Sol Dorado Heist

Sol Dorado Heist

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Sol Dorado Heist

Developer: Megalixir Games

Publisher: Megalixir Games


1. The characters are pretty unique, each having a distinct personality. This helps make them memorable in the long run.

2. The premise is definitely interesting.

3. The music is cool, it helps give in the mystery feel with a bit of some intense tracks for big moments.


1. Stories that use a protagonist who has amnesia can work if it’s written properly. In Sol Dorado Heist, it just lacks proper context and clues to justify anything. Some small flashbacks here and there relating to small sections, but in the end it just ends up being spoon fed to the protagonist.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Funny Games.

Sol Dorado Heist is a short mystery story about a woman named Alex Thorn and her struggle with her recent amnesia. With only a single memory of what appears to be her and someone else robbing a casino, she sets out to try and track down the notorious thief, Silent Ace, for answers before the police find them.

The plot for this title isn’t a completely original idea. Amnesia is used in quite a few novels (and other things). To get the most out of it, you’d have to back it up with good writing and interesting twists. Sadly, I don’t feel like Sol Dorado Heist managed to do that.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Sol Dorado Heist on Steam



TL;DR: Needs balancing, would be a lot bigger if Bandai didn’t mess up release and basically refuse to listen to customers. Not even worth $30 in my opinion

On launch, a very large portion of the people who had bougth this game could not play.

Bandai released this game in the U.S after already being released in japan a full two months ahead of time.

Why does this matter? It matters because in those two months of being released in Japan you would think that they would have been able to do away with a couple of things.

Real player with 56.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Action Games.

My Hero One’s Justice is a decent game with simple mechanics and flashy combat.

Performance wise I’ve run into a few freezes which take a little while to blow over. However, I could never really determine the cause of these freezes since they’ve each happened at different times. Otherwise the game performs fine.

Graphically, this game is decent. Nothing about these visuals is insanely impressive and nothing about them really screams awful either. At most they’re average and that’s it. The main reason I was disappointed in its visuals is because the original reveal trailer, while it was CGI, seemed like acheivable visuals for the base game. As unrealistic as it was for me to assume that, the game’s visuals itself aren’t up to par with that trailer which is unfortunate.

Real player with 40.6 hrs in game


Seven Days

Seven Days

So… Seven Days, or Seven Days With You: The Most Precious Memory in Our Lives… sigh … It’s all too bittersweet…

A friend of Shuuichi’s gives him a cursed Blu-ray disc and asks him to watch it and see if it’s actually cursed. Well, as it turns out, an evil girl ghost comes out and tries to possess him, only to be exorcised by his childhood friend Murasaki. It’s then that the ghost turns into a normal looking girl named Chiyako, who in turn reveals that she had died and that there are souls of six other girls in her who had also previously died. But a ghost can only remain in the mortal realm for 49 days, give or take a few. So it’s decided that these seven girls will divide the time they have left between themselves, leaving everyone a week to do what they want with the small bit of life that was left to them before they disappear for good.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Adventure Games.

A mysterious adventure well-worth embarking on.


Seven Days tells the tale of Shuuichi Kanzaki, a young man who, thanks to his rather peculiarly resourceful classmate, Masaru Kinokuniya, stumbles upon a cursed video. The man of reason he sees himself as, Shuuichi takes his friend’s “dare” and decides to watch the video, only to realize shortly later, to his own bewilderment, that he was not quite exactly being bamboozled. Out spawns a creature from an otherworldly plane of existence and assaults the protagonist. The bleak situation comes into speculative resolve by a Shinto priestess, and his good childhood friend, Murasaki Sairenji, as she attempts to exorcise the begrudged spirit, the result of which is far from the expected one. Both Shuuichi and Murasaki have to deal with a body which, although now bereft of former hostility, still serves as a vessel to souls of seven girls whose lives ended far too prematurely and who as such harbour profound grievances against the world that has abandoned them. Will Shuuichi be able to grant them their postmortem wishes and the ends they desire?

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Seven Days on Steam

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

TL;DR: A fun, yet disappointing game with a questionable future that at the end of the day does disservice to both Marvel and Capcom brands.

The Marvel vs. Capcom series is one that I hold dear in my heart. And this game’s gameplay is a deserving continuation of that series' tradition of fun, frantic and chaotic fighters with immense depth.

Unfortunately it would be remiss of me to recommend this game in its current form, at its current price, even with the current discount at the time of this writing. The game just simply doesn’t have anything besides its gameplay, with a lacklustre cast of characters mostly imported from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, tremendously disappointing and at times just plain ugly graphics that pale in most regards with its predecessor, mediocre soundtrack with a complete disregard to the series' legacy and some remixes that are… not good and questionable at best UX decisions, with menus that appear to be placeholders and yet still somehow manage to cause lag.

