Hole Punch

Hole Punch

Punch holes in walls by dashing through them! Carve up the environment and use physics to defeat enemies! Navigate the bank’s crazy architecture, loot the vault and steal all the gems.

There are many ways to play; casually, kill everyone, play stealthily or aim for the best time.


  • Destroy literally anything (even the game’s title)

  • 60 colourful levels

  • Physics-action gameplay

  • Fast, bouncy movement

  • Killer music

  • Super secret bonus stuff?

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

Hole Punch on Steam



My little siblings enjoy playing this dumb looking game.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Adventure Games.

This is a really fun game to play with the people you’re quarantined with! It’s got a phenomenal art style and really easy mechanics. But tbh, it’s definitely the great art style and 3d models that hold this game together. It’s a little short and there’s a chance that it might get boring after a while, but it’s definitely worth checking out if you find yourself browsing through random steam games.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Kidgilantes on Steam

Moonshot - The Great Espionage

Moonshot - The Great Espionage

Once there was a time when 2 big Nations made a Race to Space.


A time of Espionage, of Scientists and Military, of Honor and Glory.

But what if another Nation would take part into this Race?


MOONSHOT is an amazing and charming Retro Plattformer.

You are an Agent for a fictional Country. You get Missions, you execute them.

And that in a very nice done Pixel World that is guided by an absolut amazing Soundtrack that could have jumped out of a sixties Espionage Series.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

Lovely music, lovely pixel art, funny story. The game may be a little too easy. But overall great fun and worth every cent.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Moonshot - The Great Espionage on Steam

The Swindle

The Swindle

Unfortunately, despite the absolutely wonderful art, music, style and overall concept, just as many people have reported, loose controls literally spoil an otherwise wonderful game.

As a gamer who loves stealth and loves difficult, but fair games, this one is nothing but frustrating.

It is not a matter of artificial difficulty, the levels, mechanics, enemies, and hazards are all generally fair and reasonable in and of themselves. I have no problem with, and even enjoy a game where you will fail a lot as you learn, knowing it is your fault you failed, or even knowing that the game is designed to make you fail if you don’t do things right…

Real player with 90.6 hrs in game

This is honestly an amazing game with enough style and design choices to give you an experience you can’t quite get anywhere else, however it has a few very big caveats. Starting with the good, the scope is perfect, I didn’t feel like it dragged on or that I needed more out of it, and the pacing is very good. Finale acts as a good test of pretty much everything you’ve learned through your various successes and deaths. I’m more a fan of roguelikes than roguelites, but this game strikes such a cool balance between the two; I wasn’t sure how much of a gimmick the 100 day mechanic would be but it honestly does an amazing job at getting the best of both worlds. The upgrades are all significant enough for you to care about. I normally dislike tweened animation but this game’s style fits it very nicely, visually the game is quite charming. The soundtrack is also really good, I wouldn’t listen to it outside the game but it gets me way more invested while playing, especially the theme when you’re caught. Honestly, there’s not too many exceptionally notable things I could say, but most aspects of the game in general are very solid, it’s quite a fun, charming, and worthwhile experience. As a very loose comparison to give a sense of how the game is, imagine a cross between Mark of the Ninja’s stealth, and Spelunky’s game feel and world gen type.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

The Swindle on Steam



This game has potential, but its current replayability is not great. I “completed” it in about 4 hours and the final out of the three current levels has a game-breaking bug. The game feels like it should be in its beta stage at best. Here are a few things I would want in the game, and I will happily change this review when the game becomes more polished:

Level editor to make custom levels, with Community Workshop support

Fix bug in Level 3 and add more levels

Possible Co-op mode

Tesla tower seems to have infinite health, health bar just keeps on extending

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

This is an enjoyable arcade style shooter with a lot of freedom and simple mechanics. It has a decent soundtrack, I especially like the score on the third level. Good range of weapons with more to come and I look forward to new characters/levels too.

