Yolo Space Hacker

Yolo Space Hacker

This is an excellent way for people to get familiar with information security concepts through a Linux platform. Many concepts are expanded upon, the tools are open to be used in far more extensive way than completing the game’s challenges require, and real-world links are given to sources with more information about topics than the game requires the user to understand.

An important note: This game approaches the art of hacking from a red teamer’s perspective. That means pay attention to boundaries (or at least understanding where they are), and knowing the difference between testing to complete the customer’s objective and wandering off the mark. That doesn’t mean the game requires you to do this, but it tries to make you understand it.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Sci-fi Games.

I played the beta (and also helped the team with language review and debugging), and I really recommend the game. It’s a great introduction into computer security. It’s based on actual hacking tools, using an encapsulated VM so you can do everything in a safe environment. Challenges start easy and get tough really really fast, so expect some hardship making it to the end if you don’t have much IT skills, but it feels so rewarding when you finally manage to pass a test.

Just don’t expect it to be easy :-)

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Yolo Space Hacker on Steam













Scanning for

! ……………………………..

Connection Established ::

Connected to

! EnTech_Offline_Cycle_Backup

! (Actually the credits server lol)

! probe


! ………………………………

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Typing Games.

While this game is being sold as a “hacking simulator”, a debate will likely rage about what exactly it simulates. In either case, it comes suspiciously close to being a realistic simulation of hacking. So close, in fact, I’m left wondering why the dev didn’t go the extra yards to make it inarguably so (maybe something he can shoot for in the future). Realism nit-picking aside, this game is full of very realistic nods to hacker and IRC culture, and in broad strokes, represents some of what goes on in actual exploits. While the experience of compromising systems is streamlined for the sake of keeping it an actual game (again, is it a puzzle game or a simulator?), in that “push a button, get bacon” sort of way you see in “hacker” movies, there was still much in the game that reminded me of taking the OSCP (for those who know my pain, you will find much in each mission to make you smile in that corpse-like rictus you had while laughing at emails and files during enumeration pratice in the Offsec lab).

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Hacknet on Steam



Clandestine is one of the most underrated stealth games I’ve ever played.

I’ll start with what I don’t like: out of all the things to randomly place they chose collectables you’ll need to upgrade your armory.

The game is coded in Unity, so the facial animations are questionable, and the animations overall are very stiff and the collision detection on the environment isn’t great.

The AI is competent, but not particularly complex since guards won’t notice doors opened or trace left by the player.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Co-op Games.

The quick recap

because who has the time to read my soliloquy

Clandestine is a genius and unforgiving stealth game in which mistakes are lethal. The only way to avoid the mistakes is to have a good friend in the van monitoring you and planning ahead of time. This is a stealth game where non-lethal playthrough is rewarding because the non-lethal options are numerous and cool, whereas the guns are pretty much all the same and do the same thing without much skill needed. No advanced objective requires a kill. You will succeed or fail based on your preparation, co-ordination and skill alone. Exploration is rewarded but not capital.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Clandestine on Steam

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You


This review is being written before the conclusion of the game in episode five. I’ve played through the first four episodes a couple times exploring different outcomes, however, as episode five is not out yet I’m not able to comment on the totallity of the story.

The Machine

Orwell has a very close Person of Interest vibe. The government of the fictitious country has obtained a Machine, or System, that surveils the populous gathering information however it does not act on the gathered information. The idea of the game is that the system, aptly named Orwell, isn’t able to decern human subtlety, sarcasim, or deciet. As such, the fictious government has outsourced the task of resolving conflicts in the data, and identifying what is relevant and what is not. You as the player take on this role as an outsider to the country, tasked with sifting through the data that Orwell gives you access to inorder to identify person(s) of interest. This is a role somewhat like Person of Interest’s Harold Finch.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

My playtime: 10h (based on steam, 100% achievement; 2.5x playthrough)

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (17 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You is a massive information gathering system where you, an investigator, is taking a role in sorting the relevant data and fix conflicting data that the system gathered to assist a crime. The game has story branching that persists over 5 chapters.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You on Steam



I like the idea of the game and the graphics, however, the way to play is too confusing with the game offering the bare minimum of advice for example it will tell you what each item does but it does not explain in what order to use them in or how they affect what your doing. The very first mission I played I had to pretty much guess my way though it the first time I hacked the node it took 3 minutes of real time the second time I restarted my campaign and did it again it took 32min of real time and the game does not tell you what affects it.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Cybermere on Steam

Orwell: Ignorance is Strength

Orwell: Ignorance is Strength

Orwell: Ignorance is Strength (genre: Story Telling - Investigation)

SCORE: 7.5/10

I have to say this game is more direct, genuine than the first game but lack the crush of having the ability to handling life and death situation on your hand. Also in the first game, the ending is somewhat more impactful than this one not to say this game’s ending is not. Secondly, I understand why this game sometimes get mixed reviews even though most of them is positive, it is mostly based on preference and I guess the person who tends to read more will eventually enjoy this game more than those who referred storytelling games like heavy rains and until dawn, etc. But even that doesn’t justify why this game isn’t good in my opinion.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

Report for duty, Agent. Time to gossip our way to victory.

With season one of Orwell (or well, before we actually knew we would be getting another Orwell game) being an incredible experience, who wouldn’t want to revisit that universe again? Who wouldn’t want to be the person that spies rather than the one that gets spied on? We return with a whole new case to dig our hands into and more secrets to peek at.

