

If you are a fan of horror, Papers, Please, Welcome to the Game and challenging games then this is right up your alley.

Like other games released from the Developer, this one too features heavy jump scares that work and a real sense of stress.

This game is all about learning. In order to get better at the game, you need to keep playing it and really get multitasking down. Don’t expect to play it once and just breeze through it. I always see a lot of negative reviews toward these types of games without even learning 1/10 of what’s needed to complete it. Just be persistent, patient, and things will get easier.

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hacking Horror Games.

Warning! Spoilers and huge paragraphs ahead!

Scrutinized is a game where you play as a criminal analyst named Luna Youngman who files reports in search for the person who killed her cousin. Doesn’t sound too complicated, does it? Wrong. You also have two people named Tanner and Dmitri trying to kidnap you. You have to file a certain amount of cases a day to win the night, if you file too many wrong, you lose. If you get kidnapped or killed by either of the men trying to break into your house, you lose. If you don’t lock your windows before you go to bed, you lose. If you don’t check the cameras every 10-15 seconds, you lose. If you don’t check your entire house every 30 seconds, you lose. IIIIt’s a lot. As interesting as this game’s concept is, I just can’t bring myself to like it. I’ve made a total 3 episodes on Scrutinized at this point, and I understand how the game functions more or less. You lock your windows, you check the cameras, file or shred a report, check the cameras again, check the house, check the cameras, file a report and so on. It’s a constant stress that envelops in this game that is only resolved by beating the night, but not even then, if you don’t check your house the kidnapper will kill you in your sleep. And on occasions on the hardest difficulty you have a chance of just dying instantly. The developer has released multiple patches to try and fix this bug, but nothing seems to work. I have seen many, many, many clips on people just dying at the start of nights. Now I haven’t even touched the hardest difficulty because I honestly have no interest to. The ending is the exact same as the normal ending, and dying randomly doesn’t sound very fun to me.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Scrutinized on Steam



please note that the showcased items above are running on a temporary lighting and scene building system and that the final game is subject to graphical enhancement



Welcome to Installation Jade. A megastructure and machine managed by an illusive and authoritarian Director. Nobody knows who built it. Nobody knows it’s age. Nobody’s around to ask.

You are an Operator. An artificial consciousness implanted within a preserved human body from long ago. Your tasks are simple. The Director’s orders firm. You are to be activated, assist in the standard operating procedure of the installation and do it with a smile. And so is the Operator after you, and after it, the system is to be kept alive until the end of time. But maybe it isn’t that simple. Maybe the Operator isn’t as mechanical as the system around it.

OPERATOR is a hard to define game about humanity’s struggle against an ancient inhuman odyssey of entirely human origin. About overcoming an inefficient machine entirely focused on self-preservation and either a liberation into the great unknown or a spiteful revolution of mutual destruction. Or maybe it’s just a game about manipulating a mysterious machine in a desperate attempt to end the Director’s mad cycle. Who knows?

In OPERATOR the player has agency over the installation and it’s warped reality, using the Installation’s Operating System to overcome the hostile machine’s many dangers and evade it’s pacification forces by manipulating the worldspace itself.

This is the first game developed by Australian indie solo-developer Cooper Braun and his studio Virtual Edition.

Read More: Best Hacking Abstract Games.


The Rebels: Prologue

The Rebels: Prologue

In a world ruled by brutal corporations and dirty money, there is no room for sentiment. The voice of freedom was long suppressed and subordinated to capitalist domination of the richest ruthless individuals. Corporations perfectly mask their activities, control television and effectively hide the truth on the Internet. Nobody knows about factories where children work, about slaves trapped in eternal credit lines, about legal drugs that are used to enslave millions or viruses being developed just to sell vaccines. There are no free media. But there is hope! People like you deep within the darknet start to organize and information continues to flow.

Play as a former journalist fighting for the truth. You were not allowed to fight with a pen, so now you moved to more effective methods.

In this combination of FPS and Stealth elements you have to carry on the fight. Run single missions and decide if you want just shoot all the enemies or use your stealth and cunning to win in a more pacifist style. In time you can get loyal companions and create your own resistance cell. Decide between hit-man style, guerilla or frontal assault tactics. Develop your organisation and employ hackers and own scientists to level the playing field.

Join risky missions to destroy corporations and corrupt governments. Steal and reveal their secrets. Execute their CEOs and key scientists or sabotage their secret projects and investments.

Every decision you take will bring you more support or antagonize people. Think carefully which targets you pick and how you carry out your missions. Sometimes it’s good to show mercy but never show weakness. Become a hero for the specific part of the society and enjoy their support or act alone and don’t risk exposure. Ridicule your enemies and address masses or be brutal to bring in extremists. Decide on your approach and fight your way to freedom.

Read More: Best Hacking Capitalism Games.

The Rebels: Prologue on Steam

Zero Page

Zero Page

Zero Page is a single-player survival horror puzzle game that dares you to survive the horror of solving puzzles by yourself in space. If that wasn’t horrifying enough, you’re also going to have to solve them on a deserted spaceship using the only piece of equipment that still works: a personal computer from 1981. But with a little bit of BASIC and a lot of high-stakes debugging, you might just live long enough to find out why you’re alone, why you’re in space, why you’re on a dying ship circling an unknown planet, and why that ship wants to kill you.

Back to BASIC

Find out if you’re smart enough to not die in space, armed only with a machine that struggles to count higher than 256 — a highly accurate recreation of a classic 1980s personal computer, complete with floppy discs and a joystick.