Real player with 54.0 hrs in game

Don’t waste your money on this game. It’s already discounted for 33% off because of poor sales; but if you want the full game you’ll need to drop a ridiculous amount of money on DLC anyway, so what the discount actually saves you is closer to 2%.


The game is actually pretty fun. They dumbed down some of the controls from previous installments, but it adds a new instant tag out system and still boasts an extraordinary amount of depth. Unfortunately, not all of the new inclusions are as fun in higher level play.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite on Steam



Amazing graphics, great gameplay, fun game overall. 10/10 if you have friends coming over and an extra controller to play with them :D

Real player with 77.4 hrs in game

amazing game i loved the shit out of this game cause you can keep fighting for hours apon hours at a time and keep trying new combos

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 on Steam

Transfer Of Essence

Transfer Of Essence

Tactical RPG meets Dungeon Crawlers in Transfer Of Essence!

Choose a character, then fight, hide, and explore Vamprett’s manor in search of the fabled treasure!

Play the story from each character’s point of view to experience the story through their eyes.

Dynamic Action Point system. Think carefully and create your own play experience!

Remember you can Fight, Hide, or Run to advance, the choice is yours!

Transfer Of Essence on Steam

Infinite Jump

Infinite Jump

umm cool animated arts

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game


| (Adult) Content | (F, FxF, FxM) sexual content. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | Thirty minutes. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Download as DLC. |

Infinite Jump is a lewd side-scroller platformer (or a “science fiction theme breakthrough leisure game”).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Infinite Jump on Steam

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy is a story about having those youthful, exciting, and often dangerous experiences with a really tight-knit group of friends as you journey through life together, and then growing old to reflect fondly on those memories.

It is all very beautiful to experience.

Half the game is a story that unfolds, and the other half is puzzle solving. The tale is quite moving, and the puzzles are very reasonably difficult, and quite rewarding. If you know Chung’s work, you know what to expect as far as the ‘experience’ or flavor. Otherwise, here is a test to gauge if you will like this game. If two of the three apply to you, then I highly recommend you buy it:

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The game has some great ideas and nice attention to detail, but I felt like it never came together.

A lot of mechanics get introduced and then forgotten. New mechanics replace the old ones instead of building on them. There’s hardly any increase in complexity as you go along.

All the levels are simple and focused on 1 to 2 of the avialable mechanics. The rest is either not used at all or simply taken away from the player, sometimes for 1 mission and other times forever.

Because of all this, the game became way too easy later on. Instead of having puzzles to solve, you just go through the motions. Click this, click that, go here, go there. Some timer here and there. No challenge whatsoever. Not to mention you can ‘cheat’ your way though a lot of the levels.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Quadrilateral Cowboy on Steam

Master Magistrate

Master Magistrate

Master Magistrate surprised me a lot. In a very positive way. When I purchased this visual novel I imagined how it was going to be having already played similar games. But it was very well written and when the whole plot came together it blew my mind. Didn’t expect what happened. The story is very good and entertaining, the art is beautiful and both the music and character voices complement the game.

The main story is divided in 4 cases/chapters. There is also a bonus chapter and it’s called Fanservice [for that reason, lol]. It can be found in the chapter selection at the menu. It’s short and can be played in any order because it doesn’t relate in any way to the main story and no important information is presented. Each one of the 4 cases consist of novel/investigation/trial parts. Case 4 is the only chapter with story choices that lead either to the True Ending or the Alternate Ending. The adult patch add 2 scenes to the Alternate Ending. That’s the only adult content available in the main story.

Real player with 84.8 hrs in game


Full game has been released, and with it a very meaty free patch that adds like 10+ hours of additional story and 5 character routes (plus a ton of R18 content…):

The game completely works without it, but the added epilogue and additional routes add a lot to the gameplay. Plus it’s free!

Disclosure: I helped test a pre-release version of this game. I did this outside of Steam so my play time is not accurate.

Real player with 62.7 hrs in game

Master Magistrate on Steam



TRACHI is an interactive fiction game that plays similar to a visual novel. Upon starting the game, I was impressed by the minimalistic style of the opening and menu. Everything is simplistic yet looks very sharp, and you can immediately tell that a lot of effort was put into this game.

The tale starts off with an inquisition of sorts, and as you converse in this opening sequence the plot begins to unfold. The timeline bounces around as you are spoonfed piecemeal bits of information that slowly come together. I thought the use of this enhanced the storytelling and definitely kept me intrigued. Most of the characters have their own sprite art, and both the pixel and portrait art look top notch.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Kinetic Novel with some interaction.

I enjoyed the writing a lot (and I disliked writing in most VNs I’ve tried so far).

Canny use of sound-effects gives so much atmosphere. They are proof that the devs have a deep understanding of storytelling.

I stopped playing after midgame because of too many crashes and slowdown. Reason is my old pc, I guess. Should work better if you have a bit more than the minimum specs.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

TRACHI on Steam