守卫魔兽-Guardian of Warcraft

守卫魔兽-Guardian of Warcraft

No english reviews so I thought I’d write one.

Game is pretty basic but is a ton of fun. You defend a giant slime through over 15 decently designed maps. It plays like an active tower defense game. You can summon creatures to move around and defend the slime, as well as build a variety of stationary towers to attack nearby enemies.

The translation is REALLY rough, basically google translate, but fortunately you don’t really need to read anything in this game so it doesn’t matter.

It’s also not well balanced either. The first few levels will require you to grind them to level up and unlock new summons and tower upgrades. My best advice would be to max out the ice tower and the teleporter since they seem to be the most effective towers. But once you can clear level 4 you can pretty easily clear the rest of the game

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Tower Defense Games.

守卫魔兽-Guardian of Warcraft on Steam

Samurai Zero

Samurai Zero

Tactical Action RPG

Experience a unique champloo of fast paced combat with skillful competitive mechanics and tactical game modes. Featuring RPG systems, players can create situational builds for their favorite characters. Team up as a squad of three or take the Lone Samurai’s path and fight on your own.

Iconic Samurai

You’ll play as a unique cast of super powered Samurai, each with their own abilities and powerful signature attack that enhance combat and team cooperation. No two Samurai play alike and each has depth which will require hours to master.

An Evolving Universe

Discover everything the world of Edo has to offer. From ancient mystical ruins to technologically marvelous capitals, become enraptured in the vast history of conflict that has shaped the world. Experience an eclectic cast and bear witness to the journeys they take to change both themselves and the world of Edo around them.

Read More: Best Hack and Slash PvP Games.

Samurai Zero on Steam

The Legends in Kylamar

The Legends in Kylamar

This game is riddled with glitches and bugs, of the sort that require either going back to an earlier save, or starting entirely over from the beginning.

Much work needed to make this game legitimately playable.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Action RPG Games.

This is definitely a fun RPG game! It is easy to tell that the developer put a lot of time into this game. I haven’t quite finished it, but I am pretty far. I like the story so far and the maps and how unique every map is. There was a puzzle that I could not figure out and the developer responded to my message helping me out. The developer is fairly quick at replying to messages. I definitely recommend this game!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

The Legends in Kylamar on Steam

Monsters' Den: Book of Dread

Monsters' Den: Book of Dread

I absolutely love this game. Back in highschool when this was a web browser game, I would sign up for computer classes just to play this game secretly in a corner.

What I love most about the remastered version of the game is that not a single thing changed. There is so much loot to be had, so many boss fights, and bad ass legendary monsters to hunt. To my knowledge, the game has no end. You can beat the campaign, but it lets you keep playing anyway for the sake of things.

It’s simple enough to play casually, but challenging enough to make you think. The most fun part is its Diablo 2 skill tree mechanics that you try some really unique parties.

Real player with 142.7 hrs in game

This game simple mechanics are solid, with no apparent bugs or fails. It works and is fairly entertaining at first. UNFORTUNATELY, it has no story worth telling about. It has this weakest of story lines that repeats itself over and over again at each level, which becomes old very, very fast. You are going down in the dungeon at each level defeating the same opponent types at each turn. You collect gear, and become stronger because of it, but the monsters also get stronger in proportion to your dungeon level, which means, well, you get the same dynamics in combat also.

Real player with 123.8 hrs in game

Monsters' Den: Book of Dread on Steam

H-Isekai Loves

H-Isekai Loves


What will you do when you are accidentally transported to another world? Looking to survive and return to the old world ? Or become the HERO of this story?

Oh sorry, not like that.

Like this one

And of course, this is your chance to make your own Harem. Definitely !

  • Match-3 mechanics to battle NPCs, bosses, and monsters in the game.

  • Funny cutscenes.

  • Skill upgrade mechanism will help you a lot in your adventure.

  • Random events that occur to help you have a more interesting experience.

  • If you are bored with fighting in the game, you can participate in the mini-games that take place in the world of the game.

  • Interact with live2D cute girls.

  • Have fun at tavern.

Each location in the game will have different events happening.

And yes, puzzles, we must solve there puzzles too

How the game ends depends on your important decisions. Remember that my friend !

Along with an interesting humorous storyline, you will experience an extremely memorable adventure with cute and adorable girls.

We wish you have a good time with our game and thank you for reading this.

H-Isekai Loves on Steam

Metal Mind

Metal Mind

Metal Mind is a top-down shooting game that combines Mecha transformations and Roguelite, inspired by Metal Max and other Roguelites. You are presented with various American Mechas and thrilling weapons in pixel art. Have fun with transforming your Mechas with hundreds of parts and too many Builds to count!❤


Feedback mailbox:support_en@giant-studio.com

The Fate of the Anthropomorphized AI

AWC, an organization composed of politicians, scientists, engineers, and secret agents, believes that robots should not have sentience and has begun arresting robots around the world to deprive them of their higher functions and enslaving them.