A Game About Thinking (The Thinking Man’s Shooting)

Put that laser gun back in your space pants. You’re going to have to program your way out of this problem, by writing code that actually physically changes your environment.

Also a Game About Action (The Action Man’s Thinking)

You won’t just be sitting at an old computer — well, you will, but not fictionally. In addition to programming, you’ll also get your hands dirty resurrecting an ancient spacecraft — patching critical holes, pressing important buttons, and bringing systems back online so they can start keeping you alive again.

Zero Page on Steam

Freelancer Life Simulator

Freelancer Life Simulator

Even though this game has the potential to become quite fun to play its is way to buggy.

If your car gets stuck there is no way to get it to not be stuck. Items disappear after loading your game save.

Shops will be empty sometimes. On the computer when you have a company and are trying to make a project the GUI is messed up, You can’t manage your employees. Controls are very clunky and weird.

Very buggy game do not buy.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

to much bugs in this game i hope develop can fix this game ASAP thanks man


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Freelancer Life Simulator on Steam

Yolo Space Hacker

Yolo Space Hacker

This is an excellent way for people to get familiar with information security concepts through a Linux platform. Many concepts are expanded upon, the tools are open to be used in far more extensive way than completing the game’s challenges require, and real-world links are given to sources with more information about topics than the game requires the user to understand.

An important note: This game approaches the art of hacking from a red teamer’s perspective. That means pay attention to boundaries (or at least understanding where they are), and knowing the difference between testing to complete the customer’s objective and wandering off the mark. That doesn’t mean the game requires you to do this, but it tries to make you understand it.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

I played the beta (and also helped the team with language review and debugging), and I really recommend the game. It’s a great introduction into computer security. It’s based on actual hacking tools, using an encapsulated VM so you can do everything in a safe environment. Challenges start easy and get tough really really fast, so expect some hardship making it to the end if you don’t have much IT skills, but it feels so rewarding when you finally manage to pass a test.

Just don’t expect it to be easy :-)

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Yolo Space Hacker on Steam

Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue

Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue

Lots of potential, but for now, seems quite repetitive. Also, the way it works with the Hunger bar is so annoying, especially because the shop is a few miles away. Even by car it takes a while but, guess what? Some guy that you own money to takes your car, so it’s even more frustrating.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

pull up the programming socks and enjoy

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue on Steam

Operation: Tango - Friend Pass

Operation: Tango - Friend Pass

Look, was it fun? Yes. My friend and I played the entire story on both roles. So, my hours reflect two completed campaign runs, 100%ing the game besides for achievements. Nevertheless, my friend, who was the one who bought the game, was very disappointed by how few missions there were. He felt that he didn’t get his money’s worth out of the game. If you and your friend are willing to have a short lived experience, then go ahead and get the game. However, if you are expecting a little more meat and potatoes than a campaign that can be completed in 2 to 3 hours, look for another game.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

“We were here” mixed with “Keep talking and nobody explodes' ‘. I thoroughly hope that this game will show the world that asymmetric coop games are one of the best multiplayer experiences you can have.Both sides have their own view of the world, and have different tasks, but can only complete them when working together and communicating with each other.

It only takes about 3 hours to complete, but it contains some story time, and a lot of condensed gameplay.

The world is neatly built and the way forward is clear as long as you communicate with your teammate.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Operation: Tango - Friend Pass on Steam




Seekers is a multiplayer survival horror game where any moment could be your last. You take the role of a Seeker, a unit sent in before anyone else with a focus on reconnaissance missions. An Insect-like alien species has been spotted in a smaller farmland community surrounded by dense forest and wheat fields. The local population has perished due to the infestation. While the area has been closed off from the rest of the world there are tasks that need to be completed within the boundaries to contain the spread and save lives; though many will be lost in the process.

What Can You Expect?

  • A challenge to complete your objective and return to extraction with most of your team alive

  • Realistic damage system where one bullet in you could mean death if untreated

  • Amputation that effects gameplay if you are stung by a Stalker’s stinger

  • Side effects that come from lack of medical care and pain

  • A companion app that has updated information and interacts with your character in real time.

  • Careful where you step, if you can hear them, they can hear you…

  • Your flashlight is your friend unless something else sees it.

In reality if you are badly injured you will not get the same life saving care on the field as you would at a hospital; so we have incorporated this into the game. If you are shot the time you have left to live will be short, your life may be prolonged with field treatment but you may experience pain and still die. However you will live for much longer than without treatment and can be fully healed when your team extracts.

The Seekers Companion App

is required to play the game to its fullest. The app is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Using the app makes it quick easy to

  • See your teams objective and learn how to complete it

  • See the status of your characters health situation and where they are hurt

  • See how much ammo your character is holding and how much is in your clip

  • Make requests to amputate your fellow teammates and heal your wounds

  • View the map along with the location of your teammates and yourself

  • Manage the amount of batteries you have and their consumption

  • Use special equipment that you bring into each match

Seekers on Steam

The Creation of a Self

The Creation of a Self

A love letter to 80s and 90s retro computing. A game that intersects poetry, programming, computers, love, death, freedom and living. Create a new self, program its memories, and destroy memory monsters created from those memories.


  • a glitched out computer interface sprinkled with the latest retro inspired visuals

  • 2D/Puzzle/FPS game elements: from a runner, a terminal and desktop with puzzles, to FPS levels where you destroy 9 different memory monsters

  • 100s of poems as memories, ready to program a new self

The Creation of a Self on Steam