

The storyline and complexity for a world first game foreshadowing our current future with technology.

This is a classic that you need to buy/play before going to Watch Dogs 2 so you understand it even more and characters in 2.

7/10 would play again.

Real player with 65.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Multiplayer Games.

This is the first Watch Dogs game that I have played. i bought this game on sale. And it was completely worth every penny. First of all, the story line is engaging and attractive. As it is with Ubisoft, you could do side missions as well (if you want to). I am writing this before playing the last act; and even after finishing this game, I would love to play this one again sometime in future. It was an overwhelming experience for me with Watch Dogs.

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs™ on Steam

Watch_Dogs® 2

Watch_Dogs® 2

















Real player with 360.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Illuminati Games.

Great game but has a really short (also a good one) story if you skip most part of the secondary activities.

I really enjoyed the graphics and travelling around San Francisco while having some very good memories from San Fierro’s times of GTA San Andreas.

80% off at the moment of this review so GO GET THIS GAME!

Real player with 85.8 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs® 2 on Steam

The Alpha 001

The Alpha 001

By far, this is the most confusing mess of cobbled together Unity assets I’ve ever seen.

Avoid at all costs, at least for a year after this games launch date of January 18, 2021 because it will definitely take this developer at least that long to fix this completely broken pile of garbage.

NOT RECOMMENDED. ..My Score: Another Google Zero Asset, but hey it’s floating in the air like all the text and your U.I in this game so that’s an lot better right?

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Souls-like Games.

The Alpha 001 on Steam

Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack

Interesting concept to base a game around, so I was pretty excited even if it had a short run time.

I’d say it starts out strong but doesn’t have much in the way of developed gameplay. Essentially you’re given one mini-game where you attempt to gain access to as many devices in a given area. It’s fun for the first few times, but after a while it becomes way too much of a chore. I would’ve loved to see some further expansion with how the game works with a few more mini-games attached to things like; setting up new bases around the world, hacking national capitals, and fending off attacks from other hackers. If they added these things along with a stronger main campaign (maybe with a few side quests?) this game could’ve been much stronger than what it currently is.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Not a bad game, considering the price (on offer). There are only three missions, and the general feel of the game is achieve ‘x’ cash or reputation, which is really just a grind (it doesn’t take too long, but it requires very little input from the player).

All in all it’s a very repetitive game, and while the makers have done a great job with the overall look, it’s nowhere near its predecessor, Uplink (which I can still enjoy to this day, for gfx, music, missions and the rest).

So this gets a 3/10, and it would have been 2/10, but the price is low.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Cyber Attack on Steam

Hassle 1977

Hassle 1977

Wasn’t expecting such good stuff as small indie game. This product has so much potential, I do hope devs are planning some advertisement for it and they will add more features in the near future!

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

pre-pre-pre alpha game feeling (clearly not beta)

vehicule physics are trash

no in game mapping controls

bad ost (for me)

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Hassle 1977 on Steam

The Dark: Survival RPG

The Dark: Survival RPG

Nice little game. Can’t beat it for the price. Kind of a bit of skyrim feel to it. Support is awesome. Found a couple of bugs and spoke directly to the dev through discord and it was fixed within about 8 hours. I can’t wait to see what becomes of this little gem.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

This Game Is A lot of fun, now yes it does still need work however what early access game doesn’t? I have paid much more than what this dev is asking for half the fun which tells me he cares more about his/her game than making a quick few dollars and those are the indie games i love and adore. Can’t wait to dive deeper into it as it’s going to make a fun lets play :) One thing that I really hope gets fixed is the UI It is so teeny tiny that even on my computer monitor i have to lean in to read what it says and the images are so tiny you can’t make them out. I am sure this will be corrected as i did see in tattmans video that it was much bigger yesterday :) Keep having fun creating this game dev and it’s going to grow into something epic, you have an AMAZING start! The music and lighting made it immersive however i would maybe make night time a little later lol it went from bright to dark however it did make for me to get on the edge of my chair to ensure nothing was coming to get me lol I really enjoyed it and will be playing a lot more. (once i can see the UI, lol) :)

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Dark: Survival RPG on Steam



Review of Alpha.

