

There is a certain charm to Hackmud where, despite some of the flaws that I have been very much accustomed to over my 12,000 logged Steam hours in this game, I still continue to play this game, or at the very least have an interaction with it, daily. If I were to make a shortlist of my favourite video games of all time, would Hackmud be in this list? Compared to actual video gaming masterpieces? After a lot of deliberation, my answer is: “No at its core, but considering everything I’ve been through with it, yes”. Hackmud stands as a testament to the sheer entertainment potential of even the smallest and roughest of games with the right kind of mechanics to allow for infinite user-generated content.

Real player with 21032.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Massively Multiplayer Games.

This is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. It’s hard to explain exactly what the draw is in a concise way, so be prepared for a little reading.

It’s easy to say that I love it for the scripting, which is my primary focus, but the reason I love it is so much more than that. The atmosphere really clicks for me, where the lore is presented “Dark Souls style”, which takes some digging to reveal - and what it shows you makes you want to know more. The npcs in this game talk from time to time, and as you see what they have to say you may start to realize they are not just making jokes, spamming weather reports, and adding to the lore, but they also hint at secrets that players can find.

Real player with 3061.8 hrs in game

hackmud on Steam

Hardwork Simulator

Hardwork Simulator

That didn’t work for me. I got caught and got fired for it. They put a younger, prettier assistant in my place. But I doubt she types as fast as I do. They were the ones who lost

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Typing Games.

On the one hand, I really want to give the game a thumbs up for a creative and somewhat neat idea for a really cheap price.

On the other hand, though, I really must give it a thumbs down for not offering much at all, even at this price level plus thirty percent off; because in the end, cheap does just not justify bland.

I do enjoy any just semi-rewarding grinding game for a while, but looking at the short time invested here, I had rather counted cars drive by my window - even if the game had been for free. Where the game mechanics in any way challenging or rewarding, it would be a different story. However, it is random key bashing in it’s dullest form.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Hardwork Simulator on Steam



TL;DR (good deal of gameplay from free demo): Mainlining is a fun adventure game with a clever and unique twist where you hack computers, websites, and other devices to mine information on the different cases presented to you. The game doesn’t hold your hand, so the cases can present a fun little challenge beyond the first tutorial. Highly recommended! If you want to see a playthrough of the first (tutorial) case, check out this video (Demo version):


Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Typing Games.

Neutral Recommendation: Only Pick Up At A Discount

  • Gameplay: Interfacing with the game is fairly straightforward. You’re using a simulation of a computer desktop. The main complaint is that you can only backspace to make changes to text in the Notepad program. You cannot edit the text freely, so if you want to make a change to something at the top of the file, you’d have to erase everything and start over. Luckily, you’ll find that program is mostly useless.

The lame thing is that, for most cases, you can only turn in one-piece of evidence linking the person to the crime, although there may be several in reality. Also, you have to pick the right location for the person, so even if you have the evidence correct, if you don’t choose the right location, it somehow ends up as a False Arrest. It doesn’t really make any sense that you could have sufficient evidence, but a person is Falsely Accused because they were in a different location than you originally thought they were (i.e. at work instead of at home.) That’s just dumb…

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Mainlining on Steam

Internet Cafe Simulator 2

Internet Cafe Simulator 2

The second game of the series contains much more detailed and different new mechanics.

Build a great internet cafe. Don’t let street thugs and mobsters take your money. They can even throw a bomb inside your cafe.

You can attract more customers on rainy days. Increase the skills you want to develop from the tech tree. Will you become a business prodigy or a brawler skilled at protecting his cafe?

You have to earn money to pay off your brother’s debt!

Keep guards. Prepare meals for your customers. Install generators for power outages.

Improve computers. Purchase game licenses. Delight customers. Turn a ruin into a great cafe.

As a decent person, he can proceed normally. Or you could get involved in completely illegal business.

Hire employees for your cafe and treat them well.

