Cyber Ops

Cyber Ops

This game is great and I’m kinda sad it got so many bad reviews. It’s challenging but honestly it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Once you figure out the mechanics it’s challenging but perfectly feasible after a couple of tries. It had some bugs at launch but they have all been fixed already.

Great atmosphere, good voice acting, nice looking interface and very singular gameplay. Being the guardian angel hacker behind a screen while the operators actually do the work might not be for everyone but I personally love it.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Atmospheric Games.

Every negative review is sadly 100 % correct. Only 25 % ever made 1st mission. Only 0,3 % players ever finished the game and 1 % just hacked the “game finished " achievement, because more players finished game than finished last mission. You will be fighting the logic breaking UI problems more than “triangle” enemies. All moving enemies are called “turrets” when killed. You don’t know at this moment if cyborg or human enemy type died.

You will NOT be able to win after level 5 without good oldschool health cheats. The game is so buggy that some mechanics needed for victory don’t works sometimes. I won spider-tank level 6 fight legit first, but squad just glitched at the door when leving the cathedral. QTE skillchecks are also broken or start at unwinnable state.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Cyber Ops on Steam

Shadows of Doubt

Shadows of Doubt

An open world stealth game with a whole city of secrets at your fingertips!

Shadows of Doubt is set in an alternate reality hyper-industrialized 1980s, where the government outsources police work to private corporations and contractors. You’re a private intelligence investigator, making money by finding and selling information.

The capture of the rampant serial killer carries a hefty bounty, but who knows what secrets you’ll find along the way: Play through the main story thread, or take on side missions to earn extra cash.

Total freedom

Explore anywhere in the city! Every nook of every trashy bar, every shady casino, every seedy hotel room. This dystopia is your oyster. Break into apartments, rifle through secret documents and hack security systems. It’s your call detective.

The world lives on with or without you

The entire world is fully simulated. Each citizen has an apartment, a job, a daily routine, favorite things to do, places to go, and people to interact with. They’ll live out their lives independently, and the world moves on with or without you— uncover this knowledge and use it to your advantage!


  • Every room in every building is able to be explored. Lose yourself in an incredibly detailed sci-fi/noir world.

  • Open-ended gameplay: How you achieve your objective is up to you. Choose where to go and who to pursue.

  • A Powerful blend of procedural generation and hand-crafted design will mean your city, it’s buildings, addresses and citizens can be completely unique to your game experience —but not feel random.

  • Follow the main story to hunt down a serial killer. It could be anyone, hiding anywhere…

  • Take on side missions for extra cash.

  • Dig into the lives of hundreds of simulated citizens to earn extra cash. Secrets are valuable, and everyone has them.

  • Lock-picking, hacking, sneaking, climbing. Level up your skills and become a master of stealth.

  • Earn enough to upgrade your own apartment and home office, or even purchase a new one.

  • Incredible film-noir soundtrack.

Read More: Best Hacking Detective Games.

Shadows of Doubt on Steam

The Creation of a Self

The Creation of a Self

A love letter to 80s and 90s retro computing. A game that intersects poetry, programming, computers, love, death, freedom and living. Create a new self, program its memories, and destroy memory monsters created from those memories.


  • a glitched out computer interface sprinkled with the latest retro inspired visuals

  • 2D/Puzzle/FPS game elements: from a runner, a terminal and desktop with puzzles, to FPS levels where you destroy 9 different memory monsters

  • 100s of poems as memories, ready to program a new self

Read More: Best Hacking Exploration Games.

The Creation of a Self on Steam



Review of Alpha.

Been on my wishlist ever since I saw it, since it did look a lot like gta2, which was my prime streaming game for a long time, so gave it a shot as soon as I could (didnt play demo though).

Will start with positives:

  • Really does feel inspired by old gta’s a lot: radio (humor and songs), gang-respect system, tank-controls in car, saves at home, burping, gouranga and other small things - pretty cool!

  • Upgrade system which carries itself into re-playthroughs

  • Multiple endings, non-linearity in area progression

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Update: There was a large patch on September 30th, Quality of Life update that should have fixed most of the serious technical issues. I haven’t replayed the game yet.

