American Theft 80s

American Theft 80s

It’s the 80s, so put on your nostalgia glasses (even if you weren’t there)!

From the creators of Thief Simulator.

Every house, bank, shop and museum can be robbed with the right tools, you just have to know how to do it.

Earn your way up in a county full of corruption and crime while discovering what the residents are hiding.

That’s right, if you see a house, bank or a shop you can get inside, but learn about the tenants first. You don’t want to get caught.

Remember VHS, cassette players and CRT TVs? No? Well now you can get to know them. Tenants will surely share them with you, albeit not knowingly.

Earn cash and reputation in the underground world filled with corruption and crime.

Sometimes the only thing you can do is get in the car and drive as fast as possible. But be careful, the cops are not playing around and will chase after you.

Make sure to bribe the police to avoid being wanted.

There are many classic styled minigames available. Beat the highscores and get achievements for it!

Use tools like crowbar, bolt cutters or lockpicks to help you in your jobs.


  • steal from houses, trailers, banks, shops, mansions and more

  • use lockpicks, crowbars and other tools to break in

  • finish shady jobs for cash and reputation

  • drive around seamless sandbox

  • buy and steal cars

  • buy houses and decorate them

  • disguise yourself as an electrician or a policeman to fool tenants

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

American Theft 80s on Steam

Maniac Path

Maniac Path

An addictive game with excellent graphics and varied levels.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Side Scroller Games.

Pretty boring.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Maniac Path on Steam

Crash Time 2

Crash Time 2

“I don’t have any argument but I don’t like it !” -Bad reviews from a random lowbob. 0/10

“Like Skyrim with Polizei.” -IGN 2/10

“Polizei, oktoberfest, ausfarht, dummkopfs.” -Medic 11/10

So, first of all, this game doesn’t deserve all those bad reviews. Everyone seems to have played this game for only 15 minutes, and honestly, you can’t judge a game within 15 minutes. This game reviews are clearly manichaean ; you have two possibilities according to Steam reviews : you completly disregarded it because you played a few minutes and no minigun spawned on your car or you will find this game “somewhat OK”. In my honest opinion, I really liked this game. Of course, there is tons of better game in that game style, like the FlatOut series, but this game got a decent amount of pros. Let me make a list of the pros, the cons and the neutrals.

Real player with 76.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Racing Games.

Usually I finish game first and write review later. But this game is special. Ingame counter tells me that I have completed 42% of game and I just have to describe my last mission. As a warning.

There is tl:dr part after story - you can skip it if you value your time.

You choose part of the city where you will respawn, then car (marked with red flag which means that there is availible mission for it). So far so good.

Voice in radio tells about kidnapped bus. Voice acting is terrible but I don’t mind - they don’t talk too much. Story is garbage - realy. We know that blue bus was kidnapped… And this is our only info - so we chase nearest red dot on the map. Bus driver acts like he was crazy. Drives on wrong lane/in the middle of the road. He’s speeding and make turns that would seriously harm people inside. I think it’s the one… and nope. Apparently this is how bus is supposed to behave on road. Whatever - after 10 minutes I have found the right one. Kidnappers took only one passenger and drived away already. Luckilly (no spoilers - but story is really bad - just more driving and bad voice acting). Now I collect money (?) chase my kidnapped partner (and kidnapped girl) and switch cars with bandit (did I said that story is bad?). There is bomb inside new car so I have to travel 1,5 km fast (some plot garbage).

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Crash Time 2 on Steam



This game is wonderful.

From the satisfying explosions & realistic lighting and weather, to satisfyingly destructive fire and physics, Teardown is by far the most amazing game I have played in 2021. I may be a bit late to the party, but Teardown has the potential to hold up for the future. If this ever gets ported to next-gen hardware, it would be magnificent. Everything in the game is so amazingly satisfying. Teardown, I must say, is the ultimate stress reliever. There is something so magical about seeing semi-realistic destruction, with no real consequences. Don’t even get me started on the infinite stream of modded weaponry, maps, and random features I didn’t know I needed.

Real player with 156.3 hrs in game

The destruction in this game works incredibly well. It may disappoint some, what with it still abiding by the logic of even a few blocks connected to something can prevent a structure from falling apart, but I ended up viewing that as a useful tool to better break the environment the way I needed to more than a negative. Additionally the first part of the campaign got a bit heavy on timer based missions in which you set up and then have a minute to grab various objectives then escape the level, but these definitely are less common in part 2 and when they do show up they’re different enough from the first ones you get to justify their presence. Overall though, the destruction is great and it combined with the objectives of each mission makes for some very rewarding gameplay.

