Server is Down

Server is Down

If you have nothing to do in the evening then this game is for you. It has a good plot. And contains light puzzles that do not bother.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Horror Games.

great game, but has a lot of improvement, game can be finished in less than 4 hrs.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Server is Down on Steam



If you are a fan of horror, Papers, Please, Welcome to the Game and challenging games then this is right up your alley.

Like other games released from the Developer, this one too features heavy jump scares that work and a real sense of stress.

This game is all about learning. In order to get better at the game, you need to keep playing it and really get multitasking down. Don’t expect to play it once and just breeze through it. I always see a lot of negative reviews toward these types of games without even learning 1/10 of what’s needed to complete it. Just be persistent, patient, and things will get easier.

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Horror Games.

Warning! Spoilers and huge paragraphs ahead!

Scrutinized is a game where you play as a criminal analyst named Luna Youngman who files reports in search for the person who killed her cousin. Doesn’t sound too complicated, does it? Wrong. You also have two people named Tanner and Dmitri trying to kidnap you. You have to file a certain amount of cases a day to win the night, if you file too many wrong, you lose. If you get kidnapped or killed by either of the men trying to break into your house, you lose. If you don’t lock your windows before you go to bed, you lose. If you don’t check the cameras every 10-15 seconds, you lose. If you don’t check your entire house every 30 seconds, you lose. IIIIt’s a lot. As interesting as this game’s concept is, I just can’t bring myself to like it. I’ve made a total 3 episodes on Scrutinized at this point, and I understand how the game functions more or less. You lock your windows, you check the cameras, file or shred a report, check the cameras again, check the house, check the cameras, file a report and so on. It’s a constant stress that envelops in this game that is only resolved by beating the night, but not even then, if you don’t check your house the kidnapper will kill you in your sleep. And on occasions on the hardest difficulty you have a chance of just dying instantly. The developer has released multiple patches to try and fix this bug, but nothing seems to work. I have seen many, many, many clips on people just dying at the start of nights. Now I haven’t even touched the hardest difficulty because I honestly have no interest to. The ending is the exact same as the normal ending, and dying randomly doesn’t sound very fun to me.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Scrutinized on Steam



There’s nothing not to love or at least like about this game. A total of over 7 hours in, I still happily go back for a mission or 2 and ‘stick it to the man’. As often in hacking games, it narrates the hacking concept, without getting too technical.

A mission drops you into a network, a network contains nodes to hack and each node is a (variations on the same) mini-puzzle to take over the node’s core. The challenges themselves are easy (and with enough resources) trivial enough, but the time-limit for a mission is what makes the game challenging. All in all a well-balanced setup. I like the fact that each mission has a short description of what you’re hacking into for what, and then after completing the mission, a new news-item will reflect this. Nice touch.

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Strategy Games.

Darknet was interesting… for a while. Then the repetition got dull, and I found I didn’t want to waste any more time with it.

This is an abstract game about capturing data nodes. For each map, you capture small nodes to gain cash, use the cash by viruses, and work your way up to larger and more valuable nodes. Eventually you have enough viruses in your inventory to capture the root node and the mission ends.

There are some minor decisions to make when choosing which nodes to attack, since capturing a node reduces the difficulty of all the adjacent nodes. So you will often attack nearly worthless small nodes in order to weaken a valuable large node. Later in the game, there are nodes protected by ICE, which you must pay to remove before you can see the contents of the node or attack it, but that’s about as complex as the strategic map gets.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Darknet on Steam

Pony Island

Pony Island

I bought this game for my daughter, now she refuses to go near any computer because the devil is inside it. Guess she doesn’t like ponies

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

I’m sure you have not experienced anything like this.

666 ponies /10.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Pony Island on Steam

Project DeepWeb

Project DeepWeb

bit of a brain teaser and im stuck, but im sufficiently intrigued to try and figure it out

update: i finished the game, would definitely recommend

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Very good game, full of difficult puzzles.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Project DeepWeb on Steam

Welcome to the Game

Welcome to the Game

(Warning! This review is by a person who is not picky about what games said person plays.)

(You have been warned.)

Welcome to the Game

The game where Russians are afraid of the dark, chairs move by themselves, killers only kill through the front door, and there are no search engines.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Lemme tell you why I like this game.


In this game you must peruse the Deep Web, the stuff that normal web browsers won’t let you access, in order to find the 8 missing (pages) pieces of a URL to find a Red Room, which is an interactive torture and murder online service.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game



This game is a great way to pass some time and have some great fun. The mere concept of going onto the deep web and trying to find a hidden red room is enough to get a lot of people intrigued. It makes the deep web very authentic, with the weird jumbled up URLs, to the sites that are up at certain times of night and down at other times, to the fact that your IP can be exposed and you can become vulnerable to hacking.

