CHV: VR Trunk Escape

CHV: VR Trunk Escape

  • it starts?

-so crappy it’s unplayable

-horrible controls



Stay away from this it’s not even close to being worth $3. Even at free I probably wouldn’t touch it. It’s so bad it’s unplayable.

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Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking VR Games.

Played on Valve Index, Ryzen 3700X, RTX 2070 Super

Everything seemed to work for me, I was able to complete the 3 objectives (stop the engine, start the hazard lights, and escape the trunk). I’m not entirely sure the point of the canbus device other than it may have made the escape the trunk part quicker but I just puzzled through it.

The controls are finicky. The sensitivity seems pretty high so movement feels like playing quake but slightly faster. The turn action by default is set to the left portion of the touch pad which doesn’t work very well on the small index pad. Grab actions seemed to register well expect for pushing your character away if you reached too far into a virtual object/wall.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

CHV: VR Trunk Escape on Steam

Operation: Tango

Operation: Tango

Operation: Tango is an asymmetrical co-op game (similar to a game like We Were Here) where one player plays as an agent and the other as a hacker, and you must communicate with each other to progress through the game. I generally found the missions to be interesting and challenging, with parts of one or two missions being a bit unclear what you were supposed to do (even after having completed it as both the agent and hacker!). There are 6 missions and 10 challenges, with the missions taking about 6-7 hours to complete, and the challenges taking 3-4 hours to complete at the highest level. The game’s overall aesthetic and UI is nice, and I enjoyed the music.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Female Protagonist Games.

Goods about the game:

Hella fun if you like cooperative play

Big teamwork, make sure you get a good gaming buddy

Bads about the game:

Not really a lot to play

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Operation: Tango on Steam

Algotica Iterations

Algotica Iterations

2.5D logic puzzler with a bit of adventure thrown in. Vivid, colourful graphics and engaging gameplay but spoiled by sloppy execution.

You play as a little robot (I think there are 3 of them but if so they all look the same). You have to plan a route for him along catwalks to hit nodes and reach the exits. You do this by setting a series of actions (forward, backward, turn-left/right, activate, jump, attack…) and then running the program to set him in motion. You keep modifying the program until you get it right, so more often than not you’re running the program over and over, adding new steps to get further each time. You have a limited number of ‘memory cells’ (steps) to reach the exit and I vagely remember something about the less steps the better.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Education Games.

Despite nice looks, I won’t recommend this game… At least for now. It certainly has a potential, but the execution is quite poor and raw. There are quite a few bugs in the game, which sometimes are irritating and make you restart the level, but nevertheless they aren’t crucial (as in you can still progress through game, because those bugs occur only occasionally). Besides all the bugs, my laptop cooler starts spinning like crazy whenever I run the game. Putting that aside, I wouldn’t say that the UI is that well-thought-out either. By that I mean, for example, that to exit the game, you need to first exit the level, then exit “the room”, and only after that, after you OPEN SETTINGS, you can quit the game. Not the most rational way to do it in my opinion. Another issue is, if for some reason I am to write all the robot’s actions one by one, they all don’t fit in the zone where you have all your commands pinned down! And there is no option in this scenario to scroll down to see what you have in the end of your program! And there’s many, many more of such mistakes.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Algotica Iterations on Steam



Nice little game, the levels consist of rotating pieces to make up a circuit. With a time limit for each move.

So logically working out the only possible way a piece can go and working backwards from there.

There are 60 levels, its well worth at try and great value even at the full price

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Simple but elegant puzzle game. The puzzles themselves are very simple to solve, but given the limited number of moves allowed (basically you can make just a couple of mistakes) and the fact that you are on a timer make TOK mildly challenging and therfore suitable for some casual gaming if you have a couple of minutes to spare.

I wonder if this game concept would also work with procedurally generated levels? Would be especially nice if the player could choose the size of the playing field.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game


Zero Page

Zero Page

Zero Page is a single-player survival horror puzzle game that dares you to survive the horror of solving puzzles by yourself in space. If that wasn’t horrifying enough, you’re also going to have to solve them on a deserted spaceship using the only piece of equipment that still works: a personal computer from 1981. But with a little bit of BASIC and a lot of high-stakes debugging, you might just live long enough to find out why you’re alone, why you’re in space, why you’re on a dying ship circling an unknown planet, and why that ship wants to kill you.

