

Hello, I’m writing a review for this game since I feel like it is in need of good reviews, and no, I haven’t played for 31 minutes in total, I am a alpha and beta tester, who wants to give this game a good name.

Firstly, I’ll be going over 4 things and rating them, Difficulty, Availability, Replayability and Community, these 4 things make a game good, so of course, first of all


The game is overwhelming in the first couple of games, getting used to it would be hard if there isn’t an experienced player who is willing to help, I’d say it take around 6 games to actually learn most things going on, and to get a feel for the roles, as you’d most likely get an Agent, a Hacking Netsec, Neutral and so on, however strategy is hard, its social deduction and meaning that the game will definettly rely on your social ability to lie, and make up a good claim which would be hard for the first games, and could still even be harder games onwards, strategies form in your mind, they work and they don’t, overall

Real player with 360.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Multiplayer Games.

Untrusted is a Social Deduction game with a hacking theme. The Social Deduction genre has seen a recent resurgence with the success of Among Us. In this game, a hacking group called NETSEC is meeting in an online chat room to coordinate their hack progress through a number of computers and servers in order to hack one specific target node that will win them the game. Every group, however, has been infiltrated by two agents, and a number of independent operators known as Neutrals.

The premise of this game is fantastic, and the lone developer has done some of its implementation well. NETSEC has a variety of skills to verify its own people. The Agents have some ways of blending in with the NETSEC operatives. The fun of the game is not found in the hacking (as there is nothing even closely resembling real hacking), but rather in the fact that you’re actively playing against the minds of the other players as you prove people true or false, or if you’re an agent, you’ll quite possibly find your thrill in lying your way to victory with hastily formed arguments as you place the blame on others. You have to be quick, since there’s not much time before NETSEC has to decide which member of the chat must be sent to their death, and your arguments must be good and to the point.

Real player with 289.9 hrs in game

Untrusted on Steam



Step into the role as an investigator under the RE:Solver Agency, a new investigation unit designed to take a fresh look at complicated cases. With your skills and newly granted overreaching privileges, you can access numerous confidential records on essentially anyone. Browse medical records, phone logs, browser histories, and social media to learn everything there is to learn about your suspects.


The game takes place within a fictitious world, quite similar to ours, but with a few key differences. As crime rates are on the rise, a private agency called RE:Solver has sprung up, giving new power in the field of digital forensics. They aid law enforcement around the world by diving in and dissecting the case inch by inch, bringing a fresh set of eyes and vital information to the people in the field.

Nothing will stop a member of RE:Solver to get to the truth. Not rules, not privacy concerns, not ethics.


Use the tools given and dig into every corner of the lives of the suspect. Collect phone records, credit card transcripts, daily habits, and more through the Emerald Network. Browse the game-internal internet for missing people, public records, social media, and more.

Once you have a strong case, you may file them and hope you put the right person behind bars.


This game is based on a series of investigation tabletop roleplaying one-shots written and conducted by Nils Munch during the Covid-19 lockdown. A great thank you to all the players and playtesters taking place in building and polishing up this game.

Creative liberty

While the world seems much like ours, all suspects and the criminal cases you are solving are a complete work of fiction, and any resemblance to any real individuals, living or dead, are purely coincidental. All characters portrayed are generated electronically, and no real people are displayed inside the game.

Read More: Best Hacking Singleplayer Games.

RE:Solver on Steam