Right as you start up, you will see changes that improves the immersion. Before you are even put into the system, you have to take a small survey to determine if you will be accepted. If you played the first Orwell game, this is also the time to choose whether you want to link your playthrough with it. This not only lets you skip the tutorial but whatever you did in that save carries over. If you haven’t noticed yet (like I didn’t) this canonically takes place during the events of season one. While you and well… past you will not interact, you will see those events referenced here. Once you get the survey out of the way, you will get a cutscene that does a great job in visualizing the “fake news” focus and, surprise, showing that this is voiced.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Orwell: Ignorance is Strength on Steam

Escape Planet 17

Escape Planet 17

In Escape Planet 17, you are under the skin of Natan, a detective from the Narcotics Department. While investigating a new drug circulating on the streets, Nathan sees his partner being killed and both are framed for involvement in trafficking among others crimes. Nathan is unjustly accused, convicted, sent to a prison planet and removed from his family. During his stay on planet 17, Nathan devises a plan to escape, but a series of macabre crimes initiates a security protocol and prevents his plans. Get involved in an obscure plot involving violent gangs, synthetic drugs and a symbiotic experiment company. Giving up is not an option, escaping the planet is your mission, even if you have to get your hands dirty with blood.

Well-established platform game mechanics, with adjusted controls.

Skills such as double jump, dash, wall jumping among others.

Unique system of interaction with characters: Choose between bribing, influencing or threatening characters.

Use shields, vests, and bandaids to protect yourself and recover your life.

Unique system to equip weapons and multidirectional aiming.

An Interactive Inventory system with the ability to save, load, drop and other options to manage several items.

A game with fluid narrative and a great and unique History.

  • Draw and Handle Weapons:

    The game has a unique weapon draw weapon system, inspired by the classic megadrive game Flashback - The Quest for Identity.

  • Hacking:

    You have the ability to hack some terminals to activate doors, elevators, manage your Notoriety and more.

  • Fighting Skills:

    Use your close combat skills to fight enemies, very usefull when your weapon is out of ammo.

  • And much more;

Escape Planet 17 on Steam



Replica tries to mix its serious statements about totalitarian government, the balance of personal privacy versus national security, and omniprescent data tracking with fart jokes and sicc references to various indie games and The Matrix. The tonal whiplash is enormous and the weak writing does not help. Seriously, your Orwellian jailor cannot be more blatantly reprehensible. To say the least, while the topics of this game continue to be relevant to modern society, and the core messages this game tries to impart are certainly reasonable, everything said here has been said better elsewhere.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Replica is a very simplistic graphics novel game. It has charming pixel art and some interesting concepts. The game is pretty short and interesting. You’re going through someone’s phone who is a suspect in a terrorist attack and you must decode the phone’s passwords and gather clues and send them to “homeland security”.


The game has very simplistic pixel art where all you see is a hand holding a phone and the screen of the phone is your gameplay area. The background is black and white. This makes a very unique graphical experience and in my opinion it was quite nice looking. The game is locked at 60 FPS. It doesn’t really matter in this type of game but there were no frame drops.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Replica on Steam

The Rebels: Prologue

The Rebels: Prologue


In a world ruled by brutal corporations and dirty money, there is no room for sentiment. The voice of freedom was long suppressed and subordinated to capitalist domination of the richest ruthless individuals. Corporations perfectly mask their activities, control television and effectively hide the truth on the Internet. Nobody knows about factories where children work, about slaves trapped in eternal credit lines, about legal drugs that are used to enslave millions or viruses being developed just to sell vaccines. There are no free media. But there is hope! People like you deep within the darknet start to organize and information continues to flow.

Play as a former journalist fighting for the truth. You were not allowed to fight with a pen, so now you moved to more effective methods.

In this combination of FPS and Stealth elements you have to carry on the fight. Run single missions and decide if you want just shoot all the enemies or use your stealth and cunning to win in a more pacifist style. In time you can get loyal companions and create your own resistance cell. Decide between hit-man style, guerilla or frontal assault tactics. Develop your organisation and employ hackers and own scientists to level the playing field.

Join risky missions to destroy corporations and corrupt governments. Steal and reveal their secrets. Execute their CEOs and key scientists or sabotage their secret projects and investments.

Every decision you take will bring you more support or antagonize people. Think carefully which targets you pick and how you carry out your missions. Sometimes it’s good to show mercy but never show weakness. Become a hero for the specific part of the society and enjoy their support or act alone and don’t risk exposure. Ridicule your enemies and address masses or be brutal to bring in extremists. Decide on your approach and fight your way to freedom.

The Rebels: Prologue on Steam

City Eye

City Eye

In the world of City Eye, You’ll become an operator of the Central Monitoring System, which will try to prevent the effects of every single transgression in the game. Use city map to track dangerous areas and don’t let the suspects run away from the Police.

City Eye lets You operate hundreds of cameras at once, and have an precise insight at every district You feel that may be endangered. Use this as Your advantage and find the danger before it’s too late!

Find the danger, track criminals, make a photos of suspects and give security all the necessary info to catch them. Focus yourself – dealing with multiple events at the same time is harder than You think!

Switch between cameras to track identified individuals and help security to catch criminals or prevent violation. Careful observation, quick decision making and prediction is the key to success.

  • Destruction of property

  • Fire

  • Vehicle escape/Resistance

  • Car theft

  • Acts of terrorism

City Eye presents very detailed urban area, in which You may find that the inhabitants are not as lawful as they look. Use Your abilities to prevent any offense and make sure that You can secure peace and order in the city.

City Eye on Steam