Plaguepunk Justice

Plaguepunk Justice

Great mix of roguelike and squad based strategy. Unique setting and mechanics for a zombie game. Love the art style and the music is very enjoyable and gives a nice tone. Very polished with no crashes or issues so far. Has that addictive “one more turn/mission”. Glad I found this hidden gem.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Stealth Games.

recently got this game on sale, got completely hooked within the first three missions

the style, dialogue, combat, and crafting system are all top notch, 10/10

some of the things that hold the game back in my eyes is the movement, often times passing through another person (or vice versa) can mess up my placement, but to be fair thats just a learning curve

the combat enforces high mobility because of the healing combat, and i think thats really interesting. It makes positioning, resource management, exploration, and map awareness very important. Also requires a little bit of tracking which “patients” you have already treated, etc

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Plaguepunk Justice on Steam

Once Upon A Death

Once Upon A Death

Once upon a death is a necromancy themed resource management clicker.

The idea is innovative and I love the art style, but the gameplay is terrible, you’re essentially just idling as you create zombies and then smashing them into castle after castle.

I can’t tell if the game wants to be a clicker or an idler, but it does both terribly, the zombie summon rate is incredibly slow with no way to increase it, but it has no window mode and will pause if you minimize the game.

Upgrades to zombies take time, you can only upgrade one and a time, and there’s no queue system so you have to be watching it constantly. There’s no audio cue when a new batch of zombies are created so you need to check that regularly too. This means you are essentially clicking a few times, then waiting 10~20 seconds and repeating the process a few thousand times. Ridiculously repetitive as you will need at least 100 level 3 zombies for the final castle.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Singleplayer Games.

This game is okay, but has issues with balance, and is boring, anything past the second settlement and the fun goes down because it is very repetitive. I cannot recommend it currently.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Once Upon A Death on Steam

HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It

HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It

The story is wild yo

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Horror Games.

HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It on Steam

Master of Mutations

Master of Mutations

I debated on this one but glad I decided to buy it! I love good match 3 games that require strategy rather than fast game play and Master of Mutations is right up my alley!

Very limited instructions… tutorial is some help. It takes some strategy to get the achievements which was fun for me. I finished the game and then went back to get the FAIL achievements. Total time to get a perfect score was just over 5 hours (at least 1/2 was spent in another game while this was running). Those that finished in an hour with all achievements must be geniuses… certainly something I am not but it was a very enjoyable 5 hours for me.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Master of Mutations is one of those games that wasn’t fully tested. It is a game that looks nice and plays nice, with a few annoying problems. Haven’t found a way to adjust the screen size. The score/time or whatever is not viewable. There’s no tutorial or any documentation to tell you how to play the game. You have to test it out yourself, which to be honest isn’t hard to figure out. The screen problem is the biggest problem. If the developers can fix it, then the game is fun enough as a casual time wasting game. Achievements were very easy to get. Not sure if this warrants the $5.99 price at this point. Luckily I got mine in a bundle and thought, hey let’s give it a go. I’m giving it thumbs up for the fact it’s playable, but keep in mind, it needs work.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Master of Mutations on Steam

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection

Played this a lot on the Switch, and am gladly going to play it even more on PC. If you have a high tolerance for frustration and can laugh at both your own stupid mistakes and some downright mean BS the game will throw your way (mostly difficulty, but some cheap traps as well), I believe you’ll have an absolute blast playing this. It’s quite a rollercoaster of intense excitement, intense frustration and intense satisfaction.

The GnG series was always quite unique due to how well it evoked a feeling of fumbling or panic with its design and mechanics. No matter how well you know a level and how good of a plan you have, things always go very wrong very quickly, and you will be forced to quickly make some hard decisions or die. This aspect of the games was always the main source of excitement, satisfaction and humor. GnG Resurrection doubles down on this exact element and ramps it up more than any previous game in the series.

