You play as Dusty, a robot vacuum that gains sentience after fighting off burglars during a break-in. Your family is brutally attacked by the FamilyCorp warranty squad and in the battle you’re thrown into the living room TV. On the brink of robodeath, your consciousness enters “the TV dimension” to gain the abilities you need to rise from the ashes and rescue your family.

Eat Their Blood

Do your duties as a vacuum cleaner and clean up the mess

Devastating Powers

Consume the blood of your enemies to unleash devastating powers.


As a robot vacuum cleaner, use your low profile to hide under furniture and avoid detection.


Hack smart devices, turn them into deadly traps


Use the environment as your weapon, suck up objects to shoot at your enemies

Furry Friends

Meet powerful allies

Read More: Best Hacking Top-Down Games.




This game is very addicting and refreshing to play. I have never seen a puzzle game like this before and it has been done well here. On top of that, the hacker’s dialogue keeps things interesting and gives the entire game and puzzles a backstory. The puzzles are challenging and make you hate yourself after doing the same move after 10 times of trying it. Would love to see what else this developer releases.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking 2D Games.


Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Cyber-Ante on Steam



Hack Me is the beginning of a hack simulator gaming trilogy which no longer appears on the Steam Store. It was originally created by 2 Belarus Indie Developers Egor Magurin https://twitter.com/IndoversStudio and Eugene RadaeV. I find it ironic that these developers themselves were VAC banned and caught for cheating/hacking CSGO within 76 hrs of gameplay. Who better to sell us a hacking simulator than 2 has-been wannabe noob CSGO hackers? That’s poetry right there.

If you’re expecting this to be a realistic hacking simulator you will be quickly disappointed. It’s more a press spacebar or left mouse button simulator, with all the hacking jive being filled in for you. When you do come across area’s where you do get to type, you better put in the exact info needed or the game sort of locks up by not responding properly when you put in the correct answer soon thereafter. When this happens, you will need to escape back to main menu and reload chapter. There are 10 mission all up with 14 chapters, all of them involving you to toy around with at least one of the 3 hacking programmes on your desktop and either check your mail or chat for job information. There is also a hint button on the right-hand side to help you if you get stuck.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Singleplayer Games.

Basic Information

Title: hack_me

Developers: Egor Magurin & Eugene Radaev

Publisher: MegawattsCo

Genre: Simulator

General Impression

Hacking simulations available for purchase on the Steam Store are neither a novelty nor even limited in numbers. Indeed this seems to be an ever expanding subgenre that attacts and nurtures a dedicated fanbase. That being said, hack_me might not revolutionize hacking sims but it doesn’t fail to deliver a compelling experience either. For a game that can be finished in about two hours or less (depending on how thorough and patient you are) it manages to offer exactly what it promises through the screenshots and gameplay video. In all honesty, it’s not the type of game that might get by with doctored images which would falsely advertise something else. What you see is what you get. Perhaps it still has some potential for gameplay expansion once it leaves Early Access stage.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

hack_me on Steam

Watch_Dogs® 2

Watch_Dogs® 2

















Real player with 360.9 hrs in game

Great game but has a really short (also a good one) story if you skip most part of the secondary activities.

I really enjoyed the graphics and travelling around San Francisco while having some very good memories from San Fierro’s times of GTA San Andreas.

80% off at the moment of this review so GO GET THIS GAME!

Real player with 85.8 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs® 2 on Steam



Gunpoint is a sidescrolling stealth platformer with smooth jazz, guns and cool hats.

I’ve never been a gigantic fan of platformers, but this game is a big, big exception in my library, and I felt I needed to address this by updating my review in 2020. I’m going to reinforce this by saying that I have MANY more hours than steam says, and it provided me with endless entertainment on a couple of bus rides half way across the country, and that says something!

Gunpoint is unique in that it’s stealthy gameplay extends much further than ‘sneak around, shoot guy’ with some pretty complicated puzzles made by the in-game wiretapping feature “Crosslink”, which leaves every level open ended, akin to something like Metal Gear Solid V in a completely new medium.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

-Quick Review-

Gunpoint is an indie puzzle game with loose ties to “stealth” and “technology”, Gunpoint was developed by Suspicious Developments and released 2013.

-Detailed breakdown review-

Story: The story is all in written format, somedays I feel like reading all that is writen in a video game, other times I see a chunk of text and think “I don’t really care” and skip right into the mission.

Gunpoint lets you skip dialogue and jump right into the puzzle solving action if you feel so inclined, however the story is quite well written. You’re a detective and have multiple choices for interaction with your clients. (Naturally I was as condescending and insulting as possible – the reactions were very much worth it!)

