Software Engineering Course / Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer

Software Engineering Course / Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer

Software Engineering Course

The program was created on the basis of an engineering study program. No prior knowledge of any IT issues is required - we start with simple tasks and step by step learn the basics of computer programming.

  • Lesson 1: Basic Logic - You learn the basic logical operations.

  • Lesson 2: Gates And & Or - You build a machine controlled by electronic gates.

  • Lesson 3: Exercises with Gates - You learn about more complex integrated circuits.

  • Lesson 4: Binary Numbers

  • Lesson 5: Single-bit Processor - You write the first programs - lighting the lights in the machine.

  • Lesson 6: Programming Microprocessor - Assembler - This is the first difficult, complex lesson: you write assembler programs in machine language. You’ll see how the processor executes the commands, how the data is kept in memory, you will learn the basic instructions of the processor.

  • Lesson 7: C Programming Language - You write simple programs and see how high-level programs are translated into the language of the processor instructions.

  • Lesson 8: Objective Programming Basics - You program a robot that has to traverse the board with traps.

  • Lesson 9: Computer Graphics Basics - You learn how images are stored, write pixel drawing programs, simple charts, test colors, and compress the image.

  • Lesson 10: Hardware - Just a basic information.

  • Lesson 11: Linux Operating System - You learn the basic shell commands, combine them into simple scripts.

Read More: Best Hacking Education Games.

Software Engineering Course / Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer on Steam

Dreamjob: Programmer

Dreamjob: Programmer

Dreamjob: Programmer is a super easy and fun way to get you started with programming. With hundreds of missions, each one carefully adjusted to your level of expertise with coding, you will get into the shoes of a real programmer! Soon you will know how to create and monetize enough assets to buy a home, an exclusive yacht, or even a private island! Each place can be decorated by items you buy in a sim-shop and many of them may be enchanted by your code, making them uniquely interactive. As your programming skills keep getting better, you can change your life - earn more money, perform more difficult tasks, and become a real IT guy!

Making a long story short - if you are looking for a good coding learning game, Dreamjob: Programmer is the perfect match!

Learn programming from zero!

Start your adventure with the simplest approach to programming ever created: Visual Scripting Editor. Place and connect the proper blocks to create programs. The concepts you learn here will help you learn real programming in languages like Python, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, and more! Smooth and fun gameplay in our coding game will make you have a great time while learning.

Gain XP and learn new skills!

Starting with the legendary “Hello world” program, you will solve more and more complex tasks and acquire new skills that will let you understand real programming concepts like:

  • Math and logical operations

  • Conditional statements

  • Loops

  • Arrays and dictionaries

  • …and many, many more!

Upgrade your hardware

Earn lots of cash by solving more and more prestigious jobs. Upgrade your computer, monitor, mouse, seat, desk, and the whole place you live in! All this to play and learn even more efficiently.

Program anything!

Have a hot coffee every day at 8 AM, program a toaster to give you fresh toasts at 10 AM, and make lights turn red when someone is approaching your home! In Dreamjob: Programmer game you can change the world around you.

Get some actual Python source code working!

Besides solving tasks with the visual editor, you will have the opportunity to try yourself with the actual Python source code. And, by doing so, to launch a rocket to outer space. How cool is that? Our coding learning game has two endpoints - teach you to program and keep you entertained!

Why should you give Dreamjob: Programmer a shot?

In today’s world, the work of a programmer is associated with prestige, performing interesting tasks, and good money. No wonder so many people want to learn to code. After deciding to give it a shot, they often ask themselves - how to start? Buy an expensive course? Enroll in college? Well, there is a much cheaper and easier way. Dreamjob: Programmer will let you understand the world of programming. Thanks to our coding learning game you will understand how it works - starting from simple, basic issues, ending at complex, rewarding tasks.

Dreamjob: Programmer is a programmer’s career sim / code learning game. Inspired by The Sims, Monument Valley, and Minecraft.

Read More: Best Hacking Artificial Intelligence Games.

Dreamjob: Programmer on Steam

Comet 64

Comet 64

I’ve been playing Comet 64 since the closed beta and this game was already wonderful!

It looks just like I have dreamed for a long time, because I’m not a big fan of visual programming. In my opinion visual programming is divorced from reality, and in Comet 64 I finally have to write code by hands, which adds immersivity.

In visual programming I mean games like Human Resource Machine , 7 Billion Humans and some others.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Education Games.

Alright, high-level: if you’re here, you probably know about Zachtronics and Tomorrow Corporation’s games in the programming genre. This game is good. If you like those, you’ll like this.

The system constraints are novel and challenging.

The puzzles are a good escalation of difficulty and concepts.

The vibe is 100% in line with TIS-100 and MOLEK-SYNTEZ with the retro 80s graphics, including the option to customize the colors to match your favorite system from yesteryear.

The editting UI needs some love though. This can easily be fixed in a couple of patches, but currently it’s struggling compared to the polish I’ve gotten spoiled with from the more recent Zachtronics titles.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Comet 64 on Steam

Logic World

Logic World

Looks like a good start.

The first thing I would mention, is that this game is about building logic circuits, using logic gates. If you don’t know what an AND gate is, you probably need to do a bit of reading /videos before playing.

My “hello world” (first project) suggestion for new players, is to build a half adder circuit. A half adder is one of the first multi-gate circuits you learn when learning digital electronics. If you understand how computers add, you understand quite a lot more than many people about how computers work.

Real player with 276.9 hrs in game

LogicWorld is a boolean logic simulator in 3D with “game” marketing/usage controls.

So pack your backpack with some knowledge or a lot of curiosity.

And in time, we will also get built-in tutorials about boolean logic - looking forward to them.

It is also early access!

Means yes, there are a hell lot of bugs! But that is normal for most indie games.

And you can rely on the developers to fix the bugs within reasonable time.

The game has an awesome community (mostly on Discord). If you ignore some slang, it is very wholesome and helpful.

Real player with 241.8 hrs in game

Logic World on Steam



An interesting take on an emulator… If the price doesn’t put you off.

I have only tried the Commodore 64 emulator so far. I like it, it gives a sense of depth to running programs with the models and sounds of the hardware there. It took a while to get used to the keyboard layout and I still haven’t found the £ mapping but otherwise it is smooth sailing. I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a patch sometime in the not so distant future that addressed that (or I have to smash more buttons to find the pound sign :)). Joystick supported. I spent much more time with this thing than I thought I would and I gifted a copy to a friend who had one of these as a kid.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

I love this simulator, and it is definitely my favourite simulator/emulator that I have used.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Breadbox on Steam