Brief Guide

Ultimately your goal is to find 8 keys that are hidden on 8 different deep web sites across 3 deep Wiki pages. The keys have a digit showing what order they appear in on the URL, followed by a dash and 4 random characters. They look something like this:

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Welcome to the Game on Steam

Cyber Ops

Cyber Ops

This game is great and I’m kinda sad it got so many bad reviews. It’s challenging but honestly it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Once you figure out the mechanics it’s challenging but perfectly feasible after a couple of tries. It had some bugs at launch but they have all been fixed already.

Great atmosphere, good voice acting, nice looking interface and very singular gameplay. Being the guardian angel hacker behind a screen while the operators actually do the work might not be for everyone but I personally love it.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Every negative review is sadly 100 % correct. Only 25 % ever made 1st mission. Only 0,3 % players ever finished the game and 1 % just hacked the “game finished " achievement, because more players finished game than finished last mission. You will be fighting the logic breaking UI problems more than “triangle” enemies. All moving enemies are called “turrets” when killed. You don’t know at this moment if cyborg or human enemy type died.

You will NOT be able to win after level 5 without good oldschool health cheats. The game is so buggy that some mechanics needed for victory don’t works sometimes. I won spider-tank level 6 fight legit first, but squad just glitched at the door when leving the cathedral. QTE skillchecks are also broken or start at unwinnable state.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Cyber Ops on Steam

The Dark: Survival RPG

The Dark: Survival RPG

Nice little game. Can’t beat it for the price. Kind of a bit of skyrim feel to it. Support is awesome. Found a couple of bugs and spoke directly to the dev through discord and it was fixed within about 8 hours. I can’t wait to see what becomes of this little gem.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

This Game Is A lot of fun, now yes it does still need work however what early access game doesn’t? I have paid much more than what this dev is asking for half the fun which tells me he cares more about his/her game than making a quick few dollars and those are the indie games i love and adore. Can’t wait to dive deeper into it as it’s going to make a fun lets play :) One thing that I really hope gets fixed is the UI It is so teeny tiny that even on my computer monitor i have to lean in to read what it says and the images are so tiny you can’t make them out. I am sure this will be corrected as i did see in tattmans video that it was much bigger yesterday :) Keep having fun creating this game dev and it’s going to grow into something epic, you have an AMAZING start! The music and lighting made it immersive however i would maybe make night time a little later lol it went from bright to dark however it did make for me to get on the edge of my chair to ensure nothing was coming to get me lol I really enjoyed it and will be playing a lot more. (once i can see the UI, lol) :)

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Dark: Survival RPG on Steam

Welcome to the Game II

Welcome to the Game II

[Review for “Welcome to the Game II” by Reflect Studios]

Enjoy reading this long-ass wall of text :)

This game is absolutely awesome. One of the best horror games of all time, in my opinion. The feeling of tension that it creates, the brutal jump-scares and perma-death makes this quite possibly the most intense horror game I’ve ever played. Yeah, I WAS scared of Monstrum at first, but I got used to it over time. This game actually made me scream once, and I pretty much never scream from games, like, ever.

Real player with 179.7 hrs in game

I’ve played this game through and through and it’s honestly one of my all time favorites.

Coming from the first game, I thought I had a great advantage coming into this game, but boy was I wrong. After listening to the tutorial with Adam, which is a must for new time players, I was still baffled with all the new mechanics this game has to offer.

But here is the thing. You may be overwhelmed at first glance, but don’t. This game is a “make your own strat” kinda game where you can use your own methods to finish this madness. Let me get more in depth.

Real player with 113.8 hrs in game

Welcome to the Game II on Steam



Review of Alpha.

Been on my wishlist ever since I saw it, since it did look a lot like gta2, which was my prime streaming game for a long time, so gave it a shot as soon as I could (didnt play demo though).

Will start with positives:

  • Really does feel inspired by old gta’s a lot: radio (humor and songs), gang-respect system, tank-controls in car, saves at home, burping, gouranga and other small things - pretty cool!

  • Upgrade system which carries itself into re-playthroughs

  • Multiple endings, non-linearity in area progression

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Update: There was a large patch on September 30th, Quality of Life update that should have fixed most of the serious technical issues. I haven’t replayed the game yet.

The game punked me immediately upon starting it by skyrocketing my fps to 482 in the main menu, effectively stun locking my GPU at 100% and 75°C in seconds. And my PC isn’t exactly a potato that needs frying, running an RTX2070, i7-7700K and 32GB of RAM, with an SSD to boot. Without capping the fps, it climbs to about 90 in-game on High settings, making the game stuttery and giving me a hot GPU turbine background noise. After capping the fps to 60 in the Nvidia panel, the game behaves like it should, mostly. There’s still some stuttering and weird lagging, but it becomes playable, for a bit at least. Unless you need to reduce your post-processing to medium, which completely changes the in-game lighting making everything pitch black. Checking the Known Issues topic in the discussions unveils more than a few bugs and glitches, from the mentioned post-processing problem to declining performance and heavily sparkling textures. I’ve had one complete freeze, where even alt+F4 wasn’t reacting and declining performance kept calling me to have a beer with her.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Glitchpunk on Steam