Been on my wishlist ever since I saw it, since it did look a lot like gta2, which was my prime streaming game for a long time, so gave it a shot as soon as I could (didnt play demo though).

Will start with positives:

  • Really does feel inspired by old gta’s a lot: radio (humor and songs), gang-respect system, tank-controls in car, saves at home, burping, gouranga and other small things - pretty cool!

  • Upgrade system which carries itself into re-playthroughs

  • Multiple endings, non-linearity in area progression

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Update: There was a large patch on September 30th, Quality of Life update that should have fixed most of the serious technical issues. I haven’t replayed the game yet.

The game punked me immediately upon starting it by skyrocketing my fps to 482 in the main menu, effectively stun locking my GPU at 100% and 75°C in seconds. And my PC isn’t exactly a potato that needs frying, running an RTX2070, i7-7700K and 32GB of RAM, with an SSD to boot. Without capping the fps, it climbs to about 90 in-game on High settings, making the game stuttery and giving me a hot GPU turbine background noise. After capping the fps to 60 in the Nvidia panel, the game behaves like it should, mostly. There’s still some stuttering and weird lagging, but it becomes playable, for a bit at least. Unless you need to reduce your post-processing to medium, which completely changes the in-game lighting making everything pitch black. Checking the Known Issues topic in the discussions unveils more than a few bugs and glitches, from the mentioned post-processing problem to declining performance and heavily sparkling textures. I’ve had one complete freeze, where even alt+F4 wasn’t reacting and declining performance kept calling me to have a beer with her.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Glitchpunk on Steam

Lilith Odyssey

Lilith Odyssey

I’ve been having a harder time enjoying new games… something interesting will come out and it will pique my interest, only to realize it’s not what I had imagined. Although I have been getting more and more of these Hentai games, but am I at fault for thinking the gameplay would be on par with the graphics and art work? Not in this game, it might not have cat girls or dominating succubi, but this game has a lot more. How much more? A whole galaxy. And by the way, these questions are rhetorical for the sake of this writing prompt of a review, if I ask a question I’m probably asking that to myself while writing and don’t expect anyone to message me with the answer to the question I provided.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Lilith Odyssey is a bold undertaking for a small indie dev team but the concept is well executed although not without some expected bugs (that from what I can tell the dev team is actively working through).

The game play is a mix between the Oregon Trail (get to your destination), flight sim, open world exploration/adventure, with a Fallout/GTA esque radio station thrown in for kicks. Ultimately this is a risk and resource management game where you gather resources to (safely) get from your starting home world to Lilith.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Lilith Odyssey on Steam

World Wide Hack

World Wide Hack

World Wide Hack is an MMO simulation game about realistic hacking and cybersecurity for the Web, PC, and Mac. You hack into the leaked system of QuanTech company and, with other hackers, reveal their secrets while exploring experimental open-world networks.

Manipulate corporations' and inhabitants' lives by hacking their computers, observe the consequences of your actions and decide if you want to protect or exploit this world.

Collect the most effective sets of hacking and security tools, gather assets, and improve your computer to hack others, control parts of the network, or create the best websites and tools which will help other hackers and make you rich! Work with others to make your experimental activities useful for your faction and lead with them the world in the right direction.

Find out how easily some can manipulate many and how powerful but dangerous control over the information can be…

The game is in early access, so please be aware that the game still requires lots of bug fixing, polishing, and content and mechanics of the game can change.

Key Features


Real-life hacking and security tools which are authentic yet modified to be fun and created with several options to strategize


Use your power to manipulate the life of the game characters and corporates, which have various problems and stories and, in the end, affect the world balance.


Engaging main story and mini-stories in quests bring the player new perspectives on world problems. Discover different views of two factions, finding unique pieces with every gameplay.


From the first contact with the QuanTech application, you are pulled into a realistic atmosphere of the corporate environment and their secret quantum experiments, where nothing breaks your immersion.


