Anarchy: Wolf’s law : Prologue

Anarchy: Wolf’s law : Prologue

Before leaving your review, I want to draw your attention: the game is presented in a demo version.

So, in short, the game is a single-player shooter with RPG elements where we need to capture production points.

I liked the HUD (although I would change the fonts in it to something less angular), I liked how the weapon behaves when firing, but the recoil is not very clear. The weapon shakes all over the screen, but the Y-axis movement itself is rather strange. The terrain in the game is not very well developed in terms of graphics, but I think this is due to the fact that we are playing the beta version.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

This is just from the single player side that i have played so far. It reminds me a lot of deadside but harder. The biggest difference between the games is everything is much closer and you are not running for 10+ min to get somewhere to look for something and finally there is cars! Why other large games like this have not put in vehicles still blows my mind.

I had no issues with running the game at all no crashes, stutters, sound problems, controls were smooth ( needs some more customization in the future), from what i could tell hit detection seemed to good but I was only able to get in about an hour so I may update this in the future.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Anarchy: Wolf's law : Prologue on Steam

Anarchy: Wolf’s law

Anarchy: Wolf’s law

Really good start, but needs a lot more input and very soon. Silenced rounds ripping into flesh - together with all round realistic sounds accompanied by eerie tunes. Excellent graphics, sound range of weapon upgrades and silencers but something like the M203 in addition, would be even better!!!! An LMG is already in place but could also do with something like an ACOG Scope. Or how about the GLOCK G44 which also uses 5.56mm rounds, which you could then twin with other 5.56mm rifles?

Really good start, but needs something else to happen, apart from pirates suddenly appearing in front of you and they have taken over the business without firing a shot????

Real player with 63.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Early Access Games.

Disclaimer: This review will focus on ‘Single-Player’

Describing this game in one sentence would be: An extremely generic version of Tarkov.

There is only one map and on that map there are 7 “strong-holds” in the city, which you have to capture them, which is essentially how you will make the most money. Looting is suppose to be an important aspect of the game, but honestly, capturing the strong-holds, gives you an abundance of money, where looting simply becomes obsolete.

Speaking about obsolete looting. Once you’ve manage to capture all of the 7 strong-holds, well now my friends, you have the pleasure of continuing to “defend” them, because why yes, the AI can take them back. You will constantly, and I mean constantly get notified about one of your strong-holds being raided or taken over by the AI. Which essentially means, you don’t really have any time for looting, because while you’re looting, the AI could be taking one of your strong-holds.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Anarchy: Wolf's law on Steam

Burger Joint

Burger Joint

FYI I know the game designer so getting that out of the way.

Is a really great single player game for passing time especially when you are a person who constantly wants to do better and better and beat their last score. That’s exactly what this game gives to you.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Funny Games.

I can’t get enough of this game. From beginning to end I’m challenged to make the right decisions for my business. I didn’t do well at first, but once I kept playing and improving I was able to get the right strategy down. I’m hooked and will definitely be coming back to play this game often! If you’re looking for a chill (but intense) game to pass the time, I highly recommend Burger Joint.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Burger Joint on Steam

HEDE Game Engine

HEDE Game Engine

Stars received: 2/10

Overview: junk to make even more junk xD

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine wants to be the next “easy” game maker out there. While it might be easy, it is so extremely flawed and absolutely terrible! Between missing features, glitches, annoying features, and just how lazy this engine is makes this a hard pass!

All you need to know why to avoid this is this posted on the store page.

“At the current state, you can’t make a build of your game. You can play it only inside our game engine."

Let me just say, that some the artwork assets included in this are actually pretty good! No real complaints there, other than there is not a whole lot to pick or choose from. Half of the assets shown in the store page are not in here, so be warned with that… Here’s the thing though. It’s all just repackaged Unity Store Assets. With very little looking you can just find them all there.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine on Steam

Mission Z

Mission Z


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Okay

☐ Bad


☐ Masterpiece

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful


☐ Amazing

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad


☐ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Everyone


☐ Lovely

☑ Good

☐ Average

☐ Not great

☐ None


☐ Just press a bunch of buttons

☐ Easy

☐ Significant brain usage

☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Not so easy

☐ Difficult

☐ Dark Souls


☐ Nothing

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game


The game is a survival singleplayer game, where you feel thirsty and hungry, and has a few vendors scattered around, where you can buy or find items all over the map. The map is large and allows for extensive exploration. It has 10 missions where you must fulfill various types of objectives, from assassinating targets, cleaning areas, recovering items, etc. As I really like this type of game I decided to give it a try.


