

I like the idea of the game and the graphics, however, the way to play is too confusing with the game offering the bare minimum of advice for example it will tell you what each item does but it does not explain in what order to use them in or how they affect what your doing. The very first mission I played I had to pretty much guess my way though it the first time I hacked the node it took 3 minutes of real time the second time I restarted my campaign and did it again it took 32min of real time and the game does not tell you what affects it.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Singleplayer Games.

Cybermere on Steam

Code 7: A Story-Driven Hacking Adventure

Code 7: A Story-Driven Hacking Adventure

My entire progress got reset.

Now I have to make backups of my saves.

I need to find out where the saves are located.

I have to replay a text adventure… takes a while.

I feel like an idiot because I bought it before

Episode 4 got released because I wanted to support

this kind of game.

I am not happy.

This Review is not objective.

I am only writing this because I’m annoyed…


Edit: Guess what, it happend again…

I have backups now but it still sucks…

Edit 2: 3rd reset, seems like you can only

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Episodic Games.

This is a breathtaking masterpiece with a brilliant story! Highly enjoyable and literally captivating!

I’m a Kickstarter backer who found the project to be a cool idea and backed it, and I was positively shocked by how good it turned out to be! Started up the game to try it out, and couldn’t stop playing.

What gives it its glory is the amazing and captivating story and events, and the great voice acting.

This makes the game an emotional adventure… you’ll feel your heart racing at some points, and the creators of this game did a great job of making me (someone who doesn’t feel much) actually feel what the characters I’m interacting with are feeling. (horror, fear, relief, joy, sadness, remorse, security and danger, anger… and most probably hunger)

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Code 7: A Story-Driven Hacking Adventure on Steam



Good game but a little too short and with still a few bugs.

Since the developer confirmed that it will have updates and that they already works on the bugs, I will recommend the game.

The gameplay is cool and difficulty is well balanced. I will play for sure another round of this game when the updates will be available with more contents.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking 2D Games.

This game rules, make a longer full one.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Extortion on Steam


Out of a lot of the hacking games I’ve played in my time, this has to have it’s seat right next to Hacknet, as one of my ‘Two best hacking games I’ve played’.

To some extent, it is pretty much an RPG, just for hacking.

You take up a contract - Or a ‘Quest’ - You do what the contract says - Destroy a mainframe, or change a social security record, et cetera - and then you get paid with a handful of credits - Or “Gold” - which you then use to upgrade your system, be it a Gateway upgrade, a new processor, or applications that will further unlock your hacking capabilities. - Or in terms of the RPG comparison here; You level up your character, you get new weapons, and unlock new skills.

Real player with 269.6 hrs in game

This is really everything I wanted from an indie hacking game. It is a vast and glorious sandbox brimming with opportunity. To tell its tale, let me start the story about twenty-five years ago, with a little gem from Interplay called “Neuromancer.”

Neuromancer was an amazing piece of work, for its time. A point and click adventure game, yes, but with a vast collection of BBS-like “sites” in “cyberspace,” which could be accessed and navigated spatially, a sea of semitransparent polygons on a sprawling grid. They called the book “prophetic” in its vision of what a global computer network might be like, but the game was similarly visionary, in that it offered a classic milestone-and-unlocked-door-driven main story, but with a vast and layered world of enriching side stories and tiny details easily overlooked, that add depth and character to the world in which your character lives. This was a level of detail and nuance and supporting gameworld-enrichment that Bioware would go on to become famous for, in its epic D&D games of the Nineties, and in its later adventure games, but in the Eighties, on computers that were much more limited in resources, this was a bigger feat, and a bigger surprise to the player. You could just play Neuromancer to win it, or you could play it to learn about it, follow the exchanges on the PAX and on private sites, the private message exchanges between AIs. You could learn so much more that way, if you were clever and patient enough to retain it, to piece it together, and to make sense of it all.

Real player with 109.0 hrs in game

Uplink on Steam

Yolo Space Hacker

Yolo Space Hacker

This is an excellent way for people to get familiar with information security concepts through a Linux platform. Many concepts are expanded upon, the tools are open to be used in far more extensive way than completing the game’s challenges require, and real-world links are given to sources with more information about topics than the game requires the user to understand.

An important note: This game approaches the art of hacking from a red teamer’s perspective. That means pay attention to boundaries (or at least understanding where they are), and knowing the difference between testing to complete the customer’s objective and wandering off the mark. That doesn’t mean the game requires you to do this, but it tries to make you understand it.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

I played the beta (and also helped the team with language review and debugging), and I really recommend the game. It’s a great introduction into computer security. It’s based on actual hacking tools, using an encapsulated VM so you can do everything in a safe environment. Challenges start easy and get tough really really fast, so expect some hardship making it to the end if you don’t have much IT skills, but it feels so rewarding when you finally manage to pass a test.

Just don’t expect it to be easy :-)

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Yolo Space Hacker on Steam

Zero Page

Zero Page

Zero Page is a single-player survival horror puzzle game that dares you to survive the horror of solving puzzles by yourself in space. If that wasn’t horrifying enough, you’re also going to have to solve them on a deserted spaceship using the only piece of equipment that still works: a personal computer from 1981. But with a little bit of BASIC and a lot of high-stakes debugging, you might just live long enough to find out why you’re alone, why you’re in space, why you’re on a dying ship circling an unknown planet, and why that ship wants to kill you.

