Deva|The Haunted Game

Deva|The Haunted Game

What’s better than one shit game for 20$? 4 shit games for 20$! But let’s dig a little deeper and of course spoilers ahead.

First of all the dev advertises this game as a second person view of a horror game and as a “New kind of fear!” but I don’t fully believe the dev understands what second person is. When you play a game you usually have 1st and 3rd viewpoints where you either play as the character in 1st person or you play as someone who is viewing the character (Usually over their shoulder) in 3rd person view. A 2nd person game would be a game where the game is narrated to you and instead of playing a game you would be setting up situations where the game would then tell you the player what happens. Think of a choose your own adventure book or, better yet, an instruction manual where the writer is telling you what happens and what you need to do. A more confusing way to explain it would be saying you are viewing your character from someone else’s 1st person perspective. Anyways I digress, this is just a 3rd person game so let’s continue.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Exploration Games.

ok so i kicked started this game that i thought had more potential to it but i was wrong. their was not feeling of being scared at all from this game only played two min of the game to under stand how bad this game turned out to be i would not waste my money on this one

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Deva|The Haunted Game on Steam



Deathground is a solo and co-op survival horror game that throws players into a desperate battle for survival against deadly AI dinosaurs.

Enter the Deathground with a team of up to 3 players for squad-based action or attempt to survive alone in a solo session.

As players, you form a group of professional hunters and survivalists on a mission to the “Deathground” to retrieve high-value loot.

Squad-based survival horror

With team-based objectives, suspenseful gameplay and constant mortal danger, teamwork and cooperation are essential to survival.

Solo Play

Leave your teammates behind in favour of a solo session. The atmosphere is deeper and the horror intensifies as you attempt to survive alone.

Intense and suspenseful gameplay

Dynamic gameplay enriched with objectives, stealth, combat and teamwork. Players will interact with a range of items and weapons, and have access to a crafting system.

Unpredictable AI Dinosaurs

Dynamic and reactive dinosaurs that hunt you down, influence decision-making and drive a tailored experience.

Special Character Classes

A character class system with special traits, skills and tools mean players must choose how they will work together in order to survive.

Truly terrifying, realistic and diverse environments

Experience pure fear and an anxious atmosphere, that put the player’s survival instincts to the test. We’ll harness the power of Unreal Engine 4 to create realistic and diverse environments.

Replayable Gameplay

AI dinosaurs, weather systems, random spawn and extraction points, and dynamic objectives creates unique and intense gameplay sequences with each playthrough.

Original Soundtrack

An original, haunting music score by BAFTA-nominated composer, David Housden (Thomas was Alone, Volume, Q.U.B.E. 2).

Community Driven Development

The community will have an active role in helping to shape the game experience so together, we can create something incredible. There will be testing during phases of development and there will be an emphasis on player feedback and player design participation.

Read More: Best Hacking Dinosaurs Games.

Deathground on Steam

Welcome to the Game II

Welcome to the Game II

[Review for “Welcome to the Game II” by Reflect Studios]

Enjoy reading this long-ass wall of text :)

This game is absolutely awesome. One of the best horror games of all time, in my opinion. The feeling of tension that it creates, the brutal jump-scares and perma-death makes this quite possibly the most intense horror game I’ve ever played. Yeah, I WAS scared of Monstrum at first, but I got used to it over time. This game actually made me scream once, and I pretty much never scream from games, like, ever.

Real player with 179.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Strategy Games.

I’ve played this game through and through and it’s honestly one of my all time favorites.

Coming from the first game, I thought I had a great advantage coming into this game, but boy was I wrong. After listening to the tutorial with Adam, which is a must for new time players, I was still baffled with all the new mechanics this game has to offer.

But here is the thing. You may be overwhelmed at first glance, but don’t. This game is a “make your own strat” kinda game where you can use your own methods to finish this madness. Let me get more in depth.

Real player with 113.8 hrs in game

Welcome to the Game II on Steam

Welcome to the Game

Welcome to the Game

(Warning! This review is by a person who is not picky about what games said person plays.)

(You have been warned.)

Welcome to the Game

The game where Russians are afraid of the dark, chairs move by themselves, killers only kill through the front door, and there are no search engines.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Lemme tell you why I like this game.