The game punked me immediately upon starting it by skyrocketing my fps to 482 in the main menu, effectively stun locking my GPU at 100% and 75°C in seconds. And my PC isn’t exactly a potato that needs frying, running an RTX2070, i7-7700K and 32GB of RAM, with an SSD to boot. Without capping the fps, it climbs to about 90 in-game on High settings, making the game stuttery and giving me a hot GPU turbine background noise. After capping the fps to 60 in the Nvidia panel, the game behaves like it should, mostly. There’s still some stuttering and weird lagging, but it becomes playable, for a bit at least. Unless you need to reduce your post-processing to medium, which completely changes the in-game lighting making everything pitch black. Checking the Known Issues topic in the discussions unveils more than a few bugs and glitches, from the mentioned post-processing problem to declining performance and heavily sparkling textures. I’ve had one complete freeze, where even alt+F4 wasn’t reacting and declining performance kept calling me to have a beer with her.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Glitchpunk on Steam

Cyber Ops Prologue

Cyber Ops Prologue

I really enjoyed it up to the cyborgs… tried and tried and tried again to beat it.

Its not clear how to disable them and seems totally random, I loose a squad member every time I attack then once they are disabled and hacked they still keep coming. You have to keep glitching them every 20 seconds or so to stop them which is really annoying. Once hacked they also come straight for you every time they wake up which would be ok when theres only 1 but 3 of em… too much. I cant tell if it was meant to be this hard for the demo so you cant finish it. Up to that point it was fairly easy and had a well paced tutorial.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Huh, neat game.

I think the tutorial is a little confusing. Maybe doing the tutorial in a Special Ops Training Area is a better idea. In this game am trying to learn but I have cyborg soldiers and turrets firing at me. It is a little too much pressure lol.

It took me a while to understand how the tracing worked, but when I got the hang of it (keeping the levels 1 2 an 3 retention windows open and hacking the shit out of everything), I felt pretty cool.

The only “bug” I found was while my team was facing a console, they wouldn’t return fire at a soldier shooting them from the door, even in Aggressive Stance.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Cyber Ops Prologue on Steam



Gunpoint is a sidescrolling stealth platformer with smooth jazz, guns and cool hats.

I’ve never been a gigantic fan of platformers, but this game is a big, big exception in my library, and I felt I needed to address this by updating my review in 2020. I’m going to reinforce this by saying that I have MANY more hours than steam says, and it provided me with endless entertainment on a couple of bus rides half way across the country, and that says something!

Gunpoint is unique in that it’s stealthy gameplay extends much further than ‘sneak around, shoot guy’ with some pretty complicated puzzles made by the in-game wiretapping feature “Crosslink”, which leaves every level open ended, akin to something like Metal Gear Solid V in a completely new medium.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

-Quick Review-

Gunpoint is an indie puzzle game with loose ties to “stealth” and “technology”, Gunpoint was developed by Suspicious Developments and released 2013.

-Detailed breakdown review-

Story: The story is all in written format, somedays I feel like reading all that is writen in a video game, other times I see a chunk of text and think “I don’t really care” and skip right into the mission.

Gunpoint lets you skip dialogue and jump right into the puzzle solving action if you feel so inclined, however the story is quite well written. You’re a detective and have multiple choices for interaction with your clients. (Naturally I was as condescending and insulting as possible – the reactions were very much worth it!)

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Gunpoint on Steam



A sci-fi dive in the 90s, both for the game design + gameplay and for the dystopic cyberpunk concept style.

Gameplay per se is a bit wonky and you have to get used to the stealth mechanics, which are really retro-style by all means.

Still, the game is pretty enjoyable, the atmosphere is right and the lore is well thought out, which you can extrapolate by the mission briefing/debriefings and from the files you download from the terminals, giving the appropriate feeling and background, much alike to the first Deus Ex game.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

You are a one man go in and solve the problem type of covert or overt operative whom corporations hire to do their dirty laundry. Covert if you move effortlessly like a ninja from shadow to shadow, crouch like a tiger, and jump like a spider waiting for the right moment to feed needles into the skull of your enemies. Or overt if you prefer the cacophony of machine guns and the smoke C4 makes when you are fed up with doors that don’t greet you with open sesame right at your arrival.