Remember, the customer is always right!

Internet Cafe Simulator 2 on Steam

Welcome to the Game II

Welcome to the Game II

[Review for “Welcome to the Game II” by Reflect Studios]

Enjoy reading this long-ass wall of text :)

This game is absolutely awesome. One of the best horror games of all time, in my opinion. The feeling of tension that it creates, the brutal jump-scares and perma-death makes this quite possibly the most intense horror game I’ve ever played. Yeah, I WAS scared of Monstrum at first, but I got used to it over time. This game actually made me scream once, and I pretty much never scream from games, like, ever.

Real player with 179.7 hrs in game

I’ve played this game through and through and it’s honestly one of my all time favorites.

Coming from the first game, I thought I had a great advantage coming into this game, but boy was I wrong. After listening to the tutorial with Adam, which is a must for new time players, I was still baffled with all the new mechanics this game has to offer.

But here is the thing. You may be overwhelmed at first glance, but don’t. This game is a “make your own strat” kinda game where you can use your own methods to finish this madness. Let me get more in depth.

Real player with 113.8 hrs in game

Welcome to the Game II on Steam

Stayhome Simulator

Stayhome Simulator

Essential a copy of “Putin Life”, It is not even a video game. It is just 1 screen page with pop ups when you click on something. No stragety or action or anything.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Stars received: 2.3/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.5] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.1] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0.4] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: clicker with profanity memes

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Stayhome Simulator on Steam

Pony Island

Pony Island

I bought this game for my daughter, now she refuses to go near any computer because the devil is inside it. Guess she doesn’t like ponies

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

I’m sure you have not experienced anything like this.

666 ponies /10.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Pony Island on Steam

I hate this game

I hate this game

I hate this game.


The puzzle design is pretty clever. Tricky without needing to look up a walkthrough.

The soundtrack is excellent (If you like chiptune/8-bit).

Fun, engaging, bite-size gameplay. Sometimes I played for a couple hours, sometimes five minutes. Both were satisfying.


Movement. OMFG. In most cases, when solving a puzzle is the main objective of a level, the movement is fine. But the level design of the platforming sections really requires Mega Man level tightness and it’s just not there. You’ll slip and slide off of blocks, end up stuck on the corner of a block unable to do anything but fall to your death, etc. It’s way more frustrating than the straight up puzzles.

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

Yes, but there’s some just not fun parts…and you’ll probably have to check the online guide.


  • The Moon Phase level - Total GARBAGE with nothing to base it on…

    ! and “5” is a full moon while “1” is no moon on a scale from zero to ten?!? That’s not even good math!

  • The website level FORCES you to load their website? I certainly hope they keep the registration for it so no one puts a malicious website there one day. To save you the risk:

    ! 2-3-7-8-5-4-6-1

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

I hate this game on Steam

Hacker’s Beat

Hacker’s Beat

I was looking for a different kind of rhythm game and this might be it. From watching the gameplay videos of this game, it got me pretty hyped. The fact that the edit mode just came out just get me even more excited to play this game.

The core gameplay is alright, I’ve certainly had some fun playing some of the charts but I think there’s something wrong or missing from the game. For example, after exiting the result screen I was greeted by random white triangles on a black background while the music’s still playing. I thought “Oh, something cool is happening” so I started to mash the keyboard for a few minutes only to realize it has crashed.

Real player with 40.3 hrs in game

Wow! After my very first playthrough I found myself inspired enough to write a positive review. The music is phenomenal! The visual a bit on the trippy side, and it’s a good idea to preview the songs before trying them out in-game, to get a feel for what they may throw at you. It’s not easy, and that’s not a bad thing…as it poses a good challenge that gets easier with familiarity. This game is in my favorites playlist already…so with less than a half-hour played at the time of reviewing Hacker’s Beat. it’s safe to say my playtime will grow rapidly. This game may not be for everyone, but it sure is for me!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Hacker's Beat on Steam