

The title and the beginning of the story already make the truly apocalyptic mood of this masterpiece clear: Apocalipsis is a point-and-click game that lets you slip into the role of Harry, who truly regards the death of his beloved Zula as the end of his world and who, on his journey, literally goes to the end of the world in order to perhaps bring her back to life through a magical ritual.

As in the Book of Revelation, however, the hoped-for resurrection of the dead might only happen at the end of the story. Before that, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (tyranny, war, hunger and illness/death) are attacking mankind: Harry wanders, depressed and sickly coughing, through scary landscapes, where he encounters the scourges of medieval mankind: cruel torture, devastating war, emaciating hunger and merciless illness/death. Death dances its macabre dance in almost all of the pictures: either there are already many bodies or skeletons in the picture, or the grim reaper can hope for a rich harvest in view of the condition of the living creatures or the actions of the people involved. Especially in the first half of the game one often encounters monsters that seem to come directly from the hell of Dante’s “Divine Comedy”. Can Harry save his beloved by dark magic?

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Singleplayer Games.


Sitting together on the top of a hill like two love birds, Harry and Zula were enjoying the beauty of the night when suddenly a falling star illuminated the sky on its way down to Earth. Zula stood up, mesmerized by this incredible spectacle, and decided to share with Harry an old legend she had heard. It says that only a woman can follow and find where the falling star has landed, and when she reaches it, she will be granted eternal love. As she walks down the hill by herself, it will be the last time Harry sees her safe and sound. This is how Harry’s world falls apart, and he’ll do anything to have her back!

*– [Real player with 5.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003030375)*


![Soul Catcher](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1394680/header.jpg "")

## Soul Catcher

It’s nice to play a game that doesn’t hand everything to you on a plate. In an age of ultra-high budget productions I’m reminded that sometimes simplicity can produce a compelling game. Some talented individuals with a story to tell, maybe a few puzzles and jump scares along the way make a surprisingly compelling game. Because of the whole horror retro vibe of the game this is definitely one to play with headphones. I have to admit that I took a while to complete this, probably because I’m not that great at puzzle games. I have to admit there were periods of frustration when I was stuck on a few puzzles but to me that makes it all the sweeter when you finally figure it out. Don’t get me wrong, the game isn’t without its flaws. The low-res aesthetic certainly won’t appeal to everyone. Sometimes it feels like the difficulty of the puzzles can suddenly jump without much of a ramp up to them. I think an optional hint mode as an option within each puzzle could help. Checkpoints need to be more evenly spaced as I had to play for a good 30 minutes before I hit my first one. For what the game is, when it was floated on the steam store I thought it was a little expensive. But hey what are Steam sales for! All in all this game is a great reminder that you don’t necessarily need a multi-million pound budget and photo realistic graphics to make a compelling story that’s enjoyable (if a little scary) to play through. Now I just need to complete play throughs with all the other characters XD.

*– [Real player with 13.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053407012)*




Read More: Best Hand-drawn Dog Games.

--- Yes, I'm aware of the ALL CAPS game this title is similar to. Are there games out there like Rogue? Yes, a lot. That is why "Rogue-like" is now a genre. Am I going to make a federal case out of inspiration? No, no I am not. What I will do is say that this game is awesome. It sets up its own unsettling folklore-themed flavor, presented in classic retro-PC style, with some pretty clever puzzles. There are multiple characters, and multiple endings depending on what you do and/or the order you do things in. *– [Real player with 5.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056907421)* --- ![Mundaun](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/720350/header.jpg "") ## Mundaun Mundaun is really good. It's very refreshing to play a horror game set elsewhere than an asylum, a space station or a suburban house, there's way too few games taking place in Switzerland. The game looks unique and I'm in awe just thinking how many graphite drawings it took and there's quite a few striking setpieces I still think about to this day. The atmosphere is thick and eerie, you know something's not right but can't quite put your finger on it. The characters are great, huge love for a certain evil one who oozes darkness. The romansh voice acting adds so much to the sense of mystery and it's not like you'd play games in romansh everyday. The story is pretty straightforward and feels like a folktale you'd tell just before bedtime, a story the whole town would know. *– [Real player with 24.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019243346)* ---

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Psychological Horror Games.

