The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava

The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava

This game is honestly amazing for being free. Tons of achievements and several gamemodes. The PVP is like a whole different game. Few microtransactions. I got one of my friends to get the game and he likes it too.

I got this game like 3 days ago and I have almost 20 hours in it. I love it.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Racing Games.

To be clear, I just want to say, this is a baised opinion, in the way that a person who holds something close to their heart baises something.

This game is so much to me.

Me and my friends play lasertag, and I sometimes play solo as well.

The gameplay (for both) is comedical and entertaining, it could be used for any purpose and even without audio it is still funny to watch.

The audio and visuals are a bit “off” but once you look past that this game is actually really good, and the story line for the singeplayer mode is actually really engaging, even though the main focus for the majority of players in my opinion is the multiplayer mode, as that is when hilarity truly ensues.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava on Steam

Rubber Bandits: Christmas Prologue

Rubber Bandits: Christmas Prologue

Fun PVP with friends. The game itself currently features three different maps to play, each having slightly different layouts. The matches are pretty quick (lasting a couple of minutes) and there is not a lot of stuff you are able to do besides fighting, BUT… When combined with friends, this game is a blast! It is fun and stupid, the more players play - the funnier it gets. And this is just a prologue, I cannot imagine how fun the full game will be

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Comedy Games.

This game made me loose some laughts I haven’t lost in a while! Really fun to play with friends! Specially if you like the rival style of the game, that makes you compete harder with your friends. You can also switch teams and team up!

I can easily recommend this for all ages, it’s funny, practical and doesn’t take much to understand and to play!

It does not get any funnier than this! (Maybe on the full realease)

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Rubber Bandits: Christmas Prologue on Steam

Open Mod

Open Mod

Open Mod is a free-to-play, tactical first person shooter that, for the time being, revolves around the bank robbery game mode. Being a team of two, we focused our attention on the game mechanics and customizability, having as a main goal providing our players the opportunity to personalize their experience on as many levels as possible.

The gameplay consists of, as expected, a bank robbery, where one team must rob the bank and escape with the money through certain routes, while the military must eliminate them before they do so.

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

Open Mod on Steam

Rubber Bandits

Rubber Bandits

While it is quite a fun and chaotic game, especially with friends, some things need to be addressed. First off, server downtime or overload of players at one go. It’s a pain wanting to go online with random players only to find yourself unable to do so. Second, and related to my first point, when you do get into an actual online game, it upsets me that players will disconnect JUST before I get my win. Wouldn’t be an issue in general, but the fact that you don’t get the money NOR the “level up” is very, very disappointing. This has happened to me twice in a row, and I’m absolutely furious! I don’t mind the money bit, but I want to freaking level up!

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

It’s okay, I just hate how the matchmaking is not like how it is in the prologue, where you wait in the jail cell and other people join and appear in the cell too, then everyone has to escape the cell to start the game. It was cool to be able to continually play with the same people over again, or they leave and new people join in and replace them. And they removed in-game chat from the main game as well, even though it was in the Prologue which is also frustrating, to remove a feature like that, that was in the prologue is misguiding and disappointing. The in-game chat made coordinating games easy and allowed some form of character to translate through the people your playing with, instead of just playing with random unknowns all the time that might as well be AI since there’s so little of form of communication. Fix the online to that form and this game will be much better. The online is just not generous or flexible like the Prologue which to me is like false advertising.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Rubber Bandits on Steam

Thief Shop

Thief Shop

Thief Shop is a 4-player party game made by students. Players act as merchants and thieves who steal each other’s goods in a chaotic marketplace.

Choose which thieving vendor to play, and try to be the one with the most coins at the end of the game!

You have to collect resources that appear periodically in the center of the market, carry them to your shop and sell them to the customers.

But beware! All the while, the other players can directly steal the stuff you stored in your shop, so keep their paws off your goods!

Have fun, play fair (or don’t), and may the best of you thieves win!

Thief Shop on Steam

Ninja Kunoichi

Ninja Kunoichi

This is an exciting “NINJA” action game with a 16-bit taste!

←↑→↓: move

X: ATTACK(keyboard “A”)

Y: shuriken   (keyboard “S”)   

B: Fire Shuriken(keyboard “W”)

A:genki dama (keyboard “D”)

●We recommend the Special Ninja Pack!●

Click here for details ↓


Ninja Kunoichi on Steam



Time to Get Crackin’

The flashlight held between your teeth casts a dim light on the combination locks in the otherwise pitch-black vault. Near-inaudible clicks tap out the rhythm of the delicate dance of your heist as your trembling hands coax the discs into place with precise movements of the dials. The silent alarm was tripped minutes ago and the police are on their way. But you’re not backing out now — you came for fortune, and you’re not leaving without it.

Revelation is an intense arcade-style puzzle game from Krisalis where you spin color-coded interconnected dials inside clockwork locks to match colors and create chain reactions to open each safe. Thinking ahead is crucial, as each lock will affect adjacent locks when spun. These tricky puzzles would be difficult on their own, but they’re made even more challenging with the addition of a timer counting down the time until you’re caught red-handed breaking in. Keep one eye on the dials, and another on the lookout for collectibles that appear on the screen to give you additional time, stop the clock, and more. Finish each puzzle before time runs out, grab the loot, and get out of there!

  • Over 80 puzzling stages of increasingly complex safe-cracking gameplay, including bonus stages where you have ten seconds to figure out the one move which will solve the entire safe. Choose wisely!

  • Quickly solve each stage to plunder the safe for valuables — some of which can be used to help you in later stages

  • Break in alone, or with an accomplice in two-player mode

Revelation on Steam

Anarchy: Wolf’s law

Anarchy: Wolf’s law

Really good start, but needs a lot more input and very soon. Silenced rounds ripping into flesh - together with all round realistic sounds accompanied by eerie tunes. Excellent graphics, sound range of weapon upgrades and silencers but something like the M203 in addition, would be even better!!!! An LMG is already in place but could also do with something like an ACOG Scope. Or how about the GLOCK G44 which also uses 5.56mm rounds, which you could then twin with other 5.56mm rifles?

Really good start, but needs something else to happen, apart from pirates suddenly appearing in front of you and they have taken over the business without firing a shot????

Real player with 63.2 hrs in game

Disclaimer: This review will focus on ‘Single-Player’

Describing this game in one sentence would be: An extremely generic version of Tarkov.

There is only one map and on that map there are 7 “strong-holds” in the city, which you have to capture them, which is essentially how you will make the most money. Looting is suppose to be an important aspect of the game, but honestly, capturing the strong-holds, gives you an abundance of money, where looting simply becomes obsolete.

Speaking about obsolete looting. Once you’ve manage to capture all of the 7 strong-holds, well now my friends, you have the pleasure of continuing to “defend” them, because why yes, the AI can take them back. You will constantly, and I mean constantly get notified about one of your strong-holds being raided or taken over by the AI. Which essentially means, you don’t really have any time for looting, because while you’re looting, the AI could be taking one of your strong-holds.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Anarchy: Wolf's law on Steam

Su Hack

Su Hack

fun game to play to pass some time, i would recommend giving it a try

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Su Hack on Steam

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

noot NOot nOot

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


Noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot nootnoot.. Noot.

Noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot, noot noot noot. Noot noot.

Noot noot noot noot. Noot!

Noot Noot Noot

Noot noot! Noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot. Noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot, noot! Noot noot! :^)

Noot noot noot!



Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time on Steam