Watch_Dogs® 2

Watch_Dogs® 2

















Real player with 360.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Open World Games.

Great game but has a really short (also a good one) story if you skip most part of the secondary activities.

I really enjoyed the graphics and travelling around San Francisco while having some very good memories from San Fierro’s times of GTA San Andreas.

80% off at the moment of this review so GO GET THIS GAME!

Real player with 85.8 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs® 2 on Steam

Impossible Mission Remastered

Impossible Mission Remastered

All I have to say is, I’ve about had enough of slaving away at games and not getting an ending. So I played this over and over, had a few near misses, but I thought it’d be worth continuing for the dubious pleasure of seeing an ancient screen of a defeated, old mad scientist in his control room and then a “Mission Complete” screen with scores. I didn’t even fucking get that. After the control room door opens, the screen makes the blocky, crossfade transition to the “Mission Terminated” screen. Instead of a meagre reward I got a “fuck you” from the guys who did this remaster job. Well fuck you right back.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Investigation Games.

English (for the italian review, scroll down):

EDIT 24/11/2020

The game now works. It is the crappiest port everyone could immagine, I don’t know how someone could have the guts to put this thing on sale. Collision problems, non consistent phisics, the robots have strange patterns, puzzle are off, sounds don’t match with animations, and sometimes the character FLIES over the holes. This is an insult to everyone who loves the original game, to Epyx a to the game itself.

Bought on Day One. Totally unplayable: entering on any rooms it doesen’t show the platforms (see the screenshots) so the player falls off and die in loop.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Impossible Mission Remastered on Steam

Impossible Mission II

Impossible Mission II

I have 2 Questions:

  1. How do i quit the game ( with which button?). I use windows button…

  2. How do I move horizontally on the sliding steps?

By the way, the sound fx and the music in the game are not good as the original one :(. I hope an update would come to improve…

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Side Scroller Games.

Impossible Mission II on Steam



The storyline and complexity for a world first game foreshadowing our current future with technology.

This is a classic that you need to buy/play before going to Watch Dogs 2 so you understand it even more and characters in 2.

7/10 would play again.

Real player with 65.6 hrs in game

This is the first Watch Dogs game that I have played. i bought this game on sale. And it was completely worth every penny. First of all, the story line is engaging and attractive. As it is with Ubisoft, you could do side missions as well (if you want to). I am writing this before playing the last act; and even after finishing this game, I would love to play this one again sometime in future. It was an overwhelming experience for me with Watch Dogs.

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs™ on Steam

Hassle 1977

Hassle 1977

Wasn’t expecting such good stuff as small indie game. This product has so much potential, I do hope devs are planning some advertisement for it and they will add more features in the near future!

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

pre-pre-pre alpha game feeling (clearly not beta)

vehicule physics are trash

no in game mapping controls

bad ost (for me)

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Hassle 1977 on Steam