Cyborg Earthworm

Cyborg Earthworm

Cyborg Earthworm is a “Snake” automation game. The worm follows the rules of the famous Snake game, and you can program it. Develop a strategy and let the worm follow it without your involvement.

  • Solve and optimize 20+ areas, each of which contains a virtually unlimited number of procedurally generated levels.

  • Watch the worm dominate the levels automatically without having to pilot it.

  • Reach the maximum possible length, filling all free space.

  • Use a variety of tools like paint spray for leaving marks in the soil and internal worm memory for tracking things.

Read More: Best Hacking Artificial Intelligence Games.

Cyborg Earthworm on Steam

Software Engineering Course / Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer

Software Engineering Course / Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer

Software Engineering Course

The program was created on the basis of an engineering study program. No prior knowledge of any IT issues is required - we start with simple tasks and step by step learn the basics of computer programming.

  • Lesson 1: Basic Logic - You learn the basic logical operations.

  • Lesson 2: Gates And & Or - You build a machine controlled by electronic gates.

  • Lesson 3: Exercises with Gates - You learn about more complex integrated circuits.

  • Lesson 4: Binary Numbers

  • Lesson 5: Single-bit Processor - You write the first programs - lighting the lights in the machine.

  • Lesson 6: Programming Microprocessor - Assembler - This is the first difficult, complex lesson: you write assembler programs in machine language. You’ll see how the processor executes the commands, how the data is kept in memory, you will learn the basic instructions of the processor.

  • Lesson 7: C Programming Language - You write simple programs and see how high-level programs are translated into the language of the processor instructions.

  • Lesson 8: Objective Programming Basics - You program a robot that has to traverse the board with traps.

  • Lesson 9: Computer Graphics Basics - You learn how images are stored, write pixel drawing programs, simple charts, test colors, and compress the image.

  • Lesson 10: Hardware - Just a basic information.

  • Lesson 11: Linux Operating System - You learn the basic shell commands, combine them into simple scripts.

Read More: Best Hacking 2D Games.

Software Engineering Course / Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer on Steam

ThreatGEN: Red vs. Blue

ThreatGEN: Red vs. Blue

It’s a genuine work of passion presenting the cybersecurity world and profession in a gamified way. It can be used as a training tool for sure, but it’s even more than that. Personally, I think it’s a great strategy game. It’s an experience allowing you to hone the intelligent strategy of the always target prioritizing mind. The graphics and music is gorgeous. The mechanics and features sometimes contain a few bugs, but the developers of the game are generally responsive to bug reports over Discord. Your opinions and ideas can shape the game as well, as you can request a feature too.

Real player with 236.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Strategy Games.

I have over 20+ years in the IT field and 15+ years in Information Security or Cyber Security. Experience from desktop support, server support, setting up networks, configuring firewalls and hours upon hours of standing on server room floors when a configuration change went sideways. Now I work in Risk Management and Governance Risk Compliance implementing the NIST RMF and now CSF. I have also worked as an IT Auditor and Security Controls Assessor.

I haven’t read too many of the comments but I would understand if reviewers first impressions of the game as “overly simplistic” or “not reality”. And I cannot argue the first point but I would not discount the game as learning tool. What this game provides, at it’s essence, and captures is the constant challenge or struggle the IT industry faces on a day to day basis. IE patch management; social engineering; SDLC; etc.

Real player with 111.2 hrs in game

ThreatGEN: Red vs. Blue on Steam

Code World

Code World

Greatly recommended if you are learning Python and already know the basic stuff. You inspect code and look for dependencies to figure out the puzzle - just like in real life. Music is relaxing and I like the concept a lot.

If you don’t know any programming language it is pretty hard, though.

Unfortunately, the game doesn’t support the German keyboard layout, so entering special characters like [] () = or : is a bit cumbersome.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

This game does not touch upon object-oriented programming, nor does it implement try/except blocks. And that’s perfectly acceptable, since I can only imagine the hassle of trying to add those. But once I found out that things like:

  • string slicing

  • concatenation via multiplication (str * int)

  • the ‘break’ keyword

  • elif

are not supported, my eyebrow finally raised. Then there are the things that are partially implemented (ie. maimed) - tuples and dynamic typing. The Python in here is extremely barebones and so is the interpreter. It provides zero feedback on what went wrong, only that it did. And if you’re not careful and don’t use the Ctrl+C clipboard to store the latest version of your script, a syntax error will wipe all of your progress (by automatically restarting the level).

