Cosmic Cat

Cosmic Cat

This is a pretty bare-bones shooter. Things move pretty fluidly, but beyond that there’s little variety in play.

The biggest irritation is that, even with a basic game like this, the developer clearly didn’t spend any real time bug-testing anything. Your number of kills never increments, and since all of the achievements are based upon number of enemies destroyed, it essentially breaks all of the achievements.

Beyond that, if you die and have to restart, it’ll call the wave you’re playing “level 1” again, but it will keep the difficulty (in terms of planets you need to destroy and enemies chasing you) at the level you were when you died. I can’t tell if earned power-ups from before still apply (i.e., roguelike), or if these are reset (which would make starting a new game at the difficulty level when you died especially unfair). It’s hard to tell because the power-ups don’t have a very significant effect (I assume you need to collect a LOT of these before they make any appreciable difference).

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Arcade Games.

Challenging enough, I like the cat pilot destroyer of worlds.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Cosmic Cat on Steam

Solstice Chronicles: MIA

Solstice Chronicles: MIA

Hello gang,

I am a Fig backer, that was able to partake in testing various aspects of Solstice Chronicles: MIA. In no way, shape or form did I receive this game for free or get payed financially to write this review, and also I am not an employee of IRONWARD. I am a simply man with simply needs. A video game to use as an escape from the soul crushing reality I call life! So, now that’s out of the way, let’s begin!

Do you find yourself wanting to be a space marine that shoots foreign creatures in the face to save humanity? Then look no further! If you are fans of the movie ‘Aliens’ or games like ‘HELLDIVERS’, then this is the game for you.

Real player with 234.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Twin Stick Shooter Games.

So, i played Red Solstice before and i tried this one not specially hyped about the change in gameplay, but i was happily surprised by this game

The game is overall good for me, good graphics, fluid gameplay, the first missions of story mode used as a tutorial in disguise but still with enough difficulties to be called missions. made it run on high definition without fps drop or graphic anomaly

We have 4 classes, each with it’s own mecanics : Assault (good melee and shooter), Demolition (heavy use of skills), Hellfire (Tank and crowd control), and Terminator (Powerful but decrease suit integrity with each used skills)

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Solstice Chronicles: MIA on Steam

Battle Jacked

Battle Jacked


Real player with 591.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Hack and Slash Hacking Games.

Battle Jacked is a decent game if you wanted to go in to blow off some steam, It has many different classes as well as soldiers to choose from, each having there own abilites giving the game alot of variety, however i found the cowboy classes to be some of the best since the powerful longrange makes gameplay alot easier. The game has many different gamemodes and maps which keep it from getting repetitive. It also introduces a Hacker mode, which i found not as fun to play with, but i feel like if your into simulator style games it would be perfect for you.

Real player with 60.7 hrs in game

Battle Jacked on Steam

Larva Mortus

Larva Mortus

This is a small top down shooter that is a horror based dungeon crawler. It’s actually pretty good for a small independent project like this. It’s not super polished, but it’s not overwhelmingly amateur either.

The game does have some bugs here and there, and one that can really hurt your achievement hunting, so be careful of that.

The game has a mix of it’s normal campaign missions, as well as randomly generated missions that appear on the map as yo complete more. Most of the campaign missions are level locked, including the first one so you have to play a couple of the random missions to level up enough to access the main missions. This is fairly easy anyways. There is an good mix of enemies and weapons you fight and get. It does get harder as you go, though there seems to be a point where things don’t get any harder despite you leveling up. However there is the difficulty setting where you can set from easy, normal and hard, and change it at any time from the map on your save file. You will want to start on easy as even on normal the difficulty ramps up pretty high with more enemies and them hitting you much harder.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game


Larva Mortus is a typical example of a isometric budget shooter with semi-cartoonish graphics. The interesting in it is the extremly low price due the constant 90%-off price label, which puts it into the bellow 50 cents category. And for that it offers quite a few good things.