Real player with 62.8 hrs in game

Teardown on Steam

Thief Simulator 2

Thief Simulator 2

Thief Simulator 2 will transport you to a world full of valuables, expensive cars, and rustling banknotes. As long as you find a way to steal them.

Know that a thief’s trade is not a piece of cake. In order to get some practice, you’ll start with petty theft. This is how you’ll gain the experience required to access more and more risky – and most importantly, more profitable – jobs.

Gain levels and unlock new possibilities. Get useful tools. Together with newly acquired skills, they will pave the way to expensive items, which you can then sell on the black market. The tools of your trade include a crowbar and binoculars, as well as advanced equipment that becomes available as you progress, such as a laptop for hacking through security systems.

The creators of Thief Simulator 2 have prepared three unique locations with houses, banks, restaurants, and other special places that you’ll get to strip of money, valuables, and other items. But before you do, examine the surroundings: find out when the building empties out, learn the tenants’ or the employees’ schedule. Then you just need to prepare a strategy and it’s gone time.

Just be quick and efficient. You don’t have much time, so you’ll need to immediately assess which item to take and which one to leave. Can you handle the pressure, or will you panic?

Make sure to work on cars between robbing buildings. Start with small family sedans and make gradual steps towards mastery, which will allow you to steal the coolest sports cars.

Remember to keep your eyes around your head. Even the best plan can fall apart, and the local police are just waiting for a chance to put you in handcuffs. Don’t get caught. Always be one step ahead of law enforcement.

Feature list

  • Three unique locations. Explore neighbourhoods, learn tenant’s routines, pick the right time to break in and then rob them

  • Get better and better tools, ranging from a crowbar or binoculars to hacking laptops, stethoscopes etc.

  • Level up your thief and acquire new skills, which allow a number of new possibilities

  • Steal cars - begin with a small, family sedan, and work your way up to a sport’s dream car

  • Rob banks, restaurants and other special locations. These will be unlocked as you advance your thief

Thief Simulator 2 on Steam

Vicewave 1984

Vicewave 1984

There’s potential, but it’s not yet realised.


Vicewave is an open-world action game clearly inspired by Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. With a great synthwave soundtrack and vibrant 80’s style neons, the atmosphere is set. Unfortunately, the gameplay experience is lacking in several areas, and the optimisation needs work. Frankly, making any progress in this game is a constant uphill struggle against poor game mechanics.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

A wild review appears.

Conclusion: if you’re expecting a fun retro style GTA game. Sadly, this is not it (List is down below). I have given this game several tries over the span of a few months. I cannot recommend it.

The Bad

1: Lockpicking is extremely tedious. The (Sweet Spot) needs to be configurable via difficulty.

2: Player dies far too easy, and body armor is behind a XP wall.

3: Difficulty is too high (for casual players of this genre).

4: Cars hand like their on something, and bottom out if bridge is too steep.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Vicewave 1984 on Steam

The Smugglers

The Smugglers

You will smuggle goods or protect the law. Assemble a team and take on the role of a cunning smuggler or an honest law enforcement officer once per turn. Compete against an opposing team on one of many boards. Just like in real life, each team has different victory conditions, completely opposite, making you quickly identify with your new role. Will you tactically pursue victory or will you pull out the gun and settle the matter in a rather violent manner? Remember that the decision belongs to the whole group, and you won’t be able to win alone.

Each playthrough begins with smugglers landing in a cargo drop zone, and the law guards are tasked with melting down and stopping the smugglers from making their final escape. Cover your tracks and defend your loot or try to track down and stop the smugglers from escaping. Think your side will always win? Remember that in every gang there will be at least one agent who will certainly mess up the whole game…

The Smugglers on Steam

Road Gangs Simulator

Road Gangs Simulator

What’s Up Homies?

Do you sometimes think about the old days, when, as a kid, you were running with a piece of wood trying to ‘shoot’ your opponent, while you were hiding behind your neighbour’s car? Planning your own gang, acting like adults while smoking invisible cigarettes to add some seriousness. In Road Gangs Simulator you have a chance to fulfill your unrealised childhood dream, not only by driving fast cars and shooting each other with your enemies, but also by building your own empire!