In this game you must peruse the Deep Web, the stuff that normal web browsers won’t let you access, in order to find the 8 missing (pages) pieces of a URL to find a Red Room, which is an interactive torture and murder online service.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game



This game is a great way to pass some time and have some great fun. The mere concept of going onto the deep web and trying to find a hidden red room is enough to get a lot of people intrigued. It makes the deep web very authentic, with the weird jumbled up URLs, to the sites that are up at certain times of night and down at other times, to the fact that your IP can be exposed and you can become vulnerable to hacking.

Brief Guide

Ultimately your goal is to find 8 keys that are hidden on 8 different deep web sites across 3 deep Wiki pages. The keys have a digit showing what order they appear in on the URL, followed by a dash and 4 random characters. They look something like this:

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Welcome to the Game on Steam

LIZ: Before the Plague

LIZ: Before the Plague

Update 11 Nov 2019

  • Currently have completed what the game currently has to offer; roughly two levels. More will be on the way, according to information on the Store Page.

  • For the 1st 2 levels, I had to get help from the developer on how to solve the clues to progress. All the information you need is there, I was just having some difficulty in filtering through relevant versus non-relevant information. I don’t know if I would consider the 1st 2 levels as training levels or not, but a training level probably would’ve helped me out.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

LIZ: Before the Plague on Steam



Deadnaut provides a lot of creepy atmosphere, fun and replayability.

When I bought Dreadnaut and entered the game, I didn’t expect much based on the trailers available. It seemed just like all those top-down squad RTS games, which there are hundreds of. It was only 10 euros, so I decided to jump it and test it out.

I immediately reached out for the character creation. I’ve always been one for creating my own party/character, since the game experience feels a lot more personal. The character creation has two minor bugs, which I did not realize were bugs until I read the forums for a tutorial on character creation. The bugs:

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

In one campaign your fighting off waves of fast moving xenomorphs, through the flurry of fast moving xeno’s you see one of your men get dragged away through a airlock. Yet in another campaign you may be contending with the possessed remains of a former crew driven insane by unknown artifacts, behemoths throwing your soldiers around as artifacts obscure your command and control with horrifying visions of death and torture.

Deadnaut’s is a game that wants to immerse you in its universe. Your hud looks akin to something from a WW2 submarine simulation and your control over your soldiers is sketchy at the best of times. There are a large amount of things to take into consideration with Deadnaut’s and many ways for those under your command to come to harm or die, this may be the one area the game faulters in. It is a real time tactical squad based game, essentially a rogue like.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Deadnaut on Steam

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Worth a buy, for who wants a Wasteland Call of Duty & deep ghost story. However, if you’re not sure, please continue reading to find your answer.


Please calculate your “YES” score to identify the value to buy (or replay value):

If your answer is unsure, kindly consider it as “NO”


  • Do you like to play diverse coop mode?* Do you like to play the campaign in a wasteland, space, underwater and etc?* Do you like deep and complex storyline about ghost squad?_

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty has been one of, if not the most well known franchise in gaming this past generation and last. The franchise has been in decline quality wise after the release of Modern Warfare - excluding maybe Black Ops 2 - which leads to the release of one of the weakest entries (Both Single Player and Multi Player) in the franchise yet. From the get go, you’ll notice this game was built by Infinity Ward on the grounds of pure arrogance. This game is the very definition of “Bare minimum”.

Call of Duty: Ghosts stars a few protagonists, main one being Logan Walker - and the world they live in after a devastating Orbital Strike after a space station was hijacked. The story follows a special assault squad that go by the name of “Ghosts” and the brother’s entry to said Squad as they fight to take control of the US again.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Ghosts on Steam



The environment and textures are beautiful and the game loads quickly. However as expected of an early access game, all the animations and entity interactions aren’t there yet and there are quite a few bugs to be found: Getting stuck on staircases which crashes the game, doors not opening, the main monster leaving you in an area that if you revive you are stuck in map geometry.. the list goes on.

So while it has entirely been worth the early access payment, I can’t really play more than a couple sessions without getting a little frustrated at situations where the players did nothing wrong but the game is lost. I also feel that on “easy” the game is very difficult even if played almost perfectly. The AI “guards” the final(?) timed objective fiercely and unfairly.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Love the atmosphere, the style/graphics and the gameplay is fun, very challenging .

I hope they keep working on this game and add more stuff

No matchmaking, Server list where you can jump into people’s lobby

2 type of enemies, smaller ones can be killed the big one can not be killed, You run you hide and avoid it, if it catches you it will kill you instantly.

Use the power pods to lose aggro from the big enemy.

You get objectives you must clear on the map.

to advance further into the map

Find key cards, energy cells, hack computers to gain security codes.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Unsafe on Steam