--- Sometimes it only takes one picture to see that the game will be - at the very least - interesting. I saw the first picture of _Mundaun_ on an indie website something like two years ago, and after that was patiently waiting for release. I was expecting another tiny 2-3-hour horror game - only this time with actual style and atmosphere. What I didn't expect was was ten hours of high production values all across the board. * A culturally informed take on the classical European 'deal with the Devil' scenario. *– [Real player with 9.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081477001)* --- ![My Beautiful Paper Smile](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1036700/header.jpg "") ## My Beautiful Paper Smile My Beautiful Paper Smile is so simple and yet so good. The controls are quite simple, but this does not make the game any easier. You need to put quite a good effort to pass all the challenges and try several times to be successful. I really enjoyed the fact you have to collect some tokens during the game to have a bit more of content to the story, but also that it is not mandatory to find them to continue playing the game. This is something that actually makes me want to play again and again so I can collect them all ! , especially the incredibly well-hidden tokens. *– [Real player with 10.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199034340192)* My Beautiful Paper Smile is such an amazing game. I love the story line and character models, as well as the gameplay mechanics. Needing light in darkness isn't new, but calling light "life" and making the darkness *itself* envelop you is a really nice twist on things. Makes it new again. The secrets are so rewarding, and they reveal about what actually goes on in the facility. The Sleeping, Smiling, and Puppet rooms are (without spilling the beans), without a doubt, some of my favorite portions of the game. They speak so loudly about what they do as soon as you see them. Some of them are long, letting you soak the message in, while others are short. It only shows you a couple seconds, but the message is so blunt you don't need any more time to observe it to get it. *– [Real player with 7.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198451423696)* --- ![KINGDOM of the DEAD](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1547380/header.jpg "") ## KINGDOM of the DEAD KINGDOM of the DEAD is a pen and ink drawn horror FPS videogame where you play as Agent Chamberlain, professor turned Army General, now working for the secret government program known as GATEKEEPER, whose main purpose is to defeat Death and his armies. **Features:** • Close the Gates of Death, exploring 8 remote locations along the US East Coast • Unique black & white, hand-drawn visuals • 8 weapons, 22+ enemies and old school bosses • Replayability like in the '90s, with different goals at each difficulty level • Cheat codes and customizable color palette • Endless mode ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1547380/extras/Explore_3.gif?t=1635710728) Scour a world shrouded in shadows ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1547380/extras/Face_3.gif?t=1635710728) Send the creepy creatures of the army of Death back to hell ![](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1547380/extras/Eldritch_3.gif?t=1635710728) Push on with your adventure, fighting the horrifying huge bosses you'll meet on your path --- ![LabRat](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1454320/header.jpg "") ## LabRat Had an absolute blast playing through the original and the epic Pterodactyl DLC. It's impressive how such a simple concept can be so creepy and keep you wanting to know more. SFX were fantastic and really added to the atmosphere. Definitely worth a playthrough or two! *– [Real player with 1.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198154108333)* A very solid game from, what appears to be, a first time indie Game Dev. Without spoiling anything, The "creature within" (as you can tell from my achievements) did catch me, and yes I jumped. Nicely Done, looking forward to seeing what else you come up with!! *– [Real player with 0.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169183880)* --- ![Night in Riverager](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1500380/header.jpg "") ## Night in Riverager The developer mentions that there are some mild fantasy violence and also includes topics such as murder and torture; there is none of that in the game. It's also rather short, about 10-12 minutes where you talk to your mom and then you leave to fetch her some medicine since she has some sort of illness. When you leave your home, you venture northward to access a bridge to go to your uncle's home. You don't make it. It ends, to me, abruptly. I don't mind it being short, but I would like to have a bit more closure. At least let me get the medicine… *– [Real player with 2.