Don’t wanna hurt anyone but feeling like you could kick some asses? Grab your baseball bat and crush someone’s car. The game will let you destroy every car with the REALTIME DESTRUCTION SYSTEM! Every weapon will affect the system in a realistic way - you won’t be able to destroy wheels with the baseball, in order to do it you’re gonna need some ranged weapon, or a knife.


In the game we have an opportunity to control each member of the gang, his equipment, and also his actions. Do you like some good old RTS games? Then pick your squad and rush into a battle with the top down camera, and give them orders on how to defeat your enemies. If you’re not into RTS genre then you will surely enjoy picking one of your gangsters and controlling him with the TPS or FPS view, while the other crew’s members will take your back. You will get an opportunity to dynamically switch controlled characters - if you lose someone on a battlefield, no worries, just take the control over a next person.


Every district you own have it’s advantages - one may have many car dealers to buy them cheaper, the other one will have a big bank which you can easily rob while having the control over surrounding buildings. If this is not enough you can expand every district with your own buildings - create gangster’s den to train your new crew’s members, build an armoury to provide your gang’s unlimited weapon and ammo.


Do you know someone who doesn’t like muscle cars, or classic japan sports cars? No? We neither, this is why we push many beautiful cars into the game, just to let you spend this dirty money you will earn by assaulting people. Stock cars are not enough? Of course they are not! Go into a garage and pimp it how you like, change body kits, wheels, paint them and create a dream car. Already made a car? Then just go and ride it on roads in this gangsta city - let every citizen know what you have made there!


Your main goal is to take over the city. In order to do it you will have to face some enemies' gangs, earn some money, or just get some respect. During various assignments there is a possibility to do a bank robbery or to fight opposite gangs in the middle of a day. If you’re more like a pacifist, you can just swag in your pimped car so everybody’s gonna know who is the boss on a road.


You’re a gangster, you have got to look like a one. Pick the best outfit out there, make yourself a badass looking guy, but be careful - your colors should match your gang’s colors, otherwise you can be considered as an enemy on the battlefield!

Road Gangs Simulator on Steam

Thief Simulator VR

Thief Simulator VR

I have not played through all the current content, but from what I’ve played so far, it’s very fun. Do I recommend this game? yes! Unless you are someone who is very picky and needs a very smooth, well polished experience. While this game is fairly smooth for being in early access, it’s still a little rough around the edges. IMHO, its not that bad. I’ve played plenty of Early Access titles, and this is one of the better ones. The graphics in VR are not great, the textures for grass are horrid, and the character models look way to small and funky. The textures when in the nicer houses look perfectly acceptable. The tree’s are just terrible as well. If graphics are not a big deal to you, then its not a big deal. If you are like me, and love some good eye candy. This game will not provide that, and I asked if the graphics would be getting better after early access. The devs said no, and gave me a cheap answer imho. They basically just told me no its not getting upgraded, and that the textures don’t look good because thats just how it looks in VR games. Which is BS, because I’ve played plenty of non AAA VR games that had decent to great textures. So either their engine is hard to work with for optimizing high rez textures, or they dont want to be bothered with optimizing high rez textures. Especially since in Skyrim VR, a simple texture mod for 4k textures goes a LOOOONG way in making the game look much better. Regardless, this is a fun game and I still recommend it.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

I’ve played this for around 4 hours and think it’s an excellent game considering it is still in Early Access.

The concept is fantastic and I’ve enjoyed sneaking around, picking locks, climbing fences and hiding in bins, cupboards, and under beds from the cops and inhabitants of the homes.

Graphically it is pretty good looking. It isn’t buggy but there are some issues trying to grab stuff and put them in your backpack - this is typical in vr when the controllers get too close.

I like the progression in levels of the various skills and the difficulty with getting into the houses.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Thief Simulator VR on Steam

Just Cause 4 Reloaded

Just Cause 4 Reloaded

Just Cause 4 is the video game equivalent of Junk food. It’s fun in small doses but after a while everything feels like a chore. I know looking for plot in Just Cause is like watching a porno for the character development but the story is really bland , the villain generic and the entire game is bogged down by an ungodly amount of mini events that genuinly becomes a chore after a few hours. That said flying around the world using the jet-powered wingsuit is still fun. Also two of the DLCs (Los Demonios and Danger Rising ) are pretty fun.

Real player with 74.0 hrs in game

Got this at 90% off. It’s a cash-grab sequel to a game series that reached its natural narrative conclusion, but for $15 I’ll pick it up, sure. Basically Just Cause 3: Another One.

Real player with 70.9 hrs in game

Just Cause 4 Reloaded on Steam