Repo Man

Repo Man

The debt collection industry is waiting for you!

We employ high-class specialists whose experience guarantees the high effectiveness of debts collection. We solve cases based on invoices, judgments, court orders as well as unsuccessful bailiff executions and the actions of other debt collection companies.

We achieve our high effectiveness through the direct visits of debt collectors throughout the country.

Choose the best orders!

You will have the opportunity to participate in debt collection from the beginning to the end. We approach each matter entrusted to us individually and with the use of all possible methods and developed tools, thus acting quickly and effectively.

Work for unscrupulous people.

Will you have the strength to vindicate a hospital? A factory? Start with individual houses and later you will become a real debt collector. Who knows, maybe in the future you will become the best in the city.

Big business is big debt!

Remember, everyone has what you want, find a way to get it. The success of the mission depends on you.

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

Repo Man on Steam

Whispers in the Dark

Whispers in the Dark

The author was definitely trying to scare me, well, he did it. The game turned out to be quite original, but with some technical flaws. It’s too dark and a lame flashlight that doesn’t shine a damn thing.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Adventure Games.

I really enjoyed this game. It wasn’t super scary but had a good horror atmosphere throughout it. The story was also pretty good as well. It was still rough in a few spots and I think it could benefit from a note or something at the beginning that lets you know the controls like crouch, interact, and tasks. Overall for the price I would recommend this game. If you want to see some game play you can check out my video below.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Whispers in the Dark on Steam

Open Mod

Open Mod

Open Mod is a free-to-play, tactical first person shooter that, for the time being, revolves around the bank robbery game mode. Being a team of two, we focused our attention on the game mechanics and customizability, having as a main goal providing our players the opportunity to personalize their experience on as many levels as possible.

The gameplay consists of, as expected, a bank robbery, where one team must rob the bank and escape with the money through certain routes, while the military must eliminate them before they do so.

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

Open Mod on Steam

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy is a story about having those youthful, exciting, and often dangerous experiences with a really tight-knit group of friends as you journey through life together, and then growing old to reflect fondly on those memories.

It is all very beautiful to experience.

Half the game is a story that unfolds, and the other half is puzzle solving. The tale is quite moving, and the puzzles are very reasonably difficult, and quite rewarding. If you know Chung’s work, you know what to expect as far as the ‘experience’ or flavor. Otherwise, here is a test to gauge if you will like this game. If two of the three apply to you, then I highly recommend you buy it:

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The game has some great ideas and nice attention to detail, but I felt like it never came together.

A lot of mechanics get introduced and then forgotten. New mechanics replace the old ones instead of building on them. There’s hardly any increase in complexity as you go along.

All the levels are simple and focused on 1 to 2 of the avialable mechanics. The rest is either not used at all or simply taken away from the player, sometimes for 1 mission and other times forever.

Because of all this, the game became way too easy later on. Instead of having puzzles to solve, you just go through the motions. Click this, click that, go here, go there. Some timer here and there. No challenge whatsoever. Not to mention you can ‘cheat’ your way though a lot of the levels.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Quadrilateral Cowboy on Steam

Gangs of Rikton

Gangs of Rikton

You’re back in Rikton City, six months after your parents died and you were charged with murder. You are free thanks to a mysterious stranger who now expects you to pay him back. For this, you will have to make a place for yourself in the middle of the underworld of Rikton City. What will be your destiny? Fortune and power? A return to prison? Or a one-way trip to the morgue?

You have to start with little profitable petty theft to earn enough money to invest.

  • Steal money, items and ID from passers-by’s wallets. Then resell the stolen goods to the pawnshop!

  • Create fake bank accounts using IDs and embezzle money from consumer loans!

  • Rob the neighborhood stores, but watch out for armed cashiers!

Become the biggest pimp in town !

  • Take the girls working in the streets under your protection

  • Earn their loyalty by effectively protecting them, giving them little gifts, or drugging them…

  • Or scare them by threatening them and eliminating the most rebellious. Who said the crime was moral ?

  • Invest in massage clubs that will serve as hidden brothels, and send your most beautiful girls as escorts !

The most profitable business, but also the most dangerous

  • Produce yourself weed and synthetic drugs like methamphetamine and ecstasy !

  • Buy from stores and from unscrupulous employees or wholesalers

  • Import cocaine and heroin through dynamically generated contacts, which can try to scam you.

