Winter Ember

Winter Ember

You are Arthur Artorias – the sole survivor of a massacre that devastated your family’s legacy and tore them out of the history books. Thought to be dead, you emerge from exile 8 years later, the faceless man kindled by the flame and seeking vengeance.

Embark on an adventure unravelling a dark tale filled with twisted characters, centered around a militant religion hell bent on keeping control.

Key Features:

A True Stealth Experience

As Arthur, you must stick to the shadows, infiltrate homes and explore hidden passageways; but, be careful not to be spotted! Choose your playstyle: knocking out enemies may keep them quiet for some time, but they will eventually wake up; a quick slice to the throat may be a more permanent solution, but the bloodstain you leave on the carpet might be a dead giveaway! Keep your wits about you, dispose of bodies, peek through keyholes and pickpocket unsuspecting victims.

Deep Arrow Crafting System

Prepare for your mission by planning your loadout. With over 30 arrows to craft, experimentation is key to your success! Do you craft a smoke arrow to blind your opponent, or do you add on a poison element to create poisonious gas? Use your arrows offensively or defensively: break down weak walls with a blunt arrow to surprise your enemy, or use a rope arrow to reach a higher place and take out your enemies from a distance.

Skill Tree

Customize your playstyle from 3 distinct skill trees – stealth, combat, and utility. Unlock over 70 unique passive and active skills to choose from and seek vengeance your way.

Explore A Dark World

Return home to the cold Victorian town of Anargal, on the verge of technological breakthrough. Infiltrate and explore vast environments brimming with treasure and mystery. From rival gangs to unique characters, approach each scenario in a myriad of ways. Take advantage of the environment, find solutions to every problem, and move past any challenge standing in your way.

Read More: Best Heist Adventure Games.

Winter Ember on Steam

My Mad Road - adventure racing & shooting

My Mad Road - adventure racing & shooting

Welcome to an unpredictable cartoon world, where you play by your own rules. From crazy fun to brutal deeds. Earn cash peacefully or at any cost. Do you prefer action or peace? Good and evil – that’s what the world you’ll find yourself in is going to pay you back with.

Car drive



Tank up your ride, take a dog, abduct a girl, shoot or befriend something. Focus on the missions or wreak havoc – the most important thing is to have some bucks in your pocket.

My Mad Road is a completely new game where the main rule is powerful fun. You play as a controversial character who prefers to get around by car, but often needs to get out of it to take care of some business. Time passes in the game, so it’s divided into days, during which you carry out selected missions. The world’s full of life, so the missions are just a side goal, while the rest lives at its own pace. Unleash your imagination and join the events unfolding in the world of My Mad Road.

many Paths and Solutions

In every situation, you can act in multiple ways. We keep striving to make the gameplay unlimited by anything.

Some actions in the game are only available upon approaching an object or a person. The character keeps growing, so they aren’t able to do everything at the first stages of the game.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward

Remember not to make too many enemies, as they can break or kill even the biggest badass.

the Game’s Atmosphere

The game is teeming with life (animals, people) you can interact with. The game is dominated by desert and farmland views, but there’s also a good deal of fantasy and modern views.

what’s Next?

You can find sample scenes in the trailer, and the most recent content is listed in the News section.

We keep working on developing the game world and further adventures, so we encourage you to join the community to aid us.

racing car drive extreme rally adventure

racing : racing : speed racing :

Read More: Best Heist Early Access Games.

My Mad Road - adventure racing & shooting on Steam



A sci-fi dive in the 90s, both for the game design + gameplay and for the dystopic cyberpunk concept style.

Gameplay per se is a bit wonky and you have to get used to the stealth mechanics, which are really retro-style by all means.

Still, the game is pretty enjoyable, the atmosphere is right and the lore is well thought out, which you can extrapolate by the mission briefing/debriefings and from the files you download from the terminals, giving the appropriate feeling and background, much alike to the first Deus Ex game.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Heist Top-Down Shooter Games.

