

The Cold is Just the Beginning

A science expedition was sent to Zhokhov Island to study recent occurrences of magnetic anomalies in the region. Amongst them was Anna, a young geophysicist, along with her mentor and a small military crew. As her group investigates the cause of the anomalies on the island, a sequence of disastrous events unroll trapping them in an unknown underground military complex, under the extreme cold of the Russian climate. Now, Anna desperately tries to survive and find a way out, but something down there disturbingly draws her deeper, and that unknown haunting place bizarrely welcomes her more and more…

Kriophobia is a survival horror in third person, inspired by the old-school games of the same genre. Immerse yourself in a Cold and Inhuman World of Mad Obsession, Extremist Patriotism and Disturbing Relationships, presented with a Unique Art-Style that mixes comics and painting.


  • Immersive psychological horror storyline that explores a twisted and abandoned world

  • Hidden Past Secrets to be found, inspired by real events from Russia’s Darkest Times

  • Cold, Obscure and Terrifying scenarios to be Explored

  • Evasive Combat centered on fleeing and hiding from gruesome abominations.

  • Survival with Limited Resources against Freezing Temperatures in a hostile place

  • Dark Visual Style that blends Comics and Painting in a unique way

  • Fully Illustrated Game World displayed with modern Static Cameras

  • An Exclusive Russian-Inspired soundtrack

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Old School Games.

Kriophobia on Steam



It’s a great indie horror game.

There are hints over the game which is not noticeable at start but u discover later how to use the hints. I got stuck at some places but managed to solve a lot.

Expecting to see more in the future :)

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Stealth Games.

First let me say, this is the best $2 I have ever spent.

The 2D artwork is amazing.

The puzzles are interesting and the pressure is hilariously awesome.

I really hope to see more games like this in the future from Justus Yew. I can’t recommend this game enough. Stop what you are doing, buy this game and thank me later.

Thanks for making an awesome game. I’ve yet to beat it, but I’m having a blast playing it so far! - Part of my first playthrough

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Overslept on Steam

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream… with The Sack Man

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream… with The Sack Man


This is a saga of 9 short games and a prelude in a 3D survival horror style, based on tales from the real Mexican folklore in which every monster it´s originally a physical sculpture made and painted by hand and then 3D scanned using photogrammetry.


You are a young girl who is sleeping and having a nightmare in the middle of which your grandmother appears giving you a key, then a black cat starts talking to you and tells you that if you want to wake up, you must recover, in less than an hour, a dagger that is inside a labyrinth where the Sack Man lives, the monster that steals children from that old legend that your grandmother also told and warns you that this labyrinth is alive, that it changes its shape and that it will protect the monster by showing you your own fears, and that if you fail, you will remain inside the labyrinth forever and you will never wake up again.

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Lore-Rich Games.

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream... with The Sack Man on Steam



KINGDOM of the DEAD is a pen and ink drawn horror FPS videogame where you play as Agent Chamberlain, professor turned Army General, now working for the secret government program known as GATEKEEPER, whose main purpose is to defeat Death and his armies.


• Close the Gates of Death, exploring 8 remote locations along the US East Coast

• Unique black & white, hand-drawn visuals

• 8 weapons, 22+ enemies and old school bosses

• Replayability like in the ’90s, with different goals at each difficulty level

• Cheat codes and customizable color palette

• Endless mode

Scour a world shrouded in shadows

Send the creepy creatures of the army of Death back to hell

Push on with your adventure, fighting the horrifying huge bosses you’ll meet on your path

KINGDOM of the DEAD on Steam



In A Nutshell

🔵 Pros

  • Decent free-roaming, survival horror gameplay.

  • No hand holding: players need to figure out everything on their own.

  • Quests also being “mini-puzzles” based on how to use found items in solving problems.

  • Sufficient variety of equipment and enemies.

🔴 Cons

  • A few but significant bugs that can lead to major gameplay disruption / force a reload.

  • Autosave-only saving system at each area transition, no manual saves whatsoever, not even at fixed points.

  • Sometimes certain quests can glitch, preventing progression.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

This is a 2D top down horror themed survival/twin stick brawler hybrid game with a rich story and handmade artwork. Explore an alternative universe Finland and fight off creepy monsters, keep yourself alive long enough with the tools in your inventory and you may unravel the choices-matter interactive story.

There’s a few good points here, the atmosphere is good and the game launches under Windows 10, which puts the game above so many other indie titles. As far as handmade art goes, it’s perfectly acceptable and fits well with the theme. Unfortunately there’s some deficiencies, too. Resolution and controls are both fixed and can’t be changed, which makes the game fall below minimum standards for PC. Also, the game lacks polish and suffers from many gamebreaking bugs and crashes. Finally, twin stick top-down genre died a long time ago shortly after 3D accelerators became available back in 1995 with the S3 Virge.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Kalaban on Steam