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199127880927)* ### DISCLAIMER: This is a full review, and NOT a first impressions review Night in Riverager is a game developed by Two Star Games and published by V Publishing The game offers some nice graphics and a really beautiful aesthetic, although some ugly glitches here and there, it is pleasant all the same The game does suffer with some repetitiveness at certain areas of the game but a fun game nonetheless Night in Riverager overall, however, is a fun game to play, yet sometimes repetitive and it does get boring if being played for a long time, but is a really good horror game to play in short bursts! *– [Real player with 1.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062813911)* --- ![EVOLUTION - Versicorae Domlion](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1412890/header.jpg "") ## EVOLUTION - Versicorae Domlion ![](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1412890/extras/Banner1_EVOLUTION.png?t=1637627224) * Hybrid between a 90s inspired RPG and a Visual Novel. * 7/10 hours of gameplay. * Experience the connection between five different stories set in may 1938. * System based on riddles and strategic fights against horrible creatures. * Gloomy pixel art and hand-drawn graphic. ![](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1412890/extras/Keyart_EVOLUTION.png?t=1637627224) EVOLUTION - Versicorae Domlion is a hybrid horror video game between a Visual Novel and a RPG. The player will have the opportunity to experience four different stories, different depending on the character chosen, to finally compose a single great story. To advance, you will have to find out why Cathrine, Michael, Arthur and Anne were chosen by the mysterious Alexis and help them resolve their inner conflicts. The game offers, in addition to the rich storyline, the opportunity to visit the city of Gris to get to know its inhabitants, enhance the skills of each individual hero and to face dungeons guarded by fearsome monsters. ![](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1412890/extras/Protagonists_EVOLUTION.png?t=1637627224) --- ![Kalaban](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/571520/header.jpg "") ## Kalaban In A Nutshell 🔵 Pros + Decent free-roaming, survival horror gameplay. + No hand holding: players need to figure out everything on their own. + Quests also being "mini-puzzles" based on how to use found items in solving problems. + Sufficient variety of equipment and enemies. 🔴 Cons - A few but significant bugs that can lead to major gameplay disruption / force a reload. - Autosave-only saving system at each area transition, no manual saves whatsoever, not even at fixed points. - Sometimes certain quests can glitch, preventing progression. *– [Real player with 5.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198266073876)* This is a 2D top down horror themed survival/twin stick brawler hybrid game with a rich story and handmade artwork. Explore an alternative universe Finland and fight off creepy monsters, keep yourself alive long enough with the tools in your inventory and you may unravel the choices-matter interactive story. There's a few good points here, the atmosphere is good and the game launches under Windows 10, which puts the game above so many other indie titles. As far as handmade art goes, it's perfectly acceptable and fits well with the theme. Unfortunately there's some deficiencies, too. Resolution and controls are both fixed and can't be changed, which makes the game fall below minimum standards for PC. Also, the game lacks polish and suffers from many gamebreaking bugs and crashes. Finally, twin stick top-down genre died a long time ago shortly after 3D accelerators became available back in 1995 with the S3 Virge. *– [Real player with 5.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030784015)* --- ![The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/94300/header.jpg "") ## The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 _This is a review of the full game_ ### Artstyle Unusual, intricate, sometimes strangely beautiful, sometimes downright weird (towards the end). The main protagonist is stop-motion animated clay, the backgrounds are all handcrafted from a variety of materials. It takes some getting used to but it really grew on me. The music and sounds are very well done and enhance the atmosphere of the game. There's no voice acting, you have to read the dialogue which sometimes is a bit tedious but on the whole is well written and not too long. *– [Real player with 27.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002913302)* Just add this to the list of things that prove that video games are art. This game has some of the most intriguing, gorgeous, adorable (and in many instances disgusting) designs ever contructed. The art style is like if the film "Mirror Mask" were made into a game. And the plot is just as gorgeous and surreal. "The Dream Machine" is like the ultimate indie game. You play as Victor Neff, a self-proclaimed "handsome" man, who has just moved into a strange new flat with his pregnant wife, but things get strange very quickly when your wife notices the landlord acting really weird. I will not spoil any of the plot. It is a game you must see to believe, but if you can believe it, there is in fact a Dream Machine in the game. *– [Real player with 25.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198262374327)* ---