Back to BASIC

Find out if you’re smart enough to not die in space, armed only with a machine that struggles to count higher than 256 — a highly accurate recreation of a classic 1980s personal computer, complete with floppy discs and a joystick.

A Game About Thinking (The Thinking Man’s Shooting)

Put that laser gun back in your space pants. You’re going to have to program your way out of this problem, by writing code that actually physically changes your environment.

Also a Game About Action (The Action Man’s Thinking)

You won’t just be sitting at an old computer — well, you will, but not fictionally. In addition to programming, you’ll also get your hands dirty resurrecting an ancient spacecraft — patching critical holes, pressing important buttons, and bringing systems back online so they can start keeping you alive again.

Zero Page on Steam

Cyber Puzzle HackRow

Cyber Puzzle HackRow

In a distant future, the evil Dr. Tetho has taken over the MatriZ, a super computer that controls all the resources of Planet Earth. With this computer, Dr. Tetho proclaims himself ruler of the Earth.

When all hope was thought to be lost against the tyranny of Dr. Tetho, a savior appears: an artificial intelligence software called HackRow, that has infiltrated the MatriZ hidden in a cursor icon by the benevolent Dr. Chachibasa.

The mission of unlocking the security of the MatriZ and freeing the world from the tyranny of Dr. Tetho is now in the hands of HackRow!

Cyber Puzzle HackRow on Steam

Cybernetic Fault

Cybernetic Fault

From the very beginning I can say that the game surprised me a lot. I didn’t expect this from an indie game with a couple of reviews. The game has everything from puzzles to plot. The graphics are nice, the tasks themselves (quests, puzzles) are very high quality and interesting, it is a pleasure to pass them.

Summing up, I can say that the game is definitely worth its money and even more.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Cybernetic Fault surprised me a lot because I didn’t expect such a high-quality indie game.

The gameplay is based on the principle of seek and think, the necessary things are scattered throughout the level and only appear if there is a story advance. The controls are very simple, but it is strange that a person cannot overcome some obstacles by jumping or sitting down. The graphics are great, the optimization is also fine. As a result, it turned out to be a cool and very entertaining game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Cybernetic Fault on Steam

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy is a story about having those youthful, exciting, and often dangerous experiences with a really tight-knit group of friends as you journey through life together, and then growing old to reflect fondly on those memories.

It is all very beautiful to experience.

Half the game is a story that unfolds, and the other half is puzzle solving. The tale is quite moving, and the puzzles are very reasonably difficult, and quite rewarding. If you know Chung’s work, you know what to expect as far as the ‘experience’ or flavor. Otherwise, here is a test to gauge if you will like this game. If two of the three apply to you, then I highly recommend you buy it:

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The game has some great ideas and nice attention to detail, but I felt like it never came together.

A lot of mechanics get introduced and then forgotten. New mechanics replace the old ones instead of building on them. There’s hardly any increase in complexity as you go along.

All the levels are simple and focused on 1 to 2 of the avialable mechanics. The rest is either not used at all or simply taken away from the player, sometimes for 1 mission and other times forever.

Because of all this, the game became way too easy later on. Instead of having puzzles to solve, you just go through the motions. Click this, click that, go here, go there. Some timer here and there. No challenge whatsoever. Not to mention you can ‘cheat’ your way though a lot of the levels.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Quadrilateral Cowboy on Steam



I haven’t really felt compelled to write a review for a game in a while, but this one really does deserve some attention. Before I sing this games praises, note that the game is still a bit buggy, but the developer is very active, and responds quickly when issues are posted in the bug reporting discussion.

So the game basically plays like a first-person game, kinda like running through cyberspace in shadowrun or a low-scale version of the oasis from ready player one. You move around in first person through networks, completing assigned tasks to earn money. You start out working for Ravencore, a company that saved you from a mega-corps hit on you, and have you hacking for them to pay back your debt. You’ll be given a quota of money you need to bring in everyday, and by surpassing that quota, you earn a salery and promotions. The game is a bit grindy, especially at the beginning if you don’t build your character right (If you build your character yourself, you NEED to have programs, hardware, or skills as your top pick, and you’re probably fine having money be near the bottom.)

Real player with 86.0 hrs in game

So I don’t usually write reviews, but I really like how this game is turning out. Starting off you play the part of a hacker who has landed himself in hot water and is applying for work at a company that provides job of the not so legal sort for hackers. They set you up with a bunker and a hacking rig, at a cost of course, and you take various jobs improving your skils.earning cash, to make programs upgrade your rig, and get out of your contract with the company. The gameplay might be a bit repetitive for some due to the need to grind your skills and level them up to take on progressively tougher systems. however new feature are planned to make it more diverse, and I dont mind the grind as long as the leveling is rewarding. there are alot of cool features like the program creation console where you can build custom programs to aid you in hacking the systems. There is also a set of perks you can earn and three different modes of game play to unlock. The graphics are nothing special but do the job of immersing you in the role of the virtual hacker. The developer is very active squashing bugs and adding new features. The game has a little bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it I think it very fun.

Real player with 73.3 hrs in game

>//:System.Hack on Steam