They Breathe

They Breathe

What a grim and dark plot for such a cute frog! Play as a frog named Glenn, as you swim into the depths of the water until you reach the bottom, finding waves of bubbles, frogs that need oxygen, as well as some … pretty messed-up looking monsters, all concluded with a final boss. Saving your froggie friends proves to be a very high priority, as there is an achievement for saving all frogs, as well as reducing the chances of more monster spawns. Gathering oxygen is also a higher priority, as it saves you, other frogs and destroys several enemies. The overall difficult of the game ranges from Easy-to-medium. There are only 3 types of enemies you have to overcome, and the boss is basically slowly dying as long as you stay alive in the final wave to the end. Simple AWSD for movement and Space key to dash.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

What an odd and somewhat surreal game. I found it looking through a list of summer sales, the silly looking banner grabbing my attention. When I noticed it was only something like $0.60 I thought, “Why the heck not”. Honestly, I got what I paid for - whatever you decide on whether or not to get this at the end of this review, don’t pay the $2. That may not sound like much money, but this game is not worth full price.

Anyway, it’s.. well, I wouldn’t necessarily call it good, but it’s oddly kind of zen? The controls are clunky (I used a 360 controller, I wouldn’t recommend the keyboard) and often frustraing to handle, and the game basically just throws you in with no explanation. In a modern age spoiled by tutorials, it was an odd feeling flailing about trying to figure out the controls and how to deal with the enemies. The game only takes about 20-30 minutes or so to play (unless you’re a completionist like me trying to go the extra miles for achievements) and is a series of waves where you have to defeat the enemies and save other frogs (assuming the enemies don’t kill them first). Your health is gauged by how much breath you have, breathing air bubbles or the last gasps of air from enemies. There’s no meter for this, instead the frog changes color and starts to spit bloodied bubbles to indicate its slowly drowning. Graphically I personally felt it looked somewhat juvenile, what may have been the point, though the frog sprites in particular weirded me out over the fact it looks like a double amputee missing its front legs. The music I felt was the best part. It’s very calming but also eerie. Very good for atmosphere.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

They Breathe on Steam

Choo-Choo Charles

Choo-Choo Charles

Charles is a bloodthirsty train, and you need to destroy him.

These winding tracks are treacherous, so you’ll need to plan each mission. Be careful when clearing your path on foot, or switching the tracks direction, because Charles might be waiting for you.

Upgrade you train to fit your needs.

Go looting or complete missions to find “Scraps”, which can be used to turn your train, into a death machine on wheels.

Get help from the townspeople.

Help out the settlers in return for high powered weapons, and other items vital to Charles' destruction.

Fight Charles to the death.

Prove yourself a worthy train killer, by gaining enough strength, firepower, and skill to take down the mechanical terror once and for all.

In Choo-Choo Charles you’re given the task of eradicating a monster known by the locals as “Charles”. Nobody knows where he came from, but they know why; to eat the flesh of puny humans. You have a small yellow train, with a map, mounted machine gun, and an exquisite collection of bobble-heads on the dashboard. You’ll use this train to get from place to place, while you complete missions for the townspeople, or loot scraps from around the island. Over time you’ll use your scraps to upgrade your train’s speed, armor, and damage. You’ll grow your arsenal, and (hopefully) become an unstoppable force, ready to take on the great and mighty Charles.

Choo-Choo Charles on Steam

Shadow Walls

Shadow Walls

A good indie game. It is not really a horror game but an action game. There is an atmosphere of suspense through sound, but the theme is action. The difficulty is well balanced, which is very rare in the indie scene. Today, I arrived in the last phase, I believe there was a short time to finish, but it is not easy. There is a good progression of the difficulty that increases gradually and peaks in the last phase, of course. My only criticism is the flashlight, which in fact is useless, just decoration. The developer has a style that can be recognized in other works and knows how to do a good level design, this is very good. And finally, the game has an originality, something also difficult to achieve today with so many titles. Congratulations.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Very nice game to play and with a lot of challenge. It is undoubtedly a great deal for the price. If you are looking for a fun and challenging experience, this game is for you.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Shadow Walls on Steam



Uhm, what can I say? I really like the game because…

Gameplay - 9✔ (I didn’t know right away that I had to click lol)

Story - 10✔

Endings - 10✔ (I’m satisfied with all three!)

Graphics - 10✔

Horror-ity - 10✔ (No jumpscares, just chases)

Puzzles - 10✔

I’m glad you still produced the game.

And, I’m super happy with my purchase! ~

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Have so much fun with the game, even though i still didn’t finish the game after 103 minutes xD

edit: i clear it after 2.4 hours!!!!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Noctambulant on Steam



i know this game is not all that good but its cause there was not enough added Yet so in the future i hope this game is improved in the future to be perfect cause i honestly i this game is pretty good for a game also good for small kids to learn a small bit just my opinion

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

A pretty decent game I’d say. Got it during a big sale so the price is okay. The graphic is not bad though. It’s like looking under the microscope, watching viruses and immune system fight each other in a cool fun way. In the past I only read it from biology textbooks and had to imagine how things play out. The game has 3 types of virus, 30 levels (6 stages) and about 16 different upgrades available. Strangely, is it just me or is the way infected cells pop and explode to unleash viruses has a satisfying feel to it. Hmmm….

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Infectious on Steam