We are controlling a monster hunter looking guy from a birds perspective, which gives us a quite good overview trough combat. Our hero is easy to work with, which is definitely welcomed as combat always happens in cramped rooms. The mechanics is exactly this - you basically go from room to room and clean them out from monsters. Levels are generated randomly so you never know into what you go, but as long the level design regardless of the environment serves the same purprose, it doesn’t really requires you some change in tactics or would surprise you in any way. The enemies vary from basic undead, flying bats to spiders and poison spitting fat zombies. Except the boss level templars, they don’t really represent any serious force and usually are trying to make up for the lack of their power with rather high numbers. Very importantly - try not leave the room until is not cleared out entirely, cause the room will reset even if only one enemy remains and you need fight the horde once again. Exceptions might be missions where you need to rescue a certain number of civilians, blasting trough the rooms and just focusing on the rescue can save some time and nerves.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Larva Mortus on Steam

Mad Devils

Mad Devils

I’ve had an awesome time playing Mad Devils so far! The plot is really interesting and I can’t wait to restart in Inferno Mode. My favourite characters are Chester and Harris so far, and the boss fights are brutal. If you’re a fan of Diablo 3 or Dark Souls, this game definitely scratches that itch. Haven’t hit any bugs so far. Just remember you can use your Blood Shards and XP points in the Pause Menu to upgrade your characters, it’s a lifesaver!

Real player with 390.8 hrs in game

This indie developed game has very faded washed out graphics, repetitive dull combat, no mini-map to show where you are going, no way to rotate the camera, and frame rate issues as well. Camera movement is also sluggish and stuttery, most likely due to the crap Unity engine the game runs on. The game also flashes to the desktop briefly every time a new level is loaded. Your character also seems to get stuck on everything in your path and every level looks the same, taking place mostly in outdoor fields surrounded by lava. A similar game that is MUCH better is Victor Vran. I would much rather play Victor Vran than this game any day.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Mad Devils on Steam

Ravensword: Undaunted

Ravensword: Undaunted

Ravensword Undaunted has great potential, for the price I say pick this one up, they are really good about updates and feedback, with the coming months I am sure they will have even more added. At the time of this review there are only 3 levels with their own feel and new monsters, right now the only things I would love to see added down the road are

1-brightness slider, 3rd level can be too dark

2- Increase movement speed a bit

3- I would love to see armor added

4- Maybe when not in combat your heath regenerates at a slow rate or have it as a unlock at level 10 or 15

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Tried the first area, all my weapons corrupted so I just let them kill me.

This game has lots of potential and hope to see more things added like armor or trinkets, as of now the inventory system is bland and as far as leveling goes it seems most people just pour into strength or magic, so don’t go in expecting to theory craft builds in this. Back to gear, even if the devs decide to forgo armor, I think something simple like two rings and an amulet would be fine and something that can make your character more than just bland guy with a sword.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Ravensword: Undaunted on Steam



Elementite is a third-person shooter RPG that fuses natural elements and futuristic firearms in a vast chaotic open world of challenges and secrets in a way never seen before. You control Chrono, a combatant who has the unique ability to control the time element, allowing him to control battles using close-quarter combat skills and to finish off enemies with a heavy arsenal of firearms imbued with natural elements. Use fire, ice, electricity, and poison to unleash an incredible amount of combat combinations and strategies to overcome your opponents, while experiencing the ultra-realistic graphics powered by the Unreal Engine with Ray Tracing.

The idea for the game came from the references:

Film “Project Power” (Netflix 2020) that tells the story of a world where humans awaken magical powers when they ingest power pills.

Devil My Cry series, mechanics of Hack and Slash.

The Division, mix of elements of third person shooting and RPG.

Dark Souls, boss mechanics and dodge.


Humanity has discovered a mineral that can be used to strengthen the human body. This mineral can awake a natural element in the person’s body, making him immune to almost anything that is harmful, including firearms. For some people it can grant powerful control over some elements.

The formula that is used to make this mineral strengthen humans had become a powerful tool for corporations and organizations to earn money, and eventually it became an uncontrolled fever worldwide.

Decades later, humanity begins to fall. The overuse of the mineral had caused diseases, loss of consciousness among other bizarre side effects. However, for groups that have the pure form of the mineral, they were able to evolve their physical capacity to unbelievable levels.

Without governments, the conflict is managed by big and powerful companies that control the extraction and research of the mineral. The society as we know has collapsed. Private armies, terrorist groups, rebel factions and dozens of lost addicts wander the cities that are at war for controlling the mineral.

Civilians are trapped in their homes.

The game starts in the ruins of a metropolis, in the distant future, after a great war that ended the last democratic government in the world. You play Chrono, a former fighter from the last government who escaped from a research lab where he was a victim of experiments with Elementite. Chrono has awakened the unique ability to use the element of time and is now hunted for it.


You play as Chrono, a very talented ex-soldier of the Global Council. He fought alongside Brigit, his ex-girlfriend, for years across the globe to prevent the fall of civilization, until he was captured by the Corporation after the fall of the Council. He was put under lab experiences that awoke powers he had never seen before.