Back to BASIC

Find out if you’re smart enough to not die in space, armed only with a machine that struggles to count higher than 256 — a highly accurate recreation of a classic 1980s personal computer, complete with floppy discs and a joystick.

A Game About Thinking (The Thinking Man’s Shooting)

Put that laser gun back in your space pants. You’re going to have to program your way out of this problem, by writing code that actually physically changes your environment.

Also a Game About Action (The Action Man’s Thinking)

You won’t just be sitting at an old computer — well, you will, but not fictionally. In addition to programming, you’ll also get your hands dirty resurrecting an ancient spacecraft — patching critical holes, pressing important buttons, and bringing systems back online so they can start keeping you alive again.

Zero Page on Steam

Super Markup Man

Super Markup Man

A nice, cheap game with 50 levels of HTML, and 50 levels of HTML & CSS. It doesn’t so much as teach you about HTML and CSS, but it definitely helps with making your code cleaner and giving your mind lots of practice to get into the habit of putting code in the right place.

If the average person were to go into this game with zero coding knowledge, I think they would struggle as the game fails to explain what each tag even does. Although it’s easy enough to figure out if you like to experiment.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

It’s good, but you could learn so much quickly if you could arrange the labels with the mouse. Moving the character is fun for 5 minutes, after that it’s not really convenient.

Having completed some other free tutorials, what I appreciated about this game was the pace. You can really learn step by step and understand subtle differences. The way levels are built force you to take the time to practice simple concepts and prevents you to “jump” too soon to something too advanced for you.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Super Markup Man on Steam



this game is highly addictive! absolutely no room for errors or extra counters! def keeps you thinking 40 steps ahead of yourself. nice relaxing music and sounds to calm you down when you go over the counter by just 1 and have to restart for PERFECTION… i mean if you’re playing this game and just never redoing a puzzle with a - counter, are you TRULY experiencing the game?? :3

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Cheap simple fun little short puzzle game to play if you’re ever bored, This game reminds me of a game i used to play on my phone called “Infinity Loop” same goal but you get limited moves in TOK 2, witch did make for a good new challenge,

Kind of wish this game had an “Undo” Button and a bit more levels

But other then that i recommend this game for anyone that’s just looking for a quick relaxing game to play for an hour or so

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

TOK 2 on Steam

Operation: Tango - Friend Pass

Operation: Tango - Friend Pass

Look, was it fun? Yes. My friend and I played the entire story on both roles. So, my hours reflect two completed campaign runs, 100%ing the game besides for achievements. Nevertheless, my friend, who was the one who bought the game, was very disappointed by how few missions there were. He felt that he didn’t get his money’s worth out of the game. If you and your friend are willing to have a short lived experience, then go ahead and get the game. However, if you are expecting a little more meat and potatoes than a campaign that can be completed in 2 to 3 hours, look for another game.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

“We were here” mixed with “Keep talking and nobody explodes' ‘. I thoroughly hope that this game will show the world that asymmetric coop games are one of the best multiplayer experiences you can have.Both sides have their own view of the world, and have different tasks, but can only complete them when working together and communicating with each other.

It only takes about 3 hours to complete, but it contains some story time, and a lot of condensed gameplay.

The world is neatly built and the way forward is clear as long as you communicate with your teammate.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Operation: Tango - Friend Pass on Steam



Redirect, reflect, and split your signal to reach the target in well over 100 levels, plus an ever-expanding collection of user-created challenges, all while enjoying a rich, unique soundtrack.


Craft your own level packs in the fully featured, Workshop-integrated level editor!


Stayhome Simulator

Stayhome Simulator

Essential a copy of “Putin Life”, It is not even a video game. It is just 1 screen page with pop ups when you click on something. No stragety or action or anything.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Stars received: 2.3/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.5] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.1] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0.4] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: clicker with profanity memes

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Stayhome Simulator on Steam