

Very good game!

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Great Soundtrack Games.

BEFORE YOU READ: I am very dumb, so I could be the only one having these problems, and I haven’t beaten the game, also I might suck at explaining stuff.

First: The Mini Games

This game is built off of the mini games, yet they’re all either, boring, luck based, straight up already existing games, or are mediocre. Let me go through the ones I’ve gotten to.


The game works like this: you have a block with starts out facing a certain direction, you put arrows into a bar below it to tell it where to go and lead it to a finish line. It’s boring, and there’s not much to say about it, it’s slow and tedious, on top of that, you have to wait and watch it follow the path you put. Let me tell you, it goes very slowly…

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

ReHack on Steam

Crypto Mining Simulator

Crypto Mining Simulator

Can’t really recommend this game. Seems to be pretty poorly constructed. I’ll try to point out some of the design flaws.

Game crashed and dupped the rig I was working on. I broke the game and I wasn’t even trying

UI is pretty confusing. You can’t tell what is buttons and what isn’t.

Inconsistent UI, i.e. you can sell Eth from the escape menu but have to go into the market to sell BTC.

Outside of the tutorial, which is short, there’s really nothing to do but let money accrue. Might as well be an idle game.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Game Development Games.

Before I slam this game for all the problems it has, I will say I’d be willing to revisit this after they fix the issues and make some enhancements moving forward.

Pros -

1. Fairly easy to move forward with mining and building

2. Allows one to redesign there room

3. Offers a sandbox environment.

Cons - (there are a lot!)

1. Customer builds never seem to work, After accepting a task, building to spec, placing in customer pickup area …nothing happens.

2. Sometimes buying a rack comes completely assembled

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Crypto Mining Simulator on Steam

Debugger 3.16 // Recoded // Despair of the Developer Edition

Debugger 3.16 // Recoded // Despair of the Developer Edition

my play through with all achievements done (first two didn’t unlock from glitch though):

Really fun platformer with some cool mechanics on how you can manipulate the world definitely look foward to the full release all the mini games could be a ton of fun with friends. The first mini game both the achievements glitched for me though I beat it and did it without the developers cheat and didn’t get either of those achievements. I’ll definitely (try to donate since it’s in a foreign currency I’m gonna have to try and figure that out) to the kick starter and I hope others will as well for the full release!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Co-op Games.

he game is short but good, the creators recreated the old game with a bit of topron stuff, at the same time I can say that it is worth recommending metreoidvania, but it is a pity that it is short and you have a feeling that Spiderwork games has abandoned all work on this game, a bit simple story but a pretext for complete manipulation of objects, just a combination of useful and pleasant, this time without hindering things, making new in programming who do not understand everything too much can learn something, also a bit bothered me that only support for controllers and buttons for the keyboard were shown do not appear, I hope it will be thrown in the finished game, I wish the creators to finish the game from the kickstarter campaign as soon as possible and that the game will be very popular

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Debugger 3.16 // Recoded // Despair of the Developer Edition on Steam

The Dark: Survival RPG

The Dark: Survival RPG

Nice little game. Can’t beat it for the price. Kind of a bit of skyrim feel to it. Support is awesome. Found a couple of bugs and spoke directly to the dev through discord and it was fixed within about 8 hours. I can’t wait to see what becomes of this little gem.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

This Game Is A lot of fun, now yes it does still need work however what early access game doesn’t? I have paid much more than what this dev is asking for half the fun which tells me he cares more about his/her game than making a quick few dollars and those are the indie games i love and adore. Can’t wait to dive deeper into it as it’s going to make a fun lets play :) One thing that I really hope gets fixed is the UI It is so teeny tiny that even on my computer monitor i have to lean in to read what it says and the images are so tiny you can’t make them out. I am sure this will be corrected as i did see in tattmans video that it was much bigger yesterday :) Keep having fun creating this game dev and it’s going to grow into something epic, you have an AMAZING start! The music and lighting made it immersive however i would maybe make night time a little later lol it went from bright to dark however it did make for me to get on the edge of my chair to ensure nothing was coming to get me lol I really enjoyed it and will be playing a lot more. (once i can see the UI, lol) :)

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Dark: Survival RPG on Steam

Lost Assassin

Lost Assassin

The year is 3043. You are an AI-AGR (Assassin Grade Robot). Your mothership was destroyed by an unknown force (spoiler: evil robots). Engage in intense platform-shooting action while seeking vengeance, 12 satisfying weapons, powerups, jetpacks, bionic legs and more. Inspired by 80s sci-fi movies and games.


-12 primary weapons, grenades and loads of powerups

-Dialogue system. Choices you make affect gameplay

-AI enemies react and respond to your movements

-Mine resources to upgrade your arsenal

-Jetpack and double jump to reach those tough spots

-Cutting edge 80’s inspired sprites with modern lighting effects

-Huge levels to explore with precise controls …and much much more

Lost Assassin on Steam