Perfect Heist

Perfect Heist

There is nothing perfect about this game. My friends have played this for 5 hours and even with house rules, Its still bad. Here’s why.

The game works like Gmod Guess who but the hiders (robbers) have objectives. Now this might sound interesting but there is no way real way to blend in with the AI.

There is no real way to keep your cover as a robber, unless the cops are idiots. AI dont carry bags. AI dont Sprint or Crouch. AI DONT WALK OUTSIDE THE STAIRS OF THE BANK. Even if you manage to evade the cops and hide as an employee, there are cop class abilities that give you away. If you want to get the amount of money that the game REQUIRES you to steal, you have to go for the vaults. And if you thought it was impossible to evade the cops before, think again. You can either drill into to the vault or blow open the door with a bomb bag. The drill is loud and NOBODY goes back to that room and again, AI don’t carry bags.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Multiplayer Games.


[ ] Kids

[x] Everyone

[x] Casual players

[ ] Pro players


[ ] Potato

[ ] Really bad

[ ] Bad

[x] Ok

[] Good

[ ] Beautiful

[ ] Masterpiece


[x] Full price

[ ] Wait for sale

[ ] Average

[ ] Refund it if you can

[ ] Don’t do it


[ ] 90' PC

[x] Minimum

[ ] Medium

[ ] Fast

[ ] High end

[ ] NASA computer


[ ] You just need 2 arms

[ ] Ez

[x] Normal

[ ] Easy to learn / Hard to master

[ ] Hard (first few hours)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Perfect Heist on Steam

Doomsday Dispute

Doomsday Dispute

customer service dont respond to you and they deleted all their social media

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Zombies Games.


After playing for several days i can tell there is no content. I mean the content this genre had 10 years ago is present, but not improved at all. You can lvl up base to 25 and that’s it. The only activitity for you is to try and beat others in different rankings, which is impossible due to existance of whales who can pay 10k+ $ monthly. Just in 2-3 days the ammount of time to upgrade or research something reached 20+ hours, so without constant speed ups there is nothing much to do about it. And by speeding up you pretty much cheating levels and reach end-game in hours, after which there is nothing else to do.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Doomsday Dispute on Steam

Clou - Roll & Heist

Clou - Roll & Heist

Clou - Roll & Heist is a digital roll & write game, in which you have to use the abilities and tools of your thief character skillfully to get the most loot out of your heist. From the kiosk around the corner to the Tower of London, from the cash box to the crown jewels, make the perfect burglary!

Each turn you roll 3 dice, which you have to use on your character sheet to activate their abilities and make progress on your heist plan. Combine your dice skillfully in combinations or use specials to manipulate the results. But you also have to fulfill the security conditions and use all of your dice or you will leave traces or trigger the alarm.

Read More: Best Heist Early Access Games.

Clou - Roll & Heist on Steam