Maniac Path

Maniac Path

An addictive game with excellent graphics and varied levels.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Side Scroller Games.

Pretty boring.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Maniac Path on Steam

Ruthless Water

Ruthless Water

Was a kawaii chatroom, changed to parkour overnight. ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Psychological Horror Games.

1. This game’s thumbnail is clickbait

2. optimization is doodoo fart

3. Slender man can walk through walls

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ruthless Water on Steam

Seven Days

Seven Days

So… Seven Days, or Seven Days With You: The Most Precious Memory in Our Lives… sigh … It’s all too bittersweet…

A friend of Shuuichi’s gives him a cursed Blu-ray disc and asks him to watch it and see if it’s actually cursed. Well, as it turns out, an evil girl ghost comes out and tries to possess him, only to be exorcised by his childhood friend Murasaki. It’s then that the ghost turns into a normal looking girl named Chiyako, who in turn reveals that she had died and that there are souls of six other girls in her who had also previously died. But a ghost can only remain in the mortal realm for 49 days, give or take a few. So it’s decided that these seven girls will divide the time they have left between themselves, leaving everyone a week to do what they want with the small bit of life that was left to them before they disappear for good.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Adventure Games.

A mysterious adventure well-worth embarking on.


Seven Days tells the tale of Shuuichi Kanzaki, a young man who, thanks to his rather peculiarly resourceful classmate, Masaru Kinokuniya, stumbles upon a cursed video. The man of reason he sees himself as, Shuuichi takes his friend’s “dare” and decides to watch the video, only to realize shortly later, to his own bewilderment, that he was not quite exactly being bamboozled. Out spawns a creature from an otherworldly plane of existence and assaults the protagonist. The bleak situation comes into speculative resolve by a Shinto priestess, and his good childhood friend, Murasaki Sairenji, as she attempts to exorcise the begrudged spirit, the result of which is far from the expected one. Both Shuuichi and Murasaki have to deal with a body which, although now bereft of former hostility, still serves as a vessel to souls of seven girls whose lives ended far too prematurely and who as such harbour profound grievances against the world that has abandoned them. Will Shuuichi be able to grant them their postmortem wishes and the ends they desire?

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Seven Days on Steam

Zombies In The Dark

Zombies In The Dark


From time to time, I like to take a chance on a super-cheap indie title that I find on Steam. I generally like top-down shooters and spooky games, so Zombies in the Dark fit the bill. Although I saw a few negative reviews, these were from when the game was in early access. I had hoped that the most prominent issues were fixed by the time the 1.0 release rolled around.

Unfortunately, I was incorrect. There are a lot of issues here that make Zombies in the Dark unpleasant to play:

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I bought this game when it was on sale, It was interesting to play and it does remind me of the old resident evil games with the fixed point of view. I know its in early access, I’m hoping for more to be added.

The controls are very sensitive and it makes it a little hard to play. Its best to use the keyboard and mouse instead of the controller. I got further with the PC controls than I did with the console controls.

I like the old style of the game, so I’m not complaining.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Zombies In The Dark on Steam

Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4

Zelly’s Discount Reviews

This review is based on the idea you are only considering the game at mass discount, not full price, it isn’t ever gonna be worth full price.

The short version: Game breaking bugs and performance issues really drag this down from being a discount bin hidden gem. Other wise it would be fine as a discount game, for a more detailed break down, keep reading.

The game that ended Dead Rising as a series, is it really as bad as people say? Largely yes, there are fun points however to this game and you could really have a fun time with the game at a large discount if not for massive game breaking bugs that can permanently ruin your save file. As for the game it itself if you get the the season pass there’s several modes you can play through, each with their ups and downs.

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game

Before this review begins I just want to say this is coming from a guy who LOVES the Dead Rising franchise. I played tons of Dead Rising 1 on the Xbox and got it on pc the release date and consider it my favorite game of all time. I also played over 200 hours of Dead Rising 2:OTR without modding it.

I think I have played this game thoroughly enough to write a review for this product (Beating the game once and grinding to level up and collect everything such as blueprints, mysteries etc. etc.) and boy where to begin. Dead Rising 4 is really a unique game. Reaching a ridiculous amount of controversy and complaints. I’ll be the one to say it was a pretty fun game to play…But not in the way it should of. Dead Rising 4 had the potential to be absolutely PHENOMENAL, but Capcom Vancouver shunned out the fans of Dead Rising and handed us a product that was such a disgrace to the series, which led to the result of Dead Rising 4. Every complaint you’ll see about this game is almost completely agreeable, but a lot of it is also a bit too excessive and heated that it just makes CV look like they murdered your dog. So I will make this this review completely fair and civil listing the Pros and Cons of this game.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

Dead Rising 4 on Steam