Seeking Free Will (Robot)

As a robot that has awoken, the character will encounter arms dealers, scientists, fellow robots, Chappie, RoboCop, and Pilot on its journey against oppression.Feel and experience what is freedom to a being made of metal and wires.

All Ablaze

Cannon on the shoulder? Defensive armor protecting the body? Equip an astonishing 130mm naval artillery? Everything goes!

Transformation Checklist

  • Heat—————————————✔

  • Weapon Spinning SPD————✔

  • Cooldown——————————✔

  • Power————————————✔

  • Ability————————————✔

  • Automata——————————✔

  • Armor Piece—————————✔

  • Projectile ——————————✔

  • Load ————————————✔

Remember: Not all transformations provide benefits

Robot Assembly Guide

Build a war machine by assembling four parts and transforming hundreds of times. All assembled parts and applied transformation have their own weight.

Body: Determines survivability. Some come with combat abilities.

Core: Determines Power Cap and Power Restoration Speed.

Actuator: Provides Basic Movement Speed and Max Load. Some come with displacement abilities.

Weapons: Different weapons spin at different speeds and produce different degrees of Heat.

Metal Mind on Steam

FPS Tactics

FPS Tactics

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this game exists

do not buy!!!

its so laggy stuff load as you walk up to it, there no instructions,

thing MOOOOS like a minecraft cow,

looks like a fps but not really you cannot shoot it dead, only can have one gun at a time cannot find ammo after you run out your out, even after you respond no new ammo,

you have to place the 4 agents so that they can defeat the monster you cannot,

and after that the game is over,

These are all the assets you could get from HB Unity 2 bundle,

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

FPS Tactics on Steam



I rarely write superlatives, but this game is the worst thing happened to me since I’ve lost a degree to Angband 20 years ago. I’m hooked. Yes, controls could be more polished, but I do not mind. I love it.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

While fun at a very reasonable price, I found myself wanting a bit more in the world above the dungeon. The world seems like a small cross section or single screen of what at first feels like a larger continent or Island. It was disappointing to walk to the edg and find out that there was no continuation to this forest or path as it is simply a jarring invisible edge to the ‘world’. A minor thing, but it did make the game seem smaller and restrictive to be sure.

My main concern (and maybe I missed something) was this: Each type of item/weapon/etc has its own store NPCs vendors and they will not purchase equipment that is not part of their store. For example, you cant sell pole arms to a sword store. Even the ‘general’ store has very specific items that they deal in and will not buy anything from you that is not specifically tied to that store. Not a thing. While this seems completely reasonable at first glance, the problem I found was that there is no guarantees as to which NPCs will be generated in the town each time a world is generated. You could end up with 3 vendors in the generated town and 2 of them are swords only and one general vendor. Good luck looting anything of value that you can make any profit off of. So I either end up with a bag full of equipment that I cant sell at all, or I just end up with piles of items laying on the ground because they’re of no use what so ever. A more fleshed out town/world would go a long way and help alleviate the feeling of the game feeling smaller than it is.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Fractalis on Steam



Oh boy. This is weird to review. First off, this game is a niche Polish browser MMO. Lots of people on the original web Polish servers. Not so much here. As you can imagine, there’s not a lot of international players. Most people (who already played/still play the Polish version) are Polish. Not that it’s a bad thing, but the population is incredibly low.

For the game itself, it’s fun. It might be nostalgia speaking, as I played this game a lot when I was younger. Playing it now after so much time it’s still as it used to be, with some improvements in graphics and the UI.

Real player with 147.9 hrs in game

Plusses and minuses in equal measure I think. But for me personally more on the minus.

Some of the plusses:

  • Simple and neat graphics.

  • Sandbox nature of the map is evident, and this gives a positive ‘adventuresque’ feel, which I like

Some of the negatives:

  • Text too small. Waaay too small.

  • Every other thing you want to do in the open world requires you to pop over to the Premium Store and burn a hole in your wallet. Don’t tag it as ‘FREE’ when it clearly isn’t - there is definitely a ‘FREEMIUM’ tag available I’m sure.

Real player with 145.1 hrs in game

Margonem on Steam

Sentinel: Cursed Knight

Sentinel: Cursed Knight

I like it, different with lots of potential. The inventory system has an important effect on the attributes that allows a classless system and more on the go choice for the player. Health regenerates in a manner that doesn’t make the game too easy, but definitely as a subtle benefit when out of combat. The developer is very open and responsive to input and suggestions and I feel like this is going to be something great. For recent gameplay, you can watch this video I made of it: https://youtu.be/dcxsqoLvVYc

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

X Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

X Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

X Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

X All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

X Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Sentinel: Cursed Knight on Steam