Hikikomori life

Hikikomori life

Hikikomori simulator. Experience the hard life of a hikan suffering from gambling addiction. You have to satisfy physiological needs, eliminate distractions. And how can you play, play, play without it.

Hikikomori (Japanese: ひきこもり or 引きこもり, lit. “pulling inward, being confined”.

Key features:

  • The atmosphere of a midnight apartment and solitude, complemented by lighting and soundtrack.

  • Random events that prevent you from playing. Manage to eliminate everything.

  • The need to play, drink, eat, relieve themselves.

  • Funny and not very lines of the protagonist.

  • Several endings, try to open them all.

Read More: Best Hacking Atmospheric Games.

Hikikomori life on Steam

Hardwork Simulator

Hardwork Simulator

That didn’t work for me. I got caught and got fired for it. They put a younger, prettier assistant in my place. But I doubt she types as fast as I do. They were the ones who lost

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Typing Games.

On the one hand, I really want to give the game a thumbs up for a creative and somewhat neat idea for a really cheap price.

On the other hand, though, I really must give it a thumbs down for not offering much at all, even at this price level plus thirty percent off; because in the end, cheap does just not justify bland.

I do enjoy any just semi-rewarding grinding game for a while, but looking at the short time invested here, I had rather counted cars drive by my window - even if the game had been for free. Where the game mechanics in any way challenging or rewarding, it would be a different story. However, it is random key bashing in it’s dullest form.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Hardwork Simulator on Steam

Lost Assassin

Lost Assassin

The year is 3043. You are an AI-AGR (Assassin Grade Robot). Your mothership was destroyed by an unknown force (spoiler: evil robots). Engage in intense platform-shooting action while seeking vengeance, 12 satisfying weapons, powerups, jetpacks, bionic legs and more. Inspired by 80s sci-fi movies and games.


-12 primary weapons, grenades and loads of powerups

-Dialogue system. Choices you make affect gameplay

-AI enemies react and respond to your movements

-Mine resources to upgrade your arsenal

-Jetpack and double jump to reach those tough spots

-Cutting edge 80’s inspired sprites with modern lighting effects

-Huge levels to explore with precise controls …and much much more

Read More: Best Hacking Sci-fi Games.

Lost Assassin on Steam