Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

TL;DR: A fun, yet disappointing game with a questionable future that at the end of the day does disservice to both Marvel and Capcom brands.

The Marvel vs. Capcom series is one that I hold dear in my heart. And this game’s gameplay is a deserving continuation of that series' tradition of fun, frantic and chaotic fighters with immense depth.

Unfortunately it would be remiss of me to recommend this game in its current form, at its current price, even with the current discount at the time of this writing. The game just simply doesn’t have anything besides its gameplay, with a lacklustre cast of characters mostly imported from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, tremendously disappointing and at times just plain ugly graphics that pale in most regards with its predecessor, mediocre soundtrack with a complete disregard to the series' legacy and some remixes that are… not good and questionable at best UX decisions, with menus that appear to be placeholders and yet still somehow manage to cause lag.

Real player with 54.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Fighting Games.

Don’t waste your money on this game. It’s already discounted for 33% off because of poor sales; but if you want the full game you’ll need to drop a ridiculous amount of money on DLC anyway, so what the discount actually saves you is closer to 2%.


The game is actually pretty fun. They dumbed down some of the controls from previous installments, but it adds a new instant tag out system and still boasts an extraordinary amount of depth. Unfortunately, not all of the new inclusions are as fun in higher level play.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite on Steam

RAID: World War II

RAID: World War II



WHAT TO EXPECT: Payday meets World War 2. Solo and coop stealth or combat gameplay. Objective oriented maps. Immersive WW2 atmosphere. Authetic looking setting and locations. Steam inventory mission cards. Good range of maps, weapons and playable characters. Good character customization. Very good writing and voiceovers. Minor base and cosmetic upgrades. Average AI. Fairly balanced gameplay. More enemy types would have been nice. An almost dead community. Long endgame grind. Very limited healing mechanics. Needs good players for hardest difficulty.

Real player with 867.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

First off all: I did not buy this game, but I won it during a giveaway on a stream where people were playing it. I’ve had it for quite some time, but I only decided to pick it up recently. In hindsight I should’ve played it right away when the game was still actively being developed, but unfortunately I can’t change the past. Or fortunately? I don’t know. They tend to mess things up in the movies. Anyway, time for the actual review.

RAID: World War II is one of those games you go in with low expectations: bad overall reviews and a low active player count. But the game actually surprised me. Sure, it’s nowhere near perfect, but there is potential. The biggest issue however is this player count. It’s designed to be a co-operative game, but you’re lucky to find even a single lobby to play in. Your chances are slightly higher when you think the “normal” difficulty is acceptable, but you’re usually out of luck despite the recent influx of players. I’m afraid that even if the developers would unexpectedly fix many of the issues the game has, it still wouldn’t get the players it so desperately needs. It is very much playable when you’re alone, but more on that later.

Real player with 472.1 hrs in game

RAID: World War II on Steam

Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4

Zelly’s Discount Reviews

This review is based on the idea you are only considering the game at mass discount, not full price, it isn’t ever gonna be worth full price.

The short version: Game breaking bugs and performance issues really drag this down from being a discount bin hidden gem. Other wise it would be fine as a discount game, for a more detailed break down, keep reading.

The game that ended Dead Rising as a series, is it really as bad as people say? Largely yes, there are fun points however to this game and you could really have a fun time with the game at a large discount if not for massive game breaking bugs that can permanently ruin your save file. As for the game it itself if you get the the season pass there’s several modes you can play through, each with their ups and downs.

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Zombies Games.

Before this review begins I just want to say this is coming from a guy who LOVES the Dead Rising franchise. I played tons of Dead Rising 1 on the Xbox and got it on pc the release date and consider it my favorite game of all time. I also played over 200 hours of Dead Rising 2:OTR without modding it.

I think I have played this game thoroughly enough to write a review for this product (Beating the game once and grinding to level up and collect everything such as blueprints, mysteries etc. etc.) and boy where to begin. Dead Rising 4 is really a unique game. Reaching a ridiculous amount of controversy and complaints. I’ll be the one to say it was a pretty fun game to play…But not in the way it should of. Dead Rising 4 had the potential to be absolutely PHENOMENAL, but Capcom Vancouver shunned out the fans of Dead Rising and handed us a product that was such a disgrace to the series, which led to the result of Dead Rising 4. Every complaint you’ll see about this game is almost completely agreeable, but a lot of it is also a bit too excessive and heated that it just makes CV look like they murdered your dog. So I will make this this review completely fair and civil listing the Pros and Cons of this game.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

Dead Rising 4 on Steam



✔️Cat with TWO buttholes

✔️Can backflip

✔️Can fart

✔️Can smoke some with Ciggy

✔️You live in a shipping container

✔️You can climb on everything and return to monke

✔️Easy winner of best OST of 2021

✔️Can change whether you want to sit or stand to pee on the fly

✔️Game says “G-G-G-G-GOAST” every time you tag something

✔️Can get high and astral project

✔️Can spit in the bossman’s food, urinate all over his bathroom floor, and steal his diamonds

✔️Weirdos everywhere to talk to

✔️Sick merch on the website (Ciggy ashtray is sold out tho smh)

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Short game sure, but honestly one of the best 4 hours ive spent playing a game.

This game is both incredibly charming and weird af at the same time. Its one of the most unique games ive ever played, period. Soundtrack is awesome too. Every single character is cool as hell to talk to, its just small one liners but still enjoyable. You play as a graffiti tagger and you just go around tagging spots to make a name for yourself, its simple but its almost like a platformer/puzzle game at times. Tons of little secrets to find and weird ass characters to talk to.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game




Amazing graphics, great gameplay, fun game overall. 10/10 if you have friends coming over and an extra controller to play with them :D

Real player with 77.4 hrs in game

amazing game i loved the shit out of this game cause you can keep fighting for hours apon hours at a time and keep trying new combos

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 on Steam