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Gunpoint on Steam

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle

I am loving it. I love the chatbox conversations the coworkers are having. I love the stupid caricature of the boss type. I love the writing sample selections. I love the color. While this game is in desperate need of a tutorial that experts could skip and the zoom function for the text area is a little awkward, it’s totally workable.

Most importantly, I love how this worked out so well as a game to sit and play cooperatively with someone. It’s fun to solve these puzzles together and try to optimize the work you’ve done. This was absolutely worth the small fee to buy this game.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Addictive as hell!

But you need to know the basics of Regex! Because unfortunately, the explanations are really bare-bones.

(Reading the reviews, this put off a lot of people. Which is a shame: The Dev could just add more detailed, in depth explanations. All it costs is a bit of his time.)

If you actually want to learn Regex, one step at the time, each step with a detailed explanation plus an interactive example, go here: https://regexone.com/

I find this the easiest, best resource to get started with Regex.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Copy Editor: A RegEx Puzzle on Steam

Internet Court

Internet Court

I have to admit I found Internet Court really funny. It does have a lot of silly moments that make you go what but I loved it from beginning to end. You can beat this within 2 hours but it is really fun to get through. I love the acting being silly but worth it to make a good comedy. The Judge always makes me laugh at every turn. I love the silly ending that connects all 4 cases and my favourite case was the first one. I may not be a fan of the music in the game but love the credits song at the end.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Great writing, including fun dialogue when you make bad decisions (intentionally or otherwise). Clear video and audio with acting by Gamecola staff emeritus.

The judge once said, “I’m going to let you try again, but first I’m going to give you a strike!” giving me my third strike and ejecting me from the courtroom. I might have gotten carried away exploring dialogue options.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Internet Court on Steam

Playerless: One Button Adventure

Playerless: One Button Adventure

Discover Playerless, the game set in another game. Your character has become self-aware, you can only use one button to play, the AI has formed a sect - and the game engine is a physical mechanism. It’ll be fun!

How many games can you play at once?

1, if you’re a normal person.

604, if you’re a chess grandmaster.

2, if you’re playing Playerless.

So we were making this game about ghost-hunting, but the AI kinda got out of control - now two plots intertwine to form the big picture. On a scale of not broken to broken, the game is ridiculously broken. Could you please help us clean up the mess?

How many buttons do you have?

104, if you’re using a keyboard.

120, if your keyboard is an accordion. One-tap control


1, if you’re playing Playerless.

All you need to do is press buttons on a keyboard! Oh, actually, press one button. The others are sort of… temporarily out of order. So that the puzzles are more challenging.

Can self-awareness appear all by itself?

No, say the religious.

Probably, say the scientists.

Hi, say the Playerless.

Join the debug unit on a unique puzzle adventure where you get to shape the characters - and the characters get to shape you. Satisfaction (and abstract philosophical thoughts on the nature of existence) guaranteed. Bringing up AI was never this fun before!


Playerless: One Button Adventure on Steam

Hardwork Simulator

Hardwork Simulator

That didn’t work for me. I got caught and got fired for it. They put a younger, prettier assistant in my place. But I doubt she types as fast as I do. They were the ones who lost

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

On the one hand, I really want to give the game a thumbs up for a creative and somewhat neat idea for a really cheap price.

On the other hand, though, I really must give it a thumbs down for not offering much at all, even at this price level plus thirty percent off; because in the end, cheap does just not justify bland.

I do enjoy any just semi-rewarding grinding game for a while, but looking at the short time invested here, I had rather counted cars drive by my window - even if the game had been for free. Where the game mechanics in any way challenging or rewarding, it would be a different story. However, it is random key bashing in it’s dullest form.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Hardwork Simulator on Steam

Quantum Protocol

Quantum Protocol


  • Game is incredibly cheap for the sheer amount of entertainment it offers.

  • The gameplay is completely unique and will feel both fresh and familiar if you’ve played YGO or other TCGs.

  • Everything from visuals to music to UI hit a very good standard that lets it blend in the background as you play.

  • The game still receives frequent update with a developer very receptive to feedback.


  • Learning an entirely new set of skills can feel a little arduous at the start.

  • The ‘fail until you succeed’ logic surrounding the game can make things feel a tad hopeless.

Real player with 76.0 hrs in game

Full Disclosure: I received a copy of the game to playtest during development. You can even fine me in the credits as “SaruRoku”!

Quantum Protocol is first and foremost, a Cardgame, with a story that’s presented in a visual novel style.

The visual novel elements do string along a fun, but mostly lighthearted story, without any of the “choices” that would make a visual novel game, but they do provide levity and a change of pace after most stages, as well as giving you some insight to the various characters who’s decks each follow their own themes.

Real player with 71.2 hrs in game

Quantum Protocol on Steam