Full of puzzles in competitive and cooperative quests, playable in both multiplayer and solo-like gameplay with your decision of involving in PvP and area control fights


Experience living futuristic IT context emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. Find yourself surrounded by other players passionate about technological progress and innovations, learning about the impact of technology on modern society.

Join our Discord community here:

World Wide Hack on Steam

Else Heart.Break()

Else Heart.Break()

So many bugs, so little help. You have to coax the game into continuing the storyline. God forbid you didn’t spend five to ten minutes walking back to the hotel to sleep at night, otherwise you might fall asleep before you finish a key plot point action that has roughly a minute-long window to do. The premise seemed fun, but I am having the hardest time even getting the first few things done.

The backpack system is a mess, especially given the fact that you’re going to want to collect every floppy disk you find. There are tons, so you’ll be constantly flipping through them, dropping them places you’ll hopefully remember you dropped them, and potentially rediscovering them later.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

This game drove me crazy. I finally finished it, but I wouldn’t have been able to without consulting the online forum repeatedly. There is a lot of great potential here, but most of it is wasted. The first thing to realize is that this is not a “programming game”, in the sense that none of the difficult aspects of the game have anything to do with tricky programming puzzles (unlike, say, Zachtronics games). This game is a role-playing point-and-click adventure that happens to feature programming (hacking) as a key component. The game features an in-game programming language called Sprak, which is a pretty simple imperative language that nobody with any programming experience will have any trouble with. However, very little real programming is necessary to progress in the game; usually you just modify tiny snippets of code and then you’re done. (Basically, the game makes you into a script kiddie.) The one difficult aspect of programming in the game is figuring out just which built-in commands are available. The game helps you a bit with this, but every programmable device has a different set of built-in commands, and some critical ones are only found in a few places. But the biggest problem with this game is the plot. The plot progression is wildly uneven, with long stretches where nothing is happening punctuated by short bursts where critical stuff is happening all at once. Plot triggers are very easy to miss, and if you do, you will wander around forever trying to figure out what you should be doing, while none of the in-game characters will talk to you. Worse, many triggers require you to behave in exactly the opposite way that the game suggests you ought to behave, or thwart your expectations in other ways. Contrarily, many things the game suggests you should be doing turn out to be completely unnecessary and a waste of time. The worst part of it, for me, was that the programming part of the game can’t start until you get a hold of something called a “modifier”, and it is by no means easy to do so. I probably played for 20 hours or so before giving up and consulting the forums to find out how to get this absolutely critical piece of equipment, without which the game cannot progress. The best (non-spoiler) advice I can give you is to talk to every person you meet, and keep talking until all possible conversation paths are exhausted. Also, the game world is large enough that it’s very easy to get lost, and although you have a map, it’s pathetically bad, with many important landmarks left off. And when you finally get a modifier, you still aren’t out of the woods. You have to figure out how to join a kind of “resistance” against an evil system, and again, it’s very easy to completely miss the trigger that will get you into this group. Once you do, the game (finally!) starts to take off. This is fun for a while, but nothing you do matters much until the final confrontation happens, which will be glaringly obvious. However (once again!) what you need to do to fix things will not be obvious, so you are left wandering around again while nobody will talk to you, wondering what you should be doing (this seems like a theme here). When you finally realize what you need to do, doing it is quite easy as long as you can get into a particular room. There are floppy disks scattered all around the world that contain hints and clues, as well as code examples that you can learn from. You will need to spend a lot of time looking at these unless you (like me) run out of patience and just consult the online forum, and then you can literally finish the game in five minutes. There are multiple endings: several “you lose” kind of endings and one “you win” ending which is so unsatisfying it feels like you just lost a bit less. To sum up, I think this game had huge potential, but it was ruined by poor execution. I almost can’t fault the developers for this; to do a game like this right requires more resources than a small team can provide. I think in the hands of someone like Valve, with expert writers and large numbers of playtesters, this game could have been something amazing. As it is, it’s more of a proof of concept. (OK, great, concept proved! Now go make a real game!) If you’re going to play this game, save yourself endless frustration and consult the online forums when you get stuck.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Else Heart.Break() on Steam