There are a couple of things that need fleshing out though, such as the third level crashing after you have defeated the cyborg boss and the Tesla seems to have infinite health? The health bar just starts going in the other direction when it reaches the end. Overall the game is a worthwhile buy for it’s low price-tag and I look forward to seeing it’s future content.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

RedEx on Steam

The Break-In

The Break-In

The Break-In is a 1-4 player, VR and non VR, co-op burglary game about sneaking in, taking everything, and then sneaking out. Infiltrate houses, bank vaults and museums to earn money and upgrade your thief gear. Take on special contracts to extract high-value items from dangerous locations and go from petty burglar to high-tech agent of stealth.

Multiplayer allows for a range of different roles and play-styles, from leading communications from your van to being the first to the break-in from the roof, opening the route for your team.

  • Wide range of gadgets: Equip yourself with items ranging from old ladders to high-power grapple guns.

  • Natural climbing system: Clamber up drainpipes, squeeze through windows, or make your way to the roof and enter through the chimney santa-style.

  • 1-4 player co-op: Bring your friends along for extra pairs of thieving hands. Just make sure they’re quiet, or they’ll alert the residents.

  • Randomised level generation:. Hit a brand new house each time you play, so you’ll always have to be on your toes.

  • VR / non-VR crossplay: VR adds an extra layer of immersion, but you can play fully without it too! Cross-play allows you to play alongside VR players, even in flatscreen mode.

The Break-In on Steam

HEDE Game Engine

HEDE Game Engine

Stars received: 2/10

Overview: junk to make even more junk xD

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine wants to be the next “easy” game maker out there. While it might be easy, it is so extremely flawed and absolutely terrible! Between missing features, glitches, annoying features, and just how lazy this engine is makes this a hard pass!

All you need to know why to avoid this is this posted on the store page.

“At the current state, you can’t make a build of your game. You can play it only inside our game engine."

Let me just say, that some the artwork assets included in this are actually pretty good! No real complaints there, other than there is not a whole lot to pick or choose from. Half of the assets shown in the store page are not in here, so be warned with that… Here’s the thing though. It’s all just repackaged Unity Store Assets. With very little looking you can just find them all there.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine on Steam

FRAMED Collection

FRAMED Collection

framed collection consists of two games, originally released for mobile devices. you have to re-arrange panels of a comic book into chronological order. it reminded me of accolade’s comics: steve keene, private spy, a long-forgotten interactive comic on the c64.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game


The game was given via curator connect. If you want to see more of our reviews, subscribe: True Reviews English Edition

The first time I met FRAMED on a smartphone, when the game was temporarily free. It enthralled me for a couple of hours, I went through the first part.

Of course, after a couple of years, I did’t fail the opportunity to play again and additionally in the prequel. Now the plot is finally revealed. And this is a great crime drama.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

FRAMED Collection on Steam

Reina and Jericho

Reina and Jericho

Caught unprepared and unarmed, Reina must find a way to rescue a prisoner and break out of the underground fortress they are both trapped within. Carrying a powerful artifact she didn’t know existed, she must master its abilities and defeat the evil tyrant standing before her freedom before it’s too late.

Find powerful artifacts through exploration or by defeating adversaries. Travel back through time to previously impassable obstacles and overcome them with the knowledge and abilities Reina has acquired. Create the perfect chain of cause and effect. Find a Way.

  • Explore multiple environments, time-travel, and the impact different choices have on the future

  • Solve time-bending puzzles that rely on the player’s ability to manipulate cause and effect

  • Fast-paced melee combat that allows for expressive play by combining Reina’s diverse combat abilities

  • Exciting platforming action

  • A touching story about love, loss, and finding the strength to push forward

  • Player-influenced story developments, a built-in randomizer, and speedrun mode provide endless replayability

  • Original piano-driven soundtrack with acoustic and synthetic instruments

Reina and Jericho on Steam