

overall 3/10

badly designed and implemented game.

after first few minutes interest to play is gone.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

An excellent shooter where we play as mafia cats.

There are a lot of different opponents in the game, namely: jackals, mice, wolves and many others.

And the best part is that the game is not very demanding with the characteristics of a computer.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

CatMafia on Steam

Snack Tick

Snack Tick

The game is allot of fun and really makes me ask the question ; " man have i been killing aliens by mistake my entire life?".

jokes aside the game is really fun the simplicity is very refreshing. my favourite upgrades are magnet, and speed.

but i have one Gripe.

The grass man is just too much. it kills my Frame-rate.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Cartoony Games.

Its not a bad game

The idea is very creative, taking inspiration from bugs and the games becomes more fun trying to complete more frustrating challenges. My only complaints with the game is the bottom character of bugs have a bugged movement in the fire stasge( the last stage).

The Stage where there is 2 separate lawns with a hammer or something crushing you, I have a big problem with this. The Hammer descends too fast and the fake/harmful food needs a better visual hint to show they are harmful like a black aura surrounding them.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Snack Tick on Steam

Blood of Titans

Blood of Titans

So i see most reviews are from people with 2 hours so i will be the first actual player to write a real review, let me start by saying the game is free, you can choose to play for absolutely nothing, now that being said, just like any other game released on steam, you can pay for more, are there expensive single cards in the shop? yes. do you need to buy them? no. should you buy them? no.

This is a strategy game, if you aren’t good at strategy you will lose a lot, the strategy lacks a lot of depth but it is there, and you can really notice the difference once you figure out a play style and learn to counter different things. it is the general nature of a card game to know that one specific card will not beat another, if you cannot learn this you will not find success in this game.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist PvP Games.

Hmm were to start ?

First at all it not really PTW it has elements like the most games in steam , you can reach even all cards ( right now common , uncomman , rare , epic , legandary ) in only playing the story line , with all i mean even the legendary and you have to pay nothing for … its right that there are cards with 15 $ or 30 $ , but do you have to buy them - no … so before act like a cry baby ( as a read the most negativ reviews with not really a background ) , try to get some knowledge over the game , before speak up again , to pay for a game and think you would be NO.1 will never work without knowledge , … so in all - its a nice game not perfect , its new , the art style is awsome you can collect card pieces (copie from your card) to make your card stronger and the animation changes too , there permanent new events - the are allways free , give it a try ; )

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Blood of Titans on Steam

Alan and the kid

Alan and the kid

Play with friends or family head to head.

As the VR player you control the Kid looking down on your play table.

Your goal is to find Alan and destroy him using the tools at your disposal including Mud traps, Detection Barriers and anti-gravity fields.

The Kid can also promote a pawn on the table to find and shoot Alan. Or you can possess a pawn and go looking yourself !

Careful though, Attempting to possess Alan has unintended consequences.

The PC player controls Alan. Alan looks like everyone else on the table, blend in, bide your time and take the Kid out when the time is right.

Alan can find Guns and rockets on the table to take out the Kid. Also on the map are some defensive items such as smoke bombs and a Jet Pack

Play across five different maps with unique systems.

Underground Subway system and some sketchy potholes.

Moveable bridges controlled by the Kid.

Bus tram system.

Office environment with great verticality.

Manipulate the table to your needs.

The game has mutators to play with and an alternative game mode.

Adjust Population density, game speed and add randomization to item spawn.

McGuffin mode adds an alternative win mode for Alan.

The objects is to find the McGuffin and deliver it to the pedistal. This puts extra pressure for

the Kid to find and kill Alan fast.

Sound Design,

The PC player And VR player share the same sound.

However Alan has the opportunity to Silence his actions Preventing the Kid from hearing his actions.

Alan and the kid on Steam

The Smugglers

The Smugglers

You will smuggle goods or protect the law. Assemble a team and take on the role of a cunning smuggler or an honest law enforcement officer once per turn. Compete against an opposing team on one of many boards. Just like in real life, each team has different victory conditions, completely opposite, making you quickly identify with your new role. Will you tactically pursue victory or will you pull out the gun and settle the matter in a rather violent manner? Remember that the decision belongs to the whole group, and you won’t be able to win alone.

Each playthrough begins with smugglers landing in a cargo drop zone, and the law guards are tasked with melting down and stopping the smugglers from making their final escape. Cover your tracks and defend your loot or try to track down and stop the smugglers from escaping. Think your side will always win? Remember that in every gang there will be at least one agent who will certainly mess up the whole game…

The Smugglers on Steam