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Code World on Steam

Move Code Lines

Move Code Lines

Only partially through the second level but OMFG this “game” is actually incredible and I’m learning so much already I can’t imagine what I’ll learn by playing all the way through. DEFINITELY recommend if you’re interested in programming or learning about programming. The interface is really relaxing, one of the color themes is the old QBASIC editor theme xD and the music is super chill.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Stylishly executed game, with pleasant musical accompaniment. From the main screen greets you with its core mechanic, namely the ability to move the lines of the name of the game.

Programming language is a little bit similar to Python and to C++, but… in reality you do not need to program, just read a code lines and sort it to the right position for solving the puzzle.

At the initial stages, everything looks very simple, the solution of the issues can be found faster than you reading, intuitively bugs hunting. But the further you move through the list of levels, the more difficult it gets.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Move Code Lines on Steam

Freelancer Life Simulator

Freelancer Life Simulator

Even though this game has the potential to become quite fun to play its is way to buggy.

If your car gets stuck there is no way to get it to not be stuck. Items disappear after loading your game save.

Shops will be empty sometimes. On the computer when you have a company and are trying to make a project the GUI is messed up, You can’t manage your employees. Controls are very clunky and weird.

Very buggy game do not buy.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

to much bugs in this game i hope develop can fix this game ASAP thanks man


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Freelancer Life Simulator on Steam

Turing Complete

Turing Complete

Fantastic Game. It scratches an itch I didn’t even realize I had. This contains the essence of a university level introduction to Computer Hardware course, disguised as a game. In fact, it surpasses it in some ways. I never actually did get to build an entire functional computer in University, but you do here. In university we built some circuits, and had to use our imagination how it would fit into a complete architecture, and then jumped to learning to program the already existing Motorola 68K. In this “game”, not only do you build a fully functional computer (vitually, of course), but you also design the instruction set and assembly language that goes with it. And once you’re done with the in-game challengese, you still have the sandbox and all the components to do something on your own… like build an actual Motorola 68K.

Real player with 180.1 hrs in game

I’ve been a professional software developer for almost a decade, and I’ve never been more proud of anything I’ve ever built than when I wrote a program to solve a maze in an assembly language that I encoded on a computer I built from scratch in this game. I feel like for the first time I REALLY understand how a computer works, and it is incredibly gratifying.

I’ve been playing games like Factorio, Infinifactor, Shinzen I/O, TIS-100, Astroneer. Minecraft, “While True: Learn()”, etc., but it turns out that this is the itch I was trying to scratch the whole time. And in the sense of scratching that itch, this is the best game I’ve ever played.

Real player with 100.3 hrs in game

Turing Complete on Steam

Super Markup Man

Super Markup Man

A nice, cheap game with 50 levels of HTML, and 50 levels of HTML & CSS. It doesn’t so much as teach you about HTML and CSS, but it definitely helps with making your code cleaner and giving your mind lots of practice to get into the habit of putting code in the right place.

If the average person were to go into this game with zero coding knowledge, I think they would struggle as the game fails to explain what each tag even does. Although it’s easy enough to figure out if you like to experiment.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

It’s good, but you could learn so much quickly if you could arrange the labels with the mouse. Moving the character is fun for 5 minutes, after that it’s not really convenient.

Having completed some other free tutorials, what I appreciated about this game was the pace. You can really learn step by step and understand subtle differences. The way levels are built force you to take the time to practice simple concepts and prevents you to “jump” too soon to something too advanced for you.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Super Markup Man on Steam



play and improve your typing skill. I went from 50wpm to 70wpm since buying it.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

I just want to press a lot of buttons.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Typed82 on Steam

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle

I am loving it. I love the chatbox conversations the coworkers are having. I love the stupid caricature of the boss type. I love the writing sample selections. I love the color. While this game is in desperate need of a tutorial that experts could skip and the zoom function for the text area is a little awkward, it’s totally workable.

Most importantly, I love how this worked out so well as a game to sit and play cooperatively with someone. It’s fun to solve these puzzles together and try to optimize the work you’ve done. This was absolutely worth the small fee to buy this game.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Addictive as hell!

But you need to know the basics of Regex! Because unfortunately, the explanations are really bare-bones.

(Reading the reviews, this put off a lot of people. Which is a shame: The Dev could just add more detailed, in depth explanations. All it costs is a bit of his time.)

If you actually want to learn Regex, one step at the time, each step with a detailed explanation plus an interactive example, go here:

I find this the easiest, best resource to get started with Regex.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle on Steam