You can even hack systems, steal company data and make some side income by grabbing datacubes and other interesting things that come at your way. And since this is a Cyberpunk/Neuromancer inspired game presumably made by transhumanist wonks who enjoy running around with subdermal chips under their butt-cheeks, replacing limbs and adding subdermal armor and other kinds of protections are also available.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

DataJack on Steam



This review contains major spoilers. Be warned and proceed at your discretion.

LIBERATED is one of the games that you’re not meant to have fun with. It tells a dark story about dystopian future, where the government controls every aspect of human lives. Don’t purchase or gain enough via wire? Don’t post enough photos on social media? You’re under suspicion. Maybe you post an online comment doubting the current government? You’re asking to be arrested, discredited, pretty much erased.

There’s a group of people in that world. They call themselves The Liberated. Throughout the game they hunt for the proof that the government is corrupt, and ultimately, that it was behind the big terrorist attack on the school, which they needed to justify building this strict regime, where privacy is a crime.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

A digital interactive comic book set in a noir cyberpunk world of complete government control, eerily reminiscent and very close to the course our own blue ball of yarn is spinning into at the moment.

What excites about Liberated is the way it’s presented. Through a slick, black and white comic book, complete with textured panels, sounds of flipped pages and reflections. You even have the ability to tilt the view around the panels a bit. It’s a complete experience of reading a comic book. I can almost smell the paper. The art is wonderful (brings to mind Frank Miller’s Sin City, even a hint of Torpedo and some other noir comics) and the way the panels are framed really glues your eyes to a single panel, letting you linger on it as long as you want.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game




Peripeteia is an upcoming first-and-third-person game, mixing shooter, stealth and RPG mechanics. Heavily inspired by immersive sims made by Ion Storm and Looking Glass Studios; Peripeteia expands upon the formula with original ideas and an unexplored setting.

In an alternate history cyberpunk Poland, a young cybernetic supersoldier named Marie must make her way as a Mercenary in a post-Soviet city full of corruption and opportunity; where nations, powerful factions and ideologies clash.

You will be forced to use your wits, tact, and raw violent nature to complete tasks shrouded in conspiracy and mystery. Logic, skill and ruthless cunning will win you the day in an interactive and highly adaptive world. When that fails, a loaded gun and the ability to create your own climbing routes virtually anywhere, will suffice.

Have you found yourself hungering for a sense of survival, accomplishment, and player choice long absent from this dark and belied industry? Then consider joining us in the lights of the Eastern Night with Peripeteia.


- Dave Oshry

Peripeteia on Steam

System Crash

System Crash

System Crash is a strategic story-rich cyberpunk card game both developed and published by Rogue Moon Studios. Set in the not too distant future this is a story of intrigue, corporate espionage and cyberwarfare. Being a runner is a good, if not dangerous, career choice but after a mission in Berlin goes horribly bad you spend the next couple of months forcibly globetrotting while on the run from Corporate assassins intent on killing you. Eventually evading the pursuers you finally end up back in the “Sprawl”, a.k.a. San Angeles, down on your luck and looking to make some much needed credits. But a runner without a console can’t get any credits so after forging a deal with a local loan shark and finally getting your hands on some black market cyberware you hastily start down your road to redemption. A road that will take you through the darkest most dangerous places in both cyberspace and the real world…JACK IN!!!

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

I really love this game.

System Crash is a single-player deckbuilder set in a cyberpunk-style universe. Battles unfold as a number of 1-vs-1 card-based duels over the course of the campaign. The campaign follows a comfortably generic story about hackers and back-alley doctors and shady corporations. There’s a very home-brew feel to the game in general, like it was cobbled together out of assets that were sitting around on a shelf in a garage somewhere.

Despite this, the card-battle system at the heart of System Crash is fantastic. It is extremely easy to pick up, but is highly addictive.

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

System Crash on Steam