Security Hole

Security Hole

This fucking game. This MOTHERFUCKING GAME. Now this was a remarkable puzzle game. It was easily the most frustrating puzzle game I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing, and I absolutely loved it.


You have a collection of base shapes, such as cubes or dodecahedrons, which form various larger 3D structures. The object is to rotate this 3D structure such that it can fit into a hole which it is steadily, almost imperceptibly moving towards. Think of it like shining a light at the ground so that your shape makes a certain shadow, and rotating it so that the shadow matches the pattern given. Except there’s a time limit. Or you only have a certain amount of rotation you can perform before it locks up. Or sometimes both of these things. And also each level has multiple phases and they keep adding more and more of the base shape to your object, changing the shadow it can make. Also everything is randomized so you’ll never get the same setup twice. Oh and the boss-mode fights have a second timer you have to beat across all phases, and everything is wireframe and terrible. And also there is a

! secret world, and a secret level to the secret world, and secret mandatory bonus rounds on several of the final puzzles, because fuck you apparently.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Sci-fi Games.

Think of this as a kid’s set of fitting blocks, on steroids. Don’t get me wrong, this game is HARD and will test your geometrical/tridimensional perception to the limit.

Don’t be fooled by the game’s first trailer, as it is very misleading. The second trailer is more accurate to what you get.

I won’t lie to you, the game concept is all about testing your geometrical/spatial ability by passing 3D objects through a hole (no, there’s nothing dirty in that sentence). There is some variation to that theme, though. Sometimes you have to do it within a time limit. Sometimes you have to move the object as little as possible but can take as much time as you want. There’s also a mode that shows a blank object with no shadows or other indications of perspective and you’ll have to find the matching object from a set of 4 options. On top of that, each object is composed of smaller units, and these units vary through the game–you start with cubes, then you see dodecahedrons and other units, for a total of 6 different units which will fry your brain while you get used to each of them.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Security Hole on Steam

CYPEST Underground

CYPEST Underground

I knew CYPEST in its early phase when it was still a freeware version and I can point out that it is a very addictive game despite not directly facing your rivals. I am very happy that the game has reached Steam, since then the game has many more maps.

It is a vertical scrolling game in which you must achieve the maximum possible score by obtaining files and folders that will increase your score. Never forget the score multipliers, they are essential!

Graphically it is a simple and fluid game in 2D, I think it is just what you need because its simplicity makes it shine.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Action-Adventure Games.

Pretty nice little game. Maybe a 8/10 personally.

It’s is simple. The Screen moves from top to bottom and you move by pressing/holding left or right, trying to dodge obstacles and gather multiple different floating items that give you extra points or point multipliers. The Difficulty can range from relatively easy to levels where you are forced to memorize the different sections because it is impossible to first-try these parts except you are a clairvoyant.

Nontheless it still gets kind of addictive and does not really make you tired of the game. Espeacially when you want to be the number one score for the level. I also played Geometry Dash before which didnt hook me in like this game did because that game really was a game of memorizing.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

CYPEST Underground on Steam

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Call of Duty®: Ghosts

Worth a buy, for who wants a Wasteland Call of Duty & deep ghost story. However, if you’re not sure, please continue reading to find your answer.


Please calculate your “YES” score to identify the value to buy (or replay value):

If your answer is unsure, kindly consider it as “NO”


  • Do you like to play diverse coop mode?* Do you like to play the campaign in a wasteland, space, underwater and etc?* Do you like deep and complex storyline about ghost squad?_

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Multiplayer Games.

Call of Duty has been one of, if not the most well known franchise in gaming this past generation and last. The franchise has been in decline quality wise after the release of Modern Warfare - excluding maybe Black Ops 2 - which leads to the release of one of the weakest entries (Both Single Player and Multi Player) in the franchise yet. From the get go, you’ll notice this game was built by Infinity Ward on the grounds of pure arrogance. This game is the very definition of “Bare minimum”.

Call of Duty: Ghosts stars a few protagonists, main one being Logan Walker - and the world they live in after a devastating Orbital Strike after a space station was hijacked. The story follows a special assault squad that go by the name of “Ghosts” and the brother’s entry to said Squad as they fight to take control of the US again.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Ghosts on Steam