The environment of the map is just incredible, it´s very difficult to find such a well-developed indie game, the sounds, the scenery, the items, the collectibles… Everything is perfectly done, which left me stuck for a few hours exploring and contemplating all this.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Mission Z on Steam



Payday 2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. If the idea of sneaking through a heist and cleaning the place out without anyone knowing you were there appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. If the idea of mercilessly slaughtering any guard or cop that stands between you and your payday, with anything from a comically large spoon to the unrelenting force of a minigun appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. There are a great selection of heists, with often multiple methods to complete the various objectives. This game isn’t just a co-op game and can be just as fun playing solo. For how cheap this game is, I would definitely recommend trying it.

Real player with 990.1 hrs in game

New players may find the different “profiles” and “skill sets,” two different menus to mix-and-match, to be a tad confusing. Otherwise, it is simply a fun game that can get addictive. Game-play aspects can be simple enough to understand, aim and shoot cops while stealing money, while creating builds, and understanding the less-intuitive mechanics like “dodge,” help to also make the game complex. With the continued support by the developers, and funny vr heisters waving their arms everywhere, this game is worth getting.

Real player with 894.1 hrs in game

PAYDAY 2 on Steam

A House of Thieves

A House of Thieves

Its got potential, you could add some more things like more AI. Different multiplayer houses, this game is pretty good. You could make it a little scary like adding scarier music and more of a not cartoon vibe. its scary at some parts but yeah this game is n i c e

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Its pretty good but how do i play public co op

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

A House of Thieves on Steam

Blood of Titans

Blood of Titans

So i see most reviews are from people with 2 hours so i will be the first actual player to write a real review, let me start by saying the game is free, you can choose to play for absolutely nothing, now that being said, just like any other game released on steam, you can pay for more, are there expensive single cards in the shop? yes. do you need to buy them? no. should you buy them? no.

This is a strategy game, if you aren’t good at strategy you will lose a lot, the strategy lacks a lot of depth but it is there, and you can really notice the difference once you figure out a play style and learn to counter different things. it is the general nature of a card game to know that one specific card will not beat another, if you cannot learn this you will not find success in this game.

Real player with 836.1 hrs in game

Hmm were to start ?

First at all it not really PTW it has elements like the most games in steam , you can reach even all cards ( right now common , uncomman , rare , epic , legandary ) in only playing the story line , with all i mean even the legendary and you have to pay nothing for … its right that there are cards with 15 $ or 30 $ , but do you have to buy them - no … so before act like a cry baby ( as a read the most negativ reviews with not really a background ) , try to get some knowledge over the game , before speak up again , to pay for a game and think you would be NO.1 will never work without knowledge , … so in all - its a nice game not perfect , its new , the art style is awsome you can collect card pieces (copie from your card) to make your card stronger and the animation changes too , there permanent new events - the are allways free , give it a try ; )

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Blood of Titans on Steam

Dead Alliance™

Dead Alliance™

I’d just like to coment on the general response to this game as people are crapping all over it, the hit reg is bad, there are some glitches and there’s not much depth in content. These are all valid issues and fair enough, but to the people saying, enraged zombies are overpowered, stop. The zombies need to be powerful or you might as well just go play cod. To the people saying you cant sprint and strafe at the same time, of course you cant, that would be op and is in no good games. To people saying you cant run fast, I see plenty of people in light classes bomb past me so fast I cant even ADS on them. Please moan about valid issues, there are plenty to choose from including spawns to name but one, but please stop bitching about stupid stuff because you are bad at the game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Maximum Games once again brings us an awful, broken, and downright boring game that they threw out onto Steam and then abandoned immediately. Zero support post-release, as is tradition from those fine folks.

This PC port is pretty abysmal, and as usual with Maximum Games' releases you can’t rebind your keys. This time they at least let you change a few graphic settings, though. As far as audio options go, you can only change a few volume sliders.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Dead Alliance™ on Steam

Maniac Path

Maniac Path

An addictive game with excellent graphics and varied levels.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Pretty boring.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Maniac Path on Steam