Real player with 58.9 hrs in game

Ghosts ‘n Goblins is back and it’s harder than ever! Having played four games in this series I was convinced that I was more-than-ready to tackle its hardest difficulty (Legend) for my first playthrough, oh how wrong I was. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection (GnGR) is best described as a remake+. It borrows heavily from the gameplay, enemies, levels, music, and more from the first two games but also contains new content that fits in with what the original games established. GnGR features four returning stages that are significantly longer and play completely differently as well as three brand new stages.

Real player with 45.6 hrs in game

Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection on Steam

Dark Forest Project

Dark Forest Project

Dark Forest Project is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste spam artists, Phoenixxx Games. All these guys do is copy game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change a few things/fill out the template, then try to gouge as much money as they can from someone else’s work. They have run these asset/template flip copy+pastes dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

This time they’ve ripped off a basic template for a basic, low quality 2D retro pixel top down wave survival shooter. Asset flips and other “Fake games” (as Valve calls them) are harmful to the industry, because they pollute the marketplace and reduce the visibility and exposure needed by genuine indie developers.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Dark Forest Project on Steam

Wailing Heights

Wailing Heights

I think I’m instantly drawn to anything that features classic movie monsters (I’m looking at you too, Monster Prom) so that brought my interest to Wailing Heights. Overall, I enjoyed it. I felt that the puzzles were challenging without being too obnoxious or too simple. The art was great! The music was catchy, and I found myself singing along to some of the snippets during the character swaps. Oh by the way, it’s a character swap game where you have to use different monsters and utilize their unique abilities to solve puzzles.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

A good but glitchy P&C.

Its specifics:

  • Fully voice-acted, high quality

  • Gamepad-friendly

  • Unusual inventory; no descriptions, no combinations… everything is used through dialogue

  • Cut-scenes in the form of comics pages

  • Music-themed

  • Interchangeable bodies with different abilities, dialogues and voices

Today is list-day, so here are the flaws:

  • The art is cool, but some animations are weak, notably the depth movements.

  • Imprecise hit-boxes require precise movement adjustments (minor annoyance.)

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Wailing Heights on Steam

Magic defense

Magic defense

no mute

no speed control

no demolish

and no ending…

seriously, i’m over 500,000 points

but difficulty level was the same…

the next level was the same, the next next next level was the same

so so so boring and finger painful


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Does not give you a lot of information at the start, but after a bit of fumbling, you will enjoy a good “Tower Defense style” (their words) game.

The enemies come at you from all angles, but if you have a “good” starting map (it’s very easy to restart the game) you are off and running. You will soon work out that once the pot of gold is moved, the enemies will typically exit to the top of the map and you can lay your defences accordingly. The only tricky bit are enemies who then attack from the top of the map.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Magic defense on Steam

Don’t Get Bit

Don’t Get Bit

First experience with a turn-based strategy game - so much fun! Just the right amount of challenge to keep me coming back for more. Felt like I was cruising along with ease until Level 23 - things have slowed down, but I’m muscling through - I’ll help Cassie & Co. beat those zombies yet!

Love the narration and story - can’t wait to see how it ends! Drawings are fantastic, to boot!

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

This is the first time I have ever played a turn-based strategy game, and I love it!!

This has been a great intro into these types of games. I’m in the middle of my second play-through of “Don’t Get Bit” and it’s just as entertaining as the first play. The story is very compelling and brilliant! I love the voice actress. I love everything about the look of this game too. It’s so unique and cool!

“Don’t Get Bit” is challenging and always keeps me on my toes; I have ended up playing it for hours with no knowledge of time passing. I have screamed in frustration when my strategy has ended with me turning into a blood smear on the board, but it just makes me more determined to beat it and show the game who’s boss.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Don't Get Bit on Steam

Ninja: Rise of a Hero

Ninja: Rise of a Hero

My love! I miss you so much! The sneaky Dracula kidnapped you on the eve of our wedding… All my life I’ve trained for this moment! And was not ready for it…

I can endure any pain and take any blows without moaning!

I can imitate the sounds of any animals and birds!

I cleverly climb trees and swim in the water like a fish!

I am impeccable in Ninjato and the art of throwing shuriken!

I can see perfectly in the dark!

And I could not see the enemy in the daylight…

Ninja: Rise of a Hero on Steam