You are a one man go in and solve the problem type of covert or overt operative whom corporations hire to do their dirty laundry. Covert if you move effortlessly like a ninja from shadow to shadow, crouch like a tiger, and jump like a spider waiting for the right moment to feed needles into the skull of your enemies. Or overt if you prefer the cacophony of machine guns and the smoke C4 makes when you are fed up with doors that don’t greet you with open sesame right at your arrival.

You can even hack systems, steal company data and make some side income by grabbing datacubes and other interesting things that come at your way. And since this is a Cyberpunk/Neuromancer inspired game presumably made by transhumanist wonks who enjoy running around with subdermal chips under their butt-cheeks, replacing limbs and adding subdermal armor and other kinds of protections are also available.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

DataJack on Steam

Gangs of Rikton

Gangs of Rikton

You’re back in Rikton City, six months after your parents died and you were charged with murder. You are free thanks to a mysterious stranger who now expects you to pay him back. For this, you will have to make a place for yourself in the middle of the underworld of Rikton City. What will be your destiny? Fortune and power? A return to prison? Or a one-way trip to the morgue?

You have to start with little profitable petty theft to earn enough money to invest.

  • Steal money, items and ID from passers-by’s wallets. Then resell the stolen goods to the pawnshop!

  • Create fake bank accounts using IDs and embezzle money from consumer loans!

  • Rob the neighborhood stores, but watch out for armed cashiers!

Become the biggest pimp in town !

  • Take the girls working in the streets under your protection

  • Earn their loyalty by effectively protecting them, giving them little gifts, or drugging them…

  • Or scare them by threatening them and eliminating the most rebellious. Who said the crime was moral ?

  • Invest in massage clubs that will serve as hidden brothels, and send your most beautiful girls as escorts !

The most profitable business, but also the most dangerous

  • Produce yourself weed and synthetic drugs like methamphetamine and ecstasy !

  • Buy from stores and from unscrupulous employees or wholesalers

  • Import cocaine and heroin through dynamically generated contacts, which can try to scam you.

  • Cut and retail drugs on the streets, but get ready to face the competition !

Your gang and the management of your territory are very important functions. Increase your production, your income and decrease the micromanagement.

  • Eliminate local gangs to appropriate their territory and no longer suffer from their competition !

  • Recruit lieutenants and entrust them with pieces of your territory, they will deal for you and will also find other activities to bring you small bonuses

  • Watch your men ! Maybe they will betray you to start their own gang or maybe they are undercover cops !

The police watch and remember!

  • Take care ! It won’t be enough to hide 30 seconds for the police to let you go. Every crime you commit may be added to your file. If this becomes too important, you will no longer be able to avoid your arrest… You will then have to undergo a long and expensive trial.

  • Use corrupt officers to diminish the importance of the case against you !

  • Don’t spill blood unnecessarily ! In addition to increasing your file, it will increase the police presence in the city.

  • Bet on fights, maybe your trusted men and girls will hear tips…

  • Buy and manage your Night Club !

  • Indulge yourself by buying the most beautiful villa and show your success

Gangs of Rikton is a game developed by one developer. Even if, the graphics design is decent and creditable, the emphasis was put on the gameplay. It is essentially a game for mature people, which has a detailed conception and is wide-ranging. You have been warned !

Gangs of Rikton on Steam

Mumbai Gullies

Mumbai Gullies

Mumbai Gullies is inspired by the amazing contrast of life in Mumbai city. A city where the landscape changes every few meters. At one glance you could see towering skyscrapers and on the other you see miles long slums. This is a city where life is more than what meets the eye.

Mumbai, the city of dreams has a lot to offer. It’s the city that never sleeps and is packed with action 24x7. With Mumbai Gullies you will get to experience this city in all it’s glory and prime while exploring 3 different eras of gameplay and an action packed storyline as well as an open world to explore every nook and corner of Mumbai city.

Mumbai Gullies on Steam

Ninja Simulator

Ninja Simulator

Be like a ghost

Silence is your ally. Darkness is your most trusty friend. Use them to get close to your enemies, so they will never even see your blade cutting them into pieces.

