need to be powerful or you might as well just go play cod. To the people saying you cant sprint and strafe at the same time, of course you cant, that would be op and is in no good games. To people saying you cant run fast, I see plenty of people in light classes bomb past me so fast I cant even ADS on them. Please moan about valid issues, there are plenty to choose from including spawns to name but one, but please stop bitching about stupid stuff because you are bad at the game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Maximum Games once again brings us an awful, broken, and downright boring game that they threw out onto Steam and then abandoned immediately. Zero support post-release, as is tradition from those fine folks.

This PC port is pretty abysmal, and as usual with Maximum Games' releases you can’t rebind your keys. This time they at least let you change a few graphic settings, though. As far as audio options go, you can only change a few volume sliders.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Dead Alliance™ on Steam