4th Generation Warfare

4th Generation Warfare

This Is an update to the review 11/20/21

Single player Is not bad to play. There are quality of life things that needs to be Improved.

  1. Instead of checking the phone for each person or backing out the menu to re open to view messages from characters to have a simple list of all messages.

  2. When you tell your military to move somewhere they will move Into borders of countries and start a war If still there traveling In two or three days.

  3. More defence from cyber attacks. As a large country you cannot defend against this. Other actors can ruin your entire economy and cause mass shortages withing days.

Real player with 106.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Political Games.

In the beginning it was confusing but the more I played the more I realized all of the hidden treasures that this game has behind its sleeve. Its not those games that tells you everything right off the bat and spoiling all the fun by doing so, this is a progressive type game that the longer you play the more you discover and develop a history as the leader of the nation. By far one of the most underestimated games with extremely high potential by far I have ever seen to date. If you don’t like this game cause its hard, tutorials aren’t good, or you don’t understand the game play, I would say that the game provides difficulty levels and different modes to play through, play the actual game and this is 4th generation warfare which you should have researched what that means if you don’t know. Great Game!

Real player with 98.8 hrs in game

4th Generation Warfare on Steam

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You


This review is being written before the conclusion of the game in episode five. I’ve played through the first four episodes a couple times exploring different outcomes, however, as episode five is not out yet I’m not able to comment on the totallity of the story.

The Machine

Orwell has a very close Person of Interest vibe. The government of the fictitious country has obtained a Machine, or System, that surveils the populous gathering information however it does not act on the gathered information. The idea of the game is that the system, aptly named Orwell, isn’t able to decern human subtlety, sarcasim, or deciet. As such, the fictious government has outsourced the task of resolving conflicts in the data, and identifying what is relevant and what is not. You as the player take on this role as an outsider to the country, tasked with sifting through the data that Orwell gives you access to inorder to identify person(s) of interest. This is a role somewhat like Person of Interest’s Harold Finch.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Choices Matter Games.

My playtime: 10h (based on steam, 100% achievement; 2.5x playthrough)

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (17 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You is a massive information gathering system where you, an investigator, is taking a role in sorting the relevant data and fix conflicting data that the system gathered to assist a crime. The game has story branching that persists over 5 chapters.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You on Steam

Stayhome Simulator

Stayhome Simulator

Essential a copy of “Putin Life”, It is not even a video game. It is just 1 screen page with pop ups when you click on something. No stragety or action or anything.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Strategy Games.

Stars received: 2.3/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.5] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.1] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0.4] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: clicker with profanity memes

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Stayhome Simulator on Steam

Primate Signal

Primate Signal

Thought provoking, deep and twizted. Absolutely stunning graphics, audio and character development so much so that I actually was physically transported into the fucked up world of the minds of the Wainstop gang. This work, will replace the Bible in our churches. Thank you.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

It’s not very often something comes along that is this unique. It has such a strong stylistic character that you feel transported to another world with the original artwork and music, not to mention the mind bending story. The time I spent in this world was totally bizarre in the best possible way. Nothing else like it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Primate Signal on Steam



So I found this game in my qeue (a bit by surprise). And since I really like political-sim and strategy games, I decided to give it a try. Yes, it is really early access but under it’s surface is a good strategy game. You have to constantly run polls and ads, so you win over a state on several topics. But at the same time keep an eye on your money. First few turns took a bit of figuring out what to do, but after that I found the perfect strategy. Won my first game fairly easy with 430 - 108 electoral votes. I do hope they add more elements so there’s more gameplay.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Good game in development. A bit pricy for the state it is currently in now, but I trust that as updates come out and it leaves Early Access, the game will be higher quality. Definitley a good game if you’re into political stragety.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Electioneering on Steam