  • Cut and retail drugs on the streets, but get ready to face the competition !

Your gang and the management of your territory are very important functions. Increase your production, your income and decrease the micromanagement.

  • Eliminate local gangs to appropriate their territory and no longer suffer from their competition !

  • Recruit lieutenants and entrust them with pieces of your territory, they will deal for you and will also find other activities to bring you small bonuses

  • Watch your men ! Maybe they will betray you to start their own gang or maybe they are undercover cops !

The police watch and remember!

  • Take care ! It won’t be enough to hide 30 seconds for the police to let you go. Every crime you commit may be added to your file. If this becomes too important, you will no longer be able to avoid your arrest… You will then have to undergo a long and expensive trial.

  • Use corrupt officers to diminish the importance of the case against you !

  • Don’t spill blood unnecessarily ! In addition to increasing your file, it will increase the police presence in the city.

  • Bet on fights, maybe your trusted men and girls will hear tips…

  • Buy and manage your Night Club !

  • Indulge yourself by buying the most beautiful villa and show your success

Gangs of Rikton is a game developed by one developer. Even if, the graphics design is decent and creditable, the emphasis was put on the gameplay. It is essentially a game for mature people, which has a detailed conception and is wide-ranging. You have been warned !

Gangs of Rikton on Steam

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist

This is a terribly broken game; I was stuck at the loading screen for almost five minutes despite having a very powerful computer.

I selected the “No Lasers” mode difficulty, and what do I get? Lasers. I was stuck there for hours trying to get past the rediculous challenge. It’s not even a joke difficulty; the game has a “Lasers” difficutly.

The tiger chased me past where I could clearly tell the chase was over. The funny thing is: Strange NPCs popped up and started dealing with it. Honestly, I could have sworn I had heard them scrambling around before the chase started. I don’t get it!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

I’d write a review, but someone is already doing it, seems like I’ll have to wait… Should I?

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist, which I’ll refer as simply Dr. Langeskov, is an adventure game also labeled as a walking simulator, along the lines of games like The Stanley Parable. It’s a really short game if you’re just focused on finishing it. It may take 15 minutes to 45 depending on how much you look around.

“You can’t, you can’t, you can’t… You can’t play it."

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist on Steam

Eco Warrior Simulator

Eco Warrior Simulator

Gather support and save our planet!

Eco Warrior Simulator gives you a chance to experience the thrill of launching large-scale protests against non-eco-friendly companies.

Plan spectacular protests and draw attention to environmental concerns. Whether you try to protect whales or save forests, always plan ahead. Gather intel on your target, assemble your supporters, and prepare the right equipment.

Lead infiltration missions into the heart of heavily-guarded facilities. Avoid getting spotted before you’re ready for the big reveal. Plant your banners where they’re most visible or disrupt the operations of companies unfriendly to mother nature.

Get ready to run once your task is complete. Balance public support and your notoriety. Don’t anger the law enforcement too much or your operations will shut down. Spread your message, gather activists, and save the planet!


  • Various types of protests to organize

  • Singleplayer campaign

  • Mission sites on every continent

  • Infiltration mechanics to sneak into any non-green facility

  • Sabotage (when necessary) - delay the companies and gain more time to gather larger support

  • Notoriety mechanic, leading to an eventual arrest of overzealous campaigners

  • Mission planning, scouting, and equipment management

  • Public opinion system

  • Unlimited fun

Eco Warrior Simulator on Steam

FBI Agent Simulator

FBI Agent Simulator


Enter the city of sin and corruption and find your way around it. Stroll down the grey streets, trying not to get lost in this this sad, concrete town, and be prepared to be called into the field office. Murders, thefts, kidnapping, drug businesses, mafia and organized crime – all of these cases are your daily bread, but it’s high time they were no more.

Are you ready to face the ugly truth and deal with the consequences?


What kind of agent do you want to be? In this game you will be able to choose your approach and follow your instincts. Should you put the arm on the suspect or pretend to befriend him? Or maybe let him loose, only to follow him and make an ambush? It’s up to you, but remember – time is of the essence and the lives of the people hang entirely on your success… or failure.

So, are you going to be a good cop, or a bad cop after all?