Elementite System

The elementite combat system is divided into two distinct modes, the melee mode and the shooter mode.

-In melee mode Chrono uses his knife imbued with the element of time provided by his own body and performs various combos and abilities that influence time and space such as teleports, slow, time dilation, among others.

In addition, he has the ability to perform physical strikes from other elements if acquired in the skill shop at higher levels.

-In shooter mode Chrono can use up to 4 firearms at the same time that fire shots imbued with the 4 elements fire, ice, electric and poison. As elementite gives enemies the power of element damage immunity, the player must switch weapons to shoot the enemy using his weak point element.

Ice enemies take fire damage, fire enemies take poison damage, and so on.

And this is how the combat system of the Elementite Game works, the player will have to use skill to choose weapons and physical attacks adapted to the enemy’s element in real time.

As in all RPG Chrono has a system of talent points that can be used every time he level up, he can focus his talents on 3 types: Power (Damage), Vitality (Resistance), Agility (time skills).

Another Features

  • Stealth or armed combat.

  • An open world with several primary and secondary missions and the freedom to play the level as many times as you want.

  • An inventory with creation resources. Skill trees to develop your character in a way that adapts to your style of play.

  • New armor, firearms and melle.

  • Shooting mini-games, battle arenas in other dimensions.

  • Cinematics, battles with dynamic bosses.

  • High End graphics using UE4 and Ray Tracing

#### About Me

My name is Danilo, I am Brazilian and creator of the game Elementite. This game has in development since May 2020. My prediction is to finish in 2022.I have been a gamedev for 6 years and worked in other indie games like Room 404 (PC), BlackIris (PC), Eternal Soldier (Mobile) and Volcan Defend the Tower (PC). Due to the pandemic, I am developing the game by myself at home.

I want to create fun and challenging gameplay for Elementite, but for that I need constant feedback from the community that is interested in this type of game. I will always be active on social networks sharing with everyone each new implementation of the game looking for opinions, ideas, and help to test.

The Demo version of the game is available for a limited time so that everyone can get to know a project proposal, however during the months of development I will encourage players to purchase the early access version. The early access version will receive constant updates with new challenges and scenarios and will be the best way for players to share with me the mission of transforming Elementite into a great game.

Hope you like it.

Elementite on Steam



If your gaming group is into this genre and style its a great little game night addition. Not sure how the difficulty scales but with 3 players its plenty hard still!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Brings back memories of playing old school beat’em ups at the arcade, except no need for quarters. Borderline impossible to play some of the characters alone, which limits replayability if you don’t have a couple of friends to play with. Overall it was surprisingly enjoyable, though definitely needs some more polish.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Gladii on Steam



Punkgrad is a fast-paced and bloody 3D platformer. You will become a crazy guy, with an important mission on his shoulders to save the world that was hung by a strange homeless man. It is not clear where this man came from and who he is at all, but apparently, now you will have to do what he says, but exactly to chop and to shoot creatures from different dimensions and listen to his meaningless chatter on the interlink, because there is no another way out of the situation.

You will have to go through all this experience till the end and maybe there you will find answers to your numerous questions or not, who knows…

Punkgrad on Steam

Action Commando 2

Action Commando 2

This is more of a Neutral case than a real recommend. While this game generally falls short of expectations, it is still enjoyable, the gameplay is solid, the game itself is stable. I still had fun. Yet, read on and weigh whether it will be worth it for you.

Let’s start with the negative to balance out that this is a Recommend review.

  • Very short. I beat it on normal in about 2.25 hours, and that’s with some messing around wasting time. The first game took me about 3.5. (Note: I was already used to the gameplay having played Town of Machine ((the superior of the three)), so the time difference between the Action Commando games was not due to getting more used to the style).

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Action Commando 2 is extremely rushed. I wouldn’t mind “more of the same” if there was at least some attempt to make it seem like the next chapter… but there isn’t. The only area that looks different is, deceptively enough, the start so you’re lead to believe that at least the aesthetics are different. But no such luck. Very soon we’re back to the same old underground corridors that look exactly like in the previous game. Oh you like that cool background with asteroids and space ships? Well, better take a good look because that’s the only time you’ll see it! It gets so bad that the final level literally reuses areas from Town of Machine and our big payoff for finishing the game is… Nothing! I mean it, there’s not even a text at the end. You just press a button and that’s it, credits roll. Not to mention it’s even shorter than AC1. This game costs almost nothing and yet I still feel ripped off.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Action Commando 2 on Steam