

This reminded me a bit of playing Sunken recently, I like the combat and mechanics alot better here, Sunken has nicer graphics but lacks dashing and combat speed. Wish they would team up to make the best of both worlds.^^

Played the first 2 levels and I must say the dodging, blocking and attacking feels great.

Downsides are on the sound design (not bad, but you can tell there are some free stock sounds in there), graphical detail (the head of your character looks a bit like a potato) and trashmob design (like 1-3 mobs per room instead of typical arpg hordes, bosses were fine tho)

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Action RPG Games.

Can’t really recommend here’s why…

First off I bought this on sale. 66% off… what a Deal!

There is 4 chapters of play, with 4 levels in each chapter. Items are very bland and generic, and you can just upgrade them in the “outpost” and gold is so easy to get you will always have them maxed out, I’m pretty sure I used the same set of gear from my first run threw as I did up threw newgame+4…. Had a weapon with Bleed and Thundering, and a trinket with lifesteal it was over from there on everyone was smacked around like it was nothing, And there was no way for me to get weaker, I just had to stop at a outpost and upgrade my gear to my new max… I wish this was more then it is, because I kind of like it, but at the same time there is to much and to little going on at the same time..

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Dragonpath on Steam



Don’t judge a game by it’s cover: Kamiko is simple in it’s graphic and concept, yet it’s very challenging and entertaining. Four levels with increasing difficulty, three different maidens to beat them and purge the evil from the sacred lands:

Yamato: Blue haired girl from a family of water maidens, with her Blade of Kusanagi at hand, moves really fast. She has a little less power than the other two, but she can restlessly swing her sword, slaying enemies like no others can.

Uzume: A pink haired girl in deep connection with the forest is bestowed the Magatama of Yasakani, a powerful yumi. She can’t move during an attack, but her long ranged arrows make up for that, keeping her safe from any evil.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Cute Games.

First of all, you might like this game if you also like The Legend of Zelda or Touhou.

With that out of the way, don’t be fooled by the game’s short length. There are three playable characters, and they play so differently it’s well worth your while to play through the entire game as all three and doing so even once makes the game more than worth its asking price. Here, let me analyze them:


Weapon: Blade of Kusanagi (short-range, sweeping sword)

Difficulty curve: Shallow

Difficulty of stages: Moderate

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

KAMIKO on Steam

Trial Of Destiny

Trial Of Destiny

The game still needs polish but the overall gameplay loop is pretty fun and Roguelike fans will feel right at home in this game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Card Game Games.

Very interesting hack and slash. I like the variety of enemies and abilities.

Let’s play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0wIWBNQoKc

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Trial Of Destiny on Steam

Juro Janosik

Juro Janosik

몹시 귀엽지만, 매운맛 퍼즐 게임.

문 열기 퍼즐은 근처 오두막 힌트를 참고하면 되고,

징검다리는 열 수 있는 돌 몇 개만 누르면 된다. 찾을 때까지만 인내하라.

생각보다 난이도가 있어서, 게임이 너무 짧다고 울 일은 없음.

배경음악도 너무 좋아서,

힐링한다고 넋 놓다가 대포 처맞고 눕기도 함 :)

하여튼 추천!

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

I like the game very much. It’s fun to play, it has interesting puzzles and sometimes challenging enemies. I also like low poly graphics and Slovak legendary hero theme. Also music fits perfectly and it has great game sounds. It’s great indie game to play.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Juro Janosik on Steam

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures

Truth in reviewing: I was a late addition to the beta team and got a copy for free.

I’ve enjoyed my time with MetaMorph. It’s a good, solid dungeon crawler with some fine carnage and tight, well-paced levels. It doesn’t do anything particularly revolutionary with the Gauntlet template, but it has a samurai bunny rabbit and flying buzzsaws. It’s the little things.

The gimmick of the game is simple enough: you play a fantasy critter that can (eventually) morph between three forms. You’ve got your sword-wielding rabbit (fast and deadly), your ogre (big and smashy), and a fire nymph that can toast enemies at range. Your job is to obliterate all the monsters in each level and scoot to the exit. Each form has its own stengths and special attacks, so the trick is to use the right Morph at the right time for maximum effectiveness, and also to not die so much. Enemies tend to bunch up and march as a horde, which CAN lead to some need for kiting (that’s bad!), but can also lead to situations where you obliterate a zillion guys at once with good timing. (That’s good!)

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

One of the most fun ARPGs I’ve played. Each level is less than 4 minutes long and works like a puzzle. There are no useless loot drops every couple of minutes like some other ARPGs and the progression is simple but very satsifying. unlocking new spirit forms and unlocking abilites for them is always exciting.

