Just Take Your Left

Just Take Your Left

I super wanted to give this game a positive review, but it’s not quite ready for prime time yet. Even though I ultimately felt I had to give this game a thumbs down, please still consider supporting the developer by picking it up, perhaps on sale, especially if it looks like the kind of game you might be into.

Just take your left is a very short mouse-driven game by Mehrdad Rezaei, who seems to be a solo Iranian developer. Your character is an agent of some sort who is sent to steal a diamond from a castle, but is antagonized along the way by a small mouse who is determined to stop him.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Inventory Management Games.

this game has nice artwork and great character animation, a lot of though has gone into how the character reacts to objects, which is great to see.

I managed to get stuck a few times but not so stuck you’d give up or start hunting down a tutorial,

A little moan is quality control and grammar but English isn’t the guys first language, and considering its the cost of a burger the character animation is so much nicer than some dearer games, no aimless wandering about and dodgy “use” animation here!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Just Take Your Left on Steam



This game is a great experience when introducing a loved one to video games.

It unfolds at a peaceful pace. This is not a platformer, yet it has platforms. It is not a walking simulator, yet there is walking. This is not a visual novel, yet it unfolds like a great book ending. It is not a puzzle game, yet it has puzzle logic. I would place it in the vague category of adventure games as it has its unique traits that took sparsely from different genres.

I played with my young kid and we loved it. The atmosphere is unique and fills the narrative to the point that the lack of dialogues carries on perfectly in my opinion.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Short Games.

Highly recommended.

I played this with my 4 year old and we had a great co-op experience. Naturally, I gave my little one the Controller and I took the good old keyboard myself.

I also role-played with my character. Basically, my character was always scared of everything and 40% confused and I used this to have long conversations and discovery activities with my little one.

The best part my little one liked is the “things we could do collaboratively”.

So I highly recommend this for parents who want to spend some time with their little ones.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Voyage on Steam



When I saw this game appear on Steam, a long forgotten memory came back to me! This is actually my very fist video game! I remember when my parents bought me my first PC, this “new game” was delivered with the PC. I didn’t like it because it was too difficult (for a 9 year old). The cutscenes are excellent, beautiful cartoony style, but the gameplay itself is a very bland railshooter … which is fine, I guess … but if you don’t care to play this game (which is a challenge if approached without nostalgia glasses), then just watch the cutscenes on YouTube. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2536351711

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hand-drawn Dystopian Games.

Wetlands on Steam



BECKONED is a single-player adventure, driven by progressive role-playing combat mechanics.

The story follows a boy (Taujh) searching for a crystal pendant which could contain his lost memories. Accompanied by two others (Enelh and Leign), they scurry across the landscape of Devanis while being swept up in a whirlwind of trouble. Mastering their surroundings and choosing to help a land riddled with fear, they must reclaim the pendant before its lost for good and maybe then, Taujh will finally know who he is. Release date and price is TBA.





A rare planetary alignment has transpired in the universe. The deep sea needs your help pulling Mother Ocean from her depression spiral for the water ritual to be complete. You must collect and deliver life energy pearls to the Nucleoid Portal to awaken her. You’ll receive mysterious messages, learn how to astral project and meditate with consciousness warriors as you navigate a fantastic deep sea world full of weird, alien underwater creatures. Will you be around long enough to experience universal oneness?

Oceanarium on Steam

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream… with The Sack Man

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream… with The Sack Man


This is a saga of 9 short games and a prelude in a 3D survival horror style, based on tales from the real Mexican folklore in which every monster it´s originally a physical sculpture made and painted by hand and then 3D scanned using photogrammetry.


You are a young girl who is sleeping and having a nightmare in the middle of which your grandmother appears giving you a key, then a black cat starts talking to you and tells you that if you want to wake up, you must recover, in less than an hour, a dagger that is inside a labyrinth where the Sack Man lives, the monster that steals children from that old legend that your grandmother also told and warns you that this labyrinth is alive, that it changes its shape and that it will protect the monster by showing you your own fears, and that if you fail, you will remain inside the labyrinth forever and you will never wake up again.