As soon as you receive the call – pack all the high-tech stuff and examine the crime scene. Who could do it better than an FBI agent, right? Especially since you are well-prepared and own a bag full of specialized tools that will allow you to look for the finger prints, test the blood samples, hack into the devices or instantly look through the police records. Gather all the evidence from the crime scene and take them to the lab!


After running through the evidence, you have to try to find a pattern. Maybe it’s about the look of the victims? Or the location of the crime scenes? Or the suspect’s background? The reason behind the murder is different each time and solving the puzzle requires both analytical thinking and perceptivity. Use the old-school, cork board mind map and look for the similarities. The more evidence you have, the easier the task will be!


If you have enough data, it’s time to narrow down the list of the suspects and set up some interviews. Prepare yourself and don’t lose your nerve. The culprit may want to put you off your stroke! Decide on the right approach and choose the dialogue options that will allow you to find out more about the crime and define whether the person sitting across the table is guilty or not. You may use the polygraph to help you out!


Having found the culprit? Great! All you have to do now is to arrest them and put them behind bars. Let’s just hope that you have done everything right! It would be such a shame to frame someone… However, even if you manage to choose the right person, you cannot rest on your laurels. As soon as one criminal lands in jail, the other one just starts doing atrocious things. The job of the FBI agent is never done… So you’d better brace yourself and brew some coffee!


Try to prevent the crimes from happening by using the information provided by the counterintelligence and infiltrators, but be prepared for the worse. And when it happens - solve the puzzle and find the criminal by connecting all the dots. Interview, accuse and put them in jail to make sure, that they never hurt anyone again.

FBI Agent Simulator on Steam

PAYDAY™ The Heist

PAYDAY™ The Heist

I have Payday the Heist and Payday 2 and after almost 5500+ gameplay hours still loving the simplicity of Payday the Heist. If i have to compare part 2 with part 1 then Payday 2 is more a CARRYBAG SIMULATOR wich is litterly a cashcow with everymonth new DLC. Overkill is so ORIGINAL that they even copied the Wolf Pack DLC from Payday the Heist to Payday 2.

What i also dislike from Payday 2 is that you have to choose what armor and what gun you gonna use depending on your playstyle (Loud or Stealth). And giving point to Skilltrees to your character. In Payday the Heist beside a silenced handgun doesn’t it matter what armor you take or gun compared to danger meter. There is no Stealth or Loud meter in Payday the Heist. That is the main reason why i like the simplicity from part 1. Not much weapons, but good and challenging enough.

Real player with 6386.0 hrs in game

Started to play this game without too much expectations when the game was free for a day, since it has only a limited number of maps. I certainly didn’t expect that this game would be fun even after 1k or even 2k hours. Admittedly this game has lots of flaws, but in part that’s what makes it such a great game. The random elements in the game, spawns, enemy pathing and to a lesser extend the objectives, make the game unpredictable and failure is always around the corner. Unlike some Co-op PvE games out there, you actually have to play tactical and watch your HP (using “shoot and cover”) to complete the heists on the higher difficulties (and for beginners even on the lower ones). Failing to do so will get you punished (although you can get away with it to some extend when playing with a VERY good team) and in all likeliness gets your character killed.

Real player with 5340.9 hrs in game

PAYDAY™ The Heist on Steam



This game is wonderful.

From the satisfying explosions & realistic lighting and weather, to satisfyingly destructive fire and physics, Teardown is by far the most amazing game I have played in 2021. I may be a bit late to the party, but Teardown has the potential to hold up for the future. If this ever gets ported to next-gen hardware, it would be magnificent. Everything in the game is so amazingly satisfying. Teardown, I must say, is the ultimate stress reliever. There is something so magical about seeing semi-realistic destruction, with no real consequences. Don’t even get me started on the infinite stream of modded weaponry, maps, and random features I didn’t know I needed.

Real player with 156.3 hrs in game

The destruction in this game works incredibly well. It may disappoint some, what with it still abiding by the logic of even a few blocks connected to something can prevent a structure from falling apart, but I ended up viewing that as a useful tool to better break the environment the way I needed to more than a negative. Additionally the first part of the campaign got a bit heavy on timer based missions in which you set up and then have a minute to grab various objectives then escape the level, but these definitely are less common in part 2 and when they do show up they’re different enough from the first ones you get to justify their presence. Overall though, the destruction is great and it combined with the objectives of each mission makes for some very rewarding gameplay.

Real player with 62.8 hrs in game

Teardown on Steam