Take on impossible challenges

For a true ninja warrior there is no such thing like an impossible challenge. Three enemies, seven, maybe an army? What is your definition of impossible?

Sneaking Around

There are over twenty words for sneaking in the Ninja’s vocabulary. He knows even more ways to stay unnoticed by the guards. In the game you’ll use all of them. You’ll also have a variety of malee weapons at your disposal, which will help you in resolving problems in different ways.

Eliminate Enemies

Perfection is the most important skill of a ninja. Perfection in combat. Perfection in planning. Perfection in execution. Without it, you will be punished for every mistake.

Ninja Simulator on Steam

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt is an action RPG with fast-paced combat requiring use of strong offensive and defensive mechanics across multiple modes (Story Mode, Endless Dungeon, Onslaught, Conquest, Heist). Fight your enemies up close, use buffs/debuffs/status ailments to gain an advantage or place effects like tornados, fire, water, death forests, black holes and more onto the battlefield.

The Mittu star system enjoyed a long period of prosperity, and was watched over by three powerful beings who shared their unique skillsets and technologies across three worlds for millenia. From out of nowhere, a Demon Army of immense power appeared suddenly and began invading these planets, slaughtering countless innocents and causing fear and paranoia in the godlike rulers of each world. On the planet of Altair, the first spacecraft in Mittu’s history has been constructed, with the hopes that its crew can find something in the Mittu star system to end the war against the Demon Army.

The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt on Steam

Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Why would I recommend it:

  • great community, especially on Hood discord

  • beautifully made maps (Mountain and Outpost definitely my personal favourites)

  • great range of skins

  • beautifully designed characters on a visual level

  • great fun playing as sniping Robin

What needs urgent development and fix:

  • allowing cross play invites

  • better marketing and more frequent communication with players

  • listening to the players suggestions about bug and character fixes (Eidaa’s dodging, Marianne perks, perks descriptions inaccuracy, Robin razor attacks perk being too OP).and implementing them.

Real player with 149.0 hrs in game

Any new players reading this - you will not be able to find a game, there is no player base

great fun game but spend your money elsewhere, not an exaggeration to say no one plays it anymore

maybe if they make it free to play more people will get it

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game

Hood: Outlaws & Legends on Steam



Great Game, Deffo would recomend, I had a great time playing it with friends. The dodgy looking characters make the game more funny. So far i have found no glitches and no bugs at all! hopefully in the future they add more maps and have more players.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

This is a great concept for a game and its really fun with friends.

However as other reviews have spoke about there is a very small player base and i have only found 1 random player on the game before, if you decide to buy the game make sure u have at least 3 other friends to play it with as you probably wont be able to play it otherwise, i recommend joining the discord as the devs are very nice and helpful with problems you may have.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

ACT on Steam

Assassin’s Creed® Origins

Assassin’s Creed® Origins

Simply put, AC Origins is a fantastic title that does an excellent job giving players an in-depth view into both Greco-Roman and Old to New Kingdom Egypt. The strength of the story line comes on the back of the great voice acting and story arc of the protagonist, Bayek of Siwa.

Exploring the ancient temples and pyramids across Egypt was an amazing adventure, and the new Discovery Tours feature is fantastic as you can now immerse yourself in a guide history tour of Ancient Egypt! No wonder university professors have been using it as a learning tool recently. With minimal bugs, great graphics, a solid story line with an amazing protagonist who rivals Ezio, AC Origins is a strong entry into the franchise.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

I played this after AC Odyssey, expecting it to be a carbon copy in sepia tones and I gotta say it’s not. I despised AC Odyssey and while this game isn’t perfect either, it is a vast improvement (which is funny considering it was released first). The story is unique and tragic, and most importantly makes sense as an origin story for the creed.

Because there is no level scaling, you can finally feel like you’re making progress, while at the same time still requiring you to use a strategy. You can’t just hulk smash every enemy. Stealth matters here and there is no better feeling than taking out an entire stronghold without being detected. You are an assassin after all, which, yes, means you finally have a hidden blade again. Treasure it, keep it close, don’t let it drift away.

Real player with 112.2 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed® Origins on Steam