Dark Tales from México: Prelude. Just a Dream... with The Sack Man on Steam



Awful. A collection of random voices muttering gibberish in splat water color forest, and your arms are missing. You can’t understand what they are saying, so just tune them out. There is nothing to interact with, just painted trees and land, and sky. It takes a full minute to boot into it, and likewise to get out of it… Maybe if you waste 20 minutes into it, you can find some angle in the ‘forest’ to take a few nice screenshots and use them as desktop wall paper. But not much else in this, some additional random moaning choir music, pleasant but formless and meaningless. Pity, it seemed like it would have potential if they cleaned up the broken audio noise, reverb overload and overlapping garbled voices. In SETTINGS - You can turn down the voices, the Music, and or turn down the nature sounds to Silent. Try just Nature, no voices, no music. Then, you’ll enjoy a quiet walk in the woods. It does have an ending once you pick a handful of flowers. You can post your thoughts at the ending to share them with others. You could also just put on the music and silence the rest, enjoy the music playing in the background while you work. But the voices - ugh - babbling gibberish. Graphics 7/10 - watercolor trees.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game


Sunlight is a thirty-minute walk through a beautiful forest enhanced by a wonderful Tchaikovsky arrangement. It’s a decent entry in the walking sim genre.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Sunlight on Steam

Forgotton Anne

Forgotton Anne

| Byte sized review | Lost and found |

| Graphics | 3/5 - I am generally not a huge fan of anime, especially when it’s hypersexualized as most often than not seems to be the case to the uneducated (in the art form) like myself. As a kid growing up I always thought of it as too raw and too ugly for my tastes much preferring the style of western cartoons, but over the years I have gradually come to enjoy some of Studio Ghibli’s output (that is about as far as my anime adventurousness extends as I have never had any desire to seek out other studios output). Forgotton Anne visually reminds me of Studio Ghibli’s output and that is the highest praise I could possibly reap upon it. While I would have much preferred a more traditional western cartoon animation style, and that is just my personal taste, it works here and continues to help me broaden my horizons which is only a good thing. |

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

So that’s where my socks go. Well, I hope they had a nice life.

We all lost something. Whether it be that jacket that you forgot to take with you or an important paper that you misplaced. Or perhaps you forgot you had something as years pass. If you’re lucky, you would be able to find it again, if not, it’s a mystery where it ended up. However, what if a whole other universe houses these items and gives them life?

Anne lives in such a world, along with another human named Bonku. Anne is the Enforcer, which requires her to keep the order and make sure those not following the rules gets repercussions. But why should Forgotlings (lost and forgotten things) listen? Well, Anne and Bonku both wield the Arca which can give or take away Anima, their power source and their life energy. If a Forgotling’s Anima is taken, or distilled, they will just be a regular old item again. However, rebels have risen up despite the threat of being distilled and has threatened the near completion of the Ether Bridge as well as everyone to go back to their owner. Things have gotten too far out of hand, it’s time for the Enforcer to step in.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Forgotton Anne on Steam

Karma Flow 2 - Tears of a Ghost

Karma Flow 2 - Tears of a Ghost

Karma Flow 2 - Tears of a Ghost is a Noir Action Stealth game which focuses on narrative and freedom of action. It’s the direct sequel of Karma Flow - The Prototype and continues the story of the assassin Florien Kealborn.

Two years ago, a strange phenomenon called “Karma” began to infest the criminal city of Rolsara. No one knew what this “force” was, but every criminal in the city was forced to pay the price for their own actions the moment it started acting. Eye for an eye.

After the Karma Patrol’s assault on Old Major HQ and the death of the Doppelganger, Florien is now tasked with the assassination of Madame Delavix, leader of a group of mercenaries called the “Stray Dogs”.

What started as simple wetwork turns into the biggest political crisis the city of Rolsara has ever witnessed while Florien is forced to face the ghosts of her own troubled past.

Play as Florien and uncover the truth behind the Karma in a game that lets you carry out missions any way you want, making you plan things out and act as you wish. How are you going to dispose of your targets? When? What route are you going to take? Are you going to wait for them and ambush them? Or are you going to charge them head on? It’s up to you.

Karma Flow 2 - Tears of a Ghost on Steam

Two Strikes

Two Strikes

You feel the adrenaline pump though you as you inch closer to your opponent. Testing his defence you make a small swing with your blade and the ring of steel hitting steel fills the air. You leap back but, he presses the attack! A lighting flash from above as the hiss of metal once again masks the sound of footsteps. You realize the next move is a faint a second late as red hot pain fills your entire being. After another leap back you take in your situation. You’re hurt but alive. He smiles at you, takes a step closer and winds up for a powerful swing. you feel a wash of air rush past your neck and head as you lean back and follow through with a powerful swing of your own. suddenly everything is quiet. you take a deep breath as your opponent falls to the ground.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game


But the saying goes “Fool me once, strike one, fool me twice, strike three.”


Fast-paced gameplay with spectacular visuals and a breathtaking soundtrack.

It’s very unique as a fighting game too. The meta is derived entirely of psych-outs, counters, and whiff punishes. There’s no okizeme, no combos, no blockstrings, not even crossups. it’s pure grounded neutral. It’s the epitome of simple, yet deep gameplay.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Two Strikes on Steam