Each of the forms work VERY differently from the others and you will HAVE to shuffle between them dr=uring gameplay because of their abilites. Add to that the excellent level design and you have yourself a VERY enjoyable and simplified arpg where the only thing that matters is gameplay.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures on Steam

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition

A really good punch-through-them-all type of game. Brutal, bloody and very straight in what it does. The story motivation is quite basic: some high-tech mercs burned your village and you have to bring that fire back to their base, right on your fists. It’s not a really thorough story, and the English version of texts ain’t exactly Shakespeare (neither does original Russian text or any other language in that game). But surely it’s not about “story” that people actually buy those games for, it’s about gameplay. And with that Redeemer is pretty. Especially for the given price. Well, maybe “pretty” ain’t a proper word, as this is all about throwing punches and kicks, bashing and squashing your enemies heads and blasting some stuff on the way…

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Enter the Дракон

Redeemer is an old-school action title from a Russian developer Sobaka Studio. The player embodies persona of Vasyli - an ex-mercenary, turned a Tibetan monk on a quest for inner peace. Vasyli’s attempts at achieving equilibrium will be cut short, as the game opens with monastery getting invaded by a military force. After roughly 20 second-long hesitation Vasyli returns to his old ways. Now there will be blood, guns and very outward bouts of violence up for the player to deliver. What could possibly be a better way to apprehend a man capable of ripping somebody’s head off with his bare hands? Send in waves of poorly armed grunts, expecting them to beat their quarry into submission, because of course it is.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition on Steam

Solstice Chronicles: MIA

Solstice Chronicles: MIA

Hello gang,

I am a Fig backer, that was able to partake in testing various aspects of Solstice Chronicles: MIA. In no way, shape or form did I receive this game for free or get payed financially to write this review, and also I am not an employee of IRONWARD. I am a simply man with simply needs. A video game to use as an escape from the soul crushing reality I call life! So, now that’s out of the way, let’s begin!

Do you find yourself wanting to be a space marine that shoots foreign creatures in the face to save humanity? Then look no further! If you are fans of the movie ‘Aliens’ or games like ‘HELLDIVERS’, then this is the game for you.

Real player with 234.0 hrs in game

So, i played Red Solstice before and i tried this one not specially hyped about the change in gameplay, but i was happily surprised by this game

The game is overall good for me, good graphics, fluid gameplay, the first missions of story mode used as a tutorial in disguise but still with enough difficulties to be called missions. made it run on high definition without fps drop or graphic anomaly

We have 4 classes, each with it’s own mecanics : Assault (good melee and shooter), Demolition (heavy use of skills), Hellfire (Tank and crowd control), and Terminator (Powerful but decrease suit integrity with each used skills)

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Solstice Chronicles: MIA on Steam



I have been a member of Steam for quite a few years I really do not write a lot of reviews. I do not even post that often. But this game has frustrated me to the point I feel I have no choice.

I played the game even though there were things that bothered me but for some reason it intrigued me. I mean using the same mouse click to attack with as you use to move can be a major PITA when you are trying to not eat a bosses enrage.

I have definitely yelled at my avatar a time or two begging him to move and not attack. But I played through.

Real player with 276.2 hrs in game

This is a review from a long lost fan of the game. I play this game with my last save of Eternium on mobile, then login back with this PC version.

I played this game on mobile version since 4 years ago (counted from today’s release of early access on PC today, and the last mail i got in game that still stay). Been liking it on how it has some unique aspects like swiping and drawing sign controls, important loots were pretty easy to get like set gears and what not, cuz you can combine some gears into better version of it. All currencies can be acquired through in game, which was only gold and gems. Some upgrades may requires you to wait real time, but it was still comfy for sometime.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Eternium on Steam

Mana Gloom

Mana Gloom

Nice game, liked it fine !

Very competently done, finished with no problems. Good menu, clear objectives.

Would add to the goodness, some loot drop from enemies or chests here and there influencing the experience gain?

Maybe a staff power up or 2 earlier, some trap. All of this as introducing variety.

But the game is well done indeed alrealdy.

Thanks and kudos !

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Extremely Short game.

No customization at all. You can level but do not get to level up stats or skills/spells. No items.

Work in Progress.

If you like supporting small teams and projects this could be your thing. I will keep the purchase and see what happens, was only 10 usd when I bought it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Mana Gloom on Steam

Ortharion project

Ortharion project

The game is a bit different than your traditional ARPG, but almost all of what it does works and its one of the most fun arpg games I have played since diablo 2.

One of the big differences is the controls, its wasd+mouse to aim, this is normally associated with MMO’s not arpg’s but it really works for this game and I have just as much fun rounding up groups of mobs to aoe to death as with traditional mouse point and click controls.

This game has one of the deepest/richest item, skills, loot systems I have ever seen in a arpg. It’s too complex to explain breifly, but if you like grinding for gear and min/maxing stats..this game won’t disappoint you!

Real player with 60.5 hrs in game


  • A myriad of build options, including character attributes, a large passive tree, an evolution tree, spell upgrades, spell runes, gear crafting, gems, build-enabling abilities on epic and legendary gear, plus achievements that provide bonuses (and not just to your current character). Digging through the possibilities is perhaps the best aspect of the game.

  • Drops are frequent, and thanks to the crafting system, getting decent gear for your level is straightforward.

  • Everything you find is useful in some way (if only to change into gold), and there’s a clear endgame (being able to reliably complete +100 dungeons).

Real player with 55.5 hrs in game

Ortharion project on Steam