

A great classic which aged terribly.

This Cyberpunk themed Action/Adventure augments rail shooter action scenes with adventure exploration and puzzle elements for an enjoyable, albeit all too brief experience. An odd feature is the game having 2 difficulty settings, one for “Arcade” and the other for “Puzzle”, both scaling from 1-3. One can not set both difficulties to “1” as the game informs you would be “too easy”.


A cheap classic.

A fine historical blast from the past.

Fun rail shooter bits.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Sci-fi Games.

It’s EXACTLY as I remember, not better or worse – I suppose it deserves to be called a graphic adventure game with action scenes. The voice acting is cheesy, the 1990s CGI looks hideous and plastic, you probably die a lot and…

There’s this element of masochism involved in playing Cyberia – take one late puzzle disguised as an action sequence, for instance, where you have to pick the right doors and eliminate enemies in the rooms so you can proceed. Pick a wrong door and you get a video clip of you getting shot in the back. Repeat a couple of times. For some reason, you don’t get a save point nearer to it, so you have to rinse and repeat through a different puzzle as well.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Cyberia on Steam